예제 #1
        public void LevelUp()
            Mokepon basemokepon = XmlManager.Instance.Load <Mokepon>("Data/Mokepons/BaseStats/" + DefaultName + ".xml");

            //Level and experience to level
            LVL_UP_XP = 5 * LVL * LVL * LVL / 4;

            //Calculate stats
            int prevMaxHP = MaxHP;

            MaxHP  = (2 * (basemokepon.MaxHP + HP_IV) * LVL) / 100 + LVL + 10;
            ATK    = (2 * (basemokepon.ATK + ATK_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            DEF    = (2 * (basemokepon.DEF + DEF_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            SP_ATK = (2 * (basemokepon.SP_ATK + SP_ATK_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            SP_DEF = (2 * (basemokepon.SP_DEF + SP_DEF_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            SPD    = (2 * (basemokepon.SPD + SPD_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;

            HP += MaxHP - prevMaxHP;

            //RESTORE BUFFS
            List <BattleBuff> temp = BattleBuffs;

            BattleBuffs = new List <BattleBuff>();

            foreach (var buff in temp)
                AddBuff(buff.ATK, buff.DEF, buff.SP_ATK, buff.SP_DEF, buff.SPD, buff.ACC);

            //IF EVOLUTION LEVEL == LVL

            //ADD NEW ABILITIES
예제 #2
        public static string ChooseMove(Mokepon attacker, Mokepon defender, int level)
            if (level == 0)
                return(attacker.AbilityNames[Managers.GameManager.Instance.random.Next(0, attacker.AbilityNames.Count)]);

예제 #3
        public Mokepon(string mokeponName, int level)
            Mokepon basemokepon = XmlManager.Instance.Load <Mokepon>("Data/Mokepons/BaseStats/" + mokeponName + ".xml");

            Name        = basemokepon.DefaultName;
            DefaultName = basemokepon.DefaultName;

            //Generate IVs
            HP_IV     = GameManager.Instance.random.Next(0, 16);
            ATK_IV    = GameManager.Instance.random.Next(0, 16);
            DEF_IV    = GameManager.Instance.random.Next(0, 16);
            SP_ATK_IV = GameManager.Instance.random.Next(0, 16);
            SP_DEF_IV = GameManager.Instance.random.Next(0, 16);
            SPD_IV    = GameManager.Instance.random.Next(0, 16);

            //Level and experience to level
            LVL       = level;
            LVL_UP_XP = 5 * LVL * LVL * LVL / 4;
            XP        = 0;

            //Calculate stats
            MaxHP  = (2 * (basemokepon.MaxHP + HP_IV) * LVL) / 100 + LVL + 10;
            ATK    = (2 * (basemokepon.ATK + ATK_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            DEF    = (2 * (basemokepon.DEF + DEF_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            SP_ATK = (2 * (basemokepon.SP_ATK + SP_ATK_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            SP_DEF = (2 * (basemokepon.SP_DEF + SP_DEF_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            SPD    = (2 * (basemokepon.SPD + SPD_IV) * LVL) / 100 + 5;
            ACC    = 100;

            HP = MaxHP;

            Type1          = basemokepon.Type1;
            Type2          = basemokepon.Type2;
            EvolutionName  = basemokepon.EvolutionName;
            EvolutionLevel = basemokepon.EvolutionLevel;
            AbilityNames   = basemokepon.AbilityNames;
            BattleBuffs    = new List <BattleBuff>();
예제 #4
 public virtual void Effect(ref Mokepon caster, ref Mokepon target, BattleScreen screen)