public void CaptureTransactionsForLastFullDay(GameMonitoringConfig game) { DateTime end = DateTime.Now.Date; DateTime start = end.AddDays(-1); List<PlayversePurchaseAggregation> purchaseDays = GetPurchaseTransactions(game.Id, start, end); RecordPurchaseTransactionAggregation(purchaseDays); }
public void CheckActiveUserDelta(GameMonitoringConfig game) { //MoniverseNotification notification = UserNotification.ActiveUserDeltaThreshold(game); MoniverseNotification notification = UserNotification.ActiveUserDeltaThreshold(game); List<INotifier> NotifierList; if (!UserNotification.RunningNotifications.TryGetValue(game.ShortTitle, out NotifierList)) { NotifierList = new List<INotifier>(); UserNotification.RunningNotifications.TryAdd(game.ShortTitle, NotifierList); } if (notification.ShouldSend) { if (UserNotification.RunningNotifications.TryGetValue(game.ShortTitle, out NotifierList)) { if (NotifierList.Exists(x => { Notifier notifier = (Notifier)x; return notifier.NotificationId == notification.Id; })) { return; } else { INotifier OnlineUserCount = new Notifier(game.Id, MessageTopic.Users, notification); NotifierList.Add(OnlineUserCount); int counter = 0; int interval = 1000 * 60 * 5; int notifyCount = 3; OnlineUserCount.SendTick(() => { MoniverseNotification ThresholdCheck = UserNotification.CheckOnlineUserCount(game, notifyCount - counter - 1, interval); OnlineUserCount.setNotification(ThresholdCheck); if (counter >= notifyCount) ThresholdCheck.ShouldSend = false; if (!ThresholdCheck.ShouldSend) { UserNotification.RunningNotifications.TryGetValue(game.ShortTitle, out NotifierList); NotifierList.Remove(OnlineUserCount); } counter++; return ThresholdCheck.ShouldSend; }, interval); } } } }
public List<PlayversePurchaseAggregation> getTransactionsForGameFromRange(GameMonitoringConfig Game, DateTime start, DateTime end) { //GameShortTitle = GameShortTitle.ToUpper(); //GameMonitoringConfig game = Games.Instance.GetMonitoredGames().Where(x => x.ShortTitle == GameShortTitle).FirstOrDefault(); //if (game == null) { // throw new Exception("No Game by that name"); //} return GetPurchaseTransactions(Game.Id, start, end); }
public List<PVTableRow> GetAverageSessionLengthTable(TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, GameMonitoringConfig game) { #region Validation if (!interval.IsSupportedInterval(TimeInterval.Minute, TimeInterval.Year)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Chart data only supports an interval between {0} and {1}", TimeInterval.Day, TimeInterval.Year)); } if (startDate == DateTime.MinValue || endDate == DateTime.MinValue || (startDate >= endDate)) { throw new Exception("StartDate and EndDate cannot be null, and StartDate must come before EndDate"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Id)) { throw new Exception("GameID cannot be empty or null"); } #endregion List<PVTableRow> dataTableData = new List<PVTableRow>(); DataTable queryResults = new DataTable(); startDate = startDate.RoundDown(interval); endDate = endDate.RoundDown(interval); string query = String.Format( @"select DATE(RecordCreated) as RecordTimeStamp, SessionTypeFriendly as SeriesName, round(avg(minute(timediff(RecordLastUpdateTime, RecordCreated)))) as AverageSessionLength from {0} WHERE GameId = '{1}' AND DATE(RecordCreated) BETWEEN '{2}' and '{3}' AND minute(timediff(RecordLastUpdateTime, RecordCreated)) > 1 group by DATE(RecordCreated), SessionTypeFriendly order by RecordCreated asc;", "GameSessionMeta", game.Id, startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); try { queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); dataTableData = Charts.Instance.ProcessedSessionLengthData(queryResults, interval, startDate, endDate, "RecordTimestamp"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return dataTableData; }
public void CaptureLatest(GameMonitoringConfig game) { List<PlayversePurchaseAggregation> purchaseDays = GetLatestTransactions(game.Id); RecordLatestTransactions(purchaseDays); }
public static MoniverseNotification ActiveUserDeltaThreshold(GameMonitoringConfig game) { MoniverseNotification notification = new MoniverseNotification() { Id = "UserDelta", ShouldSend = false }; string subject = "{0} Users Online Dropped {1}"; string message = "[{0} Alert {1}] | Game: {2} - Number of Users Online Dropped by {3} over past {4} minutes which is over the threshold of {5}"; Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("Check User Delta for {0}", game.Id)); // Get last three user count snapshots string query = String.Format( @"SELECT RecordTimestamp, SUM(GameSessionUsers) AS GameSessionUsers FROM ( SELECT DATE_SUB(RecordTimestamp, INTERVAL (IFNULL(HOUR(RecordTimestamp) % FLOOR(3 / 60), 0) * 60 * 60) + ((MINUTE(RecordTimestamp) % 3) * 60) + SECOND(RecordTimestamp) SECOND) AS RecordTimestamp, ROUND(AVG(GameSessionUsers)) AS GameSessionUsers, RegionName FROM GameUserActivity WHERE GameId = '{0}' AND DATE_SUB(RecordTimestamp, INTERVAL (IFNULL(HOUR(RecordTimestamp) % FLOOR(3 / 60), 0) * 60 * 60) + ((MINUTE(RecordTimestamp) % 3) * 60) + SECOND(RecordTimestamp) SECOND) > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE GROUP BY DATE_SUB(RecordTimestamp, INTERVAL (IFNULL(HOUR(RecordTimestamp) % FLOOR(3 / 60), 0) * 60 * 60) + ((MINUTE(RecordTimestamp) % 3) * 60) + SECOND(RecordTimestamp) SECOND), RegionName ) USERS GROUP BY RecordTimestamp ORDER BY RecordTimestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 3;", game.Id); DataTable queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (!queryResults.HasRows() || queryResults.Rows.Count != 3) { if (game.IsNotificationSettingEnabled(NotificationLevel.PVSupport)) { new Notifier(Games.EMPTYGAMEID, MessageTopic.Error, new MoniverseNotification() { Id = "DBERROR", Message = "Not Enough User Rows returned in Online User Check", Subject = "Online User Check Failed" }).SendOnce(); Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("Not Enough User Rows Returned", game.Id)); } } int currentUsers = (int)queryResults.Rows[0].Field<decimal>("GameSessionUsers"); int users_3MinsAgo = (int)queryResults.Rows[1].Field<decimal>("GameSessionUsers"); int users_6MinsAgo = (int)queryResults.Rows[2].Field<decimal>("GameSessionUsers"); string recordTimestamp = queryResults.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp").ToString(); // Check notification thresholds and send notification of delta warning or error is necessary float sixMinDropPercent = 1.0f - ((float)currentUsers / (float)users_6MinsAgo); float threeMinDropPercent = 1.0f - ((float)currentUsers / (float)users_3MinsAgo); string sixMinuteDropF = Math.Abs((decimal)(sixMinDropPercent * 100)).ToString("#.##\\%"); // if (sixMinDropPercent > game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min) { notification.ShouldSend = true; notification.Message = String.Format(message, NotificationLevel.Error.ToString(), recordTimestamp, game.Title, sixMinuteDropF, 6, game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min); notification.Subject = String.Format(subject, game.ShortTitle, sixMinuteDropF); } else if (threeMinDropPercent > game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min) { notification.ShouldSend = true; notification.Message = String.Format(message, NotificationLevel.Error.ToString(), recordTimestamp, game.Title, sixMinuteDropF, 6, game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min); notification.Subject = String.Format(subject, game.ShortTitle, sixMinuteDropF); } else if (threeMinDropPercent > game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_3Min) { notification.ShouldSend = true; notification.Message = String.Format(message, NotificationLevel.Error.ToString(), recordTimestamp, game.Title, sixMinuteDropF, 6, game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min); notification.Subject = String.Format(subject, game.ShortTitle, sixMinuteDropF); } return notification; }
public void CaptureGameCreditTransactions(GameMonitoringConfig game) { List<PlayverseGameCreditTransaction> data = GetGameCreditTransactions(game.Id); RecordGameCreditTransactions(data); }
public void RecordActiveUsers(GameMonitoringConfig game) { try { if (game == null) { throw new Exception("GameInfo cannot be null or empty"); } // Init the session type specific collections string[] sessionTypes = game.ActiveUserSessionTypes.ToArray(); string[] sessionTypeNames = new string[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i < sessionTypes.Count()) { sessionTypeNames[i] = sessionTypes[i]; } else { sessionTypeNames[i] = String.Empty; } } // Grab regional counts DataTable queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.General, GetSessionTypeUserCountByRegionQueryStr(game.Id, sessionTypes.ToList())); if (queryResults.HasRows()) { List<RegionSessionTypeCounts> gameSessionUserResults = new List<RegionSessionTypeCounts>(); foreach (DataRow row in queryResults.Rows) { gameSessionUserResults.Add(new RegionSessionTypeCounts() { RegionName = row.Field<string>("RegionName"), SessionType = row.Field<string>("SessionType"), Count = (int)row.Field<long>("Count") }); } // Grab global playverse game counts int eventListeners = DBManager.Instance.QueryForCount(Datastore.General, GetEventListenersCountQueryStr(game.Id)); int titleScreenUsers = eventListeners - gameSessionUserResults.Sum(x => x.Count); int otherSessionTypeUsers = 0; DateTime timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; // Grab the region counts and insert the region specific metric foreach (IGrouping<string, RegionSessionTypeCounts> region in gameSessionUserResults.GroupBy(x => x.RegionName)) { int gameSessionUsers = region.Sum(x => x.Count); int[] sessionTypeUserCounts = new int[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (sessionTypeNames[i] != String.Empty) { RegionSessionTypeCounts regionSessionType = region.Where(x => x.SessionType == sessionTypeNames[i]).FirstOrDefault(); if (regionSessionType != null) { sessionTypeUserCounts[i] = regionSessionType.Count; } } } // Grab the other session type region count RegionSessionTypeCounts otherRegionSessionType = region.Where(x => x.SessionType == "Other").FirstOrDefault(); if (otherRegionSessionType != null) { otherSessionTypeUsers = otherRegionSessionType.Count; } // Store new game user activity record string insertQuery = String.Format( @"INSERT INTO GameUserActivity (GameId, RegionName, RecordTimestamp, GameSessionUsers, EventListeners, TitleScreenUsers, SessionTypeName_0, SessionTypeUsers_0, SessionTypeName_1, SessionTypeUsers_1, SessionTypeName_2, SessionTypeUsers_2, SessionTypeName_3, SessionTypeUsers_3, SessionTypeName_4, SessionTypeUsers_4, SessionTypeName_5, SessionTypeUsers_5, SessionTypeName_6, SessionTypeUsers_6, SessionTypeName_7, SessionTypeUsers_7, SessionTypeUsers_Other) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},'{6}',{7},'{8}',{9},'{10}',{11},'{12}',{13},'{14}',{15},'{16}',{17},'{18}',{19},'{20}',{21}, {22})", game.Id, region.Key, //truncated seconds timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), gameSessionUsers, eventListeners, titleScreenUsers, sessionTypeNames[0], sessionTypeUserCounts[0], sessionTypeNames[1], sessionTypeUserCounts[1], sessionTypeNames[2], sessionTypeUserCounts[2], sessionTypeNames[3], sessionTypeUserCounts[3], sessionTypeNames[4], sessionTypeUserCounts[4], sessionTypeNames[5], sessionTypeUserCounts[5], sessionTypeNames[6], sessionTypeUserCounts[6], sessionTypeNames[7], sessionTypeUserCounts[7], otherSessionTypeUsers); try { MoniverseResponse response = new MoniverseResponse() { Status = "unsent", TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Beginning Insert of Active Users"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); } Users.Service(Service => { response = Service.Insert(new MoniverseRequest() { TaskName = "Insert RecordActiveUsers", Task = insertQuery, TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }); }); //int result = DBManager.Instance.Insert(Datastore.Monitoring, insertQuery); lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Active User Success"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); Logger.Instance.Info("Done inserting Retention Row Data."); Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("success!! {0}", response.Status)); Logger.Instance.Info(""); Console.ResetColor(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Logger.Instance.Info(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(String.Format("Game: {0} - {1} | Message: {2}", game.Id, game.Title, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); } }
public List<PVTimeSeries<double>> GetDollarCostAveragePerDAU(GameMonitoringConfig gameMonitoringConfig, AWSRegion awsRegion, DateTime start, DateTime end) { int daysDifference = (end.Date - start.Date).Days + 1; DateTime minDate = start.Date; var summary = (new AWSModel()).FetchNetflixIceData(start, end); var retention = this.GetDailyActiveUsersByGame(gameMonitoringConfig, TimeInterval.Day, AWSRegion.All, start, end); List<PVTimeSeries<double>> allSeries = new List<PVTimeSeries<double>>(); var pvDAU = new PVTimeSeries<double>() { data = new List<double>(), name = "Daily Active Users", pointInterval = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, pointStart = minDate.ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000, type = "column" }; for (int i = 0; i < daysDifference; i++) { int dailyActiveUsers = retention[0].data[i];; } allSeries.Add(pvDAU); var pvTimeSeries = new PVTimeSeries<double>() { data = new List<double>(), name = "Dollar Cost per DAU", pointInterval = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, pointStart = minDate.ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000, type = "line", yAxis = 1 }; for (int i = 0; i < daysDifference; i++) { double cost =[i]; int dailyActiveUsers = retention[0].data[i]; double dollarCostPerDAU = dailyActiveUsers == 0 ? 0 : cost / dailyActiveUsers;; } allSeries.Add(pvTimeSeries); return allSeries; }
public FlowDataView GetCoinFlowByCat(GameMonitoringConfig game, AWSRegion region, DateTime start, DateTime end) { FlowDataView chart = new FlowDataView() { Inflows = GetFlowDataByCategory(game.Id, TransactionType.AddCredits, start, end), Outflows = GetFlowDataByCategory(game.Id, TransactionType.Purchase, start, end), StartDate = start.ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000 }; return chart; }
public List<Dictionary<string, object>> ReturnerDataTable(GameMonitoringConfig game, TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { List<PVTimeSeries> SeriesList = new List<PVTimeSeries>(); string query = String.Format(@"SELECT `Retention`.`Date`, `Retention`.`WAU`, `Retention`.`NewUserCohort`, `Retention`.`ContinuingUsersCohort`, `Retention`.`ReactivatedUsersCohort`, `Retention`.`NUR`, `Retention`.`CUR`, `Retention`.`RUR`, `Retention`.`NURR`, `Retention`.`CURR`, `Retention`.`RURR` FROM `Moniverse`.`Retention` order by Date desc;", startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); DataTable dt = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); return JSONFriendifyDataTable(dt); }
public List<PVTimeSeries> GetUsersByRegion(TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, GameMonitoringConfig game) { #region Validation //if (!interval.IsSupportedInterval(TimeInterval.Minute, TimeInterval.Year)) //{ // throw new Exception(String.Format("Chart data only supports an interval between {0} and {1}", TimeInterval.Day, TimeInterval.Year)); //} //if (startDate == DateTime.MinValue || endDate == DateTime.MinValue || (startDate >= endDate)) //{ // throw new Exception("StartDate and EndDate cannot be null, and StartDate must come before EndDate"); //} //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Id)) //{ // throw new Exception("GameID cannot be empty or null"); //} #endregion List<PVTimeSeries> timeSeriesData = new List<PVTimeSeries>(); // Init dates startDate = startDate.RoundDown(interval).ToUniversalTime(); endDate = endDate.RoundDown(interval).ToUniversalTime(); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT RecordTimestamp, RegionName, GameSessionUsers FROM {0} WHERE GameId = '{1}' AND RecordTimestamp BETWEEN '{2}' AND '{3}' ORDER BY RecordTimestamp, RegionName ASC;", String.Format("GameUserActivity{0}", interval.ToDbTableString()), game.Id, startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); try { // Get time series data DataTable queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); foreach (DataRow row in queryResults.Rows) { PVTimeSeries series = timeSeriesData.FirstOrDefault(x => == row["RegionName"].ToString()); if (series == default(PVTimeSeries)) { series = new PVTimeSeries { name = row["RegionName"].ToString(), data = new List<int>(), pointStart = queryResults.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp").ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000, //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds pointInterval = (int)interval * 60 * 1000, type = "area" }; int zerosCount = ((int)(endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / (int)interval) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < zerosCount; i++) {; } timeSeriesData.Add(series); } DateTime timeStamp = row.Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp"); int index = (int)(timeStamp - startDate).TotalMinutes / (int)interval;[index] = Convert.ToInt32(row["GameSessionUsers"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return timeSeriesData; }
public TimeSeriesDataNew GetConcurrentUsersSessionType(TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, GameMonitoringConfig game) { #region Validation if (!interval.IsSupportedInterval(TimeInterval.Minute, TimeInterval.Year)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Chart data only supports an interval between {0} and {1}", TimeInterval.Day, TimeInterval.Year)); } //if (region != 0) { // throw new Exception("write check for valid region"); //} if (startDate == DateTime.MinValue || endDate == DateTime.MinValue || (startDate >= endDate)) { throw new Exception("StartDate and EndDate cannot be null, and StartDate must come before EndDate"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Id)) { throw new Exception("GameID cannot be empty or null"); } #endregion TimeSeriesDataNew timeSeriesData = new TimeSeriesDataNew(); DataTable queryResults = new DataTable(); startDate = startDate.RoundDown(interval); endDate = endDate.RoundDown(interval); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT RecordTimestamp, SessionTypeName_0, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_0) AS SessionTypeUsers_0, SessionTypeName_1, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_1) AS SessionTypeUsers_1, SessionTypeName_2, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_2) AS SessionTypeUsers_2, SessionTypeName_3, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_3) AS SessionTypeUsers_3, SessionTypeName_4, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_4) AS SessionTypeUsers_4, SessionTypeName_5, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_5) AS SessionTypeUsers_5, SessionTypeName_6, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_6) AS SessionTypeUsers_6, SessionTypeName_7, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_7) AS SessionTypeUsers_7, Other, SUM(SessionTypeUsers_Other) AS SessionTypeUsers_Other FROM ( SELECT RecordTimestamp, RegionName, SessionTypeName_0, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_0)) AS SessionTypeUsers_0, SessionTypeName_1, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_1)) AS SessionTypeUsers_1, SessionTypeName_2, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_2)) AS SessionTypeUsers_2, SessionTypeName_3, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_3)) AS SessionTypeUsers_3, SessionTypeName_4, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_4)) AS SessionTypeUsers_4, SessionTypeName_5, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_5)) AS SessionTypeUsers_5, SessionTypeName_6, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_6)) AS SessionTypeUsers_6, SessionTypeName_7, ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_7)) AS SessionTypeUsers_7, 'Other', ROUND(AVG(SessionTypeUsers_Other)) AS SessionTypeUsers_Other FROM {0} WHERE GameId = '{1}' AND RecordTimestamp BETWEEN '{2}' AND '{3}' AND RegionName like '{4}' GROUP BY RecordTimestamp, RegionName, SessionTypeName_0, SessionTypeName_1, SessionTypeName_2, SessionTypeName_3, SessionTypeName_4, SessionTypeName_5, SessionTypeName_6, SessionTypeName_7, 'Other' ) AGGSESSIONS GROUP BY RecordTimestamp, SessionTypeName_0, SessionTypeName_1, SessionTypeName_2, SessionTypeName_3, SessionTypeName_4, SessionTypeName_5, SessionTypeName_6, SessionTypeName_7, Other ORDER BY RecordTimestamp ASC;", String.Format("GameUserActivity{0}", interval.ToDbTableString()), game.Id, startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), region.GetDatabaseString()); try { // Get time series data queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); timeSeriesData = Charts.Instance.GetTimeSeriesNewData(queryResults, interval, startDate, endDate, "RecordTimestamp"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return timeSeriesData; }
public int GetPartiesCount(GameMonitoringConfig game) { int result = 0; string query = String.Format( @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Party WHERE GameId = '{0}';", game.Id); try { result = DBManager.Instance.QueryForCount(Datastore.General, query); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return result; }
public List<PVTableRow> GetAverageSessionLengthTable(TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, GameMonitoringConfig game) { #region Validation if (!interval.IsSupportedInterval(TimeInterval.Minute, TimeInterval.Year)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Chart data only supports an interval between {0} and {1}", TimeInterval.Day, TimeInterval.Year)); } if (startDate == DateTime.MinValue || endDate == DateTime.MinValue || (startDate >= endDate)) { throw new Exception("StartDate and EndDate cannot be null, and StartDate must come before EndDate"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Id)) { throw new Exception("GameID cannot be empty or null"); } #endregion List<PVTableRow> dataTableData = new List<PVTableRow>(); DataTable queryResults = new DataTable(); startDate = startDate.RoundDown(interval); endDate = endDate.RoundDown(interval); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT RecordTimestamp, SessionTypeName_0, AverageSessionTypeLength_0, SessionTypeName_1, AverageSessionTypeLength_1, SessionTypeName_2, AverageSessionTypeLength_2, SessionTypeName_3, AverageSessionTypeLength_3, SessionTypeName_4, AverageSessionTypeLength_4, SessionTypeName_5, AverageSessionTypeLength_5, SessionTypeName_6, AverageSessionTypeLength_6, SessionTypeName_7, AverageSessionTypeLength_7 FROM GameAverageSessionLength WHERE GameId = '{1}' GROUP BY RecordTimestamp, SessionTypeName_0, SessionTypeName_1, SessionTypeName_2, SessionTypeName_3, SessionTypeName_4, SessionTypeName_5, SessionTypeName_6, SessionTypeName_7 ORDER BY RecordTimestamp DESC;", "GameAverageSessionLength", game.Id); try { queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); dataTableData = Charts.Instance.ProcessedDataTable(queryResults, interval, startDate, endDate, "RecordTimestamp"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return dataTableData; }
public GeoJsonData GetLoginDenistyMap(TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, GameMonitoringConfig game) { GeoJsonData returnValue = new GeoJsonData() { type = "FeatureCollection", features = new List<GeoJsonFeature>() }; string query = string.Format(@"select Country, Region, City, Latitude, Longitude, DATE_SUB(LoginTimestamp, INTERVAL (IFNULL(HOUR(LoginTimestamp) % FLOOR(60 / 60), 0) * 60 * 60) + ((MINUTE(LoginTimestamp) % 60) * 60) + SECOND(LoginTimestamp) SECOND) AS Date, COUNT(UserId) as c from UserSessionMeta where DATE(LoginTimestamp) > '2015-07-12' AND LoginTimestamp BETWEEN '{0}' and '{1}' AND Latitude IS NOT NULL AND Longitude IS NOT NULL group by Date, Latitude, Longitude order by c desc, LoginTimestamp desc;", startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); DataTable dt = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); foreach (DataRow data in dt.Rows) { List<float> floatList = new List<float>(); //cooridinates floatList.Add((data["Longitude"].ToString() == null || data["Longitude"].ToString() == "") ? 0 : float.Parse(data["Longitude"].ToString())); floatList.Add((data["Latitude"].ToString() == null || data["Latitude"].ToString() == "") ? 0 : float.Parse(data["Latitude"].ToString())); //description string desc = string.Format(@" {0}, {1}, {2} - {3}", (data["City"].ToString() == null || data["City"].ToString() == "") ? "" : data["City"].ToString(), (data["Region"].ToString() == null || data["Region"].ToString() == "") ? "" : data["Region"].ToString(), (data["Country"].ToString() == null || data["Country"].ToString() == "") ? "" : data["Country"].ToString(), (data["c"].ToString() == null || data["c"].ToString() == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(data["c"].ToString())); returnValue.features.Add(new GeoJsonFeature() { type = "Feature", geometry = new GeoJsonGeometry() { type = "Point", coordinates = floatList.ToArray() }, properties = new GeoJsonProperties() { count = (data["c"].ToString() == null || data["c"].ToString() == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(data["c"].ToString()), timestamp = (data["Country"].ToString() == null || data["Country"].ToString() == "") ? 0 : DateTime.Parse(data["Date"].ToString()).ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000 } }); } return returnValue; }
public List<GameUserActivity> GetGameUserActivity(GameMonitoringConfig game, int days) { List<GameUserActivity> result = new List<GameUserActivity>(); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT * FROM GameUserActivity WHERE GameId = '{0}' AND RecordTimestamp BETWEEN DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL {1} DAY) AND UTC_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY RecordTimestamp ASC;", game.Id, days); try { DataTable queryResult = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (queryResult.HasRows()) { foreach (DataRow row in queryResult.Rows) { result.Add(new GameUserActivity() { GameId = row.Field<string>("GameId"), RegionName = row.Field<string>("RegionName"), RecordTimestamp = row.Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp"), GameSessionUsers = row.Field<int>("GameSessionUsers"), EventListeners = row.Field<int>("EventListeners"), TitleScreenUsers = row.Field<int>("TitleScreenUsers"), SessionTypeName_0 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_0"), SessionTypeUsers_0 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_0"), SessionTypeName_1 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_1"), SessionTypeUsers_1 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_1"), SessionTypeName_2 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_2"), SessionTypeUsers_2 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_2"), SessionTypeName_3 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_3"), SessionTypeUsers_3 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_3"), SessionTypeName_4 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_4"), SessionTypeUsers_4 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_4"), SessionTypeName_5 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_5"), SessionTypeUsers_5 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_5"), SessionTypeName_6 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_6"), SessionTypeUsers_6 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_6"), SessionTypeName_7 = row.Field<string>("SessionTypeName_7"), SessionTypeUsers_7 = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_7"), SessionTypeUsers_Other = row.Field<int>("SessionTypeUsers_Other") }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return result; }
public List<GameSessionUserStats> GetGameSessionUserStats(GameMonitoringConfig game, int days) { List<GameSessionUserStats> result = new List<GameSessionUserStats>(); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT * FROM GameSessionUserStats WHERE GameId = '{0}' AND RecordTimestamp BETWEEN DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL {1} DAY) AND UTC_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY RecordTimestamp ASC;", game.Id, days); try { DataTable queryResult = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (queryResult.HasRows()) { foreach (DataRow row in queryResult.Rows) { result.Add(new GameSessionUserStats() { GameId = row.Field<string>("GameId"), SessionType = row.Field<string>("SessionType"), MaxNumPlayers = row.Field<int>("MaxNumPlayers"), AvgPlayers = row.Field<decimal>("AvgPlayers"), Sessions = row.Field<int>("Sessions"), PrivateAvgPlayers = row.Field<decimal>("PrivateAvgPlayers"), PrivateSessions = row.Field<int>("PrivateSessions"), TotalAvgPlayers = row.Field<decimal>("TotalAvgPlayers"), TotalSessions = row.Field<int>("TotalSessions"), RecordTimestamp = row.Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp") }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return result; }
public List<PVTimeSeries> GetDailyActiveUsersByGame(GameMonitoringConfig game, TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { DateTime minDate = startdate.Date; int daysDifference = (enddate.Date - startdate.Date).Days + 1; List<PVTimeSeries> result = new List<PVTimeSeries>(); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT RecordTimestamp ,Count FROM MonitoringStats WHERE Type = 'DailyActiveUsers' AND GameId = '{0}' AND DATE(RecordTimestamp) BETWEEN DATE('{1}') and DATE('{2}') ORDER BY RecordTimestamp;", game.Id, startdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), enddate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); try { DataTable queryResult = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (queryResult.HasRows()) { PVTimeSeries series = result.FirstOrDefault(x => == "DailyActiveUsers"); if (series == default(PVTimeSeries)) { series = new PVTimeSeries(); = "Users"; = new List<int>(); series.pointStart = queryResult.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp").ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000; //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds series.pointInterval = 1440 * 60 * 1000; //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds series.type = "column"; result.Add(series); for (int i = 0; i < daysDifference; i++) {; } } foreach (DataRow row in queryResult.Rows) { int index = (row.Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp").Date - minDate).Days;[index] = Convert.ToInt32(row["Count"].ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return result; }
public List<string> GetPrivateSessionCompareTypes(GameMonitoringConfig game) { List<string> result = new List<string>(); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT SessionType FROM GameSessionUserStats WHERE GameId = '{0}' GROUP BY SessionType HAVING MAX(Sessions) > 1 AND MAX(PrivateSessions) > 1;" , game.Id); try { DataTable dt = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (dt.HasRows()) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string sessionType = row.Field<string>("SessionType"); if (sessionType != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionType)) { result.Add(sessionType); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return result; }
public List<PVTimeSeries> GetCurrentOnline(TimeInterval interval, DateTime start, DateTime end, GameMonitoringConfig game) { #region Validation if (!interval.IsSupportedInterval(TimeInterval.Minute, TimeInterval.Year)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Chart data only supports an interval between {0} and {1}", TimeInterval.Day, TimeInterval.Year)); } if (start == DateTime.MinValue || end == DateTime.MinValue || (start >= end)) { throw new Exception("StartDate and EndDate cannot be null, and StartDate must come before EndDate"); } start = start.RoundDown(interval).ToUniversalTime(); end = end.RoundDown(interval).ToUniversalTime(); #endregion string query = String.Format( @"SELECT RecordTimestamp, Title, sum(GameSessionUsers) as GameSessionUsers FROM ( SELECT RecordTimestamp, GMC.Title, GUA.RegionName, round(avg(GameSessionUsers)) as GameSessionUsers FROM {0} GUA INNER JOIN GameMonitoringConfig GMC ON GUA.GameId = GMC.GameId WHERE RecordTimestamp BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}' AND GMC.GameId = '{3}' GROUP BY RecordTimestamp, GMC.Title, GUA.RegionName ) USERS GROUP BY RecordTimestamp, Title ORDER BY RecordTimestamp ASC, Title ASC;", String.Format("GameUserActivity{0}", interval.ToDbTableString()), start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), game.Id); List<PVTimeSeries> SeriesList = new List<PVTimeSeries>(); try { // Get time series data DataTable queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); foreach (DataRow row in queryResults.Rows) { PVTimeSeries series = SeriesList.FirstOrDefault(x => == row["Title"].ToString()); if (series == default(PVTimeSeries)) { series = new PVTimeSeries(); = row["Title"].ToString(); = new List<int>(); series.pointStart = queryResults.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp").ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000; //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds series.pointInterval = (int)interval * 60 * 1000; //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds series.type = "area"; int zerosCount = ((int)(end - start).TotalMinutes / (int)interval) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < zerosCount; i++) {; } SeriesList.Add(series); } DateTime timeStamp = row.Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp"); int index = (int)(timeStamp - start).TotalMinutes / (int)interval;[index] = Convert.ToInt32(row["GameSessionUsers"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return SeriesList; }
public void RecordGameSessionUserStats(GameMonitoringConfig game) { try { if (game == null) { throw new Exception("GameInfo cannot be null or empty"); } foreach (PrivacyCompareSessionTypes privacyCompare in game.PrivacyCompareSessionTypes) { DataTable result = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.General, GetGameSessionUserStatsQueryStr(game.Id, privacyCompare.PublicTypes, privacyCompare.PrivateTypes)); if (result.HasRows()) { string query = String.Format( @"INSERT INTO GameSessionUserStats (GameId, SessionType, MaxNumPlayers, AvgPlayers, Sessions, PrivateAvgPlayers ,PrivateSessions, TotalAvgPlayers, TotalSessions, RecordTimestamp) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, '{9}');", result.Rows[0].Field<string>("GameId"), result.Rows[0].Field<string>("SessionType"), result.Rows[0].Field<int>("MaxNumPlayers"), result.Rows[0].Field<decimal>("AvgPlayers"), result.Rows[0].Field<long>("Sessions"), result.Rows[0].Field<decimal>("PrivateAvgPlayers"), result.Rows[0].Field<long>("PrivateSessions"), result.Rows[0].Field<decimal>("TotalAvgPlayers"), result.Rows[0].Field<long>("TotalSessions"), DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); try { MoniverseResponse response = new MoniverseResponse() { Status = "unsent", TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Beginning Insert of Game Session User Stats"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); } Users.Service(Service => { response = Service.Insert(new MoniverseRequest() { TaskName = "Insert", Task = query, TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }); }); //int res = DBManager.Instance.Insert(Datastore.Monitoring, query); lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Game Session User Stats success"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("success!! {0}", response.Status)); Console.ResetColor(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Logger.Instance.Info(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(String.Format("Game: {0} - {1} | Message: {2}", game.Id, game.Title, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); } }
public PVPPieChart GetBuyWhaleReport(GameMonitoringConfig game, AWSRegion region, DateTime start, DateTime end, int cohort) { string gameId = game.Id; string thresholdQuery = String.Format( @" # Get threshold for top x% spenders in dollars SET @startDate = '{0}'; SET @endDate = '{1}'; SET @rownum = 0, @prev_val = NULL, @top_percent= {2}; # Calculate threshold for top x% of spenders SELECT IFNULL(min(score),0.0) as threshold, IFNULL(max(row),0) as numUsers FROM ( SELECT @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS row, @prev_val := score AS score, UserId FROM ( select sum(CostAmount) as score, UserId from Moniverse.Economy_GameCreditTransactions where GameId = '{3}' and TransactionType = 0 # addCredits and CostAmount > 0 # money was actually spent and Status = 1 # finalized transaction and CreatedOn between @startDate and @endDate group by UserId order by score desc ) as spending ORDER BY score DESC ) as rankedSpending WHERE row <= ceil((@top_percent/100 * @rownum)); # ceil helps return at least one row for small datasets ", start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), cohort, gameId); DataTable thresholdDatable = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, thresholdQuery); decimal threshold = thresholdDatable.Rows[0].Field<decimal>("threshold"); long numUsers = thresholdDatable.Rows[0].Field<long>("numUsers"); string query = String.Format( @" # Get people that spent more than threshold for a given date range SET @startDate = '{0}'; SET @endDate = '{1}'; # Grab users that have spent >= threshold DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS topSpenders; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS topSpenders (PRIMARY KEY (UserId)) ( select sum(CostAmount) as score, UserId from Moniverse.Economy_GameCreditTransactions where GameId = '{2}' and TransactionType = 0 # addCredits and CostAmount > 0 # money was actually spent and Status = 1 # finalized transaction and CreatedOn between @startDate and @endDate group by UserId having score >= {3} order by score desc ); # Get items bought by the top spenders SELECT UserData as category, Sum(CostAmount) as total, count(*) as count FROM Economy_GameCreditTransactions AS egct INNER JOIN topSpenders AS topSpenders ON egct.UserId = topSpenders.UserId where GameId = '{2}' and TransactionType = 0 # addCredits and CostAmount > 0 # money was actually spent and Status = 1 # finalized transaction and CreatedOn between @startDate and @endDate GROUP BY UserData order by total desc; ", start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), gameId, threshold); DataTable result = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); var categoryData = new List<PVPieChartCategories>(); foreach (DataRow row in result.Rows) { var category = new PVPieChartCategories() { name = row.Field<String>("category"), value = row.Field<Decimal>("total") }; category.metadata.Add("count", row["count"].ToString()); categoryData.Add(category); } var pieChart = new PVPPieChart() { title = cohort + "%", subtitle = (categoryData.Any() ? string.Format("Users: ~{0}<br/>Threshold: >= ${1}", numUsers, threshold) : "No data"), categoryData = categoryData }; return pieChart; }
public List<GameMonitoringConfig> GetMonitoredGames() { List<GameMonitoringConfig> games = new List<GameMonitoringConfig>(); // Get game info configuration string query = @"SELECT * FROM GameMonitoringConfig;"; try { DataTable queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); // Collect game info configuration from result if (queryResults.HasRows()) { foreach (DataRow row in queryResults.Rows) { GameMonitoringConfig game = new GameMonitoringConfig(); game.Id = row.Field<string>("GameId"); game.Title = row.Field<string>("Title"); game.ShortTitle = row.Field<string>("ShortTitle"); game.LaunchTime = row.Field<DateTime>("LaunchTime"); game.ActiveUserSessionTypes = row.Field<string>("ActiveUserSessionTypes").Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_3Min = (float)row.Field<decimal>("ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_3Min"); game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min = (float)row.Field<decimal>("ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min"); List<PrivacyCompareSessionTypes> privacyCompares = new List<PrivacyCompareSessionTypes>(); foreach (string privacyCompare in row.Field<string>("PrivacyCompareSessionTypes").Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList()) { string[] compares = privacyCompare.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (compares.Count() == 2) { List<string> publicTypes = compares[0].Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); List<string> privateTypes = compares[1].Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); if (publicTypes.Any() && privateTypes.Any()) { privacyCompares.Add(new PrivacyCompareSessionTypes() { PublicTypes = publicTypes, PrivateTypes = privateTypes }); } } } game.PrivacyCompareSessionTypes = privacyCompares; game.MaxRunningHostingInstances = row.Field<int>("MaxRunningHostingInstances"); game.NotificationSettings = new NotificationSettings() { Info = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field<ulong>("Notifications_Info")), Warning = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field<ulong>("Notifications_Warning")), Error = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field<ulong>("Notifications_Error")), PVSupport = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field<ulong>("Notifications_PVSupport")) }; games.Add(game); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Instance.Exception(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } return games; }
public List<PVTimeSeries> ReturnerTimeSeries(GameMonitoringConfig game, TimeInterval interval, AWSRegion region, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { List<PVTimeSeries> SeriesList = new List<PVTimeSeries>(); string query = String.Format("SELECT Date, NURR, CURR, RURR from Retention as view WHERE view.Date BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' order by view.Date desc", startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); int daysDifference = 0; DataTable result = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (result.HasRows()) { DateTime minDate = startDate.Date; daysDifference = (endDate.Date - startDate.Date).Days; foreach (DataRow row in result.Rows) { DateTime currentDay = DateTime.Parse(row["Date"].ToString()); int daysBetween = (currentDay - minDate).Days; PVTimeSeries NewReturnsSeries = SeriesList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "New Returns"); PVTimeSeries ContinuingReturnsSeries = SeriesList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "Continuing Returns"); PVTimeSeries ReactivatedReturnsSeries = SeriesList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "Reactivated Returns"); if (NewReturnsSeries == default(PVTimeSeries)) { NewReturnsSeries = new PVTimeSeries(); = "New Returns"; = new List<int>(); NewReturnsSeries.pointStart = result.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("Date").ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000; //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds NewReturnsSeries.pointInterval = Convert.ToInt32(; NewReturnsSeries.type = "line"; for (int z = 0; z < daysDifference; z++) {; } SeriesList.Add(NewReturnsSeries); } if (ContinuingReturnsSeries == default(PVTimeSeries)) { ContinuingReturnsSeries = new PVTimeSeries(); = "Continuing Returns"; = new List<int>(); ContinuingReturnsSeries.pointStart = result.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("Date").ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000; //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds ContinuingReturnsSeries.pointInterval = Convert.ToInt32(; ContinuingReturnsSeries.type = "line"; for (int z = 0; z < daysDifference; z++) {; } SeriesList.Add(ContinuingReturnsSeries); } if (ReactivatedReturnsSeries == default(PVTimeSeries)) { ReactivatedReturnsSeries = new PVTimeSeries(); = "Reactivated Returns"; = new List<int>(); ReactivatedReturnsSeries.pointStart = result.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("Date").ToUnixTimestamp() * 1000; //JS unix timestamp is in milliseconds ReactivatedReturnsSeries.pointInterval = Convert.ToInt32(; ReactivatedReturnsSeries.type = "line"; for (int z = 0; z < daysDifference; z++) {; } SeriesList.Add(ReactivatedReturnsSeries); } int index = daysBetween;[index] = (int)row.Field<decimal?>("RURR").GetValueOrDefault(-1);[index] = (int)row.Field<decimal?>("CURR").GetValueOrDefault(-1);[index] = (int)row.Field<decimal?>("NURR").GetValueOrDefault(-1); } } return SeriesList; }
public static MoniverseNotification TestNotification(GameMonitoringConfig game) { MoniverseNotification notification = new MoniverseNotification() { Id = "TestNotification", Message = "TESTMESSAGE", Subject = "TEST TEST TEST" }; return notification; }
public void RecordDailyActiveUsersByGame(GameMonitoringConfig game) { try { if (game == null) { throw new Exception("GameInfo cannot be null or empty"); } if (!dau_nextGameRecordTime.ContainsKey(game.Id)) { dau_nextGameRecordTime.TryAdd(game.Id, DateTime.UtcNow.Date); } DateTime nextRecordTime = dau_nextGameRecordTime[game.Id]; if (nextRecordTime <= DateTime.UtcNow) { // Check if game DAU record exists for yesterday string query = CheckStatsRecordExistsQueryStr(game.Id, TYPE_DAU, nextRecordTime.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); int count = DBManager.Instance.QueryForCount(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (count == 0) { // Get count of game DAU from RecentPlayers query = GetRecentPlayerCountQueryStr(game.Id, nextRecordTime.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), nextRecordTime.AddMinutes(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); count = DBManager.Instance.QueryForCount(Datastore.General, query); // Insert game DAU record into Monitoring datastore query = InsertStatsRecordQueryStr(game.Id, TYPE_DAU, count, nextRecordTime.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); try { MoniverseResponse response = new MoniverseResponse() { Status = "unsent", TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Beginning Insert of DAU By Game"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); } Users.Service(Service => { response = Service.Insert(new MoniverseRequest() { TaskName = game.ShortTitle + "DAU Insert", Task = query, TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }); }); //int result = DBManager.Instance.Insert(Datastore.Monitoring, query); lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("DAU By Game Success"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("success!! {0}", response.Status)); Console.ResetColor(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Logger.Instance.Info(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } } // Increment by a day so the record is only collected once a day after midnight dau_nextGameRecordTime[game.Id] = nextRecordTime.AddDays(1); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(String.Format("Game: {0} - {1} | Message: {2}", game.Id, game.Title, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); } }
public List<DailyActiveUserSummary> GetDailyActiveUserSummary(GameMonitoringConfig game) { List<DailyActiveUserSummary> result = new List<DailyActiveUserSummary>(); string query = String.Format( @"SELECT RecordTimestamp ,Count FROM MonitoringStats WHERE Type = 'DailyActiveUsers' AND GameId = '{0}' ORDER BY RecordTimestamp;", game.Id); try { DataTable queryResult = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query); if (queryResult.HasRows()) { foreach (DataRow row in queryResult.Rows) { result.Add(new DailyActiveUserSummary() { RecordTimestamp = row.Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp"), Count = row.Field<int>("Count") }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return result; }
public static MoniverseNotification CheckOnlineUserCount(GameMonitoringConfig game, int counter, int milliseconds) { int count = DBManager.Instance.QueryForCount(Datastore.General, Users.Instance.GetGameSessionUserCountQueryStr(game.Id)); string formatString = ""; if (counter == 0) { formatString = "{1} > !ALERT! currently online: {0} notification interval set at {2}"; } else { formatString = "{1} > !ALERT! currently online: {0} notification interval set at {2} ({3} Notifications pending)"; } string alert = String.Format(formatString, count, game.ShortTitle, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds).TotalMinutes, counter); return new MoniverseNotification() { Message = alert, Subject = alert, Id = "CheckOnlineUserCount", ShouldSend = true }; }
public void CheckComputeHostingInstances(GameMonitoringConfig game) { DataTable Result = new DataTable(); string query = String.Format(@"SELECT 0 as 'ID' ,'{0}' AS RecordTimestamp ,HI.Id AS 'HostingInstance_Id' ,HI.MachineId AS 'HostingInstance_MachineId' ,HI.IP AS 'HostingInstance_IP' ,HI.CreationTime AS 'HostingInstance_CreationTime' ,HI.StartTime AS 'HostingInstance_StartTime' ,HI.LastUpdateTime AS 'HostingInstance_LastUpdateTime' ,HI.GameId AS 'HostingInstance_GameId' ,RHC.Id AS 'RegionHostingConfiguration_Id' ,RHC.MinimumNumInstances AS 'RegionHostingConfiguration_MinimumNumInstances' ,RHC.MaximumFreeInstances AS 'RegionHostingConfiguration_MaximumFreeInstances' ,HC.Name AS 'HostingConfiguration_Name' ,HR.Name AS 'HostingRegion_Name' ,HI.GameVersionId 'GameVersion_Id' ,GV.Major AS 'GameVersion_Major' ,GV.Minor AS 'GameVersion_Minor' ,GV.Status AS 'GameVersion_Status' ,GV.Label 'GameVersion_Label' ,HI.Status AS 'HostingInstance_Status' ,HI.Health AS 'HostingInstance_Health' ,HI.MaximumComputeUnits AS 'HostingInstance_MaximumComputeUnits' ,HI.TotalComputeUnits AS 'HostingInstance_TotalComputeUnits' ,IFNULL(CALC.TotalComputeUnits, 0) AS 'HostingInstance_CalcTotalComputeUnits' ,HI.ServersCount AS 'HostingInstance_ServersCount' ,IFNULL(CALC.ServersCount, 0) AS 'HostingInstance_CalcServersCount' ,IFNULL(ROUND(CALC.TotalComputeUnits/CALC.ServersCount, 2), 0) AS 'HostingInstance_AvgComputeUnitsAcrossServers' ,IFNULL(CALC.MaxUserCount, 0) AS 'HostingInstance_MaxUserCount' ,IFNULL(CALC.UserCount, 0) AS 'HostingInstance_UserCount' FROM HostingInstance HI INNER JOIN RegionHostingConfiguration RHC ON HI.RegionConfigurationId = RHC.Id INNER JOIN HostingConfiguration HC ON RHC.HostingConfigurationId = HC.Id INNER JOIN HostingRegion HR ON RHC.RegionId = HR.Id LEFT JOIN GameVersion GV ON HI.GameVersionId = GV.Id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT GSr.InstanceId, SUM(GSr.ComputeUnits) AS 'TotalComputeUnits', COUNT(*) AS 'ServersCount', SUM(GS.MaxNumPlayers) AS 'MaxUserCount', SUM(GS.UserCount) AS 'UserCount' FROM GameServer GSr INNER JOIN ( SELECT GSn.Id, COUNT(*) AS 'UserCount', GST.MaxNumPlayers FROM GameSession GSn INNER JOIN GameSessionType GST ON GSn.SessionTypeId = GST.Id LEFT JOIN GameSessionUser GSU ON GSn.Id = GSU.GameSessionId WHERE GSU.Status = 2 GROUP BY GSn.Id ) GS ON GSr.GameSessionId = GS.Id GROUP BY GSr.InstanceId ) CALC ON HI.Id = CALC.InstanceId WHERE HI.IsLocallyEmulated = 0 AND HI.IsPhysicallyHosted = 0 AND HI.GameID = '{1}' ORDER BY HI.GameId, HR.Name, HI.Status, HI.Id;", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), game.Id); try { Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Beginning Hosting Instance Query"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); Result = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.General, query); Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("Succesfully retrieved Hosting Instances : {0}", Result.Rows.Count)); if (Result.Rows.Count > 0) { List<string> InsertStatements = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow row in Result.Rows) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"INSERT INTO `HostingInstance_ComputeRaw` (`ID`, `RecordTimestamp`, `HostingInstance_Id`, `HostingInstance_MachineId`, `HostingInstance_IP`, `HostingInstance_CreationTime`, `HostingInstance_StartTime`, `HostingInstance_LastUpdateTime`, `HostingInstance_GameId`, `RegionHostingConfiguration_Id`, `RegionHostingConfiguration_MinimumNumInstances`, `RegionHostingConfiguration_MaximumFreeInstances`, `HostingConfiguration_Name`, `HostingRegion_Name`, `GameVersion_Id`, `GameVersion_Major`, `GameVersion_Minor`, `GameVersion_Status`, `GameVersion_Label`, `HostingInstance_Status`, `HostingInstance_Health`, `HostingInstance_MaximumComputeUnits`, `HostingInstance_TotalComputeUnits`, `HostingInstance_CalcTotalComputeUnits`, `HostingInstance_ServersCount`, `HostingInstance_CalcServersCount`, `HostingInstance_AvgComputeUnitsAcrossServers`, `HostingInstance_MaxUserCount`, `HostingInstance_UserCount`) VALUES ("); foreach (var item in row.ItemArray) { if (item is DateTime) { DateTime itm = (DateTime)item; sb.Append("'" + itm.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'"); sb.Append(","); } else { sb.Append("'" + item.ToString() + "'"); sb.Append(","); } } sb.Length--; sb.Append(");"); string Insert = sb.ToString(); InsertStatements.Add(Insert); } try { MoniverseResponse response = new MoniverseResponse() { Status = "unsent", TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; string shittyWay = string.Join("", InsertStatements); lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Beginning Insert of Retention Row Batch"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); } HostingInstances.Service(Service => { Service.Insert(new MoniverseRequest() { TaskName = "Insert", Task = shittyWay, TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow }); }); //int result = DBManager.Instance.Insert(Datastore.Monitoring, shittyWay); lock (MoniverseBase.ConsoleWriterLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info("Beginning Insert of Retention Row Batch"); Logger.Instance.Info("--------------------------------------"); Logger.Instance.Info(""); Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("success!! {0} inserted", InsertStatements.Count)); Console.ResetColor(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Logger.Instance.Info(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Exception(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }