private void XamlCodeRenderer_KeyDown(Monaco.CodeEditor sender, Monaco.Helpers.WebKeyEventArgs args) { // Handle Shortcuts. // Ctrl+Enter or F5 Update // TODO: Do we need this in the app handler too? (Thinking no) if ((args.KeyCode == 13 && args.CtrlKey) || args.KeyCode == 116) { var t = UpdateXamlRenderAsync(XamlCodeRenderer.Text); // Eat key stroke args.Handled = true; } // Ignore as a change to the document if we handle it as a shortcut above or it's a special char. if (!args.Handled && Array.IndexOf(NonCharacterCodes, args.KeyCode) == -1) { // TODO: Mark Dirty here if we want to prevent overwrites. // Setup Time for Auto-Compile this._autocompileTimer?.Cancel(); // Stop Old Timer // Create Compile Timer this._autocompileTimer = ThreadPoolTimer.CreateTimer( async(e) => { await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { var t = UpdateXamlRenderAsync(XamlCodeRenderer.Text); }); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)); } }
private void XamlCodeRenderer_KeyDown(Monaco.CodeEditor sender, Monaco.Helpers.WebKeyEventArgs args) { // Handle Shortcuts. // Ctrl+Enter or F5 Update // TODO: Do we need this in the app handler too? (Thinking no) if ((args.KeyCode == 13 && args.CtrlKey) || args.KeyCode == 116) { UpdateRequested?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Eat key stroke args.Handled = true; } // Ignore as a change to the document if we handle it as a shortcut above or it's a special char. if (!args.Handled && Array.IndexOf(NonCharacterCodes, args.KeyCode) == -1) { // TODO: Mark Dirty here if we want to prevent overwrites. // Setup Time for Auto-Compile this._autoCompileTimer?.Cancel(); // Stop Old Timer // Create Compile Timer this._autoCompileTimer = ThreadPoolTimer.CreateTimer( e => { UpdateRequested?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); if (TimeSampleEditedFirst == DateTime.MinValue) { TimeSampleEditedFirst = DateTime.Now; } TimeSampleEditedLast = DateTime.Now; }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)); } }
private void Editor_InternalException(Monaco.CodeEditor sender, Exception args) { // This shouldn't happen, if it does, then it's a bug. }