public Models.File GetFileInfo(string filePath) { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(filePath); Models.File file = new Models.File(); file.FileName = f.Name; file.FileLocation = f.FullName; file.FileSize = f.Length.ToString(); file.FileType = Path.GetExtension(filePath); return(file); }
public void SendFile(Models.File file, Component comp) { communication com = new communication(); CosmosObject cos = new CosmosObject(); cos.CommandType = 9; cos.DestinationIPAdress = comp.Address; cos.DestinationQueue = "cosmos"; cos.SourceQueue = com.generateID(8); cos.SourceIPAddress = com.knowLocalIp().ToString(); cos.Payload = (object)file; com.send(cos); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteSingleFile(int fileId) { File file = await fileService.FindAsync(fileId); User user = await HttpContext.GetContextUser(userService) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (file == null) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "File was not found.", Detail = "File was not found.", Instance = "9D3830A2-E7D1-4610-A147-1D43BFB8DDBC" }; return(NotFound(problem)); } bool isAllowed = userService.UserHasScope(user.IdentityId, nameof(Defaults.Scopes.FileWrite)); if (!(file.Uploader.Id.Equals(user.Id) || isAllowed)) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Not authorized.", Detail = "You do not have the required permissions to delete this file.", Instance = "88967A6F-B168-44E2-A8E7-E9EBD555940E" }; return(Unauthorized(problem)); } try { await fileService.RemoveAsync(fileId) .ConfigureAwait(false); fileService.Save(); fileUploader.DeleteFileFromDirectory(file); return(Ok()); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "File could not be deleted because the path does not exist.", Detail = "File could not be found.", Instance = "436349B4-50D9-49FD-8618-82367BEB7941" }; return(NotFound(problem)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <Models.File> > AddFile([FromBody] Models.File file) { try { await _context.Files.AddAsync(file); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); file.NoteBook = null; return(file); } catch { return(Problem("Error In Save Video Task")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetSingleFile(int fileId) { File file = await fileService.FindAsync(fileId); if (file == null) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "File could not be found.", Detail = "File could not be found.", Instance = "875B6402-D771-45EC-AB56-3DE0CDD446D6" }; return(NotFound(problem)); } return(Ok(mapper.Map <File, FileResourceResult>(file))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UploadSingleFile([FromForm] FileResource fileResource) { if (fileResource.File == null) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Failed posting file.", Detail = "File is null.", Instance = "ACD46F17-A239-4353-92A5-0B81AA0A96E9" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } try { DateTime uploadDateTime = DateTime.Now; int fileExtPos = fileResource.File.FileName.LastIndexOf("."); string extension = fileResource.File.FileName.Substring(fileExtPos); string newFileName = Guid.NewGuid() + extension; User user = await HttpContext.GetContextUser(userService) .ConfigureAwait(false); File file = new File(newFileName, newFileName, user, uploadDateTime); await fileUploader.CopyFileToDirectory(fileResource.File, newFileName); await fileService.AddAsync(file); fileService.Save(); return(Ok(mapper.Map <File, FileResourceResult>(file))); } catch (FileExistException fileExistException) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = fileExistException.Message, Detail = "Please rename filename.", Instance = "D902F8C6-23FF-4506-B272-C757BD709464" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } }
public File CreateDirectory() { File NewDirectory = null; File body = new File(); body.Title = "E-Academy-Materials"; body.Description = "Directory for hosting zip files of topics"; body.MimeType = "application/"; body.Parents = new List<ParentReference>() { new ParentReference() { Id = ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID } }; try { FilesResource.InsertRequest request = this.service.Files.Insert(body); NewDirectory = request.Execute(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + e.Message); } return NewDirectory; }
public void SaveFile(string ownerType, int ownerID, string fileType, HttpPostedFileBase file) { var client = new RestClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("APIURL")); if (file == null || file.ContentLength == 0) { return; } var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); var fileSize = file.ContentLength; if (fileType == "profilePicture" || fileType == "image") { if (!acceptedImageExtensions.Contains(fileExtension)) { return; } } else { if (!acceptedMusicExtensions.Contains(fileExtension)) { return; } } if (fileSize > maxFileSize) { return; } if (ownerType == "user") { var folder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath($"~/Content/Uploads/Users/{ownerID}/"); if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } var path = Path.Combine(folder, fileName); file.SaveAs(path); if (fileType == "profilePicture") { var user = new User(); user.ID = ownerID; user.ProfilePicture = fileName; var request = new RestRequest("user/update/profilepicture", Method.PUT); request.AddJsonBody(user); client.Execute(request); } else { var fileLogic = new FileLogic(); fileLogic.Name = fileName; var user = new User(); user.ID = ownerID; user.Files = new List <FileLogic>(); user.Files.Add(fileLogic); var request = new RestRequest("user/add/file", Method.POST); request.AddJsonBody(user); client.Execute(request); } } }
public ZipFileGoogleDriveResponseModel Upload(ZipFileGoogleDriveRequestModel uploadFile) { var body = new File(); body.Title = uploadFile.OriginalName; body.MimeType = "application/zip"; body.Description = "test"; body.Parents = new List<ParentReference> { new ParentReference() { Id = ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID } }; var request = this.Service.Files.Insert(body, uploadFile.Content, "application/zip"); request.Upload(); File file = request.ResponseBody; var res = new ZipFileGoogleDriveResponseModel { Id = file.Id, EmbededLink = file.EmbedLink, DownloadLink = file.DownloadUrl }; return res; }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteProject(int projectId) { Project project = await projectService.FindAsync(projectId) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (project == null) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Failed to delete the project.", Detail = "The project could not be found in the database.", Instance = "AF63CF48-ECAA-4996-BAA0-BF52926D12AC" }; return(NotFound(problem)); } User user = await HttpContext.GetContextUser(userService) .ConfigureAwait(false); bool isAllowed = await authorizationHelper.UserIsAllowed(user, nameof(Defaults.Scopes.ProjectWrite), nameof(Defaults.Scopes.InstitutionProjectWrite), project.UserId); if (!(project.UserId == user.Id || isAllowed)) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Failed to delete the project.", Detail = "The user is not allowed to delete the project.", Instance = "D0363680-5B4F-40A1-B381-0A7544C70164" }; return(Unauthorized(problem)); } if (project.ProjectIconId.HasValue) { // We need to delete the old file. File fileToDelete = await fileService.FindAsync(project.ProjectIconId.Value); try { // Remove the file from the database await fileService.RemoveAsync(fileToDelete.Id) .ConfigureAwait(false); fileService.Save(); // Remove the file from the filesystem fileUploader.DeleteFileFromDirectory(fileToDelete); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "File could not be deleted because the path does not exist.", Detail = "File could not be found.", Instance = "367594c4-1fab-47ae-beb4-a41b53c65a18" }; return(NotFound(problem)); } } await projectService.RemoveAsync(projectId) .ConfigureAwait(false); projectService.Save(); return(Ok()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProject(int projectId, [FromBody] ProjectResource projectResource) { Project project = await projectService.FindAsync(projectId) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (project == null) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Failed to update project.", Detail = "The specified project could not be found in the database.", Instance = "b27d3600-33b0-42a0-99aa-4b2f28ea07bb" }; return(NotFound(problem)); } User user = await HttpContext.GetContextUser(userService) .ConfigureAwait(false); bool isAllowed = userService.UserHasScope(user.IdentityId, nameof(Defaults.Scopes.ProjectWrite)); if (!(project.UserId == user.Id || isAllowed)) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Failed to edit the project.", Detail = "The user is not allowed to edit the project.", Instance = "906cd8ad-b75c-4efb-9838-849f99e8026b" }; return(Unauthorized(problem)); } if (projectResource.CallToAction != null) { IEnumerable <CallToActionOption> callToActionOptions = await callToActionOptionService.GetCallToActionOptionFromValueAsync( projectResource.CallToAction.OptionValue); if (!callToActionOptions.Any()) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Call to action value was not found.", Detail = "The specified call to action value was not found while creating the project.", Instance = "40EE82EB-930F-40C8-AE94-0041F7573FE9" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } } // Upload the new file if there is one File file = null; if (projectResource.FileId != 0) { if (project.ProjectIconId != 0 && project.ProjectIconId != null) { if (project.ProjectIconId != projectResource.FileId) { File fileToDelete = await fileService.FindAsync(project.ProjectIconId.Value); // Remove the file from the filesystem fileUploader.DeleteFileFromDirectory(fileToDelete); // Remove file from DB await fileService.RemoveAsync(project.ProjectIconId.Value); fileService.Save(); } } // Get the uploaded file file = await fileService.FindAsync(projectResource.FileId); if (file != null) { project.ProjectIcon = file; } else { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "File was not found.", Detail = "The specified file was not found while updating project.", Instance = "69166D3D-6D34-4050-BD25-71F1BEBE43D3" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } } mapper.Map(projectResource, project); projectService.Update(project); projectService.Save(); return(Ok(mapper.Map <Project, ProjectResourceResult>(project))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateProjectAsync([FromBody] ProjectResource projectResource) { if (projectResource == null) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Failed to create a new project.", Detail = "The specified project resource was null.", Instance = "8D3D9119-0D12-4631-B2DC-56494639A849" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } if (projectResource.CallToAction != null) { IEnumerable <CallToActionOption> callToActionOptions = await callToActionOptionService.GetCallToActionOptionFromValueAsync( projectResource.CallToAction.OptionValue); if (!callToActionOptions.Any()) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Call to action value was not found.", Detail = "The specified call to action value was not found while creating the project.", Instance = "40EE82EB-930F-40C8-AE94-0041F7573FE9" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } } Project project = mapper.Map <ProjectResource, Project>(projectResource); File file = await fileService.FindAsync(projectResource.FileId); if (projectResource.FileId != 0 && file == null) { ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "File was not found.", Detail = "The specified file was not found while creating project.", Instance = "8CABE64D-6B73-4C88-BBD8-B32FA9FE6EC7" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } project.ProjectIcon = file; project.User = await HttpContext.GetContextUser(userService) .ConfigureAwait(false); try { projectService.Add(project); projectService.Save(); return(Created(nameof(CreateProjectAsync), mapper.Map <Project, ProjectResourceResult>(project))); } catch (DbUpdateException e) { Log.Logger.Error(e, "Database exception"); ProblemDetails problem = new ProblemDetails { Title = "Failed to save new project.", Detail = "There was a problem while saving the project to the database.", Instance = "9FEEF001-F91F-44E9-8090-6106703AB033" }; return(BadRequest(problem)); } }