public override void Compile(ByteCode bc) { var L = new Loop { Scope = m_StackFrame }; bc.PushSourceRef(m_Repeat); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Push(L); var start = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); bc.Emit_Enter(m_StackFrame); m_Block.Compile(bc); bc.PopSourceRef(); bc.PushSourceRef(m_Until); bc.Emit_Debug("..end"); m_Condition.Compile(bc); bc.Emit_Leave(m_StackFrame); bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jf, start); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Pop(); var exitpoint = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); foreach (var i in L.BreakJumps) i.NumVal = exitpoint; bc.PopSourceRef(); }
public override void Compile(ByteCode bc) { bc.PushSourceRef(m_RefFor); Loop L = new Loop() { Scope = m_StackFrame }; bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Push(L); m_End.Compile(bc); bc.Emit_ToNum(3); m_Step.Compile(bc); bc.Emit_ToNum(2); m_Start.Compile(bc); bc.Emit_ToNum(1); int start = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); var jumpend = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.JFor, -1); bc.Emit_Enter(m_StackFrame); //bc.Emit_SymStorN(m_VarName); bc.Emit_Store(m_VarName, 0, 0); m_InnerBlock.Compile(bc); bc.PopSourceRef(); bc.PushSourceRef(m_RefEnd); bc.Emit_Debug("..end"); bc.Emit_Leave(m_StackFrame); bc.Emit_Incr(1); bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, start); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Pop(); int exitpoint = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); foreach (Instruction i in L.BreakJumps) i.NumVal = exitpoint; jumpend.NumVal = exitpoint; bc.Emit_Pop(3); bc.PopSourceRef(); }
public override void Compile(ByteCode bc) { var endJumps = new List<Instruction>(); Instruction lastIfJmp = null; foreach (var ifblock in m_Ifs) { using (bc.EnterSource(ifblock.Source)) { if (lastIfJmp != null) lastIfJmp.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); ifblock.Exp.Compile(bc); lastIfJmp = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jf, -1); bc.Emit_Enter(ifblock.StackFrame); ifblock.Block.Compile(bc); } using (bc.EnterSource(m_End)) bc.Emit_Leave(ifblock.StackFrame); endJumps.Add(bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, -1)); } lastIfJmp.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); if (m_Else != null) { using (bc.EnterSource(m_Else.Source)) { bc.Emit_Enter(m_Else.StackFrame); m_Else.Block.Compile(bc); } using (bc.EnterSource(m_End)) bc.Emit_Leave(m_Else.StackFrame); } foreach (var endjmp in endJumps) endjmp.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); }
public override void Compile(ByteCode bc) { Loop L = new Loop() { Scope = m_StackFrame }; bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Push(L); bc.PushSourceRef(m_Start); int start = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); m_Condition.Compile(bc); var jumpend = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jf, -1); bc.Emit_Enter(m_StackFrame); m_Block.Compile(bc); bc.PopSourceRef(); bc.Emit_Debug("..end"); bc.PushSourceRef(m_End); bc.Emit_Leave(m_StackFrame); bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, start); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Pop(); int exitpoint = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); foreach (Instruction i in L.BreakJumps) i.NumVal = exitpoint; jumpend.NumVal = exitpoint; bc.PopSourceRef(); }
public int CompileBody(ByteCode bc, string friendlyName) { var funcName = friendlyName ?? ("<" + m_Begin.FormatLocation(bc.Script, true) + ">"); bc.PushSourceRef(m_Begin); var I = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, -1); var meta = bc.Emit_FuncMeta(funcName); var metaip = bc.GetJumpPointForLastInstruction(); bc.Emit_BeginFn(m_StackFrame); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Push(new LoopBoundary()); var entryPoint = bc.GetJumpPointForLastInstruction(); if (m_GlobalEnv != null) { bc.Emit_Literal(DynValue.NewTable(m_GlobalEnv)); bc.Emit_Store(m_Env, 0, 0); bc.Emit_Pop(); } if (m_ParamNames.Length > 0) bc.Emit_Args(m_ParamNames); m_Statement.Compile(bc); bc.PopSourceRef(); bc.PushSourceRef(m_End); bc.Emit_Ret(0); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Pop(); I.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); meta.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForLastInstruction() - metaip; bc.PopSourceRef(); return entryPoint; }
public override void Compile(ByteCode bc) { m_Jump = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, m_LabelAddress); }
public int CompileBody(ByteCode bc, string friendlyName) { string funcName = friendlyName ?? ("<" + this.m_Begin.FormatLocation(bc.Script, true) + ">"); bc.PushSourceRef(m_Begin); Instruction I = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, -1); Instruction meta = bc.Emit_Meta(funcName, OpCodeMetadataType.FunctionEntrypoint); int metaip = bc.GetJumpPointForLastInstruction(); bc.Emit_BeginFn(m_StackFrame); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Push(new LoopBoundary()); int entryPoint = bc.GetJumpPointForLastInstruction(); if (m_UsesGlobalEnv) { bc.Emit_Load(SymbolRef.Upvalue(WellKnownSymbols.ENV, 0)); bc.Emit_Store(m_Env, 0, 0); bc.Emit_Pop(); } if (m_ParamNames.Length > 0) bc.Emit_Args(m_ParamNames); m_Statement.Compile(bc); bc.PopSourceRef(); bc.PushSourceRef(m_End); bc.Emit_Ret(0); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Pop(); I.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); meta.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForLastInstruction() - metaip; bc.PopSourceRef(); return entryPoint; }
public override void Compile(ByteCode bc) { //for var_1, ···, var_n in explist do block end bc.PushSourceRef(m_RefFor); Loop L = new Loop() { Scope = m_StackFrame }; bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Push(L); // get iterator tuple m_RValues.Compile(bc); // prepares iterator tuple - stack : iterator-tuple bc.Emit_IterPrep(); // loop start - stack : iterator-tuple int start = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); bc.Emit_Enter(m_StackFrame); // expand the tuple - stack : iterator-tuple, f, var, s bc.Emit_ExpTuple(0); // calls f(s, var) - stack : iterator-tuple, iteration result bc.Emit_Call(2, ""); // perform assignment of iteration result- stack : iterator-tuple, iteration result for (int i = 0; i < m_NameExps.Length; i++) m_NameExps[i].CompileAssignment(bc, 0, i); // pops - stack : iterator-tuple bc.Emit_Pop(); // repushes the main iterator var - stack : iterator-tuple, main-iterator-var bc.Emit_Load(m_Names[0]); // updates the iterator tuple - stack : iterator-tuple, main-iterator-var bc.Emit_IterUpd(); // checks head, jumps if nil - stack : iterator-tuple, main-iterator-var var endjump = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.JNil, -1); // executes the stuff - stack : iterator-tuple m_Block.Compile(bc); bc.PopSourceRef(); bc.PushSourceRef(m_RefEnd); // loop back again - stack : iterator-tuple bc.Emit_Leave(m_StackFrame); bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, start); bc.LoopTracker.Loops.Pop(); int exitpointLoopExit = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); bc.Emit_Leave(m_StackFrame); int exitpointBreaks = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); bc.Emit_Pop(); foreach (Instruction i in L.BreakJumps) i.NumVal = exitpointBreaks; endjump.NumVal = exitpointLoopExit; bc.PopSourceRef(); }
public void CompileBreak(ByteCode bc) { bc.Emit_Exit(Scope); BreakJumps.Add(bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.Jump, -1)); }
public override void Compile(ByteCode bc) { m_Exp1.Compile(bc); if (m_Operator == Operator.Or) { var i = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.JtOrPop, -1); m_Exp2.Compile(bc); i.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); return; } if (m_Operator == Operator.And) { var i = bc.Emit_Jump(OpCode.JfOrPop, -1); m_Exp2.Compile(bc); i.NumVal = bc.GetJumpPointForNextInstruction(); return; } if (m_Exp2 != null) { m_Exp2.Compile(bc); } bc.Emit_Operator(OperatorToOpCode(m_Operator)); if (ShouldInvertBoolean(m_Operator)) bc.Emit_Operator(OpCode.Not); }