상속: IPosition
예제 #1
        internal static Value Combine(Value cur, Value next)
            if (cur == null) return next;

            var ret = new List<Value>();

            var left = cur as CompoundValue;
            if (left != null)


            return new CompoundValue(ret);
예제 #2
파일: Block.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
        public Import(Value import, MediaQuery forMedia, int start, int stop, string file)
            ToImport = import;
            MediaQuery = forMedia;

            Start = start;
            Stop = stop;
            FilePath = file;
예제 #3
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal LocalValue(Value val)
     Value = val;
예제 #4
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal HSLColorValue(Value hue, Value saturation, Value lightness)
     Hue = hue;
     Saturation = saturation;
     Lightness = lightness;
예제 #5
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal FormatValue(Value val)
     Value = val;
예제 #6
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal UrlValue(Value path)
     UrlPath = path;
예제 #7
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal RGBColorValue(Value r, Value g, Value b)
     Red = r;
     Green = g;
     Blue = b;
예제 #8
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal RatioValue(Value lhs, Value rhs)
     LeftHand = lhs;
     RightHand = rhs;
예제 #9
 internal StepsValue(Value numSteps, Value dir)
     NumberOfSteps = numSteps;
     Direction = dir;
예제 #10
 internal AttributeValue(Value attr, Value type, Value fallback)
     Attribute = attr;
     Type = type;
     Fallback = fallback;
예제 #11
        private static Value CacheBreakValue(Value val)
            var compound = val as CompoundValue;
            if (compound != null)
                return new CompoundValue(compound.Values.Select(v => CacheBreakValue(v)).ToArray());

            var comma = val as CommaDelimittedValue;
            if (comma != null)
                return new CommaDelimittedValue(comma.Values.Select(v => CacheBreakValue(v)).ToList());

            var url = val as UrlValue;
            if (url != null)
                return new UrlValue(AddCacheBreaker(url.UrlPath));

            return val;
예제 #12
        private static Value AddCacheBreaker(Value val)
            var asStr = val as StringValue;
            if (asStr != null)
                var breaker = GenerateCacheBreaker(asStr.Value);
                if (asStr.Value.Contains('?'))
                    breaker = "&_=" + breaker;
                    breaker = "?_=" + breaker;

                return new StringValue(asStr.Value + breaker);

            var asQuoted = val as QuotedStringValue;
            if (asQuoted != null)
                var breaker = GenerateCacheBreaker(asQuoted.Value);
                if (asQuoted.Value.Contains('?'))
                    breaker = "&_=" + breaker;
                    breaker = "?_=" + breaker;

                return new QuotedStringValue(asQuoted.Value + breaker);

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected string or quoted string value, found [" + val + "]");
예제 #13
파일: Property.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
        internal VariableProperty(string name, Value value, int start, int stop, string file)
            Name = name;
            Value = value;

            Start = start;
            Stop = stop;
            FilePath = file;
예제 #14
 public EqualFeatureMedia(string feature, Value equals, IPosition forPosition)
     : base(forPosition)
     Feature     = feature;
     EqualsValue = equals;
예제 #15
파일: Block.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
        public MoreVariable(string varName, Value value, int start, int stop, string filePath)
            Name = varName;
            Value = value;

            Start = start;
            Stop = stop;
            FilePath = filePath;
예제 #16
 public MaxFeatureMedia(string feature, Value max, IPosition forPosition)
     : base(forPosition)
     Feature = feature;
     Max     = max;
예제 #17
 internal CounterValue(Value counter, Value style)
     Counter = counter;
     Style = style;
예제 #18
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal RGBAColorValue(Value red, Value green, Value blue, Value alpha)
     Red = red;
     Green = green;
     Blue = blue;
     Alpha = alpha;
예제 #19
        internal CubicBezierValue(Value x1, Value y1, Value x2, Value y2)
            X1 = x1;
            Y1 = y1;

            X2 = x2;
            Y2 = y2;
예제 #20
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
        // Sanity check on types, clips to proper range, and converts to (smaller, and consistent) [0,255] format
        internal static Value WriteSanityCheck(Value color, string name)
            if(!(color is NumberValue) && !(color is NumberWithUnitValue))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(name + " must be a number or a percentage, found ["+color+"]");

            if(color is NumberWithUnitValue && ((NumberWithUnitValue)color).Unit != Unit.Percent)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(name + " must be a number or a percentage, found ["+color+"]");

            decimal val;
            if (color is NumberValue)
                val = ((NumberValue)color).Value;
                val = 255m * ((NumberWithUnitValue)color).Value;

            if (val > 255) val = 255;
            if (val < 0) val = 0;

            return new NumberValue(decimal.Round(val));
예제 #21
        private static MathValue ParseMathValue(char op, Value lhs, ParserStream stream, IPosition forPosition)
            stream.Advance(); // skip operator

            if (lhs == null)
                Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Parser, forPosition, "Expected value, found '" + op + "'");
                throw new StoppedParsingException();

            Operator @operator;
            switch (op)
                case '+': @operator = Operator.Plus; break;
                case '-': @operator = Operator.Minus; break;
                case '*': @operator = Operator.Mult; break;
                case '/': @operator = Operator.Div; break;
                case '%': @operator = Operator.Mod; break;
                default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected operator [" + op + "]");

            var rhs = ParseImpl(stream, forPosition, allowSelectorIncludes: false);

            return new MathValue(lhs, @operator, rhs);
예제 #22
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
        private static Value UnrollMath(Value value)
            var compound = value as CompoundValue;
            if (compound != null)
                var ret = new List<Value>();
                foreach (var v in compound.Values)

                return new CompoundValue(ret);

            var comma = value as CommaDelimittedValue;
            if (comma != null)
                var ret = new List<Value>();
                foreach (var v in comma.Values)

                return new CommaDelimittedValue(ret);

            var exists = value as LeftExistsValue;
            if (exists != null)
                return new LeftExistsValue(UnrollMath(exists.IfExists));

            var group = value as GroupedValue;
            if (group != null) return group.Value;

            var math = value as MathValue;
            if (math == null) return value;

            return UnrollMathImpl(math);
예제 #23
        private static Value MinifyValue(Value value)
            var comma = value as CommaDelimittedValue;
            if (comma != null)
                var minified = comma.Values.Select(s => MinifyValue(s)).ToList();

                return new CommaDelimittedValue(minified);

            var compound = value as CompoundValue;
            if (compound != null)
                var minified = compound.Values.Select(s => MinifyValue(s)).ToList();

                return new CompoundValue(minified);

            if (value is ColorValue)
                return MinifyColor((ColorValue)value);

            if (value is NumberWithUnitValue)
                return MinifyNumberWithUnit((NumberWithUnitValue)value);

            if (value is NumberValue)
                return MinifyNumberValue((NumberValue)value);

            if (value is LinearGradientValue)
                return MinifyLinearGradient((LinearGradientValue)value);

            if (value is RadialGradientValue)
                return MinifyRadialGradient((RadialGradientValue)value);

            return value;
예제 #24
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 public GroupedValue(Value value)
     Value = value;
예제 #25
        private static string ValueToString(Value value)
            using (var mem = new StringWriter())

                return mem.ToString();
예제 #26
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal LeftExistsValue(Value ifExists)
     IfExists = ifExists;
예제 #27
        private static bool IsValidTypeFor(string featureName, Value value)
            var validTypes = FeatureValueTypes[featureName.ToLowerInvariant()];
            if (!validTypes.Contains(value.GetType())) return false;

            switch (featureName.ToLowerInvariant())
                case "monochrome":
                case "color":
                case "color-index":
                    // Must be a non-negative integer
                    var numValue = ((NumberValue)value).Value;
                    return Math.Sign(numValue) != -1 && Math.Truncate(numValue) == numValue;

                case "grid": return ((NumberValue)value).Value.In(0, 1);

                case "orientation": return ((StringValue)value).Value.ToLowerInvariant().In("landscape", "portrait");
                case "resolution": return ((NumberWithUnitValue)value).Unit.In(Unit.DPI, Unit.DPCM);

                case "scan": return ((StringValue)value).Value.ToLowerInvariant().In("progressive", "scan");

            return true;
예제 #28
        private static bool ConvertColorPart(Value val, IPosition position, out decimal part)
            part = 0;

            if (val is NumberWithUnitValue)
                var unit = (NumberWithUnitValue)val;
                if (unit.Unit != Unit.Percent)
                    Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Compiler, position, "Color parts must be raw numbers or percents, found [" + val + "]");
                    return false;

                var v = unit.Value;
                if(v > 100)
                    v = 100;
                    Current.RecordWarning(ErrorType.Compiler, position, "Clipped color-part percent from [" + unit.Value + "] to 100");
                if(v < 0)
                    v = 0;
                    Current.RecordWarning(ErrorType.Compiler, position, "Clipped color-part percent from [" + unit.Value + "] to 0");

                part = decimal.Round(255m * (v / 100m), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                return true;

            var noUnit = (NumberValue)val;

            var x = noUnit.Value;
            if (x > 255)
                x = 255;
                Current.RecordWarning(ErrorType.Compiler, position, "Clipped color-part from [" + noUnit.Value + "] to 255");

            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
                Current.RecordWarning(ErrorType.Compiler, position, "Clipped color-part from [" + noUnit.Value + "] to 0");

            if (x <= 1)
                x *= 255m;

            part = x;
            return true;
예제 #29
        private static void VerifyColorStop(Value value)
            var asCompound = value as CompoundValue;
            if (asCompound != null)
                if (asCompound.Values.Count() != 2)
                    Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Compiler, value, "color-stops should be composed of two values, one color and one length or percentage");

                var first = asCompound.Values.ElementAt(0) as ColorValue;
                var second = asCompound.Values.ElementAt(1) as NumberWithUnitValue;

                if (first == null)
                    Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Compiler, value, "a color-stop's first value should be a color");

                if (second == null)
                    Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Compiler, value, "a color-stop's second value should be a percentage or length");

                if (second.Unit == Unit.Percent)
                    if (second.Value < 0 || second.Value > 100)
                        Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Compiler, value, "a color-stop's second value, if a percentage, should be between 0% and 100%");
                    if (!second.Unit.In(Unit.EM, Unit.EX, Unit.CH, Unit.REM, Unit.VH, Unit.VW, Unit.VM, Unit.PX, Unit.MM, Unit.CM, Unit.IN, Unit.PT, Unit.PC))
                        Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Compiler, value, "a color-stop's second value, if not a percentage, should be a length");


            if (!(value is ColorValue))
                Current.RecordError(ErrorType.Compiler, value, "a color-stop should be a color if it is composed of only one value");
예제 #30
파일: Block.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 public MixinParameter(string name, Value defaultValue)
     Name = name;
     DefaultValue = defaultValue;
예제 #31
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
 internal MathValue(Value lhs, Operator op, Value rhs)
     LeftHand = lhs;
     Operator = op;
     RightHand = rhs;
예제 #32
파일: Block.cs 프로젝트: repos-css/More
        private static void BindParameter(Scope scope, Dictionary<string, MixinBlock> mixinReferences, Dictionary<string, Value> boundVariables, MixinParameter @param, Value value)
            if (value is IncludeSelectorValue)
                var toMap = (IncludeSelectorValue)value;
                mixinReferences[@param.Name] = CreateAnonMixin(toMap);


            if (!(value is FuncValue))
                boundVariables[@param.Name] = value.Bind(scope);

            var funcVal = value as FuncValue;
            var asMixin = scope.LookupMixin(funcVal.Name);
            if (asMixin == null)
                var val = scope.LookupVariable(funcVal.Name, -1, -1, null);

                if (val is IncludeSelectorValue)
                    var toMap = (IncludeSelectorValue)val;
                    mixinReferences[@param.Name] = CreateAnonMixin(toMap);

                boundVariables[@param.Name] = funcVal.Bind(scope);
                mixinReferences[@param.Name] = asMixin;
예제 #33
 public MinFeatureMedia(string feature, Value min, IPosition forPosition)
     : base(forPosition)
     Feature = feature;
     Min     = min;