public UsbDevice(string address) { _fd = address, OpenFlags.O_NONBLOCK | OpenFlags.O_RDWR ); Pollfd poll = new Pollfd(); poll.fd = _fd; = PollEvents.POLLIN | PollEvents.POLLRDNORM; _poll = new [] { poll }; _stream = new UnixStream(_fd); _lock = new object(); }
private bool IsDataAvailable(int timeout, out int pollResult) { var pollData = new Pollfd { fd = master, events = PollEvents.POLLIN }; do { pollResult = Syscall.poll(new [] { pollData }, timeout); } while(!disposed && UnixMarshal.ShouldRetrySyscall(pollResult)); return pollResult > 0; }
protected override void OnOutput(BitwiseStream data) { if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled) Logger.Debug("\n\n" + Utilities.HexDump(data)); long count = data.Length; //var buffer = new byte[MaxMTU]; var buffer = new byte[CAN_MTU]; int size = data.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Pollfd[] fds = new Pollfd[1]; fds[0].fd = _socket.Handle; fds[0].events = PollEvents.POLLOUT; int expires = Environment.TickCount + Timeout; int wait = 0; for (;;) { try { wait = Math.Max(0, expires - Environment.TickCount); fds[0].revents = 0; int ret = Syscall.poll(fds, wait); if (UnixMarshal.ShouldRetrySyscall(ret)) continue; UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf(ret); if (ret == 0) throw new TimeoutException(); if (ret != 1 || (fds[0].revents & PollEvents.POLLOUT) == 0) continue; //_socket.Write(buffer, 0, size); _socket.Write(buffer, 0, CAN_MTU); if (count != size) throw new Exception(string.Format("Only sent {0} of {1} byte packet.", size, count)); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to send CAN packet to {0}. {1}", Interface, ex.Message); throw new SoftException(ex); } } }
protected override void OnInput() { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_socket != null); if (_recvBuffer == null || _recvBuffer.Capacity < _bufferSize) _recvBuffer = new MemoryStream(_bufferSize); _recvBuffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); _recvBuffer.SetLength(_recvBuffer.Capacity); byte[] buf = _recvBuffer.GetBuffer(); int offset = (int)_recvBuffer.Position; int size = (int)_recvBuffer.Length; Pollfd[] fds = new Pollfd[1]; fds[0].fd = _socket.Handle; fds[0].events = PollEvents.POLLIN; int expires = Environment.TickCount + Timeout; int wait = 0; for (;;) { try { wait = Math.Max(0, expires - Environment.TickCount); fds[0].revents = 0; int ret = Syscall.poll(fds, wait); if (UnixMarshal.ShouldRetrySyscall(ret)) continue; UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf(ret); if (ret == 0) throw new TimeoutException(); if (ret != 1 || (fds[0].revents & PollEvents.POLLIN) == 0) continue; var rxLen = _socket.Read(buf, offset, size); _recvBuffer.SetLength(rxLen); if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled) Logger.Debug("\n\n" + Utilities.HexDump(_recvBuffer)); // Got a valid packet return; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to receive CAN packet on {0}. {1}", Interface, ex.Message); throw new SoftException(ex); } } }
public static int poll (Pollfd [] fds, int timeout) { return poll (fds, (uint) fds.Length, timeout); }
public static int poll (Pollfd [] fds, uint nfds, int timeout) { if (fds.Length < nfds) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("fds", "Must refer to at least `nfds' elements"); _pollfd[] send = new _pollfd[nfds]; for (int i = 0; i < send.Length; i++) { send [i].fd = fds [i].fd; send [i].events = UnixConvert.FromPollEvents (fds [i].events); } int r = sys_poll (send, nfds, timeout); for (int i = 0; i < send.Length; i++) { fds [i].revents = UnixConvert.ToPollEvents (send [i].revents); } return r; }
public static byte[] ReadDataWithTimeout(int fd, int count, int timeout, Func<bool> shouldCancel) { int pollResult; var pollData = new Pollfd { fd = fd, events = PollEvents.POLLIN }; do { pollResult = Syscall.poll(new [] { pollData }, timeout); } while(UnixMarshal.ShouldRetrySyscall(pollResult) && !shouldCancel()); if(pollResult > 0) { return ReadData(fd, count); } else { return null; } }