public int AddEventToWatchList(Event event_to_add, AttendStatus status) { Response rsp = Util.Post ("watchlist.add", new UpcomingParam ("token", Token.TokenString), new UpcomingParam ("event_id", event_to_add.ID), new UpcomingParam ("status", status.ToString ().ToLower ()) ); return rsp.Watches[0].ID; }
public void AddTagsToEvent(Event event_to_edit, string tags) { Util.Post ("event.addTags", new UpcomingParam ("token", Token.TokenString), new UpcomingParam ("event_id", event_to_edit.ID), new UpcomingParam ("tags", tags)); }
public int AddEventToWatchList(Event event_to_add) { return this.AddEventToWatchList (event_to_add, AttendStatus.Watch); }
public void AddEventToGroup(Event event_to_add, Group group) { Util.Post ("group.addEventTo", new UpcomingParam ("token", Token.TokenString), new UpcomingParam ("event_id", event_to_add.ID), new UpcomingParam ("group_id", group.ID)); }
public void RemoveTagFromEvent(Event event_to_edit, string tag) { Util.Post ("event.removeTag", new UpcomingParam ("token", Token.TokenString), new UpcomingParam ("event_id", event_to_edit.ID), new UpcomingParam ("tag", tag)); }
public Event EditEvent(Event event_to_edit) { if (event_to_edit.UserID != Token.UserId) throw new UpcomingException ("User Id must match Owner Id to be able to edit events"); UpcomingParam[] param_array = GetEventParams (event_to_edit.Name, event_to_edit.Description, event_to_edit.VenueID, event_to_edit.CategoryID, event_to_edit.StartDate, event_to_edit.Personal, event_to_edit.SelfPromotion); Response rsp = Util.Post ("event.edit", param_array); return rsp.Events[0]; }