public Projectile(Vector3 pos, Vector3 direction, Game1 game, Weapon weapon, int type) { this.direction = direction; = game; this.pos = pos; this.rot.Y = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.X, direction.Z); this.weapon = weapon; this.type = type; speed = 50; life = 300; delete = false; damage = 5; col = new CircleCollider(pos, 0.2f); boundingBox = new OOBB(pos, direction, 0.3f, 1); // Need to be changed to be actual projectile dimensions if(type == 1) // model = new ProjectileModel(this, TextureManager.elecRound64, TextureManager.elecRound64, TextureManager.elecTrail64, Color.Magenta, Color.Purple, game); model = new ProjectileModel(ModelLibrary.projectile, pos, this, Color.Green, Color.CornflowerBlue, game); else if(type == 0) model = new ProjectileModel(ModelLibrary.projectile, pos, this, Color.Orange, Color.Purple, game); else model = new ProjectileModel(ModelLibrary.projectile, pos, this, new Color(255,0,255), Color.Green, game); game.modelManager.addEffect(model); }
public void setAmmoMessage(Weapon wep, float count) { message = "Got " + count + " " +; if(!"bomb")) { message += " " + wep.ammoName; if (count > 1) message += "s"; } message += "!"; wakeTime = 0; }
public void changeWeapons(int wep) { prevWeapon = activeWeapon; activeWeapon = (Weapon)weapons.ElementAt(wep); ship.shipModel.setShipModel(wep); if (wep == 4) { activeWeapon.activate(); } else { weapons.ElementAt(4).disable(); } }
public WeaponSystem(Ship ship, Game game) : base(game) { this.ship = ship; = (Game1)game; currentWeapon = 1; pew1 = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Models/Effects/tex1"); pew2 = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Models/Effects/tex2"); pew3 = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Models/Effects/tex3"); drill = new WeaponDrill(this, ship,; weapons.Add(new WeaponMissiles(this, ship,; weapons.Add(new WeaponWave(this, ship,; weapons.Add(new WeaponLaser(this, ship,; weapons.Add(new WeaponBomb(this, ship,; weapons.Add(drill); activeWeapon = (Weapon)weapons.ElementAt(2); hasDrill = false; }
void checkKeyboard() { if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D1)) { activeWeapon = (Weapon)weapons.ElementAt(2); game.hud.hudWeapon.Wake(); ship.shipModel.setShipModel(0); weapons.ElementAt(4).disable(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D2)) { activeWeapon = (Weapon)weapons.ElementAt(3); game.hud.hudWeapon.Wake(); ship.shipModel.setShipModel(1); weapons.ElementAt(4).disable(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D3)) { activeWeapon = (Weapon)weapons.ElementAt(0); game.hud.hudWeapon.Wake(); ship.shipModel.setShipModel(2); weapons.ElementAt(4).disable(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D4)) { activeWeapon = (Weapon)weapons.ElementAt(1); game.hud.hudWeapon.Wake(); ship.shipModel.setShipModel(3); weapons.ElementAt(4).disable(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D5) && hasDrill) { activeWeapon = (Weapon)weapons.ElementAt(4); activeWeapon.activate(); game.hud.hudWeapon.Wake(); ship.shipModel.setShipModel(4); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.P) && !hasDrill) { gotDrill(); game.hud.hudMessage.setTextMessage("cheating is a shallow victory"); } }
public void swapWeapons() { Weapon temp = activeWeapon; activeWeapon = prevWeapon; prevWeapon = temp; }
public void setLevelUpMessage(Weapon wep) { message = "got the " + wep.formattedLevel() + " " + + "!"; wakeTime = -3; }