public SentryModel(Sentry sentry, Game1 game) : base() { this.sentry = sentry; = game; pos = sentry.pos; scale = new Vector3(0.2f); model = ModelLibrary.sentry; bodyTex = TextureManager.sentryBod; visorTex = TextureManager.sEye3; ant = model.Bones["anten"]; topCap = model.Bones["topCap"]; visor = model.Bones["visor"]; midCap = model.Bones["midCap"]; canRot = model.Bones["cannonRound"]; cannon = model.Bones["cannon"]; botCap = model.Bones["botCap"]; topOffset = Vector3.Zero; tiltRot = 0; spinRot = 0; }
public SentryProjectile(Vector3 pos, Vector3 direction, Game1 game, Sentry enemy) : base() { this.direction = direction; = game; this.pos = pos; this.rot.Y = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.X, direction.Z); this.enemy = enemy; speed = 50; life = 120; delete = false; damage = 20; boundingBox = new OOBB(pos, direction, 0.3f, 1); // Need to be changed to be actual projectile dimensions col = new CircleCollider(pos, 0.2f); model = new ProjectileModel(this, TextureManager.elecRound64, TextureManager.elecRound64, TextureManager.elecTrail64, Color.Red, Color.Orange, game); game.modelManager.addEffect(model); }