예제 #1
        /// <summary>Produce _X.nrm if any document had a field with norms
        /// not disabled
        /// </summary>
        public override void  Flush(System.Collections.IDictionary threadsAndFields, SegmentWriteState state)
            System.Collections.IDictionary byField = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

            // Typically, each thread will have encountered the same
            // field.  So first we collate by field, ie, all
            // per-thread field instances that correspond to the
            // same FieldInfo
            System.Collections.IEnumerator it = new System.Collections.Hashtable(threadsAndFields).GetEnumerator();
            while (it.MoveNext())
                System.Collections.DictionaryEntry entry = (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry)it.Current;

                System.Collections.ICollection fields         = (System.Collections.ICollection)entry.Value;
                System.Collections.IEnumerator fieldsIt       = fields.GetEnumerator();
                System.Collections.ArrayList   fieldsToRemove = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                while (fieldsIt.MoveNext())
                    NormsWriterPerField perField = (NormsWriterPerField)((System.Collections.DictionaryEntry)fieldsIt.Current).Key;

                    if (perField.upto > 0)
                        // It has some norms
                        System.Collections.IList l = (System.Collections.IList)byField[perField.fieldInfo];
                        if (l == null)
                            l = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                            byField[perField.fieldInfo] = l;
                    // Remove this field since we haven't seen it
                    // since the previous flush

                System.Collections.Hashtable fieldsHT = (System.Collections.Hashtable)fields;
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldsToRemove.Count; i++)

            System.String normsFileName = state.segmentName + "." + IndexFileNames.NORMS_EXTENSION;
            state.flushedFiles[normsFileName] = normsFileName;
            IndexOutput normsOut = state.directory.CreateOutput(normsFileName);

                normsOut.WriteBytes(SegmentMerger.NORMS_HEADER, 0, SegmentMerger.NORMS_HEADER.Length);

                int numField = fieldInfos.Size();

                int normCount = 0;

                for (int fieldNumber = 0; fieldNumber < numField; fieldNumber++)
                    FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNumber);

                    System.Collections.IList toMerge = (System.Collections.IList)byField[fieldInfo];
                    int upto = 0;
                    if (toMerge != null)
                        int numFields = toMerge.Count;


                        NormsWriterPerField[] fields = new NormsWriterPerField[numFields];
                        int[] uptos = new int[numFields];

                        for (int j = 0; j < numFields; j++)
                            fields[j] = (NormsWriterPerField)toMerge[j];

                        int numLeft = numFields;

                        while (numLeft > 0)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(uptos [0] < fields [0].docIDs.Length, " uptos[0]=" + uptos [0] + " len=" + (fields [0].docIDs.Length));

                            int minLoc   = 0;
                            int minDocID = fields[0].docIDs[uptos[0]];

                            for (int j = 1; j < numLeft; j++)
                                int docID = fields[j].docIDs[uptos[j]];
                                if (docID < minDocID)
                                    minDocID = docID;
                                    minLoc   = j;

                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(minDocID < state.numDocs);

                            // Fill hole
                            for (; upto < minDocID; upto++)


                            if (uptos[minLoc] == fields[minLoc].upto)
                                if (minLoc != numLeft - 1)
                                    fields[minLoc] = fields[numLeft - 1];
                                    uptos[minLoc]  = uptos[numLeft - 1];

                        // Fill final hole with defaultNorm
                        for (; upto < state.numDocs; upto++)
                    else if (fieldInfo.isIndexed && !fieldInfo.omitNorms)
                        // Fill entire field with default norm:
                        for (; upto < state.numDocs; upto++)

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(4 + normCount * state.numDocs == normsOut.GetFilePointer(), ".nrm file size mismatch: expected=" + (4 + normCount * state.numDocs) + " actual=" + normsOut.GetFilePointer());
예제 #2
        /// <summary> </summary>
        /// <returns> The number of documents in all of the readers
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
        /// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
        private int MergeFields()
            if (!mergeDocStores)
                // When we are not merging by doc stores, that means
                // all segments were written as part of a single
                // autoCommit=false IndexWriter session, so their field
                // name -> number mapping are the same.  So, we start
                // with the fieldInfos of the last segment in this
                // case, to keep that numbering.
                SegmentReader sr = (SegmentReader)readers[readers.Count - 1];
                fieldInfos = (FieldInfos)sr.core.fieldInfos.Clone();
                fieldInfos = new FieldInfos();                 // merge field names

            for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = readers.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext();)
                IndexReader reader = (IndexReader)iter.Current;
                if (reader is SegmentReader)
                    SegmentReader segmentReader       = (SegmentReader)reader;
                    FieldInfos    readerFieldInfos    = segmentReader.FieldInfos();
                    int           numReaderFieldInfos = readerFieldInfos.Size();
                    for (int j = 0; j < numReaderFieldInfos; j++)
                        FieldInfo fi = readerFieldInfos.FieldInfo(j);
                        fieldInfos.Add(fi.name, fi.isIndexed, fi.storeTermVector, fi.storePositionWithTermVector, fi.storeOffsetWithTermVector, !reader.HasNorms(fi.name), fi.storePayloads, fi.omitTermFreqAndPositions);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_POSITION_OFFSET), true, true, true, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_POSITION), true, true, false, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_OFFSET), true, false, true, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR), true, false, false, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.OMIT_TERM_FREQ_AND_POSITIONS), false, false, false, false, true);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.STORES_PAYLOADS), false, false, false, true, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.INDEXED), false, false, false, false, false);
                    fieldInfos.Add(reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.UNINDEXED), false);
            fieldInfos.Write(directory, segment + ".fnm");

            int docCount = 0;


            if (mergeDocStores)
                // for merging we don't want to compress/uncompress the data, so to tell the FieldsReader that we're
                // in  merge mode, we use this FieldSelector
                FieldSelector fieldSelectorMerge = new AnonymousClassFieldSelector(this);

                // merge field values
                FieldsWriter fieldsWriter = new FieldsWriter(directory, segment, fieldInfos);

                    int idx = 0;
                    for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = readers.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext();)
                        IndexReader   reader = (IndexReader)iter.Current;
                        SegmentReader matchingSegmentReader = matchingSegmentReaders[idx++];
                        FieldsReader  matchingFieldsReader  = null;
                        if (matchingSegmentReader != null)
                            FieldsReader fieldsReader = matchingSegmentReader.GetFieldsReader();
                            if (fieldsReader != null && fieldsReader.CanReadRawDocs())
                                matchingFieldsReader = fieldsReader;
                        if (reader.HasDeletions())
                            docCount += CopyFieldsWithDeletions(fieldSelectorMerge, fieldsWriter, reader, matchingFieldsReader);
                            docCount += CopyFieldsNoDeletions(fieldSelectorMerge, fieldsWriter, reader, matchingFieldsReader);

                System.String fileName      = segment + "." + IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION;
                long          fdxFileLength = directory.FileLength(fileName);

                if (4 + ((long)docCount) * 8 != fdxFileLength)
                    // This is most likely a bug in Sun JRE 1.6.0_04/_05;
                    // we detect that the bug has struck, here, and
                    // throw an exception to prevent the corruption from
                    // entering the index.  See LUCENE-1282 for
                    // details.
                    throw new System.SystemException("mergeFields produced an invalid result: docCount is " + docCount + " but fdx file size is " + fdxFileLength + " file=" + fileName + " file exists?=" + directory.FileExists(fileName) + "; now aborting this merge to prevent index corruption");
            // If we are skipping the doc stores, that means there
            // are no deletions in any of these segments, so we
            // just sum numDocs() of each segment to get total docCount
                for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = readers.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext();)
                    docCount += ((IndexReader)iter.Current).NumDocs();
