예제 #1
		public SmokeyViolation (string ruleId, string problem, string solution, CA.Severity severity, string file, int line)
			this.ruleId = ruleId;
			this.problem = problem;
			this.solution = solution;
			this.severity = severity;
			this.location = new CodeLocation(file, line, 0);
예제 #2
 public SmokeyViolation(string ruleId, string problem, string solution, CA.Severity severity, string file, int line)
     this.ruleId   = ruleId;
     this.problem  = problem;
     this.solution = solution;
     this.severity = severity;
     this.location = new CodeLocation(file, line, 0);
예제 #3
        public static IEnumerable <IViolation> ParseOutput(StreamReader sr, IEnumerable <CA.IRule> ruleSet)
            List <IViolation> found = new List <IViolation> ();

            // FIXME: instead of checking each defect if its rule is in "set"
            // we should think on making use of Smokey "ignore" feature

            // we should only return violations with rules id in this list
            List <string> ruleIds = new List <string> ();

            foreach (CA.IRule rule in ruleSet)

            // if assembly is big, Gendarme outputs progress bar using dots
            // before actual xml, so we might want to need to move forward
            while (sr.Peek() != '<')

            // go!
            using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(sr)) {
                reader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;
                string file = string.Empty;
                int    line = 0;

                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                    if ("Location" == reader.Name)
                        file = reader.GetAttribute("file");
                        if (null == file)
                            file = string.Empty;
                        if (!int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute("line"), out line))
                            line = 0;

                    if (reader.Name != "Violation")

                    // get rule id
                    string ruleId = reader.GetAttribute("checkID");
                    // if we don't need to check for this rule, let it go
                    if (!ruleIds.Contains(ruleId))

                    // parse severity (or try to)
                    CA.Severity severity = ParseSeverity(reader.GetAttribute("severity"));

                    // parse solution and problem
                    string problem  = null;
                    string solution = null;
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                        if (reader.Name == "Cause")
                            problem = reader.ReadString();
                        else if (reader.Name == "Fix")
                            solution = reader.ReadString();
                        else if (problem != null && solution != null)

                    // sometimes Smokey rules throw an exception
                    // we shouldn't return "dead" violations
                    if (IsErrorMessage(problem))

                    // go!
                    found.Add(new SmokeyViolation(ruleId, problem, solution, severity, file, line));