예제 #1
        public static void Exercitiul11()
            Console.WriteLine("   11. Write a function to print nth number in Fibonacci series?");

            int nr = 0;

            nr = Metoda.PrelParamInt();

            List <int> lstFibonacci = new List <int>();

            lstFibonacci = Metoda.FibIterativ(nr);

            Metoda.AfisareList(lstFibonacci, "   Fibonacci numbers are: ");

            int z = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < lstFibonacci.Count; x++)
                if (x == nr - 1)
                    z = lstFibonacci[x];
            Console.WriteLine("   Al {0}-lea numar din sirul lui Fibonacci este: {1}", nr.ToString(), z.ToString());
예제 #2
        public static List <string> EliminaDuplicate(string[] arr)//returneaza lista cu valorile distincte
            List <string> lstUnice = new List <string>();

            for (int x = 0; x < arr.Length; x++)
                int count = 0;
                if (Metoda.Exista(arr[x].ToString(), lstUnice) == true)//(lstUnice.Contains(newArr[x]))
                for (int y = 0; y < arr.Length; y++)
                    if (arr[x].ToString() == arr[y].ToString())
                if (count == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("   Item {0} is unique.", arr[x].ToString());
                if (count != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("   Item {0} appears {1} times.", arr[x], count.ToString());//cum fac sa nu mai afiseze de 'n' ori ca un nr anume se repeta de 'n' ori?
                //lstUnice.Remove(arr[x]);//daca e sa scot aceasta linie si acoladele de la if si sa ramana doar cw ca la if-ul anterior, se rezolva pb, insa am nevoie de Remove...
예제 #3
        public static void Exercitiul18()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.18. Write code to reverse a linked list, if you able to do it using loops,");
            Console.WriteLine("   try to solve with recursion?");

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter some letters to reverse them: ");
            string litere = Console.ReadLine();

            string[] arrLitere = new string[litere.Length];
            arrLitere = Metoda.GenStrArray(litere);

            LinkedList <string> lstCuvinte = new LinkedList <string>(arrLitere);

            Console.WriteLine("   The initial list of the letters you entered...");

            LinkedList <string> lstPeDos = new LinkedList <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < arrLitere.Length; i++)
                lstPeDos.AddLast(arrLitere[arrLitere.Length - 1 - i]);
            Console.WriteLine("   The reversed list of the letters...");
            //varianta recursiva va trebui sa o discutam la curs
예제 #4
        public static void Exercitiul12()
            Console.WriteLine("   12. Write a function to count a total number of set bits in a 32 bit Integer?");

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter an integer:");
            int numar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            int        counter = 0;
            List <int> binar   = new List <int>();

            while (numar > 0)
                //Console.Write("{0} ", (numar % 2).ToString());
                binar.Add(numar % 2);
                if ((numar % 2) == 1)
                numar = numar / 2;
            Metoda.AfisareList(binar, "   Binary form of the number you entered is: ");
            Console.WriteLine("   Total number of set bits is: {1}", numar.ToString(), counter.ToString());
예제 #5
        public static void Exercitiul9()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.9. How to merge two sorted linked list?");

            int lungime, valMax;

            Metoda.PrelParamInt(out lungime, out valMax);//preluam lungimea si val maxima de la utilizator

            List <int> list1 = new List <int>();

            list1 = Metoda.GenIntList(lungime, valMax);//generam prima lista cu elem aleatorii

            List <int> list2 = new List <int>();

            list2 = Metoda.GenIntList(lungime, valMax);//generam a doua lista cu elem aleatorii

            Metoda.AfisareList(list1, "   List1 elements: ");
            Metoda.AfisareList(list2, "   List2 elements: ");

            int[] arrList1 = new int[list1.Count]; //initializam 2 array-uri pentru a copia in ele elementele celor 2 liste de mai sus
            int[] arrList2 = new int[list2.Count]; //ca sa putem folosi metoda 'EliminaDuplicate'

            for (int i = 0; i < list1.Count; i++)//populam primul array cu elem. din prima lista
                arrList1[i] = list1[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < list2.Count; i++)//populam al doilea array cu elem. din a doua lista
                arrList2[i] = list2[i];

            List <int> listaUnice1 = new List <int>();//initializam 2 liste in care sa stocam valorile unice
            List <int> listaUnice2 = new List <int>();

            listaUnice1 = Metoda.EliminaDuplicate(arrList1); //populam prima lista cu unicate, folosind metoda 'EliminaDuplicate'
            listaUnice2 = Metoda.EliminaDuplicate(arrList2); //populam a doua lista cu unicate, folosind metoda 'EliminaDuplicate'

            Metoda.AfisareList(listaUnice1, "   Lista unice 1: ");
            Metoda.AfisareList(listaUnice2, "   Lista unice 2: ");

            List <int> mergedList = new List <int>();//initializam lista cu valorile unite ale celor doua liste de unicate

            for (int i = 0; i < listaUnice1.Count; i++)
                mergedList.Add(listaUnice1[i]);//populam lista unita cu valorile din prima lista de unicate
            for (int i = 0; i < listaUnice2.Count; i++)
                if (Metoda.Exista(listaUnice2[i], mergedList) == false) //daca valorile din lista a doua de unicate nu exista deja in lista unita
                    mergedList.Add(listaUnice2[i]);                     //le adaugam si pe acestea
            Metoda.AfisareList(mergedList, "   Merged list elements are: ");
예제 #6
        public static void Exercitiul16()
            Console.WriteLine("   16. Algorithm to check if a number is Prime or not?");

            //pentru a afla daca un nr este prim, acestuia ii trebuie verificata divizibilitatea cu toate nr prime mai mici decat el
            Console.WriteLine("   Enter the number to check!");
            Console.WriteLine("   (Please, choose a number < 10.000 if you want the result today :) )");
            int numar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //preluare valoare utilizator in var. numar

            int[] arrNumere = new int[numar];                //array-ul arrNumere creat prin
            arrNumere = Metoda.GenIntArray2(numar);          //apelarea functiei 'GenIntArray' din clasa 'Metoda'

            List <int> lstDivizibile = new List <int>();     //initializare lista lstDivizibile
            List <int> lstPrime      = new List <int>();     //initializare lista lstPrime

            for (int x = 0; x <= arrNumere.Length - 1; x++)  //se creeaza o lista a divizibililor in vederea aflarii nr prime < nr verificat
                for (int y = 0; y <= arrNumere.Length - 1; y++)
                    if (arrNumere[x] % arrNumere[y] == 0 && arrNumere[y] != 1 && arrNumere[x] != arrNumere[y])
            for (int x = 0; x <= arrNumere.Length - 1; x++)//se inloc val divizibililor din array, cu val. 0
                for (int y = 0; y <= lstDivizibile.Count - 1; y++)
                    if (arrNumere[x] == lstDivizibile[y])
                        arrNumere[x] = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x <= arrNumere.Length - 1; x++)//se creeaza lista nr prime
                if (arrNumere[x] != 0)
            int counter = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x <= lstPrime.Count - 1; x++)
                if (numar % lstPrime[x] == 0 && lstPrime[x] != 1 && numar != lstPrime[x])
                    Console.WriteLine("   Number {0} isn't prime because it's divisible by {1}.", numar.ToString(), lstPrime[x].ToString());
            if (counter == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("   Number {0} is prime!", numar.ToString());
예제 #7
        public static void Exercitiul6()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.6. How to find sum of digits of a number using Recursion?");

            int numar     = Metoda.PrelParamInt();
            int sumaCifre = Metoda.SumaCifreRecursiv(numar);

            Console.WriteLine("   The number you entered is {0} and it's digits sum is: {1}", numar.ToString(), sumaCifre.ToString());
예제 #8
        public static void Exercitiul19()
            Console.WriteLine("   19. How to rotate an array by a given pivot ?");

            int lungime, valMax;

            Metoda.PrelParamInt(out lungime, out valMax);

            int[] arrInitial = new int[lungime];
            arrInitial = Metoda.GenIntArray(lungime, valMax);

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter a value with the role of 'pivot':");
            int pivot = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            int x = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < arrInitial.Length; i++)
                if (pivot == arrInitial[i])
                    x = i;
            Console.WriteLine("   The index of {0} is {1}.", pivot.ToString(), x.ToString());

            List <int> lstRotit = new List <int> {
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;

            while (j < arrInitial.Length - x)
                lstRotit.Add(arrInitial[j + x]);
            for (j = arrInitial.Length - x; j < arrInitial.Length; j++)
                while (k < x)
            int[] arrRotit = new int[arrInitial.Length];
            lstRotit.CopyTo(arrRotit, 0);
예제 #9
        public static void Exercitiul20()
            Console.WriteLine("   20. Sorting an Array using Selection Sort");

            int lungime, valMax;

            Metoda.PrelParamInt(out lungime, out valMax);

            int[] arrNesortat = new int[lungime];
            arrNesortat = Metoda.GenIntArray(lungime, valMax);


예제 #10
        public static void Exercitiul1()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.1. Given an array of ints, write a C# method to total all the values that are even numbers.");

            int lungArr, valArr;

            Metoda.PrelParamInt(out lungArr, out valArr);

            int[] newArr = new int[lungArr];
            newArr = Metoda.GenIntArray(lungArr, valArr);


            Console.WriteLine("   The sum of the EVEN numbers is: {0}", Metoda.SumaNrPareArr(newArr).ToString());
예제 #11
        public static int CalculeazaArmstrong(List <int> lstCifre)
            int x    = 0;
            int suma = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < lstCifre.Count; i++)
                x = Metoda.CalculeazaPutere(lstCifre[i], lstCifre.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("   cifra: {0} -- puterea: {1} -- valoarea: {2}", lstCifre[i].ToString(), lstCifre.Count.ToString(), x.ToString());
                suma = suma + x;
            Console.WriteLine("   The sum of numbers above is: {0}", suma.ToString());
예제 #12
        public static void Exercitiul4()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.4. Algorithm to find if Array contains duplicates?");

            int lungArr, valArr;

            Metoda.PrelParamInt(out lungArr, out valArr);

            int[] newArr = new int [lungArr];
            newArr = Metoda.GenIntArray(lungArr, valArr);


            List <int> lstUnicate = new List <int>();

            lstUnicate = Metoda.EliminaDuplicate(newArr);
예제 #13
        public static void Exercitiul13()
            Console.WriteLine("   13. Write a function to remove duplicate characters from String?");

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter a few repetitive letters:");
            string litere = Console.ReadLine();

            string[] arrLitere = new string[litere.Length];
            arrLitere = Metoda.GenStrArray(litere);


            List <string> lstUnice = new List <string>();

            lstUnice = Metoda.EliminaDuplicate(arrLitere);

예제 #14
        public static void Exercitiul3()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.3. How to calculate factorial using recursion in C# + iterative + time difference.");

            int numar = Metoda.PrelParamInt();

            int[] factArr = new int[numar + 1];
            factArr = Metoda.GenIntArray(numar);//.CopyTo(factArr,0);


            int x = Metoda.FactorialIterativ(factArr);
            int y = Metoda.FactorialRecursiv(numar);

            Console.WriteLine("   Iterative: !{0} = {1}", numar.ToString(), x.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("   Recursive: !{0} = {1}", numar.ToString(), y.ToString());
예제 #15
        public static void Exercitiul5()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.5. How to remove duplicates from a sorted linked list?");

            int lungime, valMax;

            Metoda.PrelParamInt(out lungime, out valMax);

            int[] arrayNou = new int[lungime];
            arrayNou = Metoda.GenIntArray(lungime, valMax);

            List <int> listaUnice = new List <int>();

            listaUnice = Metoda.EliminaDuplicate(arrayNou);

            Console.Write("   All the elements of the initial list...");
            Metoda.AfisareList(listaUnice, "   Unique elements of the list...");
예제 #16
        public static void Exercitiul7()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.7. Given an unsorted array which has a number in the majority");
            Console.WriteLine("   (a number appears more than 50% in the array), find that number?");

            int lungime, valMax;

            Metoda.PrelParamInt(out lungime, out valMax);

            int[] arr = new int[lungime];
            arr = Metoda.GenIntArray(lungime, valMax);

            List <int> lstUnice = new List <int>();

            for (int x = 0; x < arr.Length; x++)
                int count = 0;
                if (Metoda.Exista(arr[x], lstUnice) == true)//(lstUnice.Contains(newArr[x]))
                for (int y = 0; y < arr.Length; y++)
                    if (arr[x] == arr[y])
                if (count == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("   Item {0} is unique.", arr[x].ToString());
                if (count != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("   Item {0} appears {1} times.", arr[x], count.ToString());
                if (count > arr.Length / 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("   Item {0} is in majority!", arr[x]);
예제 #17
        public static void Exercitiul17()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.17. Algorithm to check if a number is Palindrome?");

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter a number to check for 'palindrome' property: ");
            int numar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            List <int> listaCifre = new List <int>();

            listaCifre = Metoda.GenIntListaCifre(numar);
            Metoda.AfisareList(listaCifre, "   Digits list is: ");

            List <int> listaPeDos = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < listaCifre.Count; i++)
                listaPeDos.Add(listaCifre[listaCifre.Count - 1 - i]);
            Metoda.AfisareList(listaPeDos, "   Reversed digits list is: ");

            int counter = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < listaCifre.Count; j++)
                if (listaCifre[j] == listaPeDos[j])
                if (listaCifre[j] != listaPeDos[j])
            if (listaCifre.Count == counter)
                Console.WriteLine("   Number {0} is a palindrome!", numar.ToString());
            if (listaCifre.Count != counter)
                Console.WriteLine("   Number {0} is NOT a palindrome!", numar.ToString());
예제 #18
        public static void Exercitiul10()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.10. Write a Program which checks if two Strings are Anagram or not?");

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter the first few letters: ");
            string firstString = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter the second string:");
            string secondString = Console.ReadLine();

            string[] arrFirst = new string[firstString.Length];
            arrFirst = Metoda.GenStrArray(firstString);

            string[] arrSecond = new string[secondString.Length];
            arrSecond = Metoda.GenStrArray(secondString);


            int counter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < arrFirst.Length; i++)
                if (arrFirst[i] != arrSecond[i])
                if (arrFirst[i] == arrSecond[i])
            if (counter == arrFirst.Length && counter == arrSecond.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("   The two strings are ANAGRAM!");
            if (counter != arrFirst.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("   The two strings are NOT anagram!");
예제 #19
        public static void Exercitiul2()
            Console.WriteLine("   Ex.2. How to find all pairs of elements in an integer array, ");
            Console.WriteLine("   whose sum is equal to a given number?");

            int numar = Metoda.PrelParamInt();

            int[] termeniAddArr = new int[numar + 1];
            //termeniAddArr = Metoda.GenIntArray(numar);//array ce contine toate nr de la 0 la nr introdus de utilizator
            termeniAddArr = Metoda.GenIntArray(numar, numar);//array cu continut aleatoriu, functie de nr introdus de utilizator

            List <int> lstDupl = new List <int>();


            for (int x = 0; x < termeniAddArr.Length; x++)                //prima valoare din array, apoi a doua, ulterior a treia...
                for (int y = 0; y < termeniAddArr.Length; y++)            //comparata pe rand cu fiecare din valorile array-ului
                    if (Metoda.Exista(termeniAddArr[x], lstDupl) == true) //la prima rulare a buclei, aici e gol si trece peste
                    {                                                     //incepand cu a doua, verifica daca exista in lista si sare la urmatoarea valoare
                        if (numar == termeniAddArr[x] + termeniAddArr[y]) //daca indeplineste conditia
                            lstDupl.Add(termeniAddArr[x]);                //sunt ambele adaugate in lista
                            Console.Write("   {0} = {1} + {2}", numar.ToString(), termeniAddArr[x].ToString(), termeniAddArr[y].ToString());
예제 #20
        public static void Exercitiul15()
            Console.WriteLine("   15. C# program to check if a number is Armstrong number or not?");

            Console.WriteLine("   Enter a number to check for Armstrong property: ");
            int numar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            List <int> lstCifre = new List <int>();

            lstCifre = Metoda.GenIntListaCifre(numar);

            Metoda.AfisareList(lstCifre, "   Digits list is: ");

            int nrArm = Metoda.CalculeazaArmstrong(lstCifre);

            if (numar == nrArm)
                Console.WriteLine("   The number you entered is an Armstrong number!");
            if (numar != nrArm)
                Console.WriteLine("   The number you entered is NOT an Armstrong number!");