예제 #1
		public override void destroy()
			_bots = null;
			_botGibs = null;
			_botBullets = null;
			_gibs = null;
			_player = null;
예제 #2
		//Each time an Enemy is recycled (in this game, by the Spawner object)
		//we call init() on it afterward.  That allows us to set critical parameters
		//like references to the player object and the ship's new position.
		public void init(int xPos,int yPos,FlxGroup Bullets,FlxEmitter Gibs,Player ThePlayer)
			_player = ThePlayer;
			_bullets = Bullets;
			_gibs = Gibs;

			reset(xPos - Width/2,yPos - Height/2);
			Angle = angleTowardPlayer();
			Health = 2;	//Enemies take 2 shots to kill
			_timer = 0;
			_shotClock = 0;
예제 #3
		public Spawner(int x,int y,FlxEmitter Gibs,FlxGroup Bots,FlxGroup BotBullets, FlxEmitter BotGibs,Player ThePlayer) : base(x, y)
			_gibs = Gibs;
			_bots = Bots;
			_botBullets = BotBullets;
			_botGibs = BotGibs;
			_player = ThePlayer;
			_timer = FlxG.random()*20;
			_open = false;
			Health = 8;

			addAnimation("open", new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 40, false);
			addAnimation("close", new int[]{4, 3, 2, 1, 0}, 40, false);
			addAnimation("dead", new int[]{6});

			_sfxExplode = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(SndExplode, false, false);
			_sfxExplode2 = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(SndExplode2, false, false);
			_sfxHit = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(SndHit, false, false);
예제 #4
		//Called by flixel to help clean up memory.
		public override void destroy()

			_player = null;
			_bullets = null;
			_gibs = null;

			_jets = null;

			_playerMidpoint = null;
예제 #5
		//private FlxVirtualPad _pad;
		public override void create()
	//		FlxG.mouse.hide();
			/*_sfxCount = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(SndCount, false, false, FlxSound.SFX);*/
			_pad = new FlxVirtualPad(FlxVirtualPad.DPAD_FULL, FlxVirtualPad.A_B);
			_pad.Alpha = 0.5f;
	//		if(Gdx.app.getType() == ApplicationType.Desktop || MenuState.attractMode)
	//			_pad.visible = false;

			//Here we are creating a pool of 100 little metal bits that can be exploded.
			//We will recycle the crap out of these!
			_littleGibs = new FlxEmitter();
			_littleGibs.gravity = 350;
			_littleGibs.bounce = 0.5f;

			//Next we create a smaller pool of larger metal bits for exploding.
			_bigGibs = new FlxEmitter();
			_bigGibs.gravity = 350;
			_bigGibs.bounce = 0.35f;

			//Then we'll set up the rest of our object groups or pools
			_blocks = new FlxGroup();
			_decorations = new FlxGroup();
			_enemies = new FlxGroup();
			_spawners = new FlxGroup();
			_hud = new FlxGroup();
			_enemyBullets = new FlxGroup();
			_bullets = new FlxGroup();

			//Now that we have references to the bullets and metal bits,
			//we can create the player object.
			_player = new Player(316,300,_bullets,_littleGibs/*, _pad*/);

			//This refers to a custom function down at the bottom of the file
			//that creates all our level geometry with a total size of 640x480.
			//This in turn calls buildRoom() a bunch of times, which in turn
			//is responsible for adding the spawners and spawn-cameras.

			//Add bots and spawners after we add blocks to the state,
			//so that they're drawn on top of the level, and so that
			//the bots are drawn on top of both the blocks + the spawners.

			//Then we add the player and set up the scrolling camera,
			//which will automatically set the boundaries of the world.

			//We add the bullets to the scene here,
			//so they're drawn on top of pretty much everything

			//Finally we are going to sort things into a couple of helper groups.
			//We don't add these groups to the state, we just use them for collisions later!
			_hazards = new FlxGroup();
			_objects = new FlxGroup();

			//From here on out we are making objects for the HUD,
			//that is, the player score, number of spawners left, etc.
			//First, we'll create a text field for the current score
			_score = new FlxText(FlxG.width/4,0,FlxG.width/2);
			if(Gdx.app.getType() == ApplicationType.WebGL)
			if (FlxG.scores == null) {
				FlxG.scores = new int[2] { 0,0 };

			//Then for the player's highest and last scores
			if(FlxG.score > (int)FlxG.scores.GetValue(0))
				FlxG.scores.SetValue(0, FlxG.score);
			if((int)FlxG.scores.GetValue(0) != 0)
				_score2 = new FlxText(FlxG.width/2,0,FlxG.width/2);
				_score2.text = "HIGHEST: "+FlxG.scores.GetValue(0)+"\nLAST: "+FlxG.score;
			FlxG.score = 0;
			_scoreTimer = 0;

			//Then we create the "gun jammed" notification
			_gunjam = new FlxGroup();
			_gunjam.add(new FlxSprite(0,FlxG.height-22).makeGraphic((uint)FlxG.width,24,Color.Orange));
			if(Gdx.app.getType() == ApplicationType.WebGL)
				_gunjam.add(new FlxText(0,FlxG.height-22,FlxG.width,"GUN IS JAMMED").setFormat(ImgFont20,20,0xd8eba2,"center"));
			_gunjam.add(new FlxText(0,FlxG.height-22,FlxG.width,"GUN IS JAMMED"));/*.setFormat(null,16,0xd8eba2,"center"));*/
			_gunjam.Visible = false;

			//After we add all the objects to the HUD, we can go through
			//and set any property we want on all the objects we added
			//with this sweet function.  In this case, we want to set
			//the scroll factors to zero, to make sure the HUD doesn't
			//wiggle around while we play.
			_hud.SetAll("ScrollFactor",new FlxPoint(0,0));
			_hud.SetAll("Cameras",new List<FlxCamera> {FlxG.camera});

			_fading = false;

			//Debugger Watch examples
예제 #6
		public override void destroy()

			_blocks = null;
			_decorations = null;
			_bullets = null;
			_player = null;
			_enemies = null;
			_spawners = null;
			_enemyBullets = null;
			_littleGibs = null;
			_bigGibs = null;
			_hud = null;
			_gunjam = null;

			//meta groups, to help speed up collisions
			_objects = null;
			_hazards = null;

			//HUD/User Interface stuff
			_score = null;
			_score2 = null;
			//_pad = null;