예제 #1
파일: Barline.cs 프로젝트: notator/MNXtoSVG
 internal override void AddAncilliaryMetricsTo(StaffMetrics staffMetrics)
     if (FramedRegionEndTextMetrics != null)
예제 #2
파일: Barline.cs 프로젝트: notator/MNXtoSVG
 internal virtual void AddAncilliaryMetricsTo(StaffMetrics staffMetrics)
     if (StaffNameMetrics != null)
     if (BarnumberMetrics != null)
예제 #3
        private void SetTopAndBottomMetrics(StaffMetrics staffMetrics)
            _notesTop =
                _notesTop < staffMetrics.Top ? _notesTop : staffMetrics.Top;

            _stafflinesTop =
                _stafflinesTop < staffMetrics.StafflinesTop ? _stafflinesTop : staffMetrics.StafflinesTop;

            _stafflinesBottom =
                _stafflinesBottom > staffMetrics.StafflinesBottom ? _stafflinesBottom : staffMetrics.StafflinesBottom;

            _notesBottom =
                _notesBottom > staffMetrics.Bottom ? _notesBottom : staffMetrics.Bottom;
예제 #4
파일: Barline.cs 프로젝트: notator/MNXtoSVG
        protected void SetCommonMetrics(Graphics graphics, List <DrawObject> drawObjects)
            StaffMetrics staffMetrics = Voice.Staff.Metrics;

            foreach (DrawObject drawObject in DrawObjects)
                if (drawObject is StaffNameText staffNameText)
                    CSSObjectClass staffClass = CSSObjectClass.staffName;
                    StaffNameMetrics = new StaffNameMetrics(staffClass, graphics, staffNameText.TextInfo);
                    // move the staffname vertically to the middle of this staff
                    double staffheight = staffMetrics.StafflinesBottom - staffMetrics.StafflinesTop;
                    double dy          = (staffheight * 0.5F) + (Gap * 0.8F);
                    StaffNameMetrics.Move(0, dy);
                if (drawObject is FramedBarNumberText framedBarNumberText)
                    BarnumberMetrics = new BarnumberMetrics(graphics, framedBarNumberText.TextInfo, framedBarNumberText.FrameInfo);
                    // move the bar number to its default (=lowest) position above this staff.
                    BarnumberMetrics.Move(0, staffMetrics.StafflinesTop - BarnumberMetrics.Bottom - (Gap * 3));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// noteObjects[noteObjectIndex] is the first OutputChordSymbol or OutputRestSymbol in the tuplet, and is the
        /// noteObject to which the tuplet is attached,
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics"></param>
        /// <param name="tupletDef"></param>
        /// <param name="noteObjects"></param>
        /// <param name="noteObjectIndex"></param>
        public Tuplet(Graphics graphics, TupletDef tupletDef, List <NoteObject> noteObjects, int noteObjectIndex)
            : base(noteObjects[noteObjectIndex])
            List <NoteObject> tupletChordsAndRests = GetTupletChordsAndRests(noteObjects, noteObjectIndex, tupletDef);

            var gap      = M.PageFormat.GapVBPX;
            var textInfo = GetTupletTextInfo(tupletDef.InnerDuration, tupletDef.OuterDuration);

            Metrics = new TextMetrics(CSSObjectClass.tupletText, graphics, textInfo);

            var    textHeight = (Metrics.Bottom - Metrics.Top);
            var    textWidth  = (Metrics.Right - Metrics.Left);
            bool   isOver     = (tupletDef.Orient == Orientation.up);
            double textXAlignment;

            if (tupletChordsAndRests.Count > 2)
                int     alignedIndex = (int)(tupletChordsAndRests.Count) / 2;
                Metrics metrics      = tupletChordsAndRests[alignedIndex].Metrics;
                if (metrics is ChordMetrics cMetrics)
                    textXAlignment = cMetrics.OriginX - textWidth / 4;
                    textXAlignment = ((metrics.Right - metrics.Left) / 2) + metrics.Left;
                M.Assert(tupletChordsAndRests.Count == 2);
                Metrics metrics1 = tupletChordsAndRests[0].Metrics;
                Metrics metrics2 = tupletChordsAndRests[1].Metrics;

                textXAlignment = ((metrics1.Left + metrics2.Right) / 2) - textWidth / 4;

            //textYAlignment = (isOver) ? metrics.Top - gap - (textHeight / 2) : metrics.Bottom + gap + (textHeight / 2);
            double textYAlignment = (isOver) ? double.MaxValue : double.MinValue;;

            foreach (NoteObject noteObject in tupletChordsAndRests)
                var metrics = noteObject.Metrics;
                if (isOver)
                    textYAlignment = (metrics.Top < textYAlignment) ? metrics.Top : textYAlignment;
                    textYAlignment = (metrics.Bottom > textYAlignment) ? metrics.Bottom : textYAlignment;

            #region move vertically off the staff if necessary
            StaffMetrics staffMetrics = tupletChordsAndRests[0].Voice.Staff.Metrics;
            if (isOver)
                double topMax = staffMetrics.StafflinesTop - gap - (textHeight / 2);
                if (textYAlignment > topMax)
                    textYAlignment = topMax;
                double topMin = staffMetrics.StafflinesBottom + gap + (textHeight / 2);
                if (textYAlignment < topMin)
                    textYAlignment = topMin;

            Metrics.Move(textXAlignment, textYAlignment + (textHeight / 2));

            // set auto correctly later -- depends on beaming
            if (tupletDef.Bracket == TupletBracketDisplay.yes || tupletDef.Bracket == TupletBracketDisplay.auto)
                double bracketHoriz  = textYAlignment;
                double bracketLeft   = tupletChordsAndRests[0].Metrics.Left - M.PageFormat.StafflineStemStrokeWidthVBPX;
                double bracketRight  = tupletChordsAndRests[tupletChordsAndRests.Count - 1].Metrics.Right + M.PageFormat.StafflineStemStrokeWidthVBPX;
                double bracketHeight = gap * 0.75;

                _textAndBracketMetrics = new TupletMetrics((TextMetrics)Metrics, bracketHoriz, bracketLeft, bracketRight, bracketHeight, isOver);
예제 #6
파일: Barline.cs 프로젝트: notator/MNXtoSVG
 internal override void AddAncilliaryMetricsTo(StaffMetrics metrics)