public override void Restart(uint restartFlags = 0)
     Logger.Trace(string.Format("Restarting RMSession {0} with {1} manual processes found to restart", SessionKey, ProcessesToManuallyRestart.Count));
     foreach (Tuple <IntPtr, string> processInfo in ProcessesToManuallyRestart)
             if (!WindowsAccountServices.StartProcessFromUserToken(processInfo.Item1, processInfo.Item2))
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not restart process " + processInfo.Item2 + " using previously defined user token!");
 /// <summary>
 /// Shutdown all registered processes, including processes marked for manual shutdown (if necessary).
 /// <remarks>To ensure process restart success, the system MUST be able to query the user token from the process (you must be Administrator/LocalSystem).
 /// Otherwise, processes could restart as the wrong user, breaking the functionality of the process.</remarks>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actionFlags"></param>
 public override void Shutdown(uint actionFlags = 0)
     Logger.Trace(string.Format("Shutting down RMSession {0} with {1} manual processes found to shutdown", SessionKey, ProcessesToManuallyShutdown.Count));
     if (ProcessesToManuallyRestart.Count > 0)
         Logger.Warn("There are pending processes in the manual restart queue! Are you shutting down again?");
     foreach (Process manualShutdownProcess in ProcessesToManuallyShutdown)
         IntPtr userToken = IntPtr.Zero;
         if (!WindowsAccountServices.GetUserTokenFromProcess(manualShutdownProcess.Id, ref userToken))
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve the user token for manual shutdown process " + manualShutdownProcess.ProcessName);
         ProcessesToManuallyRestart.Add(Tuple.Create(userToken, manualShutdownProcess.MainModule.FileName));
     ProcessesToManuallyShutdown.ForEach(x => x.Kill());