public MarkerSet(MpqFile file) { var stream = file.Open(); Header = new Header(stream); SNO = stream.ReadInt32(); unknown0 = stream.ReadInt32(); unknown1 = stream.ReadInt32(); serMarkers = new SerializeData(stream); long x = stream.Position; Markers = new Marker[serMarkers.Size / 208]; stream.Position = serMarkers.Offset + 16; for (int i = 0; i < serMarkers.Size / 208; i++) { Markers[i] = new Marker(stream); } stream.Position = x; stream.Position += (15 * 4); // pad 15 serNoSpawns = new SerializeData(stream); stream.Position += (14 * 4); aabb = new AABB_(stream); i0 = stream.ReadInt32(); byte[] buf = new byte[256]; stream.Read(buf, 0, 256); filename = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf); nLabel = stream.ReadInt32(); nSpecialIndexCount = stream.ReadInt32(); serSpecialIndexList = new SerializeData(stream); stream.Close(); }
// Updated based on BoyC's 010editoer template, looks like some data at the end still isnt parsed - Darklotus public Actor(MpqFile file) { var stream = file.Open(); Header = new Header(stream); this.ActorSNO = stream.ReadInt32(); stream.Position += 8; // pad 2; this.i0 = stream.ReadInt32(); this.type = stream.ReadInt32(); this.ApperanceSNO = stream.ReadInt32(); this.snoPhysMesh = stream.ReadInt32(); this.Cyl = new AxialCylinder(stream); this.s = new Sphere(stream); this.aabbBounds = new AABB_(stream); this.serTagMap = new SerializeData(stream); stream.Position += 8; // pad 2 this.AnimSetSNO = stream.ReadInt32(); this.MonsterSNO = stream.ReadInt32(); this.serMsgTriggeredEvents = new SerializeData(stream); this.i1 = stream.ReadInt32(); stream.Position += 12; // pad 3 int - DarkLotus this.v0 = new Vector3D(stream.ReadFloat(), stream.ReadFloat(), stream.ReadFloat()); this.Looks = new WeightedLook[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.Looks[i] = new WeightedLook(stream); } this.PhysicsSNO = stream.ReadInt32(); this.i2 = stream.ReadInt32(); this.i3 = stream.ReadInt32(); this.f0 = stream.ReadFloat(); this.f1 = stream.ReadFloat(); this.f2 = stream.ReadFloat(); this.padActorCollisionData = new int[17]; // Was 68/4 - Darklotus for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { this.padActorCollisionData[i] = stream.ReadInt32(); } this.padInventoryImages = new int[10]; //Was 5*8/4 - Darklotus for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.padInventoryImages[i] = stream.ReadInt32(); } stream.Close(); }
public World(MpqFile file) { var stream = file.Open(); Header = new Header(stream); SNO = stream.ReadInt32(); serDRLGParams = new SerializeData(stream); long x = stream.Position; if (serDRLGParams.Size > 0) { Param = new DRLGParams[serDRLGParams.Size / 120]; stream.Position = serDRLGParams.Offset + 16; for (int i = 0; i < serDRLGParams.Size/120; i++) { Param[i] = new DRLGParams(stream); } } stream.Position = x; stream.Position += (5 * 4); // This was 3 ints padding in the struct, was 8 bytes behind though so i changed it - DarkLotus serSceneParams = new SerializeData(stream); x = stream.Position; if (serSceneParams.Size > 0) { stream.Position = serSceneParams.Offset + 16; Scene = new SceneParams(stream); ; } stream.Position = x; stream.Position += (2 * 4); serMarkerSets = new SerializeData(stream); x = stream.Position; if (serMarkerSets.Size > 0) { MarkerSets = new int[serMarkerSets.Size / 4]; stream.Position = serMarkerSets.Offset + 16; for (int i = 0; i < serMarkerSets.Size / 4; i++) { MarkerSets[i] = stream.ReadInt32(); } } stream.Position = x; stream.Position += (14 * 4); Environment = new DataTypes.Environment(stream); stream.Position += 4; LabelRuleSet = new DataTypes.LabelRuleSet(stream); i0 = stream.ReadInt32(); stream.Position += 4; SceneClusterSet5 = new SceneClusterSet(stream); arNavMeshFuncs = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < arNavMeshFuncs.Length; i++) { arNavMeshFuncs[i] = stream.ReadInt32(); } stream.Position += 4; f0 = stream.ReadFloat(); i1 = stream.ReadInt32(); snoScript = stream.ReadInt32(); i2 = stream.ReadInt32(); stream.Close(); }