public override void FinishedLaunching(NSObject notification) { /////// /// Glorified Event "Handler" /// for Menu Items (like File, edit and so forth) /////// /// // *************************** // // TODO // - Reimplement SaveAs (command-S) mainWindowController = new MainWindowController (); mainWindowController.Window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this); MainWindow winMain = mainWindowController.Window; ///// /// SaveAs File Menu Item ///// miSaveAs.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { SharedWindowMethods.SaveCurrentSetFilePanel (); }; ///// /// Open File Menu Item ///// miOpen.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { // Call for openPanel // Credit user: rjm // NSOpenPanel openPanel = new NSOpenPanel (); openPanel.Begin (((int result) => { try { if (openPanel.Url != null) { // get path var file = openPanel.Url.Path; // open file m_at.OpenFile (System.IO.Path.GetFileName (file), System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (file)); // parse open file m_at.InitSet (); // init SetRunner m_sr.Init (m_at.GetSetList ()); // update table winMain.tbvSetList.DataSource = new TableViewHandler (m_at.GetSetListTable ()); } } finally { openPanel.Dispose (); } })); // refresh window gui winMain.updateGUI (); }; }
public static string OpenFilePanel() { // Open file prompt // Credit user: rjm // NSOpenPanel openPanel = new NSOpenPanel (); string s = ""; openPanel.Begin (((int result) => { try { if (openPanel.Url != null) s = openPanel.Url.Path; } finally { openPanel.Dispose (); } })); return s; }
public static void EncryptFile(ProgressContext progress, Action<string, ProgressContext> failure) { CreatePassphraseViewController passphraseController = new CreatePassphraseViewController { EncryptedFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") }; NSOpenPanel open = new NSOpenPanel { AccessoryView = passphraseController.View, AllowsMultipleSelection = false, CanChooseDirectories = false, CanChooseFiles = true, CanSelectHiddenExtension = true, CollectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehavior.Transient, ExtensionHidden = true, Message = "Please select the file you would like to encrypt", Prompt = "Encrypt file", Title = "Encrypt", TreatsFilePackagesAsDirectories = false, }; open.Begin(result => { if (result == 0 || open.Urls.Length == 0) return; if (!open.Urls[0].IsFileUrl) return; string sourceFilePath = open.Urls[0].Path; open.Close(); IRuntimeFileInfo sourceFile = OS.Current.FileInfo(sourceFilePath); Passphrase passphrase = passphraseController.VerifiedPassphrase; if (passphrase == null) return; IRuntimeFileInfo targetFile = GetTargetFileName(sourceFilePath, passphraseController.EncryptedFileName); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { using(new NSAutoreleasePool()) { AxCryptFile.EncryptFileWithBackupAndWipe(sourceFile, targetFile, passphrase.DerivedPassphrase, progress); }; }); }); }