public DVCLogIn() : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null, true) { loginView = new FBLoginView (ExtendedPermissions); if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (7, 0)) { loginView.Frame = new RectangleF (51, 0, 218, 46); } else { loginView.Frame = new RectangleF (40, 0, 218, 46); } loginView.FetchedUserInfo += (sender, e) => { if (Root.Count < 3) { user = e.User; pictureView.ProfileID = user.Id; Root.Add (new Section ("Hello " + user.Name) { new StringElement ("Actions Menu", () => { var dvc = new DVCActions (user); NavigationController.PushViewController (dvc, true); }) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center } }); } }; loginView.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (sender, e) => { pictureView.ProfileID = null; if (Root.Count >= 3) { InvokeOnMainThread (() => { var section = Root [2]; section.Remove (0); Root.Remove (section); ReloadData (); }); } }; pictureView = new FBProfilePictureView () ; if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (7,0)) { pictureView.Frame = new RectangleF (50, 0, 220, 220); } else { pictureView.Frame = new RectangleF (40, 0, 220, 220); } Root = new RootElement ("Facebook Sample") { new Section () { new UIViewElement ("", loginView, true) { Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent, } }, new Section () { new UIViewElement ("", pictureView, true) { Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent, }, } }; }
public override void LoginViewFetchedUserInfo(FBLoginView loginView, FBGraphUser user) { Console.WriteLine("LoginViewFetchedUserInfo"); // here we use helper properties of FBGraphUser to dot-through to first_name and // id properties of the json response from the server; alternatively we could use // NSDictionary methods such as objectForKey to get values from the my json object parentViewController.labelFirstName.Text = String.Format(@"Hello {0}!", user.ObjectForKey(new NSString(@"first_name")).ToString()); // setting the profileID property of the FBProfilePictureView instance // causes the control to fetch and display the profile picture for the user parentViewController.profilePic.ProfileID = user.ObjectForKey(new NSString(@"id")).ToString(); parentViewController.loggedInUser = user; }
public DVCActions(FBGraphUser facebookUser) : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null, true) { this.user = facebookUser; pictureView = new FBProfilePictureView () { ProfileID = user.Id }; if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (7,0)) { pictureView.Frame = new RectangleF (120, 0, 80, 80); } else { pictureView.Frame = new RectangleF (110, 0, 80, 80); } Root = new RootElement ("Menu") { new Section (){ new UIViewElement ("", pictureView, true) { Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent, } }, new Section () { new StringElement (user.Name) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center } }, new Section ("Actions") { new StringElement ("Share", ShareUrl) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center }, new StringElement ("FQL Sample - Show 25 friends", FQLSample) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center }, new StringElement ("Graph API Sample - Post \"Hello\"", GraphApiPost) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center }, new StringElement ("Graph API Sample - Delete \"Hello\"", GraphApiDeletePost) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center }, new StringElement ("Select Some Friends", FriendPicker) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center }, new StringElement ("Select a Place", PlacePicker) { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center } } }; }
void PopulateUserDetails() { if (FBSession.ActiveSession.IsOpen) { FBRequest.GetRequestForMe.Start( (connection, result, error) => { if (error == null) { FBGraphUser user = new FBGraphUser(result); userNameLabel.Text = user.Name; userProfileImage.ProfileID = user.Id; } }); } }