예제 #1
		public void RemoveMessageBar ()
			if (messageBar != null) {
				if (messageBar.Parent == vbox)
					vbox.Remove (messageBar);
				messageBar.Destroy ();
				messageBar = null;
			if (!TextEditor.Visible)
				TextEditor.Visible = true;
			if (messageOverlayWindow != null) {
				messageOverlayWindow.Destroy ();
				messageOverlayWindow = null;
예제 #2
		public void ShowFileChangedWarning (bool multiple)
			RemoveMessageBar ();
			if (messageBar == null) {
				messageBar = new MonoDevelop.Components.InfoBar (MessageType.Warning);
				messageBar.SetMessageLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"<b>The file \"{0}\" has been changed outside of {1}.</b>\n" +
					"Do you want to keep your changes, or reload the file from disk?",
					EllipsizeMiddle (Document.FileName, 50), BrandingService.ApplicationName));
				var b1 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Reload from disk"));
				b1.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Button);
				b1.Clicked += delegate {
					Reload ();
					view.TextEditor.GrabFocus ();
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b1);
				var b2 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Keep changes"));
				b2.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
				b2.Clicked += delegate {
					RemoveMessageBar ();
					view.LastSaveTimeUtc = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (view.ContentName);
					view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = false;
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b2);

				if (multiple) {
					var b3 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Reload all"));
					b3.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
					b3.Clicked += delegate {
						FileRegistry.ReloadAllChangedFiles ();
					messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b3);
					var b4 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Ignore all"));
					b4.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
					b4.Clicked += delegate {
						FileRegistry.IgnoreAllChangedFiles ();
					messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b4);
			view.IsDirty = true;
			view.WarnOverwrite = true;
			vbox.PackStart (messageBar, false, false, CHILD_PADDING);
			vbox.ReorderChild (messageBar, 0);
			messageBar.ShowAll ();

			messageBar.QueueDraw ();
			view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = true;
예제 #3
		public void ShowAutoSaveWarning (string fileName)
			RemoveMessageBar ();
			TextEditor.Visible = false;
			if (messageBar == null) {
				messageBar = new MonoDevelop.Components.InfoBar (MessageType.Warning);
				messageBar.SetMessageLabel (BrandingService.BrandApplicationName (GettextCatalog.GetString (
						"<b>An autosave file has been found for this file.</b>\n" +
						"This could mean that another instance of MonoDevelop is editing this " +
						"file, or that MonoDevelop crashed with unsaved changes.\n\n" +
					    "Do you want to use the original file, or load from the autosave file?")));
				Button b1 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString("_Use original file"));
				b1.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Button);
				b1.Clicked += delegate {
					try {
						AutoSave.RemoveAutoSaveFile (fileName);
						TextEditor.GrabFocus ();
						view.Load (fileName);
						view.WorkbenchWindow.Document.ReparseDocument ();
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						MessageService.ShowException (ex, "Could not remove the autosave file.");
					} finally {
						RemoveMessageBar ();
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b1);
				Button b2 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString("_Load from autosave"));
				b2.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.RevertToSaved, IconSize.Button);
				b2.Clicked += delegate {
					try {
						string content = AutoSave.LoadAutoSave (fileName);
						AutoSave.RemoveAutoSaveFile (fileName);
						TextEditor.GrabFocus ();
						view.Load (fileName);
						view.ReplaceContent (fileName, content, view.SourceEncoding);
						view.WorkbenchWindow.Document.ReparseDocument ();
						view.IsDirty = true;
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						MessageService.ShowException (ex, "Could not remove the autosave file.");
					} finally {
						RemoveMessageBar ();
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b2);
			view.IsDirty = true;
			view.WarnOverwrite = true;
			vbox.PackStart (messageBar, false, false, CHILD_PADDING);
			vbox.ReorderChild (messageBar, 0);
			messageBar.ShowAll ();

			messageBar.QueueDraw ();
//			view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = true;
예제 #4
		public void ShowFileChangedWarning ()
			RemoveMessageBar ();
			if (messageBar == null) {
				messageBar = new MonoDevelop.Components.InfoBar (MessageType.Warning);
				messageBar.SetMessageLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"<b>The file \"{0}\" has been changed outside of MonoDevelop.</b>\n" +
					"Do you want to keep your changes, or reload the file from disk?",
					EllipsizeMiddle (Document.FileName, 50)));
				Button b1 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString("_Reload from disk"));
				b1.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Button);
				b1.Clicked += new EventHandler (ClickedReload);
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b1);
				Button b2 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString("_Keep changes"));
				b2.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
				b2.Clicked += new EventHandler (ClickedIgnore);
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b2);
			view.WarnOverwrite = true;
			vbox.PackStart (messageBar, false, false, CHILD_PADDING);
			vbox.ReorderChild (messageBar, 0);
			messageBar.ShowAll ();

			messageBar.QueueDraw ();
			view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = true;
예제 #5
		void ShowIncorretEolMarkers (string fileName, bool multiple)
			RemoveMessageBar ();
			if (messageBar == null) {
				messageBar = new MonoDevelop.Components.InfoBar (MessageType.Warning);
				messageBar.SetMessageLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"<b>The file \"{0}\" has line endings which differ from the policy settings.</b>\n" +
					"Do you want to convert the line endings?",
					EllipsizeMiddle (Document.FileName, 50)));
				Button b1 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Convert"));
				b1.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Button);
				b1.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
					ConvertLineEndings ();
					view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = false;
					RemoveMessageBar ();
					view.Save (fileName, view.SourceEncoding);
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b1);
				Button b2 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Keep line endings"));
				b2.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
				b2.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
					UseIncorrectMarkers = true;
					view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = false;
					RemoveMessageBar ();
					view.Save (fileName, view.SourceEncoding);
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b2);

				if (multiple) {
					var b3 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Convert all files"));
					b3.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
					b3.Clicked += delegate {
						FileRegistry.ConvertLineEndingsInAllFiles ();
					messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b3);
					var b4 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Keep in all files"));
					b4.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
					b4.Clicked += delegate {
						FileRegistry.IgnoreLineEndingsInAllFiles ();
					messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b4);

			vbox.PackStart (messageBar, false, false, CHILD_PADDING);
			vbox.ReorderChild (messageBar, 0);
			messageBar.ShowAll ();

			messageBar.QueueDraw ();
			view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = true;
			// Ensure that one file with incorret EOL markers is shown.
			var currentView = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument.PrimaryView as SourceEditorView;
			if (currentView == null || !currentView.IsDirty || !currentView.SourceEditorWidget.HasIncorrectEolMarker || currentView.SourceEditorWidget.UseIncorrectMarkers)
				view.WorkbenchWindow.SelectWindow ();
예제 #6
		void ShowIncorretEolMarkers (string fileName, string encoding)
			RemoveMessageBar ();
			if (messageBar == null) {
				messageBar = new MonoDevelop.Components.InfoBar (MessageType.Warning);
				messageBar.SetMessageLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"<b>The file \"{0}\" has line endings which differ from the policy settings.</b>\n" +
					"Do you want to convert the line endings?",
					EllipsizeMiddle (Document.FileName, 50)));
				Button b1 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString("_Convert"));
				b1.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Button);
				b1.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
					try {
						ConvertLineEndings ();
						view.Save (fileName, encoding);
					} finally {
						RemoveMessageBar ();
						view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = false;
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b1);
				Button b2 = new Button (GettextCatalog.GetString("_Keep changes"));
				b2.Image = ImageService.GetImage (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, IconSize.Button);
				b2.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
					try {
						useIncorrectMarkers = true;
						view.Save (fileName, encoding);
					} finally {
						RemoveMessageBar ();
						view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = false;
				messageBar.ActionArea.Add (b2);
			vbox.PackStart (messageBar, false, false, CHILD_PADDING);
			vbox.ReorderChild (messageBar, 0);
			messageBar.ShowAll ();

			messageBar.QueueDraw ();
			view.WorkbenchWindow.ShowNotification = true;
		public void RemoveMessageBar ()
			if (messageBar != null) {
				if (messageBar.Parent == vbox)
					vbox.Remove (messageBar);
				messageBar.Destroy ();
				messageBar = null;
			if (!TextEditor.Visible)
				TextEditor.Visible = true;
			if (incorrectEolMessage != null) {
				RemoveOverlay (incorrectEolMessage);
				incorrectEolMessage = null;