public async Task RegisterMsg(
			[Summary("ID of message you want to use a description for what theese roles do.")]ulong msgId,
			[Summary("ID or names for the roles you want selectable.")]params string[] roles)
			IUserMessage msg = (IUserMessage)await Channel.GetMessageAsync(msgId);
			List<IRole> guildRoles = await GetRoles(roles);
			List<IEmote> emotes = msg.Reactions.Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

			if (roles.Length > emotes.Count)
				await RespondAsync("Too many input roles, each reaction must have one role.", false, false);

			if (roles.Length < emotes.Count)
				await RespondAsync("Not enough input roles, each reaction must have one role.", false, false);

			// Go through all reactions on target message and add the bots own reaction and sync DB
			for (int i = 0; i < emotes.Count; i++)
				IEmote emote = emotes[i];
				IRole role = guildRoles[i];

				await DatabaseModule.RunNonQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"INSERT INTO reactionMessages VALUES ({msg.Id}, '{emote.Name.GetHashCode()}', {role.Id});");
				await msg.AddReactionAsync(emote);

			// Delete traces of this command being talked about.
			await Message.DeleteAsync();
		/// <summary>
		/// Change a role status for a user. (Will ignore any roles that are not manages)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="user"></param>
		/// <param name="action"></param>
		/// <param name="roles"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public async Task ModifyRoleAsync(IGuildUser user, RoleAction action, params string[] roles)
			// TODO: Fix manual add settings.
			foreach (IRole role in await GetRoles(roles))
				// Skip roles that are not managed.
				if (!Config.RolesToManage.Any(x => x.RoleID == role.Id))
					await LogAsync(LogLevel.Warning, "Trying to modify role that has not been configured to be manages.");

				// Take appropriate action based on input.
				switch (action)
					case RoleAction.Add:
						await DatabaseModule.RunNonQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"INSERT INTO userRoles VALUES ({user.Id}, {role.Id});");
					case RoleAction.Remove:
						await DatabaseModule.RunNonQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"DELETE FROM userRoles where user_id = {user.Id} AND role_id = {role.Id}");
					case RoleAction.AddManual:
						ManagedRole managedRole = Config.RolesToManage.First(x => x.RoleID == role.Id);

						if (managedRole.ManualAdd)
							await DatabaseModule.RunNonQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"INSERT INTO userRoles VALUES ({user.Id}, {role.Id});");
					case RoleAction.RemoveManual:
						managedRole = Config.RolesToManage.First(x => x.RoleID == role.Id);

						if (managedRole.ManualAdd)
							await DatabaseModule.RunNonQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"DELETE FROM userRoles where user_id = {user.Id} AND role_id = {role.Id}");