예제 #1
        public static int RunTool(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out string stdout, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
            ProcessStartInfo si = PrepareInfo(info, extra_args, ctxt);

            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.launch", si.FileName + " " + si.Arguments);
            Process ps = Process.Start(si);


            stdout = "";
            stderr = "";

            // FIXME: we should be able to interweave the stderr and
            // stdout output as it comes, as opposed to one after
            // the other as we lamely do here.

            string data = ps.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim();

            if (data.Length > 0)
                ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdout", data);
                stdout += data;

            data = ps.StandardError.ReadToEnd().Trim();
            if (data.Length > 0)
                ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stderr", data);
                stderr += data;

            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.exit", ps.ExitCode.ToString());
예제 #2
        public static int SaveToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdout,
                                         IBuildContext ctxt, bool fatal, string message)
            string stderr;
            int    code = SaveToolStdout(info, extra_args, stdout, out stderr, ctxt);

            if (code != 0)
                string detail = info.ToUnixStyle(ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stderr;

                if (fatal)
                    ctxt.Logger.Error(3003, message, detail);
                    ctxt.Logger.Warning(3004, message, detail);
            else if (stderr.Length > 0)
                // FIXME: is this a good idea?
                string detail = info.ToUnixStyle(ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stderr;

                ctxt.Logger.Warning(3010, "Tool warning:", detail);

예제 #3
        public static int Start(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdin,
                                MBFile stdout, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
            MemoryStream ms            = new MemoryStream(32);
            StreamReader stdin_stream  = null;
            StreamWriter stdout_stream = null;
            StreamWriter stderr_stream = null;
            int          exit_code;

            if (stdin != null)
                stdin_stream = new StreamReader(stdin.OpenRead(ctxt));
                ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdin_from", stdin.GetPath(ctxt));

            if (stdout != null)
                stdout_stream = new StreamWriter(stdout.OpenWrite(ctxt));
                ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdout_to", stdout.GetPath(ctxt));

            stderr_stream = new StreamWriter(ms);

            exit_code = Start(info, extra_args, stdin_stream, stdout_stream,
                              stderr_stream, ctxt);

            byte[] buf = ms.ToArray();
            stderr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf).Trim();

예제 #4
        public static int Start(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdin,
                                MBFile stdout, MBFile stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
            StreamReader stdin_stream  = null;
            StreamWriter stdout_stream = null;
            StreamWriter stderr_stream = null;

            if (stdin != null)
                stdin_stream = new StreamReader(stdin.OpenRead(ctxt));
                ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdin_from", stdin.GetPath(ctxt));

            if (stdout != null)
                stdout_stream = new StreamWriter(stdout.OpenWrite(ctxt));
                ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdout_to", stdout.GetPath(ctxt));

            if (stderr != null)
                stderr_stream = new StreamWriter(stderr.OpenWrite(ctxt));
                ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stderr_to", stderr.GetPath(ctxt));

            return(Start(info, extra_args, stdin_stream, stdout_stream,
                         stderr_stream, ctxt));
예제 #5
        // Result

        protected override void CloneTo(Result r)
            BinaryInfo other = (BinaryInfo)r;

            other.ForcedArgs   = ForcedArgs;
            other.environment  = (MBDictionary)environment.Clone();
            other.Architecture = Architecture;
예제 #6
        public static string GetToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
            int    exit_code;
            string res = GetToolStdout(info, extra_args, out exit_code, out stderr, ctxt);

            if (exit_code != 0)
예제 #7
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		static ProcessStartInfo PrepareInfo (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, 
						     IBuildContext ctxt) {
			ProcessStartInfo si = info.MakeInfo (ctxt);

			if (extra_args != null)
				si.Arguments += " " + extra_args;

			// tools should not spew to console or want user input

			si.UseShellExecute = false;
			si.RedirectStandardInput = true;
			si.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
			si.RedirectStandardError = true;

			return si;
예제 #8
        public static int SaveToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdout,
                                         out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
            Stream       sout  = stdout.OpenWrite(ctxt);
            StreamWriter wout  = new StreamWriter(sout);
            MemoryStream mserr = new MemoryStream(32);
            StreamWriter err   = new StreamWriter(mserr);

            int result = Start(info, extra_args, null, wout, err, ctxt);

            byte[] buf = mserr.ToArray();
            stderr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf).Trim();

            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdout_to", stdout.GetPath(ctxt));
            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stderr", stderr);
예제 #9
        public static int Start(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, TextReader stdin,
                                IMiniStreamSink stdout, IMiniStreamSink stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
            StreamWriter stdout_stream = null;
            StreamWriter stderr_stream = null;

            if (stdout != null)
                stdout_stream = new StreamWriter(new MiniStream(stdout));

            if (stderr != null)
                stderr_stream = new StreamWriter(new MiniStream(stderr));

            return(Start(info, extra_args, stdin, stdout_stream,
                         stderr_stream, ctxt));
예제 #10
        static ProcessStartInfo PrepareInfo(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args,
                                            IBuildContext ctxt)
            ProcessStartInfo si = info.MakeInfo(ctxt);

            if (extra_args != null)
                si.Arguments += " " + extra_args;

            // tools should not spew to console or want user input

            si.UseShellExecute        = false;
            si.RedirectStandardInput  = true;
            si.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            si.RedirectStandardError  = true;

예제 #11
        public static string GetToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out int exit_code, out string stderr,
                                           IBuildContext ctxt)
            MemoryStream msout  = new MemoryStream(32);
            StreamWriter stdout = new StreamWriter(msout);
            MemoryStream mserr  = new MemoryStream(32);
            StreamWriter err    = new StreamWriter(mserr);

            exit_code = Start(info, extra_args, null, stdout, err, ctxt);

            byte[] buf    = msout.ToArray();
            string result = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf).Trim();

            buf    = mserr.ToArray();
            stderr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf).Trim();

            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdout", result);
            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stderr", stderr);
예제 #12
        public static string GetToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, bool report,
                                           IBuildContext ctxt)
            int    exit_code;
            string stderr;

            string res = GetToolStdout(info, extra_args, out exit_code, out stderr, ctxt);

            if (exit_code != 0)
                if (report)
                    string detail = info.ToUnixStyle(ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stderr;
                    ctxt.Logger.Error(3003, "Tool error:", detail);


예제 #13
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static string GetToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			int exit_code;
			string res = GetToolStdout (info, extra_args, out exit_code, out stderr, ctxt);

			if (exit_code != 0)
				return null;
			return res;
예제 #14
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int Start (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdin, 
					 MBFile stdout, MBFile stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			StreamReader stdin_stream = null;
			StreamWriter stdout_stream = null;
			StreamWriter stderr_stream = null;

			if (stdin != null) {
				stdin_stream = new StreamReader (stdin.OpenRead (ctxt));
				ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdin_from", stdin.GetPath (ctxt));

			if (stdout != null) {
				stdout_stream = new StreamWriter (stdout.OpenWrite (ctxt));
				ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdout_to", stdout.GetPath (ctxt));

			if (stderr != null) {
				stderr_stream = new StreamWriter (stderr.OpenWrite (ctxt));
				ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stderr_to", stderr.GetPath (ctxt));

			return Start (info, extra_args, stdin_stream, stdout_stream,
				      stderr_stream, ctxt);
예제 #15
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int SaveToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdout, 
						  IBuildContext ctxt, string message) 
		    return SaveToolStdout (info, extra_args, stdout, ctxt, true, message);
예제 #16
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int RunTool (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, IBuildContext ctxt, string message) {
			return RunTool (info, extra_args, ctxt, true, message);
예제 #17
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int RunTool (BinaryInfo info, out string stdout, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			return RunTool (info, null, out stdout, out stderr, ctxt);
예제 #18
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int RunTool (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out string stdout, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			ProcessStartInfo si = PrepareInfo (info, extra_args, ctxt);

			ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.launch", si.FileName + " " + si.Arguments);
			Process ps = Process.Start (si);
			ps.WaitForExit ();

			stdout = "";
			stderr = "";

			// FIXME: we should be able to interweave the stderr and
			// stdout output as it comes, as opposed to one after
			// the other as we lamely do here.

			string data = ps.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
			if (data.Length > 0) {
				ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdout", data);
				stdout += data;

			data = ps.StandardError.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
			if (data.Length > 0) {
				ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stderr", data);
				stderr += data;
			ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.exit", ps.ExitCode.ToString ());
			return ps.ExitCode;
예제 #19
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static string GetToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out int exit_code, out string stderr,
						    IBuildContext ctxt) {
			MemoryStream msout = new MemoryStream (32);
			StreamWriter stdout = new StreamWriter (msout);
			MemoryStream mserr = new MemoryStream (32);
			StreamWriter err = new StreamWriter (mserr);

			exit_code = Start (info, extra_args, null, stdout, err, ctxt);

			byte[] buf = msout.ToArray ();
			string result = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString (buf).Trim ();

			buf = mserr.ToArray ();
			stderr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString (buf).Trim ();

			ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdout", result);
			ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stderr", stderr);
			return result;
예제 #20
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int Start (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdin, 
					 MBFile stdout, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (32);
			StreamReader stdin_stream = null;
			StreamWriter stdout_stream = null;
			StreamWriter stderr_stream = null;
			int exit_code;

			if (stdin != null) {
				stdin_stream = new StreamReader (stdin.OpenRead (ctxt));
				ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdin_from", stdin.GetPath (ctxt));

			if (stdout != null) {
				stdout_stream = new StreamWriter (stdout.OpenWrite (ctxt));
				ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdout_to", stdout.GetPath (ctxt));

			stderr_stream = new StreamWriter (ms);

			exit_code = Start (info, extra_args, stdin_stream, stdout_stream,
					   stderr_stream, ctxt);

			byte[] buf = ms.ToArray ();
			stderr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString (buf).Trim ();

			return exit_code;
예제 #21
 public static string GetToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, IBuildContext ctxt)
     return(GetToolStdout(info, extra_args, true, ctxt));
예제 #22
        public static string GetToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out int exit_code, IBuildContext ctxt)
            string ignore;

            return(GetToolStdout(info, extra_args, out exit_code, out ignore, ctxt));
예제 #23
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int Start (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, TextReader stdin,
					 IMiniStreamSink stdout, IMiniStreamSink stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			StreamWriter stdout_stream = null;
			StreamWriter stderr_stream = null;

			if (stdout != null)
				stdout_stream = new StreamWriter (new MiniStream (stdout));

			if (stderr != null)
				stderr_stream = new StreamWriter (new MiniStream (stderr));

			return Start (info, extra_args, stdin, stdout_stream,
				      stderr_stream, ctxt);
예제 #24
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static string GetToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, IBuildContext ctxt) {
		    return GetToolStdout (info, extra_args, true, ctxt);
예제 #25
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static string GetToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, out int exit_code, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			string ignore;

			return GetToolStdout (info, extra_args, out exit_code, out ignore, ctxt);
예제 #26
			public EnvironmentEnumerable (BinaryInfo info) {
				this.info = info;
예제 #27
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static string GetToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, bool report, 
						    IBuildContext ctxt) {
		    int exit_code;
		    string stderr;

		    string res = GetToolStdout (info, extra_args, out exit_code, out stderr, ctxt);

		    if (exit_code != 0) {
			if (report) {
			    string detail = info.ToUnixStyle (ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stderr;
			    ctxt.Logger.Error (3003, "Tool error:", detail);

			return null;

		    return res;
예제 #28
 public static int RunTool(BinaryInfo info, out string stdout, out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
     return(RunTool(info, null, out stdout, out stderr, ctxt));
예제 #29
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int SaveToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdout, 
						  out string stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) 
		    Stream sout = stdout.OpenWrite (ctxt);
		    StreamWriter wout = new StreamWriter (sout);
		    MemoryStream mserr = new MemoryStream (32);
		    StreamWriter err = new StreamWriter (mserr);

		    int result = Start (info, extra_args, null, wout, err, ctxt);

		    byte[] buf = mserr.ToArray ();
		    stderr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString (buf).Trim ();

		    ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdout_to", stdout.GetPath (ctxt));
		    ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stderr", stderr);
		    return result;
예제 #30
 public static int RunTool(BinaryInfo info, IBuildContext ctxt, bool fatal, string message)
     return(RunTool(info, null, ctxt, fatal, message));
예제 #31
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int RunTool (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, IBuildContext ctxt,
					   bool fatal, string message) {
			string stdout, stderr;
			int result = RunTool (info, extra_args, out stdout, out stderr, ctxt);

			if (result != 0) {
				string detail = info.ToUnixStyle (ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stdout + "\n" + stderr;

				if (fatal)
					ctxt.Logger.Error (3003, message, detail);
					ctxt.Logger.Warning (3004, message, detail);
			} else if (stderr.Length > 0) {
				// FIXME: is this a good idea?
				string detail = info.ToUnixStyle (ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stderr;

				ctxt.Logger.Warning (3010, "Tool warning:", detail);

			return result;
예제 #32
 public static int RunTool(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, IBuildContext ctxt, string message)
     return(RunTool(info, extra_args, ctxt, true, message));
예제 #33
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int RunTool (BinaryInfo info, IBuildContext ctxt, string message) {
			return RunTool (info, null, ctxt, true, message);
예제 #34
 public static int SaveToolStdout(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdout,
                                  IBuildContext ctxt, string message)
     return(SaveToolStdout(info, extra_args, stdout, ctxt, true, message));
예제 #35
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int SaveToolStdout (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, MBFile stdout, 
						  IBuildContext ctxt, bool fatal, string message) 
		    string stderr;
		    int code = SaveToolStdout (info, extra_args, stdout, out stderr, ctxt);

		    if (code != 0) {
			string detail = info.ToUnixStyle (ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stderr;

			if (fatal)
			    ctxt.Logger.Error (3003, message, detail);
			    ctxt.Logger.Warning (3004, message, detail);
		    } else if (stderr.Length > 0) {
			// FIXME: is this a good idea?
			string detail = info.ToUnixStyle (ctxt) + " " + extra_args + ":\n" + stderr;

			ctxt.Logger.Warning (3010, "Tool warning:", detail);

		    return code;
예제 #36
        public static int Start(BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, TextReader stdin,
                                TextWriter stdout, TextWriter stderr, IBuildContext ctxt)
            ProcessStartInfo si = PrepareInfo(info, extra_args, ctxt);

            string command = si.FileName + " " + si.Arguments;

            if (command.Length > 511)
                ctxt.Logger.Warning(3002, "Command line is too long for Windows shell", command);

            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.launch", command);
            Process ps = Process.Start(si);

            bool capture_stdout = (stdout == null);
            bool capture_stderr = (stderr == null);

            // Transfer data from our TextReader/Writers to the process
            // FIXME: Do we really have to spawn new threads? That totally bites!
            // (Before I had a loop that would read/write from std{in,out,err}, but I
            // would get locks as mbuild would want to write to one pipe while
            // the child (jay) wanted to write to another. Sigh.

            OutputReader stdout_reader = null;
            OutputReader stderr_reader = null;

            if (stdout != null)
                stdout_reader = OutputReader.Launch(ps.StandardOutput, stdout);
            if (stderr != null)
                stderr_reader = OutputReader.Launch(ps.StandardError, stderr);

            if (stdin == null)
                char[] buf = new char[512];
                int    read;

                    //Console.WriteLine ("* before stdin read");
                    read = stdin.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
                    //Console.WriteLine ("* transferring {0} chars to process stdin", read);

                    //System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
                    //sb.Append (buf, 0, read);
                    //Console.WriteLine ("[{0}]", sb.ToString ());

                    if (read > 0)
                        //Console.WriteLine ("* before stdin write");
                        ps.StandardInput.Write(buf, 0, read);
                        //Console.WriteLine ("* after stdin write");
                        stdin = null;
                } while (read > 0);


            if (stdout_reader != null)
            if (stderr_reader != null)

            // Cleanup -- if not dumping stdout and stderr to a file,
            // then log them

            string data;

            if (capture_stdout)
                data = ps.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim();
                if (data.Length > 0)
                    ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stdout", data);

            if (capture_stderr)
                data = ps.StandardError.ReadToEnd().Trim();
                if (data.Length > 0)
                    ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.stderr", data);

            ctxt.Logger.Log("launcher.exit", ps.ExitCode.ToString());
예제 #37
파일: Launcher.cs 프로젝트: emtees/old-code
		public static int Start (BinaryInfo info, string extra_args, TextReader stdin, 
					 TextWriter stdout, TextWriter stderr, IBuildContext ctxt) {
			ProcessStartInfo si = PrepareInfo (info, extra_args, ctxt);

			string command = si.FileName + " " + si.Arguments;
			if (command.Length > 511)
				ctxt.Logger.Warning (3002, "Command line is too long for Windows shell", command);

			ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.launch", command);
			Process ps = Process.Start (si);

			bool capture_stdout = (stdout == null);
			bool capture_stderr = (stderr == null);

			// Transfer data from our TextReader/Writers to the process
			// FIXME: Do we really have to spawn new threads? That totally bites!
			// (Before I had a loop that would read/write from std{in,out,err}, but I
			// would get locks as mbuild would want to write to one pipe while
			// the child (jay) wanted to write to another. Sigh.

			OutputReader stdout_reader = null;
			OutputReader stderr_reader = null;

			if (stdout != null)
				stdout_reader = OutputReader.Launch (ps.StandardOutput, stdout);
			if (stderr != null)
				stderr_reader = OutputReader.Launch (ps.StandardError, stderr);

			if (stdin == null)
				ps.StandardInput.Close ();
			else {
				char[] buf = new char[512];
				int read;

				do {
					//Console.WriteLine ("* before stdin read");
					read = stdin.Read (buf, 0, buf.Length);
					//Console.WriteLine ("* transferring {0} chars to process stdin", read);

					//System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
					//sb.Append (buf, 0, read);
					//Console.WriteLine ("[{0}]", sb.ToString ());

					if (read > 0) {
						//Console.WriteLine ("* before stdin write");
						ps.StandardInput.Write (buf, 0, read);
						//Console.WriteLine ("* after stdin write");
					} else {
						ps.StandardInput.Close ();
						stdin = null;
				} while (read > 0);

			ps.WaitForExit ();

			if (stdout_reader != null)
				stdout_reader.Join ();
			if (stderr_reader != null)
				stderr_reader.Join ();

			// Cleanup -- if not dumping stdout and stderr to a file,
			// then log them

			string data;

			if (capture_stdout) {
				data = ps.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
				if (data.Length > 0)
					ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stdout", data);

			if (capture_stderr) {
				data = ps.StandardError.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
				if (data.Length > 0)
					ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.stderr", data);

			ctxt.Logger.Log ("launcher.exit", ps.ExitCode.ToString ());
			return ps.ExitCode;
예제 #38
 public EnvironmentEnumerable(BinaryInfo info)
     this.info = info;