public ReportBuildStateResponse ReportBuildState (WebServiceLogin login, DBWork work) { ReportBuildStateResponse response = new ReportBuildStateResponse (); using (DB db = new DB ()) { VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.BuildBot, true); Logger.Log (2, "ReportBuildState, state: {0}, start time: {1}, end time: {2}", work.State, work.starttime, work.endtime); if (work.starttime > new DateTime (2000, 1, 1) && work.endtime < work.starttime) { // the issue here is that the server interprets the datetime as local time, while it's always as utc. try { using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT starttime FROM Work WHERE id = " +; work.starttime = (DateTime) cmd.ExecuteScalar (); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log ("ReportBuildState: Exception while fixing timezone data: {0}", ex.Message); } } work.Save (db); work.Reload (db); response.Work = work; DBRevisionWork rw = DBRevisionWork_Extensions.Create (db, work.revisionwork_id); bool was_completed = rw.completed; rw.UpdateState (db); if (!was_completed && rw.completed) { rw.endtime = DBRecord.DatabaseNow; rw.Save (db); } response.RevisionWorkCompleted = rw.completed; using (var cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Lane SET changed_date = @date WHERE id = @id;"; DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "date", DateTime.UtcNow); DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "id", rw.lane_id); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); } Notifications.Notify (work, rw); // Check if any other lane depends on this one if (response.RevisionWorkCompleted) { using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT id FROM LaneDependency WHERE dependent_lane_id = @lane_id LIMIT 1;"; DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", rw.lane_id); object value = cmd.ExecuteScalar (); if (value != null && value.GetType () == typeof (int)) { // If so, run the scheduler MonkeyWrench.Scheduler.Scheduler.ExecuteSchedulerAsync (false); } } } return response; } }
public ReportBuildStateResponse ReportBuildState (WebServiceLogin login, DBWork work) { ReportBuildStateResponse response = new ReportBuildStateResponse (); using (DB db = new DB ()) using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction ()) { VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.BuildBot, true); log.DebugFormat ("ReportBuildState, state: {0}, start time: {1}, end time: {2}", work.State, work.starttime, work.endtime); if (work.starttime > new DateTime (2000, 1, 1) && work.endtime < work.starttime) { // the issue here is that the server interprets the datetime as local time, while it's always as utc. try { using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT starttime FROM Work WHERE id = " +; var value = cmd.ExecuteScalar (); if (value is DateTime) work.starttime = (DateTime) value; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat ("ReportBuildState: Exception while fixing timezone data: {0}", ex); } } work.Save (db); work.Reload (db); response.Work = work; DBRevisionWork rw = DBRevisionWork_Extensions.Create (db, work.revisionwork_id); bool was_completed = rw.completed; rw.UpdateState (db); if (rw.startedtime == null) { rw.startedtime = work.starttime; rw.Save (db); } if (!was_completed && rw.completed) { rw.endtime = DBRecord.DatabaseNow; rw.Save (db); } Notifications.Notify (work, rw); if (!was_completed && rw.completed) { var notifyInfo = new GenericNotificationInfo (); notifyInfo.laneID = rw.lane_id; notifyInfo.hostID = rw.host_id; notifyInfo.revisionID = rw.revision_id; notifyInfo.message = "Completed"; notifyInfo.state = rw.State; Notifications.NotifyGeneric (notifyInfo); } response.RevisionWorkCompleted = rw.completed; using (var cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Lane SET changed_date = @date WHERE id = @id;"; DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "date", DateTime.UtcNow); DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "id", rw.lane_id); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); } // Check if any other lane depends on this one if (response.RevisionWorkCompleted) { using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT 1 FROM LaneDependency WHERE dependent_lane_id = @lane_id LIMIT 1;"; DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", rw.lane_id); object value = cmd.ExecuteScalar (); if (value is int) { // If so, run the scheduler MonkeyWrench.Scheduler.Scheduler.ExecuteSchedulerAsync (false); } } } transaction.Commit (); return response; } }
public ReportBuildStateResponse ReportBuildState (WebServiceLogin login, DBWork work) { ReportBuildStateResponse response = new ReportBuildStateResponse (); using (DB db = new DB ()) { VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.BuildBot, true); Logger.Log (2, "ReportBuildState, state: {0}, start time: {1}, end time: {2}", work.State, work.starttime, work.endtime); if (work.starttime > new DateTime (2000, 1, 1) && work.endtime < work.starttime) { // the issue here is that the server interprets the datetime as local time, while it's always as utc. try { using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT starttime FROM Work WHERE id = " +; work.starttime = (DateTime) cmd.ExecuteScalar (); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log ("ReportBuildState: Exception while fixing timezone data: {0}", ex.Message); } } work.Save (db); work.Reload (db); response.Work = work; DBRevisionWork rw = DBRevisionWork_Extensions.Create (db, work.revisionwork_id); bool was_completed = rw.completed; rw.UpdateState (db); if (!was_completed && rw.completed) { rw.endtime = DBRecord.DatabaseNow; rw.Save (db); } response.RevisionWorkCompleted = rw.completed; MonkeyWrench.Web.WebService.Notifications.Notify (work, rw); return response; } }