public void Create(int eventId, NotificationType notificationType) { var notification = new Notification() { NotificationType = notificationType, EventId = eventId }; this.notifications.Add(notification); this.notifications.Save(); }
public void ChangeState(Notification notification) { this.state = notification; this.Notify(); }
public IHttpActionResult Put(int id, GetNumberDataModel model) { Validate(model.Number); var game =; if (game == null) { return BadRequest("Invalid game id!"); } var userId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId(); if (userId == game.RedId) { return BadRequest("A game, created by a user, cannot be joined by the same user."); } game.BlueNumber = model.Number; game.BlueId = userId; var playerInTurn = rand.Next(1, 2); game.GameState = playerInTurn == 1 ? GameState.RedInTurn : GameState.BlueInTurn; var currentMessage = string.Format(JOINED_GAME_MESSAGE, game.Name); var notification = new Notification { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, GameId = game.ID, Type = NotificationType.YourTurn, State = NotificationState.Unread, Message = string.Format(currentMessage), }; game.Notifications.Add(notification);; var user =; user.Notifications.Add(notification);;; return Ok(new { result = currentMessage }); }
public Models.Notification SaveNotification(Models.Notification notification) { if (notification.Destination.TrueForAll(t => Enum.TryParse(t.Message.TypeNotification, out EventSupport eventSupport))) { return(_liteDb.Insert(notification)); }
public IHttpActionResult Post(int id, [FromBody]GetNumberDataModel model) { var game =; if (game == null) { return BadRequest("Invalid game id!"); } if (game.GameState == GameState.WaitingForOpponent || game.GameState == GameState.Finished) { return BadRequest("Invalid game state"); } var userId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId(); if (!(game.BlueId == userId || game.RedId == userId)) { return BadRequest("Wrong user!"); } ApplicationUser playerInTurn; ApplicationUser otherPlayer; int originalNumber = int.MinValue; ; if (game.RedId == userId && game.GameState == GameState.RedInTurn) { otherPlayer = game.Blue; playerInTurn = game.Red; originalNumber = game.RedNumber; } else { otherPlayer = game.Red; playerInTurn = game.Blue; originalNumber = (int)game.BlueNumber; } ValidateNumber(model.Number); var bullsAndCowsCheck = CheckBullsAndCows(model.Number.ToString(), originalNumber.ToString()); var bulls = bullsAndCowsCheck[0]; var cows = bullsAndCowsCheck[1]; var toOtherPlayerNotification = new Notification { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, GameId = game.ID, State = NotificationState.Unread, UserId = otherPlayer.Id }; if (bulls == 4) { game.GameState = GameState.Finished; toOtherPlayerNotification.Message = string.Format(BEATEN_MESSAGE, playerInTurn.Email,game.Name); toOtherPlayerNotification.Type = NotificationType.GameLost; var toCurrentPlayerMessage = new Notification { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, GameId = game.ID, State = NotificationState.Unread, Type = NotificationType.GameWon, Message = string.Format(YOU_WON_MESSAGE, otherPlayer.Email, game.Name), UserId = playerInTurn.Id };; } else { toOtherPlayerNotification.Message = string.Format(YOUR_TURN_MESSAGE, game.Name); toOtherPlayerNotification.Type = NotificationType.YourTurn; }; var guess = new Guess { BullsCount = bulls, CowsCount = cows, DateMade = DateTime.Now, GameID = game.ID, Number = model.Number, UserID = userId };; var response = => g.ID == guess.ID).Select(GuessDataModel.FromGame);;; return Ok(response); }