internal static void SetupScope(dynamic Scope, System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client, Settings Settings, HttpRequestHeader req = null) { System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(Settings != null); if (client != null && client.Connected && client.Client != null) { //System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions.UseSystemThread //client.Client.SendFile(,,, System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions.UseKernelApc) Scope.Client = client; try { Scope.Stream = client?.GetStream(); } catch (Exception exp) { ErrorLogger.WithTrace(Settings, string.Format("[Fatel][Backend error => SetupScope()] : exception-message : {0}.\nstacktrace : {1}\n", exp.Message, exp.StackTrace), typeof(PythonRunner)); } finally { Scope.Stream = new System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream(client.Client); //new System.IO.MemoryStream(new byte[2048], true); } Scope.SendAsync = new Action <byte[]>(async(bytes) => { try { if (!Scope.Stream.CanWrite) { return; } await Scope.Stream.WriteAsync(bytes); await Scope.Stream?.FlushAsync(); if ((bool)Scope.AutoClose) { client.Close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { ErrorLogger.WithTrace(Settings, string.Format("[Fatel][Backend error => SendAsync()] : exception-message : {0}.\nstacktrace : {1}\n", exp.Message, exp.StackTrace), typeof(IronPythonObject)); } }); Scope.SendTextAsync = new Action <string>(async(text) => { try { if (!Scope.Stream.CanWrite) { return; } await Scope.Stream.WriteAsync(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)); await Scope.Stream?.FlushAsync(); if ((bool)Scope.AutoClose) { client.Close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { ErrorLogger.WithTrace(Settings, string.Format("[Fatel][Backend error => SendTextAsync()] : exception-message : {0}.\nstacktrace : {1}\n", exp.Message, exp.StackTrace), typeof(IronPythonObject)); } }); Scope.SendFile = new Action <string, bool>((file, isBigFile) => { client.Client.SendFile(file, null, null, isBigFile ? System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions.UseSystemThread : System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions.UseDefaultWorkerThread); }); Scope.SendText = new Action <string>((text) => { try { if (!Scope.Stream.CanWrite) { return; } Scope.Stream.Write(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)); Scope.Stream.Flush(); if ((bool)Scope.AutoClose) { client.Close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { ErrorLogger.WithTrace(Settings, string.Format("[Fatel][Backend error => SendText()] : exception-message : {0}.\nstacktrace : {1}\n", exp.Message, exp.StackTrace), typeof(IronPythonObject)); } }); Scope.Send = new Action <byte[]>(bytes => { try { Scope.Stream.Write(bytes); Scope.Stream.Flush(); if ((bool)Scope.AutoClose) { client.Close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { ErrorLogger.WithTrace(Settings, string.Format("[Fatel][Backend error => Send()] : exception-message : {0}.\nstacktrace : {1}\n", exp.Message, exp.StackTrace), typeof(IronPythonObject)); } }); Scope.ReadAsync = new Action <byte[], int, int> (async(buffer, offest, length) => await Scope.Stream?.ReadAsync(buffer, offest, length)); Scope.Read = new Action <byte[], int, int>( (buffer, offest, length) => Scope.Stream?.Read(buffer, offest, length)); Scope.Close = new Action(() => client?.Close()); Scope.IsClientConnected = new Func <bool>(() => client.IsConnected()); //string address = client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); //Scope.Address = address; //Scope.AddressParts = address.Split(':'); } Scope.AutoClose = false; Scope.ReadFileBytes = new Func <string, byte[]>(f => { try { return(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(f)); } catch (Exception exp) { ErrorLogger.WithTrace(Settings, string.Format("[Fatel][Backend error => ReadFileBytes()] : exception-message : {0}.\nstacktrace : {1}\n", exp.Message, exp.StackTrace), typeof(IronPythonObject)); return(new byte[] { 0 }); } }); Scope.ReadFileBytesAction = new Action <string, Action <byte[]> >((f, work) => { try { using System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(f, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite); byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; int read = 0; while ((read = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { work?.Invoke(buffer[]);
private static byte[] RunNativeRequestProcessorApp(HttpRequestHeader requestHeader, Settings settings) { using (System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process()) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); string serializedString = GenerateSerializedInput(requestHeader); process.StartInfo.FileName = CPYTHON_PATH; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{requestHeader.AbsoluteFilePath}\" \"{serializedString}\""; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; // Decision made in 31/2/2021 to wrap all input streams // to pass arguments process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { output.Append(e.Data); }; process.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { error.Append(e.Data); }; process.Start(); process.StandardInput.WriteLine(serializedString); process.StandardInput.Flush(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); //process.WaitForExit(); process.Close(); //RedirectErrors string result = ""; if (error.Length != 0) { if ((bool)settings.Current.RedirectErrors) { result = error.ToString(); } else { result = ERR_MESSAGE; } ErrorLogger.WithTrace(settings, string.Format("[Warning][Server error => ProcessPython3Script()] : exception : {0}\n", error.ToString()), typeof(HttpRespondHeader)); } else { result = output.ToString(); } byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); return(bytes); } }