예제 #1
 public string CreateFile(Feature f, string FilePath)
         Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(FilePath, f.Name));
         return Path.Combine(FilePath, f.Name);
     catch (Exception e)
         System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't create directory '{0}', {1}", Path.Combine(FilePath, f.Name), e.Message), "error");
         throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(e.Message, e);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a file name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">The feature to create a file for</param>
        /// <param name="FilePath">The path of the file</param>
        /// <returns>The full name of the file to create</returns>
        public string CreateFile(MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f, string FilePath)
            string fileName = Util.Util.MakeFriendly(f.Name);

            // Render as
            if (f.Annotations != null && f.Annotations.Exists(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation))
                fileName = Util.Util.MakeFriendly((f.Annotations.Find(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation) as RenderAsAnnotation).RenderName);

            fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(FilePath, "Vocabulary"), fileName), ".cs");

            var enu = f as Enumeration;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Datatypes.GetBuiltinVocabulary(enu.Name)))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration is builtin to core library. Will not render");

            // Is this code system even used?
            if (!m_markedForUse.Exists(o => o.GetType().Equals(f.GetType()) && o.Name == f.Name))
                if (enu.GetEnumeratedLiterals().Count > RimbaCsRenderer.MaxLiterals)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Enumeration '{2}' too large, enumeration has {0} literals, maximum allowed is {1}",
                                                                      enu.GetEnumeratedLiterals().Count, RimbaCsRenderer.MaxLiterals, enu.Name));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration is not used, or is an unbound concept domain!");

            // First, if the feature is a value set we will always render it
            if (File.Exists(fileName) && !(f as Enumeration).OwnerRealm.EndsWith(RimbaCsRenderer.prefRealm))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration has already been rendered from the preferred realm. Will not render this feature");

예제 #3
        private void ProcessSpecializations(ParameterModel p, List <AssociationEndSpecialization> list, TypeReference baseRef, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction interactionModel, TypeReference hint)
            TypeReference parmRef = null;

            foreach (var specialization in list) // This shouldn't ever be done ... ever, but this is v3 land
                Class specClass = (ClassRepository[p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem).OwnedClasses.Find(c => c.Name == specialization.ClassName);
                if (specClass == null && hint != null)
                    // Find all sub-classes and see if the hint contains them
                    TypeReference specClassRef = hint.Class.SpecializedBy.Find(o => o.Class.Name == specialization.ClassName);
                    // Make the reference a concreate COR class
                    if (specClassRef != null)
                        specClass = specClassRef.Class;
                if (specClass == null) // Do a CMET lookup
                    MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature cmetFeature = null;
                    if (ClassRepository.TryGetValue(specialization.ClassName, out cmetFeature))
                        specClass = (cmetFeature as CommonTypeReference).Class.Class;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Can't find specialization '{0}' for parameter '{1}' this traversal will be ignored.", specialization.ClassName, p.ParameterName), "warn");

                parmRef = specClass.CreateTypeReference();
                // Append the traversal name
                AppendTraversalName(baseRef, p.ParameterName, specialization.TraversalName, parmRef, interactionModel, new Stack <string>());
                if (specialization.Specialization.Count > 0)
                    ProcessSpecializations(p, specialization.Specialization, baseRef, interactionModel, parmRef);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a length value change
        /// </summary>
        // TODO: Find a delta-set example that uses this so we can test.
        // TODO: Can't determine if this changes maximum or minimum length, should bring this 
        //       up with CHI to see if there is a definition for what this attribute changes
        private void CreateLengthValueChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Length Value

            // Validate the constraint
            var lnConstraint = constraint.Value as ConstraintValue<Int32>;
            Property ccFeature = feature as Property;
            if (ccFeature == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cannot apply the length value constraint against a a feature of type '{0}', skipping...", feature.GetType().Name), "error");

            // Validate the current default value
            if (!lnConstraint.Original.Equals(ccFeature.MaxLength))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Current length of '{0}' does not match original listed in the delta of '{1}', will continue processing anyways...", ccFeature.DefaultValue, lnConstraint.Original), "warn");
            // Validate the annotation doesn't already exist
            if (ccFeature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is LengthConstraintAnnotation && (o as LengthConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Length constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");

            // Add the annotation to the feature
            ccFeature.Annotations.Add(new LengthConstraintAnnotation()
                ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
                RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                NewValue = lnConstraint.New,
                RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a data type change
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateDatatypeChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Data Type Change
            // 1. Validate constraint & target
            var stConstriant = constraint.Value as ConstraintValue<String>;
            Property ccFeature = feature as Property;
            if (ccFeature == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cannot apply data type change constraint against a feature of type '{0}', skipping...", feature.GetType().Name), "error");
            TypeReference trNew = this.ParseTypeReference(stConstriant.New),
                trOld = this.ParseTypeReference(stConstriant.Original);

            // 2. Validate current data type
            if (trNew == null || trOld == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Could not process '{0}' or '{1}', skipping...", stConstriant.Original, stConstriant.New), "error");
            if (!TypeReferenceEqual(ccFeature.Type, trOld))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Current type of '{0}' is not '{1}' as specified in delta, rather it is '{2}', will continue processing anyways...", feature.Name,
                    trOld, ccFeature.Type), "warn");
            // 3. Validate that the cardinality doesn't already exist
            if (ccFeature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is DatatypeChangeConstraintAnnotation && (o as DatatypeChangeConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Datatype constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");
            // 4. Append the annotation
            ccFeature.Annotations.Add(new DatatypeChangeConstraintAnnotation()
                ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
                RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                NewValue = trNew,
                RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a change that modifies the fixed value
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateFixedValueChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Fixed Value
            // 1. Validate constraint & target
            var stConstriant = constraint.Value as ConstraintValue<String>;
            Property ccFeature = feature as Property;
            if (ccFeature == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cannot apply fixed value change constraint against a feature of type '{0}', skipping...", feature.GetType().Name), "error");

            // 2. Validate current data type
            if (stConstriant.Original != null && !stConstriant.Original.Equals(ccFeature.FixedValue))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Current fixed value of '{0}' does not match original listed in delta of '{1}', will continue processing anyways...", ccFeature.FixedValue, stConstriant.Original), "warn");
            // 3. Validate that the annotation doesn't already exist
            if (ccFeature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is FixedValueConstraintAnnotation && (o as FixedValueConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Fixed value constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");
            // 4. Append the annotation
            ccFeature.Annotations.Add(new FixedValueConstraintAnnotation()
                ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
                RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                NewValue = stConstriant.New,
                RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
예제 #7
        internal static Property Parse(ClassAttribute clsa, String vocabBindingRealm, ClassRepository cr, Dictionary <string, Package> derivationSuppliers)
            // TODO: Support EnumerationValue stuff
            Property retVal = new Property();

            // Name (and busines names)
            retVal.Name = clsa.Name;
            foreach (BusinessName bn in clsa.BusinessName)
                if (bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                    retVal.BusinessName = bn.Name;

            // Documentation
            if (clsa.Annotations != null)
                retVal.Documentation = DocumentationParser.Parse(clsa.Annotations.Documentation);

            // Conformance
            retVal.Conformance = clsa.IsMandatory ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory : clsa.Conformance == ConformanceKind.Required ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Required :

            if (retVal.Conformance != Property.ConformanceKind.Mandatory && clsa.MinimumMultiplicity == "1")
                retVal.Conformance = Property.ConformanceKind.Populated;

            // Min / Max occurs
            if (retVal.Conformance == MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property.ConformanceKind.Mandatory)
                retVal.MinOccurs = "1";
                retVal.MinOccurs = clsa.MinimumMultiplicity;
            retVal.MaxOccurs = clsa.MaximumMultiplicity == "-1" ? "*" : clsa.MaximumMultiplicity;
            retVal.MaxLength = clsa.MaximumLength;
            retVal.MinLength = clsa.MinimumLength;

            // Structural or non?
            retVal.PropertyType = clsa.IsImmutable ? Property.PropertyTypes.Structural : Property.PropertyTypes.NonStructural;

            // Default value
            retVal.DefaultValue = clsa.DefaultValue;
            retVal.Initializor  = clsa.DefaultFrom == DefaultDeterminerKind.ITS ? Property.InitializorTypes.ITS :
                                  clsa.DefaultFrom == DefaultDeterminerKind.Realm ? Property.InitializorTypes.Realm :
                                  clsa.DefaultFrom == DefaultDeterminerKind.ReferencingAttribute ? Property.InitializorTypes.ReferencedAttributes : Property.InitializorTypes.DefaultValue;

            if (clsa.DerivedFrom != null)
                retVal.Realization = new List <ClassContent>();
                foreach (var dei in clsa.DerivedFrom)
                    MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature ss = null;
                    Package derivationPkg = null;
                    if (!derivationSuppliers.TryGetValue(dei.StaticModelDerivationId, out derivationPkg) || derivationPkg == null)

                    // Has the package been compiled?
                    if (!cr.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPkg.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                        // Attempt to parse
                        PackageParser.Parse(derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), derivationPkg.MemberOfRepository, cr);
                        // Ditch if still can't find
                        if (!cr.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPkg.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}' (derivation supplier {2})", dei.ClassName, dei.AttributeName, dei.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");

                    // Feature was found
                    var f = (ss as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem).FindClass(dei.ClassName);
                    if (f != null)
                        ClassContent cc = f.GetFullContent().Find(o => o.Name == dei.AttributeName);
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}' (derivation supplier {2})", dei.ClassName, dei.AttributeName, dei.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");

            // Derived from
            retVal.DerivedFrom = clsa;

            // Fixed Value
            retVal.FixedValue = clsa.FixedValue;

            // Sort key
            retVal.SortKey = clsa.SortKey;

            // Datatype
            retVal.Type = TypeReferenceParser.Parse(clsa.Type);

            // Update Modes
            retVal.UpdateMode = clsa.UpdateModeDefault.ToString();
            if (clsa.UpdateModesAllowed != null)
                retVal.AllowedUpdateModes = new List <string>();
                foreach (string s in clsa.UpdateModesAllowed.Split(','))

            // Supplier domains
            if (clsa.Vocabulary != null)
                if (clsa.Vocabulary.Code != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(clsa.Vocabulary.Code.Code)) // Fixed code
                    retVal.FixedValue = string.Format("{0}", clsa.Vocabulary.Code.Code);

                // JF: If the code system is identified, then bind
                if (clsa.Vocabulary.Code != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(clsa.Vocabulary.Code.CodeSystemName)) // Very odd thing that is present in UV mifs
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' is specified as fixed code's code system, however no fixed code is present. Assuming this is a bound code system instead", "assumption"));
                    retVal.SupplierDomain = cr.Find(o => o is CodeSystem && (o as CodeSystem).Name.Equals(clsa.Vocabulary.Code.CodeSystemName)) as Enumeration;
                    if (retVal.SupplierDomain == null)
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the code system was not found", clsa.Name, clsa.Vocabulary.Code.CodeSystemName), "warn");
                if (clsa.Vocabulary.ConceptDomain != null)
                    retVal.SupplierDomain = cr.Find(o => o is ConceptDomain && (o as ConceptDomain).Name.Equals(clsa.Vocabulary.ConceptDomain.Name)) as Enumeration;
                    if (retVal.SupplierDomain == null && MifCompiler.hostContext.Mode == Pipeline.OperationModeType.Quirks)
                        retVal.SupplierDomain = cr.Find(o => o is Enumeration && o.Name.Equals(clsa.Vocabulary.ConceptDomain.Name)) as Enumeration;
                        if (retVal.SupplierDomain != null)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' couldn't be bound to concept domain '{1}', '{2}' with name '{1}' was located, so the binding was changed", clsa.Name, clsa.Vocabulary.ConceptDomain.Name, retVal.SupplierDomain.EnumerationType), "quirks");
                    if (retVal.SupplierDomain == null)
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the concept domain was not found", clsa.Name, clsa.Vocabulary.ConceptDomain.Name), "warn");
                if (clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet != null)
                    retVal.SupplierDomain = cr.Find(o => o is ValueSet && (o as ValueSet).Name.Equals(clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet.Name)) as Enumeration;
                    if (retVal.SupplierDomain == null)
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the value set was not found", clsa.Name, clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet.Name), "warn");

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet.RootCode))
                        bool shouldFix = false;
                        if (retVal.SupplierDomain != null)
                            var enumLiteral = retVal.SupplierDomain.Literals.Find(o => o.Name == clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet.RootCode);
                            shouldFix = enumLiteral != null && enumLiteral.RelatedCodes != null && enumLiteral.RelatedCodes.Count == 0;
                        if (shouldFix)
                            retVal.FixedValue = String.Format("{0}", clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet.RootCode);

                // Supplier strength(s)
                if (clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet != null)
                    retVal.SupplierStrength = clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CNE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions:
                                              clsa.Vocabulary.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CWE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions : null;

                // Supplier domain strength
                if (retVal.SupplierDomain != null)
                    if (defaultCodingStrengths.ContainsKey(retVal.SupplierDomain.Name ?? "") && !retVal.SupplierStrength.HasValue)
                        retVal.SupplierStrength = defaultCodingStrengths[retVal.SupplierDomain.Name];
                        retVal.SupplierStrength = Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("No vocabulary value set on property {0}! Defaulting to CNE for supplier strength", retVal.Name), "assumption");

예제 #8
        public void Compile()
            // Already processing?
            if (interactionModel == null || processingStack.Contains(interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))

            // Add to the processing stack

            // Otput the name of the package.
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Compiling interaction model package '{0}'...", interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), "debug");

            // Check if the package has already been "compiled"
            if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))
                return; // Already compiled
            // Process the interaction
            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction interaction = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction();
            interaction.Name = interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT);
            //interaction.Realm = interactionModel.PackageLocation.Realm;

            // Process business names
            foreach (BusinessName bn in interactionModel.BusinessName ?? new List <BusinessName>())
                if (bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                    interaction.BusinessName = bn.Name;

            // Process documentation
            if (interactionModel.Annotations != null)
                interaction.Documentation = DocumentationParser.Parse(interactionModel.Annotations.Documentation);

            // Set the derivation from pointer
            interaction.DerivedFrom = interactionModel;

            // Trigger event
            interaction.TriggerEvent = interactionModel.InvokingTriggerEvent.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT);

            // Types
            TypeReference tr = new TypeReference();

            // Has the entry class been created yet?
            if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))
                // Process
                PackageParser.Parse(interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), repository, ClassRepository);

            var entry = (ClassRepository[interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem);

            // Could we even find the model?
            if (entry == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not find the argument message '{0}', interaction '{1}' can't be processed",
                                                                 interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), interaction.Name), "error");
            else if (entry.EntryPoint.Count == 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Argument message '{0}' must have an entry point, interaction '{1}' can't be processed",
                                                                 entry.Name, interaction.Name), "error");
            else if (entry.EntryPoint.Count != 1)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Ambiguous entry point for argument message '{0}', interaction '{1}' can't be processed", entry.Name, interaction.Name), "error");

            // Set the entry class
            tr          = entry.EntryPoint[0].CreateTypeReference();
            tr.MemberOf = ClassRepository; // Set member of property
            ProcessTypeParameters(interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ParameterModel, tr, interaction);
            interaction.MessageType = tr;

            #region Response types
            if (interactionModel.ReceiverResponsibilities != null)
                // Create the array
                interaction.Responses = new List <MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction>();

                //  Iterate through
                foreach (ReceiverResponsibility rr in interactionModel.ReceiverResponsibilities)
                    if (rr.InvokeInteraction == null)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Invoking interaction on receiver responsibility is missing", "warn");

                    // Does the receiver responsibility exist in the class repository
                    if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))
                        InteractionCompiler icc = new InteractionCompiler();
                        icc.PackageRepository = repository;
                        icc.Package           = repository.Find(o => o.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT) == rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT));
                        icc.ClassRepository   = ClassRepository;

                    MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature foundFeature = null;
                    if (ClassRepository.TryGetValue(rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), out foundFeature))
                        // Reason element for documentation
                        if (rr.Reason != null && (rr.Reason.Language == MifCompiler.Language || rr.Reason.Language == null) &&
                            (rr.Reason.MarkupElements != null || rr.Reason.MarkupText != null))
                            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.TitledDocumentation td = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.TitledDocumentation()
                                Title = "Reason", Name = "Reason", Text = new List <string>()
                            if (rr.Reason.MarkupText != null)
                            if (rr.Reason.MarkupElements != null)
                                foreach (XmlElement xe in rr.Reason.MarkupElements)
                                    td.Text.Add(xe.OuterXml.Replace(" xmlns:html=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"", "").Replace("html:", ""));

                            // Append the documentation
                            if (interaction.Documentation == null)
                                interaction.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                            if (interaction.Documentation.Other == null)
                                interaction.Documentation.Other = new List <MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.TitledDocumentation>();
                        interaction.Responses.Add(foundFeature as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction);
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find response interaction '{0}'...", rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), "warn");

            // Fire the complete method
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply constraints for the specified feature
        /// </summary>
        private void ApplyConstraint(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            // Determine the type of constraint
            switch (constraint.Type)
                case ConstraintDeltaType.Conformance:
                    CreateConformanceChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.Annotation:
                    CreateAnnotationChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.Remove:
                    CreateRemoveChange(feature, constraint); 
                case ConstraintDeltaType.BusinessName:
                    CreateBusinessNameChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.Cardinality:
                    CreateCardinalityChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.SubstituteCmet:
                case ConstraintDeltaType.Datatype:
                    CreateDatatypeChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.Fixed:
                    CreateFixedValueChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.DefaultValue:
                    CreateDefaultValueChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.Length:
                    CreateLengthValueChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.VocabularyStrength:
                    CreateVocabularyStrengthChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.VocabularyBinding:
                    CreateVocabularyDomainChange(feature, constraint);
                case ConstraintDeltaType.UpdateModeDefault:
                case ConstraintDeltaType.UpdateModeValue:
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Update mode deltas are not supported by this delta engine"));
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Don't understand constraint of type '{0}'", constraint.Type), "warn");

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the enumeration
        /// </summary>
        public void Render(string ownerPackage, string apiNs, Feature f, System.IO.TextWriter tw)
            // Validate arguments
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ownerPackage))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ownerPackage");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiNs))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("apiNs");
            if (f == null || !(f is Enumeration))
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter must be of type Enumeration", "f");

            Enumeration cls = f as Enumeration;

            // enumeration is a concept domain? do the binding
            if (cls is ConceptDomain && (cls as ConceptDomain).ContextBinding != null)
                cls = (cls as ConceptDomain).ContextBinding[0];
            else if (cls is ConceptDomain)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Won't render unbound concept domains");

            tw.WriteLine("package {0}.vocabulary;", ownerPackage);

            #region Render the imports
            string[] apiImports = { "annotations.*", "datatypes.*", "datatypes.generic.*" },
                jImports = { "java.lang.*", "java.util.*" };
            foreach (var import in apiImports)
                tw.WriteLine("import {0}.{1};", apiNs, import);
            foreach (var import in jImports)
                tw.WriteLine("import {0};", import);

            #region Render Class Signature

            // Documentation
            if (DocumentationRenderer.Render(cls.Documentation, 0).Length == 0)
                tw.WriteLine("/** No Summary Documentation Found */");
                tw.Write(DocumentationRenderer.Render(cls.Documentation, 0));

            // Create structure annotation

            string renderName = cls.Name;
            if (cls.Annotations != null && cls.Annotations.Exists(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation))
                renderName = (cls.Annotations.Find(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation) as RenderAsAnnotation).RenderName;

            // Create class signature
            //tw.WriteLine("@Structure(name = \"{0}\", structureType = StructureType.{1})", cls.Name, cls.GetType().Name.ToUpper());
            tw.Write("public class {0} implements {1}.interfaces.IEnumeratedVocabulary", Util.Util.MakeFriendly(renderName), apiNs);



            #region Render Properties

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            RenderLiterals(sw, cls, new List<string>(), new List<string>(), cls.Literals, renderName);
            String tStr = sw.ToString();


            #region Render IEnumeratedVocabulary Methods

            tw.WriteLine("\tpublic {0}(String code, String codeSystem) {{ this.m_code = code; this.m_codeSystem = codeSystem; }}", Util.Util.MakeFriendly(renderName));
            tw.WriteLine("\tprivate final String m_code;");
            tw.WriteLine("\tprivate final String m_codeSystem;");
            tw.WriteLine("\tpublic String getCodeSystem() { return this.m_codeSystem; }");
            tw.WriteLine("\tpublic String getCode() { return this.m_code; }");
            tw.WriteLine("\tpublic String toString() { return this.m_code; }");
            tw.WriteLine("\tpublic boolean equals(Object obj) {");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\tif (this == obj)");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn true;");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\tif (!super.equals(obj))");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn false;");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\tif (getClass() != obj.getClass())");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn false;");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\t\tif(obj instanceof String && this.m_code.equals(obj))");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn true;");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\t\tif(obj instanceof org.marc.everest.interfaces.IEnumeratedVocabulary && this.m_code.equals(((org.marc.everest.interfaces.IEnumeratedVocabulary)obj).getCode()))");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn true;");
            tw.WriteLine("\t\treturn false;");
            // End enumeration
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Add supported annotation
        /// </summary>
        private void AddSupportedAnnotation(Feature featureData)
            if(!featureData.Annotations.Exists(o=>o is SupportedConstraintAnnotation && (o as SupportedConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                featureData.Annotations.Add(new SupportedConstraintAnnotation()
                    RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code

            if (featureData is Class)
                foreach (var dat in (featureData as Class).Content)
            else if (featureData is Choice)
                foreach (var dat in (featureData as Choice).Content)
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the member of
 /// </summary>
 private void SetMemberOf(Feature feature, ClassRepository newOwner)
     feature.MemberOf = newOwner;
     if (feature is Class)
         foreach (var p in (feature as Class).Content)
             SetMemberOf(p, newOwner);
     if (feature is Enumeration)
         foreach (var p in (feature as Enumeration).Literals)
             SetMemberOf(p, newOwner);
     if (feature is Choice)
         foreach (var p in (feature as Choice).Content)
             SetMemberOf(p, newOwner);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if a factory is needed
 /// </summary>
 public string CreateFile(Feature f, string FilePath)
     Class cls = f as Class;
     if(cls.IsAbstract && cls.SpecializedBy != null && cls.SpecializedBy.Count > 0)
         return Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(FilePath, cls.ContainerName.ToLower()), String.Format("{0}Factory", Util.Util.PascalCase(f.Name))), "java");
     throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the factory
        /// </summary>
        public void Render(string ownerPackage, string apiNs, Feature f, System.IO.TextWriter tw)
            // Validate arguments
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ownerPackage))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ownerPackage");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiNs))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("apiNs");
            if (f == null || !(f is Class))
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter must be of type Class", "f");

            // Create a local copy of the class
            Class cls = f as Class;

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

            tw.WriteLine("package {0}.{1};", ownerPackage, cls.ContainerName.ToLower());

            #region Render Class Signature

            // Documentation
            if (DocumentationRenderer.Render(cls.Documentation, 0).Length == 0)
                sw.WriteLine("\t/** No Summary Documentation Found */");
                sw.Write(DocumentationRenderer.Render(cls.Documentation, 0));

            // Create class signature
            sw.Write("public final class {0}Factory", Util.Util.PascalCase(cls.Name));

            // If class is generic class
            string genericString = String.Empty;
            foreach (TypeParameter tp in cls.TypeParameters ?? new List<TypeParameter>())
                genericString += tp + ",";
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(genericString))
                genericString = String.Format("<{0}>", genericString.Substring(0, genericString.Length - 1)); // get rid of trailing ,



            sw.WriteLine("\tprivate {0}Factory() {{ super(); }}\r\n", Util.Util.PascalCase(cls.Name));

            // Create newInstanceMethod
            sw.WriteLine("\tpublic static final {0} {1}Factory newInstance() {{", cls.TypeParameters != null && cls.TypeParameters.Count > 0 ? string.Format("<{0}>", genericString) : "", Util.Util.PascalCase(cls.Name));
            sw.WriteLine("\t\treturn new {0}Factory{1}();", Util.Util.PascalCase(cls.Name), genericString);

            // Move to a factory
            // Is this an emtpy class that facilitates a choice?
            if (cls.SpecializedBy != null && cls.SpecializedBy.Count > 0 &&
                //// NB: In Java apparently super classes' static methods are acceessable
                ////     in child classes which is different than .NET, so we're not going to cascade specializers
                foreach (TypeReference tr in cls.SpecializedBy)

                    if (tr.Class == null || tr.Class.ContainerName == "RIM" && !RimbaJavaRenderer.GenerateRim ||

                    Class child = tr.Class;

                    // Create factory for the child
                    Dictionary<String, String[]> ctors = ClassRenderer.CreateFactoryMethod(tr, "retVal", ownerPackage);
                    // Write factory
                    foreach (var kv in ctors)

                        string methodSignature = String.Format("{1}.{0}.{2}.create{3}", cls.ContainerName, ownerPackage, Util.Util.PascalCase(cls.Name), Util.Util.PascalCase(child.Name)),
                            publicName = methodSignature;

                        // Regex for extracting the parameter type rather than the type/name
                        Regex parmRegex = new Regex(@"(([\w<>,.]*)\s(\w*)),?\s?");
                        MatchCollection parmMatches = parmRegex.Matches(kv.Value[0]);
                        foreach (Match match in parmMatches)
                            methodSignature += match.Groups[1].Value.Substring(0, match.Groups[1].Value.IndexOf(" "));

                        // JF: Added to protected against rendering the same factory method
                        if (s_methodDeclarations.Contains(methodSignature))

                        // Render if there is even any content
                        if (kv.Value[0].Length > 0)
                            string clsDoc = DocumentationRenderer.Render(child.Documentation, 1);

                            string ctorClassName = String.Format("{0}.{2}.{1}", ownerPackage, tr.Class.Name, tr.Class.ContainerName.ToLower());
                            //// import already exists?
                            //    s_imports.Add(ctorClassName);
                            //    ctorClassName = ctorClassName.Substring(ctorClassName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
                            //if (s_imports.Contains(ctorClassName))
                            //    ctorClassName = ctorClassName.Substring(ctorClassName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);

                            if (clsDoc.Contains("*/"))
                                sw.Write(clsDoc.Substring(0, clsDoc.LastIndexOf("*/")));
                            sw.WriteLine("* This function creates a new instance of {5}.{1}\r\n\t {4}\r\n\t*/\t\n\tpublic final {0} create{2}({3}) {{ ", ctorClassName, tr.Class.Name, Util.Util.PascalCase(child.Name), kv.Value[0].Substring(0, kv.Value[0].Length - 1), kv.Value[2], tr.Class.ContainerName.ToLower(), Util.Util.PascalCase(cls.Name)
                            sw.WriteLine("\t\t{0} retVal = new {0}();", ctorClassName);
                            sw.WriteLine("{0}", kv.Value[1]);
                            sw.WriteLine("\t\treturn retVal;");

                            if (!factoryMethods.ContainsKey(tr.Name))
                                factoryMethods.Add(tr.Name, new List<MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.Pipeline.Renderer.Java.Renderer.ClassRenderer.FactoryMethodInfo>());

                            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.Pipeline.Renderer.Java.Renderer.ClassRenderer.FactoryMethodInfo myInfo = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.Pipeline.Renderer.Java.Renderer.ClassRenderer.FactoryMethodInfo(publicName, kv.Value[2], methodSignature);

                            //Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(([\w<>,]*?)\s(\w*),?\s?)»
                            //Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 2 «([\w<>,]*?)»
                            //Match a single character present in the list below «[\w<>,]*?»
                            //Between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «*?»
                            //A word character (letters, digits, etc.) «\w»
                            //One of the characters “<>,” «<>,»
                            //Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (spaces, tabs, line breaks, etc.) «\s»
                            //Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 3 «(\w*)»
                            //Match a single character that is a “word character” (letters, digits, etc.) «\w*»
                            //Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «*»
                            //Match the character “,” literally «,?»
                            //Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?»
                            //Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (spaces, tabs, line breaks, etc.) «\s?»
                            //Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?»
                            foreach (Match match in parmMatches)

                            // ADd the factory signature to the dictionary


            // End class

            #region Render the imports
            string[] apiImports = { "annotations.*", "datatypes.*", "datatypes.generic.*" },
                jImports = { "java.lang.*", "java.util.*" };
            foreach (var import in apiImports)
                tw.WriteLine("import {0}.{1};", apiNs, import);
            foreach (var import in jImports)
                tw.WriteLine("import {0};", import);
            foreach (var import in ClassRenderer.s_imports)
                if (!import.EndsWith(String.Format(".{0}", Util.Util.PascalCase(f.Name))))
                    tw.WriteLine("import {0};", import);


            if (cls.ContainerName == "RIM" && String.Format("{0}.rim.{1}", ownerPackage, Util.Util.PascalCase(cls.Name)) != RimbaJavaRenderer.RootClass && !RimbaJavaRenderer.GenerateRim)
                throw new NotSupportedException("RIM Elements will not be rendered");

예제 #15
        internal static MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class Parse(ClassParameterInfo classInfo)
            // Has this been processed?
            if (classInfo.CompilerRepository.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, classInfo.Class.Name)))

            // Get the vocabulary realm that this package is bound to
            string vocabularyRealm = classInfo.MifContainer is StaticModel && (classInfo.MifContainer as StaticModel).ImportedVocabularyModelPackage != null ? (classInfo.MifContainer as StaticModel).ImportedVocabularyModelPackage.Realm : null;

            // Parse the common (class base) portion of the classes
            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class retVal = Parse(classInfo.Class as ClassBase, vocabularyRealm, classInfo.CompilerRepository, classInfo.DerivationSuppliers);

            // Base class
            retVal.BaseClass = classInfo.EnforcedBaseClass;

            // Containing subsystem
            retVal.ContainerPackage = classInfo.CompilerRepository[classInfo.ScopedPackageName] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem;

            // Fire parsed event

            #region Specializations

            retVal.SpecializedBy = new List <TypeReference>();

            // Iterate through each child class and process where neccessary
            foreach (ClassGeneralization cg in (classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild)
                TypeReference tr = new TypeReference();
                tr.Name     = string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, cg.ChildClassName); // Make a ref to the child class
                tr.MemberOf = classInfo.CompilerRepository;

                bool isCMET = false;
                // Get the child class
                if (classInfo.MifContainer is GlobalStaticModel)
                    // Get the CMET reference from the MIF class hierarchy
                    ClassElement ce = (classInfo.MifContainer as GlobalStaticModel).OwnedClass.Find(delegate(ClassElement c)
                        if (c != null && c.Choice != null && c.Choice is CommonModelElementRef)
                            return((c.Choice as CommonModelElementRef).Name == cg.ChildClassName);

                    string cmetName = ce != null ? (ce.Choice as CommonModelElementRef).CmetName ?? (ce.Choice as CommonModelElementRef).Name : "";

                    // Determine if the reference is a cmet and gathe t
                    isCMET = cmetName != null && ce != null && classInfo.CompilerRepository.ContainsKey(cmetName) &&
                             classInfo.CompilerRepository[cmetName] is CommonTypeReference;

                    if (isCMET) // A CMET was successfully resolved
                        tr = (classInfo.CompilerRepository[cmetName] as CommonTypeReference).Class;
                    else if (ce != null && MifCompiler.cmetBindings.ContainsKey(cmetName)) // A CMET was not resolved, but a binding exists!
                        string boundModel = MifCompiler.cmetBindings[cmetName];
                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature boundSubSystem = null;
                        if (classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(boundModel, out boundSubSystem))
                            tr = (boundSubSystem as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem).EntryPoint[0].CreateTypeReference();
                            PackageParser.Parse(boundModel, classInfo.MifContainer.MemberOfRepository, classInfo.CompilerRepository);
                    else if (ce != null) // MIF References a CMET but one was never processed? This is odd!
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("CMET '{0}' was never processed, therefore CommonModelElementRef can't be processed in file '{1}'", cmetName, classInfo.ScopedPackageName), "warn");

                // The child class has not been processed yet
                if (!classInfo.CompilerRepository.ContainsKey(tr.Name))
                    if (isCMET) // Explicit, have to process another model
                        PackageParser.ParseClassFromPackage(tr.Name, classInfo.MifContainer.MemberOfRepository, classInfo.CompilerRepository);
                        // Assign the base class
                        //if ((classInfo.CompilerRepository[tr.Name] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).BaseClass != null)
                        //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
                        ClassParameterInfo parm2 = new ClassParameterInfo();
                        parm2.Class = (classInfo.MifContainer as StaticModel).OwnedClass.Find(o => (o.Choice is MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class && string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, (o.Choice as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).Name) == tr.Name)).Choice as ClassBase;
                        parm2.CompilerRepository  = classInfo.CompilerRepository;
                        parm2.DerivationSuppliers = classInfo.DerivationSuppliers;
                        parm2.MifContainer        = classInfo.MifContainer;
                        parm2.ScopedPackageName   = classInfo.ScopedPackageName;
                        parm2.EnforcedBaseClass   = retVal.CreateTypeReference();

                // Add to specialization list
                MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f = null;
                if (classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(tr.Name, out f))
                    retVal.SpecializedBy.Add((f as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).CreateTypeReference());
                    (f as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).BaseClass = retVal.CreateTypeReference();
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot find base class '{0}' for '{1}'. Base class must exist before it can be specialized", tr.Name, retVal.Name), "error");


            // Assign Temporary Membership to the compiler class repository so the
            // locating of a structural member will succeed
            retVal.MemberOf = classInfo.CompilerRepository;

            // Is a classCode enforcement placed on this class?
            #region Supplier Structural Domain
            if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain != null && classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code != null)
                MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property clsa = retVal.FindMember("classCode", false, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);

                if (clsa == null)// Class code is derived... we need to override it
                    clsa = retVal.FindMember("classCode", true, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);
                    // Any class code defined?
                    if (clsa != null)
                        clsa = PropertyParser.Parse(clsa.DerivedFrom as ClassAttribute, vocabularyRealm, classInfo.CompilerRepository, classInfo.DerivationSuppliers);
                    else // Makes no sense, we have a class code enforcement but no class code?
                        if (MifCompiler.hostContext.Mode == Pipeline.OperationModeType.Quirks)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Supplier domain is specified on class '{0}' which has class code. Since GPMR is in quirks mode, the classCode attribute will be created", retVal.Name), "quirks");
                            clsa              = new Property();
                            clsa.Name         = "classCode";
                            clsa.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.Structural;
                            clsa.Conformance  = ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory;
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Shouldn't be here. Supplier domain specified on a class with no classCode");

                #region Now populate the code domain
                // Supplier domains
                if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain != null)
                    var supplierStruct = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain;

                    if (supplierStruct.Code != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierStruct.Code.Code)) // Fixed code
                        clsa.FixedValue = string.Format("{0}", supplierStruct.Code.Code);

                    // JF: If the code system is identified, then bind
                    if (supplierStruct.Code != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierStruct.Code.CodeSystemName)) // Very odd thing that is present in UV mifs
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' is specified as fixed code's code system, however no fixed code is present. Assuming this is a bound code system instead", "assumption"));
                        clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.CompilerRepository.Find(o => o is CodeSystem && (o as CodeSystem).Name.Equals(supplierStruct.Code.CodeSystemName)) as Enumeration;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain == null)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the code system was not found", clsa.Name, supplierStruct.Code.CodeSystemName), "warn");
                    if (supplierStruct.ConceptDomain != null)
                        clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.CompilerRepository.Find(o => o is ConceptDomain && (o as ConceptDomain).Name.Equals(supplierStruct.ConceptDomain.Name)) as Enumeration;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain == null)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the concept domain was not found", clsa.Name, supplierStruct.ConceptDomain.Name), "warn");
                    if (supplierStruct.ValueSet != null)
                        clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.CompilerRepository.Find(o => o is ValueSet && (o as ValueSet).Name.Equals(supplierStruct.ValueSet.Name)) as Enumeration;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain == null)
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("'{0}' could not be bound to '{1}' as the value set was not found", clsa.Name, supplierStruct.ValueSet.Name), "warn");

                        bool shouldFix = false;
                        if (clsa.SupplierDomain != null)
                            var enumLiteral = clsa.SupplierDomain.Literals.Find(o => o.Name == supplierStruct.ValueSet.RootCode);
                            shouldFix = enumLiteral != null && enumLiteral.RelatedCodes != null && enumLiteral.RelatedCodes.Count == 0;
                        if (shouldFix)
                            clsa.FixedValue = String.Format("{0}", supplierStruct.ValueSet.RootCode);

                    // Supplier strength(s)
                    if (supplierStruct.ValueSet != null)
                        clsa.SupplierStrength = supplierStruct.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CNE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions:
                                                supplierStruct.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CWE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions : null;
                        clsa.SupplierStrength = Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("No vocabulary value set on property {0}! Defaulting to CNE for supplier strength", retVal.Name), "assumption");

                //if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code != null)
                //    clsa.FixedValue = string.Format("{0}{1}", classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code.CodeSystem == null ? "" : classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code.CodeSystem + ":", classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.Code.Code);

                //if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ConceptDomain != null)
                //    clsa.SupplierDomain = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ConceptDomain.Name;
                //if (classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet != null)
                //    clsa.SupplierStrength = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CNE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions :
                //        classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet.CodingStrength == CodingStrengthKind.CWE ? (Property.CodingStrengthKind?)Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions : null;
                //    clsa.SupplierDomainValueSet = classInfo.Class.SupplierStructuralDomain.ValueSet.Id;
                //    clsa.SupplierStrength = Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions;
                //    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("No vocabulary value set on property {0}! Defaulting to CNE for supplier strength", retVal.Name), "assumption");

            // All specifications
            #region Specializations

            //if ((classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild != null && (classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild.Count > 0)
            //    retVal.SpecializedBy = new List<MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference>();
            //    foreach (ClassGeneralization cg in (classInfo.Class as MohawkCollege.EHR.HL7v3.MIF.MIF20.StaticModel.Flat.Class).SpecializationChild)
            //    {
            //        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference specRef = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference();
            //        specRef.Name = string.Format("{0}.{1}", classInfo.ScopedPackageName, cg.ChildClassName);
            //        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property noProp = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property();
            //        noProp.Container = retVal;
            //        specRef.Container = noProp;
            //        retVal.SpecializedBy.Add(specRef);
            //    }


            #region Behaviors

            // State machine on the class
            if (classInfo.Class.Behavior != null)
                // Find the property that this state machine acts on

                Property stateProperty = retVal.FindMember(classInfo.Class.Behavior.SupplierStateAttributeName, false, Property.PropertyTypes.NonStructural | Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);

                stateProperty.StateMachine = StateMachineParser.Parse(classInfo.Class.Behavior);


            #region Derivation Supplier
            if (classInfo.Class.DerivedFrom != null)
                // Init retVal projection
                retVal.Realizations = new List <MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.TypeReference>();

                // Iterate through each class this class is a projection of (is based on)
                foreach (ClassDerivation cd in classInfo.Class.DerivedFrom)
                        // See if this class has been parsed
                        Package derivationPackage = null;
                        if (!classInfo.DerivationSuppliers.TryGetValue(cd.StaticModelDerivationId, out derivationPackage) || derivationPackage == null)

                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature ss = null;

                        // Has the package been compiled?
                        if (!classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPackage.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPackage.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                            // Attempt to parse
                            PackageParser.Parse(derivationPackage.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), derivationPackage.MemberOfRepository, classInfo.CompilerRepository);
                            // Ditch if still can't find
                            if (!classInfo.CompilerRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPackage.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPackage.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss) || ss == null)
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' (derivation supplier {1})", cd.ClassName, cd.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");

                        // Attempt to parse
                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem supplierSubSystem = ss as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem;

                        // Find the class
                        MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class supplierClass = classInfo.CompilerRepository[string.Format("{0}.{1}", supplierSubSystem.Name, cd.ClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class;

                        // Add a realization

                        // Now do some processing
                        foreach (ClassContent cc in supplierClass.Content)
                            ClassContent rcc = null;

                            // Find the class content we are talking about
                            if (cc is Property)
                                rcc = retVal.FindMember(cc.Name, true, (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).PropertyType);
                                ; //TODO: Clean up choices so they match the realization class. Not sure if this supposed to be done
                            // Correct Items
                            if (rcc != null)
                                if (MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.IsEmpty(rcc.Documentation))// Correct documentation
                                    rcc.Documentation = cc.Documentation;
                                // Removed: This was supposed to correct missing supplier domains from the RMIMs using the RIM data, however it does
                                // cause some issues.
                                //    if (rcc is MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property && (rcc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain == null &&
                                //        (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain != null)
                                //    {
                                //        (rcc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain = (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierDomain;
                                //        (rcc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierStrength = (cc as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Property).SupplierStrength;
                                //    }
                    catch (Exception e)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not find derivation supplier information for {0}", retVal.Name), "warn");

            #region Correct Vocabulary

            // This is quite a problem, when a property is bound to a value set, and that value set
            // is merely a pointer to other value sets of data we need to correct the pointer
            foreach (var property in retVal.Content)
                // If the content is a property and it has a supplier domain, try to find the supplier domain
                if (property is Property && (property as Property).SupplierDomain != null)
                    // Now to correct the reference
                    if ((property as Property).SupplierDomain.EnumerationReference != null &&
                        (property as Property).SupplierDomain.EnumerationReference.Count == 1)
                        (property as Property).SupplierDomain = (property as Property).SupplierDomain.EnumerationReference[0];


            // Sort the class content
            retVal.Content.Sort(new ClassContent.Comparator());

            // Return
예제 #16
        public void Render(string OwnerNS, string apiNs, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f, System.IO.TextWriter tw)
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

            // Make a strong typed reference to enumeration
            Enumeration enu = f as Enumeration;

            // enumeration is a concept domain? do the binding
            if (enu is ConceptDomain && (enu as ConceptDomain).ContextBinding != null)
                enu = (enu as ConceptDomain).ContextBinding[0];
            else if (enu is ConceptDomain)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Won't render unbound concept domains");

            #region Usings

            // Validate Usings
            string[] usings = new string[] { "Attributes", "Interfaces", "DataTypes" };
            foreach (string s in usings)
                sw.WriteLine("using {1}.{0};", s, apiNs);
            sw.WriteLine("using System.ComponentModel;");

            sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}.Vocabulary {{", OwnerNS); // start ns

            // Generate the documentation
            if (DocumentationRenderer.Render(enu.Documentation, 1).Length == 0)
                sw.WriteLine("\t/// <summary>{0}</summary>", enu.BusinessName ?? "No Documentation Found");
                sw.Write(DocumentationRenderer.Render(enu.Documentation, 1));

            // Generate the structure attribute
            sw.WriteLine("\t[Structure(Name = \"{0}\", CodeSystem = \"{1}\", StructureType = StructureAttribute.StructureAttributeType.{2}, Publisher = {3})]", enu.Name, enu.ContentOid, enu.GetType().Name, enu.Documentation != null ? "\"" + enu.Documentation.Copyright + "\"" : "null");
            sw.WriteLine("#if !WINDOWS_PHONE");

            string renderName = enu.Name;
            if (enu.Annotations != null && enu.Annotations.Exists(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation))
                renderName = (enu.Annotations.Find(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation) as RenderAsAnnotation).RenderName;

            // Generate enum
            sw.WriteLine("\tpublic enum {0} {{ ", Util.Util.MakeFriendly(renderName));

            List <String> rendered  = new List <string>(),
                          mnemonics = new List <string>();
            RenderLiterals(sw, enu, rendered, mnemonics, enu.Literals);

            String tStr = sw.ToString();
            tStr  = tStr.Remove(tStr.LastIndexOf(","));
            tStr += ("\r\n\t}");
            tStr += ("\r\n}"); // end ns

            // Write to tw
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a file for the enumeration
        /// </summary>
        public string CreateFile(Feature f, string filePath)

            string fileName = Util.Util.MakeFriendly(f.Name);

            // Render as
            if (f.Annotations != null && f.Annotations.Exists(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation))
                fileName = Util.Util.MakeFriendly((f.Annotations.Find(o => o is RenderAsAnnotation) as RenderAsAnnotation).RenderName);

            fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filePath, "vocabulary"), Util.Util.MakeFriendly(fileName)), ".java");

            var enu = f as Enumeration;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Datatypes.GetBuiltinVocabulary(enu.Name)))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration is builtin to core library. Will not render");

            // Is this code system even used?
            if (!m_markedForUse.Exists(o => o.GetType().Equals(f.GetType()) && o.Name == f.Name))
                if (enu.GetEnumeratedLiterals().Count > RimbaJavaRenderer.MaxLiterals)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Enumeration '{2}' too large, enumeration has {0} literals, maximum allowed is {1}",
                        enu.GetEnumeratedLiterals().Count, RimbaJavaRenderer.MaxLiterals, enu.Name));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration is not used, or is an unbound concept domain!");

            // First, if the feature is a value set we will always render it
            if (File.Exists(fileName) && !(f as Enumeration).OwnerRealm.EndsWith(RimbaJavaRenderer.prefRealm))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration has already been rendered from the preferred realm. Will not render this feature");

            return fileName;

예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a vocbulary change strength
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateVocabularyStrengthChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Default Value

            // Validate the constraint
            var strConstraint = constraint.Value as ConstraintValue<String>;
            Property ccFeature = feature as Property;
            if (ccFeature == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cannot apply the vocabulary strength constraint against a a feature of type '{0}', skipping...", feature.GetType().Name), "error");

            // Default
            Property.CodingStrengthKind newStrength = Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedNoExtensions;
            // Parse the new value
            switch (strConstraint.New)
                case "CWE":
                    newStrength = Property.CodingStrengthKind.CodedWithExtensions;
                case "CNE":
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Don't understand coding strength '{0}', ignoring...", strConstraint.New), "warn");

            // Validate the annotation doesn't already exist
            if (ccFeature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is SupplierStrengthConstraintAnnotation && (o as SupplierStrengthConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Supplier constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");

            // Add the annotation to the feature
            ccFeature.Annotations.Add(new SupplierStrengthConstraintAnnotation()
                ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
                RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                NewValue = newStrength,
                RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
예제 #19
        public void Render(string ownerPackage, string apiNs, Feature f, System.IO.TextWriter tw)


            // Validate arguments
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ownerPackage))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ownerPackage");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiNs))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("apiNs");
            if (f == null || !(f is Interaction))
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter must be of type Enumeration", "f");

            this.generatedFactoryMethods = new List<string>();
            // Get a strongly typed reference to the 
            Interaction interaction = f.Clone() as Interaction;
            interaction.MemberOf = f.MemberOf;

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();


            // HACK: If there is no description on the interaction then we'll 
            // HACK: add the business name as a description
            // TODO: Remove this and come up with a better solution
            if (interaction.Documentation == null ||
                interaction.Documentation.Description == null)
                interaction.Documentation = new Documentation()
                    Description = new List<string>() { interaction.BusinessName }

            // Determine if this class is an interaction
            bool isIInteraction = true;
            string[] members = {
            foreach (var m in members)
                isIInteraction &= interaction.MessageType.Class.Content.Exists(o => o.Name.ToLower() == m);

            sw.Write(DocumentationRenderer.Render(interaction.Documentation, 0));
            sw.WriteLine("@Structure(name = \"{0}\", structureType = StructureType.INTERACTION)", interaction.Name);
            sw.WriteLine("@Interaction(name=\"{1}\", triggerEvent = \"{0}\")", interaction.TriggerEvent, interaction.Name);
            sw.WriteLine("@InteractionResponses( value = {");
            List<String> resp = new List<string>();
            foreach (Interaction response in interaction.Responses)
                if (resp.Contains(response.Name)) continue;
                sw.WriteLine("\t@Interaction(name = \"{0}\", triggerEvent = \"{1}\"){2}", response.Name, response.TriggerEvent, response == interaction.Responses.Last() ? "" : ",");
            sw.WriteLine("public class {0} extends {1} {2} {{", interaction.Name, CreateInteractionDatatype(interaction.MessageType, ownerPackage), 
                isIInteraction ? "implements IInteraction" : "");

            #region Constants

            // Get the trigger event
            sw.WriteLine("\t/** Gets the default trigger event to be used for this interaction */");
            sw.WriteLine("\tpublic static CV<String> defaultTriggerEvent() {{ return new CV<String>(\"{0}\", \"{1}\"); }}", interaction.TriggerEvent, triggerEventOid, apiNs);

            // Get the interaction id
            sw.WriteLine("\t/** Gets the interaction ID of this interaction */");
            sw.WriteLine("\tpublic static II defaultInteractionId() {{ return new II(\"{1}\", \"{0}\"); }}", interaction.Name, interactionIdOid, apiNs);

            // Get the profile id
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(profileId))
                sw.WriteLine("\t/** Gets the profile id of this interaction */");
                sw.WriteLine("\tpublic static LIST<II> defaultProfileId() {{ LIST<II> retVal = new LIST<II>(); retVal.add(new II (\"{0}\", \"{1}\")); return retVal; }}", profileIdOid, profileId, apiNs);


            #region Constructors

            sw.WriteLine("\t/** Creates a new, empty instance of {0} */", interaction.Name);
            sw.WriteLine("\tpublic {0}() {{ super(); }}\r\n", interaction.Name);

            //string ctor_parameters = "";
            //string ctor_body = "";
            //foreach (ClassContent cc in interaction.MessageType.Class.Content)
            //    if (cc.Conformance == ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory) // Mandatory ctor
            //    {
            //        if (cc is Property && ((cc as Property).FixedValue == null || (cc as Property).PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation))
            //        {
            //            Property p = cc as Property;
            //            TypeReference tr = Datatypes.MapDatatype(p.Type);

            //            // Documentation
            //            if (p.Documentation != null && p.Documentation.Definition != null && p.Documentation.Definition.Count > 0)
            //                sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <param name=\"{0}\">{1}</param>", p.Name, p.Documentation.Definition[0]);

            //            // Now the signature
            //            ctor_parameters += string.Format("{0} {1},", ClassRenderer.CreateDatatypeRef(tr, p), p.Name);
            //            ctor_body += string.Format("\t\t\tthis.{0} = {1};\r\n", Util.Util.PascalCase(p.Name), p.Name);

            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //        }
            //    }

            //// Write CTOR
            //if (ctor_parameters.Length > 0)
            //    sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary>\r\n\t\t/// CTOR for all mandatory elements\r\n\t\t/// </summary>");
            //    sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic {0}({1}) : base() {{ \r\n\t\t{2}\t\t}}", interaction.Name, ctor_parameters.Substring(0, ctor_parameters.Length - 1), ctor_body);

            Dictionary<String, String[]> ctors = ClassRenderer.CreateFactoryMethod(interaction.MessageType, "this", true, ownerPackage);

            // Write CTOR
            List<String> wroteParms = new List<string>(); // Keep track of the parameters used
            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String[]> kv in ctors)
                if (kv.Value[0].Length > 0 && !wroteParms.Contains(kv.Value[0]))
                    sw.WriteLine("\t/**\r\n\t * CTOR for all {0} elements\r\n\t", kv.Key);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t*/\r\n\tpublic {0}({1}) {{ \r\n\t\tsuper();\r\n{2}\t}}", interaction.Name, kv.Value[0].Substring(0, kv.Value[0].Length - 1), kv.Value[1]);

            #region Creator for payload, control act, etc...

            // Owner namespace
            if (interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier != null)
                foreach (TypeReference tr in interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier)
                    sw.WriteLine(GenerateFactoryMethod(tr, ownerPackage));


            #region Interaction members

            if (isIInteraction)
                sw.WriteLine("\t\t/** Implementation of generic IInteraction.ControlActEvent Property */");
                // Create the control act event
                if (interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier != null && interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier.Count > 0)
                    Property cactProperty = interaction.MessageType.Class.Content.Find(o => o is Property && (o as Property).Type.Name == interaction.MessageType.Class.TypeParameters[0].ParameterName) as Property;
                    if (cactProperty == null)

                    string cactName = Util.Util.PascalCase(cactProperty.Name);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\tObject getControlAct() {");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn this.get{0}();", cactName);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\tObject getControlAct() {");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn null;");


            #region Usings

            // Interactions package
            tw.WriteLine("package {0}.interaction;", ownerPackage);

            #region Render the imports
            string[] apiImports = { "annotations.*", "datatypes.*", "datatypes.generic.*", "interfaces.IGraphable", "interfaces.IInteraction" },
                jImports = { "java.lang.*", "java.util.*" };
            foreach (var import in apiImports)
                tw.WriteLine("import {0}.{1};", apiNs, import);
            foreach (var import in jImports)
                tw.WriteLine("import {0};", import);
            foreach (var import in ClassRenderer.s_imports)
                tw.WriteLine("import {0};", import);


예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a vocabulary domain change
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateVocabularyDomainChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)

            #region Vocabulary Domain Change
            // 1. Validate the constraint
            var vocConstraint = constraint.Value as VocabularyConstraintValue;
            Property ccFeature = feature as Property;
            if (ccFeature == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cannot apply the vocabulary binding constraint against a a feature of type '{0}', skipping...", feature.GetType().Name), "error");

            // 2. Validate the parameters
            Type originalType = typeof(Enumeration),
                newType = typeof(Enumeration);
            // Type map
            Dictionary<DomainSourceType, Type> typeMap = new Dictionary<DomainSourceType, Type>()
                { DomainSourceType.CodeSystem, typeof(CodeSystem) },
                { DomainSourceType.ConceptDomain, typeof(ConceptDomain) },
                { DomainSourceType.ValueSet, typeof(ValueSet) }

            // Map
            if (!typeMap.TryGetValue(vocConstraint.OriginalSourceType, out originalType))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Don't understand the source type of the vocabulary constraint '{0}', skipping", vocConstraint.OriginalSourceType), "error");
            else if (!typeMap.TryGetValue(vocConstraint.NewSourceType, out newType))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Don't understand the destination type of the vocabulary constraint '{0}', skipping", vocConstraint.NewSourceType), "error");

            // a. Validate original source parameters
            if (!ccFeature.SupplierDomain.Equals(vocConstraint.OriginalDomain) ||
                ccFeature.SupplierDomain != null && !ccFeature.SupplierDomain.GetType().Equals(originalType))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Current supplier domain '{2}:{0}' does not match original listed in the delta of '{3}:{1}', will continue processing anyways...", ccFeature.SupplierDomain, vocConstraint.OriginalDomain, ccFeature.SupplierDomain.GetType().Name, originalType.Name), "warn");

            // b. Validate the destination parameters
            // Try to get the destination vocabulary domain
            ClassRepository cr = ccFeature.MemberOf ?? ccFeature.Container.MemberOf;
            Feature targetEnum = null;
            if (cr != null && !cr.TryGetValue(vocConstraint.NewDomain, out targetEnum))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Could not find vocabulary '{0}' in repository! Cannot verify parameters", vocConstraint.NewDomain), "warn");
            else if (targetEnum != null && !targetEnum.GetType().Equals(newType))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Could not verify the destination vocabulary type. Actual type is '{0}:{1}', delta set describes '{2}:{3}'",
                    targetEnum.GetType().Name, targetEnum.Name, vocConstraint.NewSourceType, vocConstraint.NewDomain), "warn");
            // Identify the new type
            object newValue = (object)targetEnum ?? (object)vocConstraint.NewDomain;

            // Validate the annotation doesn't already exist
            if (ccFeature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is SupplierDomainConstraintAnnotation && (o as SupplierDomainConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Supplier domain constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");

            // Add the annotation to the feature
            ccFeature.Annotations.Add(new SupplierDomainConstraintAnnotation()
                ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
                RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                NewValue = newValue,
                RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description

예제 #21
 /// TODO: Explanation of parameters missing: f and FilePath
 ///       Description of the value returned missing
 /// <summary>
 /// Create interaction
 /// </summary>
 public string CreateFile(Feature f, string FilePath)
     return Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(FilePath, "Interaction"), f.Name), "cs");
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a conformance change annotation
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateConformanceChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Conformance Change
            // 1. Validate the constraint is against a property
            ClassContent pFeature = feature as ClassContent;
            if (pFeature == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Conformance constraint cannot be applied against a '{1}' named '{0}'", feature.Name, feature.GetType().Name), "error");

            // 2. Validate the conformance old value is in fact a match
            ConstraintValue<String> stConstraint = constraint.Value as ConstraintValue<string>;
            if (stConstraint == null || stConstraint.Original.ToLower() != pFeature.Conformance.ToString().ToLower())
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Conformance constraint cannot be applied because the original value of '{0}' does not match the actual original property conformance of '{1}'",
                    stConstraint.Original.ToLower(), pFeature.Conformance.ToString().ToLower()), "error");

            // Map the SCREAMING CAPS to ScreamingCaps
            string friendlyValue = String.Format("{0}{1}", stConstraint.New[0], stConstraint.New.Substring(1).ToLower());
            if (friendlyValue == "Not_allowed")
                friendlyValue = "NotAllowed";
            // 3. Verify a constraint for the same jurisdication has not already been added
            if (feature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is ConformanceConstraintAnnotation && (o as ConformanceConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Conformance constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");

                new ConformanceConstraintAnnotation()
                    NewValue = (Property.ConformanceKind)Enum.Parse(typeof(Property.ConformanceKind), friendlyValue),
                    ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
                    RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                    RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
예제 #23
        public void ParseAssociation(Association asc, Dictionary <string, Package> derivationSuppliers)
            // There are two scenarios
            // A: Two traversable connections
            // B: A traversable and non traversable end

            // Case A: Two traversable connections, this means that the connection appears in both classes
            if (asc.Ends[0] is AssociationEnd && asc.Ends[1] is AssociationEnd)
                // Make processing a little easier
                AssociationEnd[] ends = new AssociationEnd[] {
                    asc.Ends[0] as AssociationEnd,
                    asc.Ends[1] as AssociationEnd

                // Loop so we write the code once
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    Property p = new Property();
                    p.Name = ends[i].Name;

                    // Business Name
                    foreach (BusinessName bn in ends[i].BusinessName ?? new List <BusinessName>())
                        if (bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                            p.BusinessName = bn.Name;

                    // The multiplicity of the opposing end influences the property on this end of the
                    // association
                    p.MinOccurs   = ends[1 - i].MinimumMultiplicity;
                    p.MaxOccurs   = ends[1 - i].MaximumMultiplicity;
                    p.Conformance = ends[1 - i].IsMandatory ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory :
                                    ends[1 - i].Conformance == ConformanceKind.Required ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Required :
                                    ends[1 - i].MinimumMultiplicity == "1" ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Populated :

                    // The type of this end is the type of the association
                    p.Type = CreateTypeReference(ends[i], p);

                    if (p.Type.Name == null)
                        if (p.Documentation == null)
                            p.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                        if (p.Documentation.Description == null)
                            p.Documentation.Description = new List <string>();

                        p.Documentation.Description.Add(String.Format("GPMR: Association to type '{0}' was ignored and set as nothing as '{0}' could not be found. You should consider revising this", ends[i].ParticipantClassName));

                    // Traversable association
                    p.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation;

                    // Annotations
                    if (asc.Annotations != null)
                        p.Documentation = MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.Pipeline.Compiler.Mif20.Parsers.DocumentationParser.Parse(asc.Annotations.Documentation);

                    // Find the class this end belongs in
                    if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                                                                   ends[1 - i].ParticipantClassName)))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't bind property '{0}' to class '{1}'... Class does not exist", p.Name, ends[1 - i].ParticipantClassName));

                    // Set derivation
                    p.DerivedFrom = asc;
                    p.SortKey     = asc.SortKey;

                        if (ends[i].DerivedFrom != null)
                            p.Realization = new List <ClassContent>();
                            foreach (var dei in ends[i].DerivedFrom)
                                MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f = null;
                                if (!ClassRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", derivationSuppliers[dei.StaticModelDerivationId].PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationSuppliers[dei.StaticModelDerivationId].PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                                                                               dei.ClassName), out f))
                                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}'", dei.ClassName, ends[i].Name), "debug");
                                    ClassContent cc = (f as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).GetFullContent().Find(o => o.Name == dei.AssociationEndName);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot append derivation information to {0} (reason:{1})", ends[i].Name, ex.ToString()), "error");

                    // Add to repository
                    if (ends[1 - i].Conformance != ConformanceKind.NotPermitted)
                        (ClassRepository[string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                                                       ends[1 - i].ParticipantClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).AddContent(p);
            else // Case 2: A traversable and non-traversable connection,
                AssociationEnd ae = (asc.Ends[0] as AssociationEnd) ?? (asc.Ends[1] as AssociationEnd);
                NonTraversableAssociationEnd ntae = (asc.Ends[0] as NonTraversableAssociationEnd) ?? (asc.Ends[1] as NonTraversableAssociationEnd);

                // Start to process the property.
                ClassContent cc;
                if (ae.ChoiceItem != null && ae.ChoiceItem.Count > 0)
                    cc = new Choice();
                    cc = new Property();

                cc.Name = ae.Name;

                // Business Name
                foreach (BusinessName bn in ae.BusinessName ?? new List <BusinessName>())
                    if (bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                        cc.BusinessName = bn.Name;

                // The multiplicity of the opposing end influences the property on this end of the
                // association
                cc.MinOccurs   = ae.MinimumMultiplicity;
                cc.MaxOccurs   = ae.MaximumMultiplicity;
                cc.Conformance = ae.IsMandatory ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory :
                                 ae.Conformance == ConformanceKind.Required && ae.MinimumMultiplicity == "1" ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Populated :
                                 ae.Conformance == ConformanceKind.Required ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Required :

                #region Bind To Class
                // Find the class on the traversable end, we'll need to append the property to it
                if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Can't bind property '{0}' to class '{1}'... Class does not exist", cc.Name, ntae.ParticipantClassName), "error");
                //throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't bind property '{0}' to class '{1}'... Class does not exist", p.Name, ae.ParticipantClassName));
                else if (ae.Conformance != ConformanceKind.NotPermitted) // Append the property to the class
                    MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class cls = ClassRepository[string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                                                                                         ntae.ParticipantClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class;
                    // Add template parameter
                    if (templateParameters.ContainsKey(ae.ParticipantClassName))


                // Choice or property?
                if (cc is Property)
                    Property p = cc as Property;
                    p.Type = CreateTypeReference(ae, p);
                    if (p.Type.Name == null)
                        if (p.Documentation == null)
                            p.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                        if (p.Documentation.Description == null)
                            p.Documentation.Description = new List <string>();
                        p.Documentation.Description.Add(String.Format("GPMR: Association to type '{0}' was ignored and set as nothing as '{0}' could not be found. You should consider revising this", ae.ParticipantClassName));
                    // Traversable association
                    p.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation;
                else // Choice
                    Choice chc = cc as Choice;
                    chc.MemberOf = ClassRepository;
                    chc.Content  = new List <ClassContent>();

                    // Get a type reference to the CMET or main type to be used
                    TypeReference trf = CreateTypeReference(ae, cc);

                    // Cannot find association
                    if (trf.Name == null)
                        if (chc.Documentation == null)
                            chc.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                        if (chc.Documentation.Description == null)
                            chc.Documentation.Description = new List <string>();

                        chc.Documentation.Description.Add(String.Format("GPMR: Association to type '{0}' was ignored and set as nothing as '{0}' could not be found. You should consider revising this", ae.ParticipantClassName));

                    // Warn
                    if (trf.Class == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Cannot make association to class '{0}' as it was not defined!", ae.ParticipantClassName));
                    if (ae.ChoiceItem.Count != trf.Class.SpecializedBy.Count)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of choices on property does not match the number of child classes for its data type for association '{0}'", cc.Name), "warn");

                    chc.Content.AddRange(ProcessAssociations(ae, ae.ChoiceItem, trf, chc));

                     * // Specializations
                     * List<TypeReference> specializations = new List<TypeReference>(trf.Class.SpecializedBy);
                     * // Flatten choice members
                     * for (int i = 0; i < ae.ChoiceItem.Count ; i++)
                     *  if (ae.ChoiceItem[i].Specialization != null && ae.ChoiceItem[i].Specialization.Count > 0)
                     *  {
                     *      AssociationEndSpecialization aes = ae.ChoiceItem[i]; // Get local reference
                     *      // Remove redundant data
                     *      ae.ChoiceItem.RemoveAt(i); // Remove the redundant choice item
                     *      i--; // redo this item
                     *      // is this a cmet?
                     *      if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(aes.ClassName) && ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] is CommonTypeReference)
                     *      {
                     *          specializations.RemoveAll(o => o.Name == (ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] as CommonTypeReference).Class.Name);
                     *          specializations.AddRange((ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] as CommonTypeReference).Class.Class.SpecializedBy);
                     *      }
                     *      ae.ChoiceItem.AddRange(aes.Specialization); // Now add the choices
                     *  }
                     * int ip = 0;
                     * // Add choice members
                     * foreach (AssociationEndSpecialization aes in ae.ChoiceItem)
                     * {
                     *  Property p = new Property();
                     *  // Now, construct the properties from the CMET entries
                     *  // Try ...
                     *  var rClassName = specializations.Find(o => o.Class != null && o.Class.Name.Equals(aes.ClassName));
                     *  // Determine if this is a CMET
                     *  if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(aes.ClassName) && ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] is CommonTypeReference)
                     *      p.Type = (ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] as CommonTypeReference).Class;
                     *  else if (rClassName != null) // Try using the inheritence method
                     *      p.Type = rClassName;
                     *  else if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), aes.ClassName)))
                     *      p.Type = ((ClassRepository[String.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), aes.ClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).CreateTypeReference());
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Class '{2}' of CMET '{1}' could not be found or was not processed. The processing of the property '{0}' in '{3}.{4}' will NOT continue", cc.Name, aes.ClassName, ae.ParticipantClassName, staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), ntae.ParticipantClassName), "error");
                     *      break;
                     *  }
                     *  p.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation;
                     *  // Fix bug with optional choice
                     *  p.MinOccurs = chc.MinOccurs;
                     *  p.MaxOccurs = chc.MaxOccurs;
                     *  p.Conformance = chc.Conformance;
                     *  p.DerivedFrom = aes;
                     *  p.Documentation = p.Type.ClassDocumentation;
                     *  p.MemberOf = ClassRepository;
                     *  p.Container = chc;
                     *  // Traversal names
                     *  p.Name = aes.TraversalName;
                     *  chc.Content.Add(p);
                     *  ip++;
                     * }

                // Annotations
                if (asc.Annotations != null)
                    cc.Documentation = MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.Pipeline.Compiler.Mif20.Parsers.DocumentationParser.Parse(asc.Annotations.Documentation);

                // Set derivation
                cc.DerivedFrom = asc;
                cc.SortKey     = ae.SortKey;

                    if (ae.DerivedFrom != null)
                        cc.Realization = new List <ClassContent>();
                        foreach (var dei in ae.DerivedFrom)
                            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature ss = null;
                            Package derivationPkg = null;
                            if (!derivationSuppliers.TryGetValue(dei.StaticModelDerivationId, out derivationPkg) || derivationPkg == null)

                            // Has the package been compiled?
                            if (!ClassRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPkg.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                                // Attempt to parse
                                PackageParser.Parse(derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), derivationPkg.MemberOfRepository, ClassRepository);
                                // Ditch if still can't find
                                if (!ClassRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPkg.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}' (derivation supplier {2})", dei.ClassName, dei.AssociationEndName, dei.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");

                            // Feature was found
                            var f = (ss as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem).FindClass(dei.ClassName);
                            if (f != null)
                                // Realized Class content
                                ClassContent rcc = f.GetFullContent().Find(o => o.Name == dei.AssociationEndName);
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}' (derivation supplier {2})", dei.ClassName, dei.AssociationEndName, dei.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot append derivation information to {0} (reason:{1})", ae.Name, ex.ToString()), "error");

                (cc.Container as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).Content.Sort(new ClassContent.Comparator());
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate feature
        /// </summary>
        private bool GenerateFeature(KeyValuePair<FeatureRendererAttribute, IFeatureRenderer> fr, Feature f, string[][] templateFields, string projectName, TextWriter jFileList, Dictionary<String, StringCollection> parameters, string sourcePath)
            string file = String.Empty;
            try // To write the file
                // Start the rendering
                file = fr.Value.CreateFile(f, Path.Combine(sourcePath, JabaUtils.PackageNameToDirectory(projectName)));

                // Is the renderer for a file
                if (fr.Key.IsFile)

                    TextWriter tw = File.CreateText(file);
                    try // Render the file

                        string Header = Template.Default; // Set the header to the default

                        // Populate template fields
                        foreach (String[] st in templateFields)
                            Header = Header.Replace(st[0], st[1]);

                        // Write header

                        // Render the template out
                        fr.Value.Render(parameters["rimbapi-target-ns"][0], parameters["rimbapi-api-ns"][0], f, tw);

                    return true;
                return true;
            catch (NotSupportedException)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) File.Delete(file);
                return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) File.Delete(file);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Could not write file '{0}', {1}", file, e.Message), "error");
                return false;
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an annotation change delta
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateAnnotationChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Annotation Change
            AnnotationConstraintValue acv = constraint.Value as AnnotationConstraintValue;
            if (acv.ChangeType == ChangeType.Remove)

                // Determine modification type
                var modType = AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Other;
                switch (acv.Type)
                    case AnnotationType.Description:
                        modType = AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Description;
                    case AnnotationType.UseageNotes:
                        modType = AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Usage;
                    case AnnotationType.Rationale:
                        modType = AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Rationale;
                feature.Annotations.Add(new AnnotationConstraintAnnotation()
                    AnnotationType = modType,
                    ChangeType = ChangeType.Remove,
                    RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code
                switch (acv.Type)
                    case AnnotationType.UseageNotes:
                    case AnnotationType.Description:
                    case AnnotationType.Rationale:
                        // 1. Validate the current value is equal
                        if (feature.Documentation == null ||
                            acv.Type == AnnotationType.Description &&
                            (feature.Documentation.Description == null ||
                            feature.Documentation.Description.Count == 0 ||
                             !feature.Documentation.Description[0].Equals(acv.Original)) ||
                            acv.Type == AnnotationType.UseageNotes &&
                            (feature.Documentation.Usage == null ||
                            feature.Documentation.Usage.Count == 0 ||
                            !feature.Documentation.Usage[0].Equals(acv.Original)) ||
                            acv.Type == AnnotationType.Rationale &&
                            (feature.Documentation.Rationale == null ||
                            feature.Documentation.Rationale.Count == 0 ||
                            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Annotation constraint for '{0}' of type '{1}' does not have the same origial content, this may be an error!", feature.Name, acv.Type), "warn");

                        // 2. Add the annotation
                        feature.Annotations.Add(new AnnotationConstraintAnnotation()
                            AnnotationType = acv.Type == AnnotationType.Description ? AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Description : acv.Type == AnnotationType.Rationale ? AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Rationale : AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Usage,
                            ChangeType = acv.ChangeType,
                            NewValue = acv.New,
                            RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                            RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
                    case AnnotationType.Constraint:
                        // 1. Create a new titled documentation
                        feature.Annotations.Add(new AnnotationConstraintAnnotation()
                            AnnotationType = AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Constraint,
                            ChangeType = acv.ChangeType,
                            NewValue = acv.New,
                            RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                            RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
                    case AnnotationType.DesignComments:
                    case AnnotationType.Mapping:
                    case AnnotationType.OpenIssue:
                    case AnnotationType.OtherNotes:
                        // 1. Create a new titled documentation
                        feature.Annotations.Add(new AnnotationConstraintAnnotation()
                            AnnotationType = AnnotationConstraintAnnotation.ModificationTargetType.Other,
                            ChangeType = acv.ChangeType,
                            NewValue = acv.New,
                            RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                            RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
예제 #26
        public void Render(string OwnerNS, string apiNs, Feature f, System.IO.TextWriter tw)
            this.generatedFactoryMethods = new List<string>();
            // Get a strongly typed reference to the 
            Interaction interaction = f.Clone() as Interaction;
            interaction.MemberOf = f.MemberOf;

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

            #region Usings

            // Validate Usings
            string[] usings = new string[] { "Attributes", "Interfaces", "DataTypes", "DataTypes.Primitives" };
            // API usings
            foreach (string s in usings)
                sw.WriteLine("using {1}.{0};", s, apiNs);

            // Owner Usings
            foreach (String s in GatherUsings(interaction.MessageType))
                sw.WriteLine("using {0}.{1};", OwnerNS, s);

            if(f.MemberOf.Find(o=>o is Enumeration) != null)
                sw.WriteLine("using {0}.Vocabulary;", OwnerNS);

            // HACK: If there is no description on the interaction then we'll 
            // HACK: add the business name as a description
            // TODO: Remove this and come up with a better solution
            if (interaction.Documentation == null ||
                interaction.Documentation.Description == null)
                interaction.Documentation = new Documentation()
                    Description = new List<string>() { interaction.BusinessName }

            // Determine if the interaction is an IInteraction
            bool isIInteraction = true;
            string[] members = {
            foreach (var m in members)
                isIInteraction &= interaction.MessageType.Class.Content.Exists(o => o.Name.ToLower() == m);

            sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}.Interactions {{\r\n", OwnerNS);
            var vLength = sw.ToString().Length;
            sw.Write(DocumentationRenderer.Render(interaction.Documentation, 1));
            if (sw.ToString().Length == vLength)
                sw.WriteLine("\t/// <summary>{0}</summary>", interaction.BusinessName != null ? interaction.BusinessName.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "") : interaction.Name);
            sw.WriteLine("\t[Structure(Name = \"{0}\", StructureType = StructureAttribute.StructureAttributeType.Interaction)]", interaction.Name);
            sw.WriteLine("\t[Interaction(TriggerEvent = \"{0}\")]", interaction.TriggerEvent);
            sw.WriteLine("\t#if !WINDOWS_PHONE");
            sw.WriteLine("\t[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode(\"gpmr\",\"{0}\")]", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());
            foreach (Interaction response in interaction.Responses)
                sw.WriteLine("\t[InteractionResponse(Name = \"{0}\", TriggerEvent = \"{1}\")]", response.Name, response.TriggerEvent);
            sw.WriteLine("\t[System.ComponentModel.Description(\"{0}\")]", interaction.BusinessName != null ? interaction.BusinessName.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "") : interaction.Name);
            sw.WriteLine("\tpublic class {0} : {1}{2} {{", interaction.Name, CreateInteractionDatatype(interaction.MessageType), isIInteraction ? ", MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IInteraction" : "");

            #region Constants

            // Get the trigger event
            sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary> Gets the default trigger event to be used for this interaction </summary>");
            sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static CV<String> GetTriggerEvent() {{ return new CV<String>(\"{0}\", \"{1}\"); }}", interaction.TriggerEvent, triggerEventOid);

            // Get the interaction id
            sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary> Gets the interaction ID of this interaction </summary>");
            sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static II GetInteractionId() {{ return new II(new OID(\"{1}\"), \"{0}\"); }}", interaction.Name, interactionIdOid);

            // Get the profile id
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(profileId))
                sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary> Gets the profile id of this interaction </summary>");
                sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static LIST<II> GetProfileId() {{ return new LIST<II>() {{ new II (new OID(\"{0}\"), \"{1}\") }}; }}", profileIdOid, profileId);


            #region Constructors

            sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary> Creates a new, empty instance of {0} </summary>", interaction.Name);
            sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic {0}() : base() {{ }}\r\n", interaction.Name);

            //string ctor_parameters = "";
            //string ctor_body = "";
            //foreach (ClassContent cc in interaction.MessageType.Class.Content)
            //    if (cc.Conformance == ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory) // Mandatory ctor
            //    {
            //        if (cc is Property && ((cc as Property).FixedValue == null || (cc as Property).PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation))
            //        {
            //            Property p = cc as Property;
            //            TypeReference tr = Datatypes.MapDatatype(p.Type);

            //            // Documentation
            //            if (p.Documentation != null && p.Documentation.Definition != null && p.Documentation.Definition.Count > 0)
            //                sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <param name=\"{0}\">{1}</param>", p.Name, p.Documentation.Definition[0]);

            //            // Now the signature
            //            ctor_parameters += string.Format("{0} {1},", ClassRenderer.CreateDatatypeRef(tr, p), p.Name);
            //            ctor_body += string.Format("\t\t\tthis.{0} = {1};\r\n", Util.Util.PascalCase(p.Name), p.Name);

            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //        }
            //    }

            //// Write CTOR
            //if (ctor_parameters.Length > 0)
            //    sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary>\r\n\t\t/// CTOR for all mandatory elements\r\n\t\t/// </summary>");
            //    sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic {0}({1}) : base() {{ \r\n\t\t{2}\t\t}}", interaction.Name, ctor_parameters.Substring(0, ctor_parameters.Length - 1), ctor_body);

            Dictionary<String, String[]> ctors = ClassRenderer.CreateFactoryMethod(interaction.MessageType, "this", true);

            // Write CTOR
            List<String> wroteParms = new List<string>(); // Keep track of the parameters used
            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String[]> kv in ctors)
                if (kv.Value[0].Length > 0 && !wroteParms.Contains(kv.Value[0]))
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary>\r\n\t\t/// CTOR for all {0} elements\r\n\t\t/// </summary>", kv.Key);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic {0}({1}) : base() {{ \r\n\t\t{2}\t\t}}", interaction.Name, kv.Value[0].Substring(0, kv.Value[0].Length - 1), kv.Value[1]);

            #region Creator for payload, control act, etc...

            // Owner namespace
            if(interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier != null)
                foreach (TypeReference tr in interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier)
                    sw.WriteLine(GenerateFactoryMethod(tr, OwnerNS));

            if (isIInteraction)
                // Version code
                sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary>Implementation of version code</summary>");
                sw.WriteLine("\t\tMARC.Everest.DataTypes.Interfaces.ICodedSimple MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IInteraction.VersionCode { get { return this.VersionCode; } }");

                // Version code
                sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary>Implementation of processing mode code</summary>");
                sw.WriteLine("\t\tMARC.Everest.DataTypes.Interfaces.ICodedSimple MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IInteraction.ProcessingModeCode { get { return this.ProcessingModeCode; } }");

                sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary>Implementation of generic IInteraction.ControlActEvent Property</summary>");
                // Create the control act event
                if (interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier != null && interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier.Count > 0)
                    Property cactProperty = interaction.MessageType.Class.Content.Find(o => o is Property && (o as Property).Type.Name == interaction.MessageType.Class.TypeParameters[0].ParameterName) as Property;
                    if (cactProperty == null)

                    string cactName = cactProperty.Type.Name == interaction.MessageType.Class.TypeParameters[0].ParameterName ? Util.Util.MakeFriendly(cactProperty.Name) : Util.Util.PascalCase(cactProperty.Name);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\tSystem.Object MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IInteraction.ControlAct {");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tget {{ return this.{0}; }}", cactName);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tset {{ this.{1} = value as {0}; }}", CreateInteractionDatatype(interaction.MessageType.GenericSupplier[0]), cactName);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\tSystem.Object MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IInteraction.ControlAct {");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tget { return null; }");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tset { ; }");


예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a remove change delta
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateRemoveChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Remove Change
            // 1. Find the feature that is to be removed
            Feature removeFeature = null;
            ClassContent pFeature = feature as ClassContent;
            RemoveConstraintValue rcv = constraint.Value as RemoveConstraintValue;
            if (rcv.RelationshipName == feature.Name)
                removeFeature = feature;
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rcv.OwnedEntryPoint) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(rcv.ClassName))
                if (feature is Property)
                    var ssContainer = ((feature as Property).Container as Class).ContainerPackage;
                    if (ssContainer != null && ssContainer.Name.Equals(rcv.OwnedEntryPoint))
                        removeFeature = ssContainer.OwnedClasses.Find(o => o.Name.Equals(rcv.ClassName));

            // 2. Validate the feature
            if (removeFeature == null)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cannot apply remove constraint on '{0}.{1}{2}' as the path was not found...",
                    rcv.OwnedEntryPoint, rcv.ClassName, rcv.RelationshipName == null ? "" : "." + rcv.RelationshipName), "error");

            // 3. Apply the remove constraint
            if (removeFeature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is RemoveConstraintAnnotation && (o as RemoveConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Conformance constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");
                new RemoveConstraintAnnotation()
                    ChangeType = ChangeType.Remove,
                    RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                    RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description

            // 4. Remove the supported constraint
            removeFeature.Annotations.RemoveAll(o => o is SupportedConstraintAnnotation && (o as SupportedConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code);

예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimize the <paramref name="feature"/>
        /// </summary>
        public MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature Optimize(MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f, CombineLog workingLog)
            string qualifiedName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", (f as Class).ContainerName, f.Name);
            // Garbage bin
            List <String>       classGarbageBin   = new List <string>();
            List <ClassContent> contentGarbageBin = new List <ClassContent>();

            // Still valid to process this feature
            if (!Repository.ContainsKey(qualifiedName))
                return(null); // Can't process non-existant class
            // First determine if a class that is identical to this already exists
            FeatureComparer comparer         = new FeatureComparer();
            var             matchingFeatures = from kv in Repository
                                               where comparer.Compare(kv.Value, f) == 0
                                               select kv.Value;

            CombineInfo currentCombinationLog = new CombineInfo();

            // Find matching features in each of the sub-systems
            if (matchingFeatures.Count() > 1 && CorCollapserPipelineTrigger.combine == true)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} other classes can be represented by this class", matchingFeatures.Count()), "debug");
                currentCombinationLog.Destination = qualifiedName;

                foreach (var s in matchingFeatures)
                    string qName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", (s as Class).ContainerName, s.Name);
                    if (qName != qualifiedName)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\tReplaces '{0}'", qName), "debug");

                        // Copy alternate traversal data
                        foreach (ClassContent cc in (s as Class).Content)
                            if (cc is Property && (cc as Property).AlternateTraversalNames != null)
                                if (((f as Class).Content.Find(o => o.Name == cc.Name) as Property).AlternateTraversalNames == null)
                                    ((f as Class).Content.Find(o => o.Name == cc.Name) as Property).AlternateTraversalNames = new List <Property.AlternateTraversalData>();
                                ((f as Class).Content.Find(o => o.Name == cc.Name) as Property).AlternateTraversalNames.AddRange((cc as Property).AlternateTraversalNames);
                        // Replace referneces
                        ReplaceReferences(s as Class, f as Class);

                        // Add an annotation
                        f.Annotations.Add(new CodeCombineAnnotation((s as Class).CreateTypeReference()));

                        // Remove this class (Add it to the garbage bin)

            // Now collapse members
            if (CorCollapserPipelineTrigger.collapse)
                for (int i = 0; i < (f as Class).Content.Count; i++)
                    ClassContent cc = (f as Class).Content[i];
                    // Determine if it is a candidate for collapsing needless complexity
                    if (IsCandidateForMeaninglessComplexityCollapse(cc))
                        while (IsCandidateForMeaninglessComplexityCollapse(cc))
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("\tCollapsing '{0}'", cc.Name), "debug");
                            CollapseMemberType(cc, f as Class);
                    // Determine if it is a candidate for collapsing the entire type
                    else if (IsCandidateForTypeCollapse(cc))
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("\tCollapsing '{0}'", cc.Name), "debug");
                        CopyMembers((cc as Property).Type, f as Class, cc);

                // Clean up garbage bin
                (f as Class).Content.RemoveAll(a => contentGarbageBin.Contains(a));
                (f as Class).Content.Sort(new ClassContent.Comparator());

            // Clean the garbage bin
            foreach (string s in classGarbageBin)

예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a change that modifies the business name
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateBusinessNameChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
            #region Business Name Change
            // 1. Validate constraint if possible
            BusinessNameConstraintAnnotation bnc = new BusinessNameConstraintAnnotation();
            var stConstraint = constraint.Value as ConstraintValue<String>;
            if (stConstraint.Original != null && !stConstraint.Original.Equals(feature.BusinessName))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Business name constraint original text does not match actual business name on feature '{0}'", feature.Name), "warn");

            // 2. Check for duplicates
            if (feature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is BusinessNameConstraintAnnotation && (o as BusinessNameConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Business name constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");

            // 3. Append constraint
            feature.Annotations.Add(new BusinessNameConstraintAnnotation()
                RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
                NewValue = stConstraint.New,
                ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
                RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description
예제 #30
 /// TODO: Explanation of parameters missing: OwnerNS, apiNs, f and tw
 ///       Summary explanation needed
 public void Render(String OwnerNS, String apiNs, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f, System.IO.TextWriter tw)
     return; // no file is created
예제 #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a cardinality change
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateCardinalityChange(Feature feature, Constraint constraint)
     #region Cardinality Change
     // 1. Validate constraint & target
     CardinalityConstraintValue ccv = constraint.Value as CardinalityConstraintValue;
     ClassContent ccFeature = feature as ClassContent;
     if (ccFeature == null)
         Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cannot apply cardinality constraint against a feature of type '{0}', skipping...", feature.GetType().Name), "error");
     // 2. Validate existing data
     if ((ccv.OriginalMaxValue.HasValue ? ccv.OriginalMaxValue.ToString() != ccFeature.MaxOccurs : ccFeature.MaxOccurs != "*") ||
         (ccv.OriginalMinValue.HasValue ? ccv.OriginalMinValue.ToString() != ccFeature.MinOccurs : ccFeature.MaxOccurs != null))
         Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Applying cardinality constraint on '{0}' even though original Min/Max occurs do not match!", feature.Name), "warn");
     // 3. Validate that the cardinality doesn't already exist
     if (ccFeature.Annotations.Exists(o => o is CardinalityConstraintAnnotation && (o as CardinalityConstraintAnnotation).RealmCode == this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code))
         Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Delta: Cardinality constraint has already been applied to '{0}'", feature.Name), "error");
     // 4. Append the annotation
     ccFeature.Annotations.Add(new CardinalityConstraintAnnotation()
         ChangeType = ChangeType.Edit,
         RealmCode = this.m_deltaSet.Realm.Code,
         MaxOccurs = ccv.NewMaxValue.HasValue ? ccv.NewMaxValue.Value.ToString() : "*",
         MinOccurs = ccv.NewMinValue.HasValue ? ccv.NewMinValue.Value.ToString() : null,
         RealmName = this.m_deltaSet.MetaData.Description