internal void Compile(Compiler c) { c.PushStylesheet(this); templates = new XslTemplateTable(this); baseURI = c.Input.BaseURI; // move to root element while (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) { if (!c.Input.MoveToNext()) { throw new XsltCompileException("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); } } if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace) { if (c.Input.GetAttribute("version", XsltNamespace) == String.Empty) { throw new XsltCompileException("Mandatory global attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); } // then it is simplified stylesheet. templates.Add(new XslTemplate(c)); } else { if (c.Input.LocalName != "stylesheet" && c.Input.LocalName != "transform") { throw new XsltCompileException("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); } version = c.Input.GetAttribute("version", ""); if (version == String.Empty) { throw new XsltCompileException("Mandatory attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); } extensionElementPrefixes = ParseMappedPrefixes(c.GetAttribute("extension-element-prefixes"), c.Input); excludeResultPrefixes = ParseMappedPrefixes(c.GetAttribute("exclude-result-prefixes"), c.Input); if (c.Input.MoveToFirstNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local)) { do { if (c.Input.Value == XsltNamespace) { continue; } this.stylesheetNamespaces.Insert(0, new QName(c.Input.Name, c.Input.Value)); } while (c.Input.MoveToNextNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local)); c.Input.MoveToParent(); } ProcessTopLevelElements(c); } foreach (XslGlobalVariable v in variables.Values) { c.AddGlobalVariable(v); } foreach (ArrayList al in keys.Values) { for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++) { c.AddKey((XslKey)al[i]); } } c.PopStylesheet(); inProcessIncludes = null; }
internal void Compile (Compiler c) { c.PushStylesheet (this); templates = new XslTemplateTable (this); baseURI = c.Input.BaseURI; // move to root element while (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) if (!c.Input.MoveToNext ()) throw new XsltCompileException ("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace) { if (c.Input.GetAttribute ("version", XsltNamespace) == String.Empty) throw new XsltCompileException ("Mandatory global attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); // then it is simplified stylesheet. templates.Add (new XslTemplate (c)); } else { if (c.Input.LocalName != "stylesheet" && c.Input.LocalName != "transform") throw new XsltCompileException ("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); version = c.Input.GetAttribute ("version", ""); if (version == String.Empty) throw new XsltCompileException ("Mandatory attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); extensionElementPrefixes = ParseMappedPrefixes (c.GetAttribute ("extension-element-prefixes"), c.Input); excludeResultPrefixes = ParseMappedPrefixes (c.GetAttribute ("exclude-result-prefixes"), c.Input); if (c.Input.MoveToFirstNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.Local)) { do { if (c.Input.Value == XsltNamespace) continue; this.stylesheetNamespaces.Insert (0, new QName (c.Input.Name, c.Input.Value)); } while (c.Input.MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.Local)); c.Input.MoveToParent (); } ProcessTopLevelElements (c); } foreach (XslGlobalVariable v in variables.Values) c.AddGlobalVariable (v); foreach (ArrayList al in keys.Values) for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++) c.AddKey ((XslKey) al[i]); c.PopStylesheet (); inProcessIncludes = null; }
internal void Compile(Compiler c) { c.PushStylesheet(this); this.templates = new XslTemplateTable(this); this.baseURI = c.Input.BaseURI; while (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) { if (!c.Input.MoveToNext()) { throw new XsltCompileException("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); } } if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != "") { if (c.Input.GetAttribute("version", "") == string.Empty) { throw new XsltCompileException("Mandatory global attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); } this.templates.Add(new XslTemplate(c)); } else { if (c.Input.LocalName != "stylesheet" && c.Input.LocalName != "transform") { throw new XsltCompileException("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); } this.version = c.Input.GetAttribute("version", string.Empty); if (this.version == string.Empty) { throw new XsltCompileException("Mandatory attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); } this.extensionElementPrefixes = this.ParseMappedPrefixes(c.GetAttribute("extension-element-prefixes"), c.Input); this.excludeResultPrefixes = this.ParseMappedPrefixes(c.GetAttribute("exclude-result-prefixes"), c.Input); if (c.Input.MoveToFirstNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local)) { do { if (!(c.Input.Value == "")) { this.stylesheetNamespaces.Insert(0, new XmlQualifiedName(c.Input.Name, c.Input.Value)); } }while (c.Input.MoveToNextNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local)); c.Input.MoveToParent(); } this.ProcessTopLevelElements(c); } foreach (object obj in this.variables.Values) { XslGlobalVariable var = (XslGlobalVariable)obj; c.AddGlobalVariable(var); } foreach (object obj2 in this.keys.Values) { ArrayList arrayList = (ArrayList)obj2; for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.Count; i++) { c.AddKey((XslKey)arrayList[i]); } } c.PopStylesheet(); this.inProcessIncludes = null; }