public void InitializeTest() { Game = new MonopolyGame.MonopolyGame( Players, Dices, BankInitialMoney, PlayersInitialMoney, BoardParams, CellsData, ChanceCardData, CommunityCardData, LandCardData, LinkCellToCardData ); FirstPlayer = Players[0]; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //MonopolyPlayer mplayer = new MonopolyPlayer(1, "player 1"); //Dictionary<MoneyType, int> init = new Dictionary<MoneyType, int>(); //init[MoneyType.Ten] = 4; //init[MoneyType.One] = 10; //init[MoneyType.Five] = 2; //init[MoneyType.Twenty] = 2; //init[MoneyType.Fifty] = 2; //mplayer.Receive(init); //Dictionary<PropertyType, int> prices = new Dictionary<PropertyType, int>(); //prices[PropertyType.House] = 100; //prices[PropertyType.Hotel] = 500; //Dictionary<int, int> rents = new Dictionary<int, int>(); //rents[1] = 10; //rents[2] = 20; //rents[3] = 30; //rents[4] = 40; //rents[5] = 50; //LandCell cell = new LandCell(2, 2, 1, 1, "Mediterranian Avenue", "Mediterranian Avenue", 100, LandType.State); //LandCard mediteranianCard = new LandCard("Mediterranian Avenue", prices, rents, 50); //mplayer.BuyLand(mediteranianCard, cell); //Console.WriteLine(mplayer.LandCards.Count); //Console.ReadKey(); // Welcome message Console.WriteLine("MONOPOLY GAME"); Console.WriteLine("============="); Console.WriteLine(); List <MonopolyPlayer> playerList = new List <MonopolyPlayer>(); int playerCount = -1; string resp; while (playerCount < 1 || playerCount > 4) { Console.Write("How many players? (1-4) "); resp = Console.ReadLine(); playerCount = int.Parse(resp); } for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { Console.Write("Enter name for Player " + (i + 1) + " : "); resp = Console.ReadLine(); playerList.Add(new MonopolyPlayer(i + 1, resp)); } Players = playerList.ToArray(); Console.Clear(); // Welcome message Console.WriteLine("MONOPOLY GAME"); Console.WriteLine("============="); Console.WriteLine(); MonopolyGame Game = new MonopolyGame( Players, Dices, BankInitialMoney, PlayersInitialMoney, BoardParams, CellsData, ChanceCardData, CommunityCardData, LandCardData, LinkCellToCardData ); Thread main = new Thread(delegate() { Game.RunGame(); }); main.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1000); while (main.IsAlive) { Player player = null; while (main.IsAlive) { Console.WriteLine("Select player to run turn:"); foreach (Player p in Players) { Console.WriteLine(p.Id + " - " + p.Username); } Console.Write("Enter ID :"); resp = Console.ReadLine(); int playerId = int.Parse(resp); foreach (Player p in Players) { if (p.Id == playerId) { player = p; break; } } Console.WriteLine("Selected player :" + player.Username); Game.RunTurn(player); } } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }