예제 #1
        public void Defaults()
            TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(4, 5);

            // this is yet another case where Apples plays ping-ping with different versions
            // newsflash: iOS 8.1 says it's available but won't let you create a PKPassLibrary instance #24747
            // but iOS 8.2 (first beta) on an iPad let's you do it
            // and final iOS 8.2 does not seems to return true anymore #28711 while 8.3 beta works !?!
            if (!PKPassLibrary.IsAvailable)
                Assert.Inconclusive("PassKit is not available");

            var library = new PKPassLibrary();

            // not null (but empty by default) and there's no API to add them
            Assert.NotNull(library.GetPasses(), "GetPasses");

            // and we can't trick the OS to do it for us
            using (NSUrl url = new NSUrl(NSBundle.MainBundle.BundleUrl + "/BoardingPass.pkpass")) {
#if !__WATCHOS__
                Assert.False(UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(url), "OpenUrl");

            Assert.Null(library.GetPass(String.Empty, String.Empty), "GetPass");

            using (var pass = PassTest.GetBoardingPass()) {
                Assert.False(library.Contains(pass), "Contains");
                Assert.False(library.Replace(pass), "Replace");
        public void BoardingPass()
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom != UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone)
                Assert.Inconclusive("PassKit does not work on iPads");

            using (var pass = PassTest.GetBoardingPass())
                using (var ctrl = new PKAddPassesViewController(pass)) {
                    ctrl.Finished += delegate { };
                    // not available on iPad...
                    Assert.True((ctrl.Delegate != null) == PKPassLibrary.IsAvailable, "Delegate");
                    Assert.True((ctrl.WeakDelegate != null) == PKPassLibrary.IsAvailable, "WeakDelegate");