public List <yashaddi> asaletTasdiki() { List <yashaddi> il = null; try { personelHelper helper = new personelHelper(); var reader = helper.GetData("SET language turkish select adSoyad, day(kurumaBaslamaTarihi),DATENAME( Month,(dbo.sicil.kurumaBaslamaTarihi+180)) as month from sicil where getdate()-(kurumaBaslamaTarihi)<180 and getdate()-(kurumaBaslamaTarihi)>165"); if (reader.HasRows) { il = new List <yashaddi>(); while (reader.Read()) { yashaddi se = new Model.yashaddi(); se.adSoyad = reader[0].ToString(); se.gun = Convert.ToInt32(reader[1]); se.ay = reader[2].ToString(); il.Add(se); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(il); }
public List <yashaddi> yashaddi() { List <yashaddi> il = null; try { personelHelper helper = new personelHelper(); var reader = helper.GetData("SET language turkish select adSoyad, day(dogumtarihi-1),DATENAME( Month,(dbo.sicil.dogumTarihi)) as month from sicil where dbo.FN_YAS_HESAPLA1(dogumTarihi,GETDATE())<65 and dbo.FN_YAS_HESAPLA1(dogumTarihi,(GETDATE()-335))>=64"); if (reader.HasRows) { il = new List <yashaddi>(); while (reader.Read()) { yashaddi se = new Model.yashaddi(); se.adSoyad = reader[0].ToString(); se.gun = Convert.ToInt32(reader[1]); se.ay = reader[2].ToString(); il.Add(se); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(il); }