예제 #1
        public static bool SendMany()
            Console.WriteLine("Starting SendMany tests...");

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputsToCB2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[1];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress   outputToCB2  = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress();
            outputToCB2.address = "msvqm9b8qV3cFLGXDifiEpPunZunwKwDaZ";
            outputToCB2.amount  = "0.1";
            outputsToCB2 [0]    = outputToCB2;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputsToCust2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[1];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress   outputToCust2  = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress();
            outputToCust2.address = "n1dPhwHRC8jNwUEJD7jThf4RkFVvcYLqmz";
            outputToCust2.amount  = "0.1";
            outputsToCust2 [0]    = outputToCust2;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputs2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[2];
            outputs2 [0] = outputToCB2;
            outputs2 [1] = outputToCust2;

            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany("cust2", outputsToCB2));
            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany("cb2", outputsToCust2));
            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany("cust2", outputs2, "3"));
            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany("cb2", outputs2, "3", "refund"));

예제 #2
        public static bool CreateRawTransaction()
            Console.WriteLine("Starting CreateRawTransaction tests...");

            // NOTE: scriptPubKey and redeemScript are not being tested in this case.

            Bitcoind.RawTxInput[] inputs1 = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput[1];
            Bitcoind.RawTxInput   input1  = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput();
            input1.txID = "fff17832d351c12476dc3d6f902fd2e0666992135ffe49ac343d9db15dfcddf7";
            input1.vout = "0";
            inputs1 [0] = input1;

            Bitcoind.RawTxInput[] inputs2 = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput[2];
            Bitcoind.RawTxInput   input2  = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput();
            input2.txID = "e69899e5bd2020b99c67b258e5d56ca5c091c9b065f412381ce44a9e438721c1";
            input2.vout = "1";
            inputs2 [0] = input1;
            inputs2 [1] = input2;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputs1 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[1];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress   output1  = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress();
            output1.address = "mjkTKcq27UHMoydoQPrq74fCgyBZ5DCAwf";
            output1.amount  = "1.5";
            outputs1 [0]    = output1;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputs2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[2];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress   output2  = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress();
            output2.address = "miKXJCSnAYyMNPX1emfd7QGXdCFTJRm9Bi";
            output2.amount  = "10.123456";
            outputs2 [0]    = output1;
            outputs2 [1]    = output2;

            // Test 1 tx with 1 output
            _rawTx1To1 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction(inputs1, outputs1);
            if (_rawTx1To1 == null || _rawTx1To1.Length == 0)
            // Test 1 tx with 2 output
            _rawTx1To2 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction(inputs1, outputs2);
            if (_rawTx1To2 == null || _rawTx1To2.Length == 0)
            // Test 2 tx with 1 output
            _rawTx2To1 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction(inputs2, outputs1);
            if (_rawTx2To1 == null || _rawTx2To1.Length == 0)
            // Test 2 tx with 2 output
            _rawTx2To2 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction(inputs2, outputs2);
            if (_rawTx2To2 == null || _rawTx2To2.Length == 0)
예제 #3
        public static bool CreateRawTransaction()
            Console.WriteLine ("Starting CreateRawTransaction tests...");

            // NOTE: scriptPubKey and redeemScript are not being tested in this case.

            Bitcoind.RawTxInput[] inputs1 = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput[1];
            Bitcoind.RawTxInput input1 = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput ();
            input1.txID = "fff17832d351c12476dc3d6f902fd2e0666992135ffe49ac343d9db15dfcddf7";
            input1.vout = "0";
            inputs1 [0] = input1;

            Bitcoind.RawTxInput[] inputs2 = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput[2];
            Bitcoind.RawTxInput input2 = new Bitcoind.RawTxInput ();
            input2.txID = "e69899e5bd2020b99c67b258e5d56ca5c091c9b065f412381ce44a9e438721c1";
            input2.vout = "1";
            inputs2 [0] = input1;
            inputs2 [1] = input2;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputs1 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[1];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress output1 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress ();
            output1.address = "mjkTKcq27UHMoydoQPrq74fCgyBZ5DCAwf";
            output1.amount = "1.5";
            outputs1 [0] = output1;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputs2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[2];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress output2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress ();
            output2.address = "miKXJCSnAYyMNPX1emfd7QGXdCFTJRm9Bi";
            output2.amount = "10.123456";
            outputs2 [0] = output1;
            outputs2 [1] = output2;

            // Test 1 tx with 1 output
            _rawTx1To1 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction (inputs1, outputs1);
            if (_rawTx1To1 == null || _rawTx1To1.Length == 0)
                return false;
            // Test 1 tx with 2 output
            _rawTx1To2 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction (inputs1, outputs2);
            if (_rawTx1To2 == null || _rawTx1To2.Length == 0)
                return false;
            // Test 2 tx with 1 output
            _rawTx2To1 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction (inputs2, outputs1);
            if (_rawTx2To1 == null || _rawTx2To1.Length == 0)
                return false;
            // Test 2 tx with 2 output
            _rawTx2To2 = Bitcoind.CreateRawTransaction (inputs2, outputs2);
            if (_rawTx2To2 == null || _rawTx2To2.Length == 0)
                return false;
            return true;
예제 #4
        public static bool SendMany()
            Console.WriteLine ("Starting SendMany tests...");

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputsToCB2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[1];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress outputToCB2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress ();
            outputToCB2.address = "msvqm9b8qV3cFLGXDifiEpPunZunwKwDaZ";
            outputToCB2.amount = "0.1";
            outputsToCB2 [0] = outputToCB2;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputsToCust2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[1];
            Bitcoind.PayToAddress outputToCust2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress ();
            outputToCust2.address = "n1dPhwHRC8jNwUEJD7jThf4RkFVvcYLqmz";
            outputToCust2.amount = "0.1";
            outputsToCust2 [0] = outputToCust2;

            Bitcoind.PayToAddress[] outputs2 = new Bitcoind.PayToAddress[2];
            outputs2 [0] = outputToCB2;
            outputs2 [1] = outputToCust2;

            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany ("cust2", outputsToCB2));
            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany ("cb2", outputsToCust2));
            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany ("cust2", outputs2, "3"));
            Console.WriteLine("SendMany: " + Bitcoind.SendMany ("cb2", outputs2, "3", "refund"));

            return true;