public static List<TagProcessResult> ProcessTagSet(List<TagSimple> tagSet)
            var resultList = new List<TagProcessResult>();

             // Spellcheck
             tagSet.ForEach(t => resultList.Add(
            new TagProcessResult
               TagId = t.TagId,
               TagValue = t.TagValue,
               WordProcessResultList = t.TagValue.Split(' ').ToList().Select(w => ProcessWord(w, t.TagId)).ToList()

             var correctlySpelledTagList = resultList.Where(t => t.WordProcessResultList.All(w => !w.Skip)).ToList();

             resultList.Where(t => t.WordProcessResultList.All(w => !w.Skip)).ToList().ForEach(tpr => CheckTagSetTest(correctlySpelledTagList, tpr));

             //// Check all tags that are 100% spelled correctly for a duplicate in provided set.
             //resultList.Where(t => t.WordProcessResultList.All(w => !w.Skip)).ToList().ForEach(tpr => CheckTagSetForDuplicates(correctlySpelledTagList, tpr));

             //// Check all tags that are unique in the provided set of tags and are 100% spelled correctly for a duplicate in the media tag repository.
             //resultList.Where(t => !t.DuplicateTagId.HasValue && t.WordProcessResultList.All(w => !w.Skip)).ToList().ForEach(CheckRepositoryForDuplicates);

             //resultList.Where(t => !t.MediaTagId.HasValue).ToList().ForEach(t => CheckTagSetForSynonyms(correctlySpelledTagList, t));

             return resultList;
예제 #2
        public IList<Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord> GetByDate(int year, int month, string code, int djsid, bool? IsVerified_City, bool? IsVerified_Country)
            List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> ListRecord = IDjgroup.GetByDate(year, month, code, djsid, IsVerified_City, IsVerified_Country).ToList();
            List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> List = new List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord>();
            foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in ListRecord)
                if (List.Where(x => x.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id == item.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Where(x => x.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString() == item.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString()).Where(x => x.Enterprise.Id == item.Enterprise.Id).Count() == 0)
                    if (code.Substring(2) == "0000")

                    else if (code.Substring(4, 2) == "00")
                        if (item.Enterprise.Area.Code.Substring(0,4) == code.Substring(0,4))
                        if (item.Enterprise.Area.Code == code)
            return List;
예제 #3
        public static IEnumerable<RecordStatistic> GetStatistics(IEnumerable<RecordData> recordDatas)
            IList<RecordStatistic> Statistics = new List<RecordStatistic>();
            RecordStatistic statistic;
            foreach (var record in recordDatas)
                statistic = Statistics.Where(s => s.ResourceType == record.ResourceType && s.ResourceName == record.ResourceName).FirstOrDefault();
                TimeSpan duration = record.EndTime - record.StartTime;
                if (statistic == null)  //尚未统计该条record
                    statistic = new RecordStatistic();
                    statistic.ResourceName = record.ResourceName;
                    statistic.ResourceType = record.ResourceType;
                    statistic.ResourceType = record.ResourceType;

                    statistic.TotalHours = duration.TotalHours;
                    statistic.TotalMinutes = duration.TotalMinutes;
                    statistic.TotalHours += duration.TotalHours;
                    statistic.TotalMinutes += duration.TotalMinutes;
            return Statistics;
예제 #4
 public List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> GetByDate(int year, int month, int entid, int djsid, bool? IsVerified_City, bool? IsVerified_Country)
     List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> ListRecord = IDjgroup.GetByDate(year, month, entid, djsid, IsVerified_City, IsVerified_Country).ToList();
     List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> List = new List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord>();
     foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in ListRecord)
         if (List.Where(x => x.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id == item.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Where(x => x.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString() == item.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString()).Where(x => x.Enterprise.Id == item.Enterprise.Id).Count() == 0)
     return List;
        public override bool Match(GuideEnricherProgram guideProgram, List<TvdbEpisode> episodes)
            if (!guideProgram.PreviouslyAiredTime.HasValue)
                return false;

            var match = episodes.Where(e => e.FirstAired == guideProgram.PreviouslyAiredTime).FirstOrDefault();

            if (match != null)
                return this.Matched(guideProgram, match);

            return this.Unmatched(guideProgram);
예제 #6
        private static string BuildFailureMessage(List<Build> builds)
            var failedBuilds = builds.Where(b => !IsSuccesfullBuild(b)).ToList();

            var build = builds.First();
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                .AppendFormat( //todo externalize this in settings
                    @"<img src='' height='16' width='16'/><strong>Failed</strong> to build {0} branch {1} with build number <a href=""{2}""><strong>{3}</strong></a>. Failed build(s) ",
                    build.projectName, build.branchName, build.buildStatusUrl, build.buildNumber);

                string.Join(", ",
                    failedBuilds.Select(fb => string.Format(@"<a href=""{0}""><strong>{1}</strong></a>", fb.buildStatusUrl, fb.buildName))));

            return stringBuilder.ToString();
 public void CalculateAbsoluteNumbers(List<TvdbEpisode> episodes)
     int absoluteNumber = 0;
     var actualEpisodes = episodes.Where(x => x.IsSpecial == false).ToList();
     actualEpisodes.Sort(new TvEpisodeComparer());
     foreach (var episode in actualEpisodes)
         if (episode.AbsoluteNumber != -99)
             absoluteNumber = episode.AbsoluteNumber;
             episode.AbsoluteNumber = absoluteNumber;
        public List<Pro_details_entity> Load_search_result(string _txt,int type,int _idcat)
            List<Pro_details_entity> l = new List<Pro_details_entity>();
            string[] arr = _txt.Split(' ');
            for (int s = 0; s < arr.Length; s++)
                if (s == 0)
                    var list = (from c in db.ESHOP_NEWS_CATs
                                join a in db.ESHOP_NEWs on c.NEWS_ID equals a.NEWS_ID
                                join b in db.ESHOP_CATEGORies on c.CAT_ID equals b.CAT_ID
                                where (SqlMethods.Like(a.NEWS_KEYWORD_ASCII, ClearUnicode("%" + arr[s] + "%")))
                                && a.NEWS_TYPE == type && (_idcat != 0 ? (b.CAT_ID == _idcat || b.CAT_PARENT_PATH.Contains(_idcat.ToString())) : _idcat == 0)
                                select new { a.NEWS_ID, a.NEWS_TITLE, a.NEWS_IMAGE3, a.NEWS_PRICE1, a.NEWS_PRICE2, a.NEWS_DESC, a.NEWS_SEO_URL, a.NEWS_URL, a.NEWS_ORDER, a.NEWS_ORDER_PERIOD, a.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE, a.NEWS_FIELD3 }).Distinct().OrderByDescending(n => n.NEWS_ID).OrderByDescending(n => n.NEWS_ORDER);
                    foreach (var i in list)
                        Pro_details_entity pro = new Pro_details_entity();
                        pro.NEWS_ID = i.NEWS_ID;
                        pro.NEWS_TITLE = i.NEWS_TITLE;
                        pro.NEWS_IMAGE3 = i.NEWS_IMAGE3;
                        pro.NEWS_DESC = i.NEWS_DESC;
                        pro.NEWS_SEO_URL = i.NEWS_SEO_URL;
                        pro.NEWS_URL = i.NEWS_URL;
                        pro.NEWS_ORDER = Utils.CIntDef(i.NEWS_ORDER);
                        pro.NEWS_ORDER_PERIOD = Utils.CIntDef(i.NEWS_ORDER_PERIOD);
                        pro.NEWS_PRICE1 = Utils.CDecDef(i.NEWS_PRICE1);
                        pro.NEWS_PRICE2 = Utils.CDecDef(i.NEWS_PRICE2);
                        pro.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE = Utils.CDateDef(i.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE, DateTime.Now);
                        pro.NEWS_FIELD3 = i.NEWS_FIELD3;
                        pro.CAT_SEO_URL = "";
                    var list = l.Where(n => n.NEWS_TITLE.ToLower().Contains(arr[s].ToLower())).ToList();
                    if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                        l = list;

            return l;
예제 #9
        public List<DJ_GovManageDepartment> GetDptRecord(string beginTime, string endTime, string dptname, int entid, bool? IsVerified_City, bool? IsVerified_Country)
            List<Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord> ListRecord = IDjgroup.GetDptRecordByCondition(beginTime, endTime, dptname, entid, IsVerified_City, IsVerified_Country).ToList();
            List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> List = new List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord>();
            foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in ListRecord)
                if (List.Where(x => x.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id == item.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Where(x => x.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString() == item.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString()).Where(x => x.Enterprise.Id == item.Enterprise.Id).Count() == 0)
            List<DJ_GovManageDepartment> ListGovDpt = new BLLDJ_GovManageDepartment().GetGovDptByName(dptname).ToList();
            List<DJ_GovManageDepartment> ListGovWdpt = new List<DJ_GovManageDepartment>();
            foreach (DJ_GovManageDepartment item in ListGovDpt)
                foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord record in List)
                    if (item.Area.Code.Substring(2) == "0000")
                    else if (item.Area.Code.Substring(4,2) == "00")
                        if (item.Area.Code.Substring(0, 4) == record.Enterprise.Area.Code.Substring(0, 4))
                        if (item.Area.Code.Substring(0, 6) == record.Enterprise.Area.Code.Substring(0, 6))

            return ListGovWdpt;
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// 地接社其他企业统计信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dateyear">查询年份</param>
 /// <param name="EntName">查询企业名称</param>
 /// <param name="EntId">所在地接社id</param>
 /// <returns>查询出的企业列表</returns>
 public IList<DJ_TourEnterprise> GetDJStaticsEnt(string bengintime, string endtime, string EntName, int type, int EntId, bool? IsVerified_City, bool? IsVerified_Country)
     List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> ListRecord = GetRecordByCondition(bengintime, endtime, EntName, type, EntId, IsVerified_City, IsVerified_Country).ToList();
     List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> List = new List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord>();
     foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in ListRecord)
         if (List.Where(x => x.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id == item.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Where(x => x.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString() == item.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString()).Where(x=>x.Enterprise.Id==item.Enterprise.Id).Count() == 0)
     List<DJ_TourEnterprise> ListTE = new List<DJ_TourEnterprise>();
     foreach (IGrouping<DJ_TourEnterprise, DJ_GroupConsumRecord> item in List.GroupBy(x => x.Enterprise).ToList())
     return ListTE;
예제 #11
        public void GetDetailDptCount(string beginTime, string endTime, string code, int entid, out int people, out int room, out int appendbed, out int visited, bool? IsVerified_City, bool? IsVerified_Country)
            people = room = appendbed = visited = 0;
            List<Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord> ListRecord = IDjgroup.GetDptRecordByCondition(beginTime, endTime, "", entid,IsVerified_City,IsVerified_Country).ToList();
            List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> List = new List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord>();
            foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in ListRecord)
                if (List.Where(x => x.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id == item.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Where(x => x.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString() == item.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString()).Where(x => x.Enterprise.Id == item.Enterprise.Id).Count() == 0)
            if (code.Substring(2) == "0000")
            else if (code.Substring(4, 2) == "00")
                foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in List.Where(x => x.Enterprise.Area.Code.Substring(0, 4) == code.Substring(0, 4)))

                        if (item.Enterprise.Type==EnterpriseType.宾馆)
                            people += (item.AdultsAmount + item.ChildrenAmount) * (item.LiveDay);
                            room += item.RoomNum;
                            appendbed += item.AppendBed;
                        else if (item.Enterprise.Type == EnterpriseType.景点)
                            visited += item.AdultsAmount + item.ChildrenAmount;
                foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in List.Where(x => x.Enterprise.Area.Code.Substring(0, 6) == code.Substring(0, 6)))

                        if (item.Enterprise.Type == EnterpriseType.宾馆)
                            people += (item.AdultsAmount + item.ChildrenAmount) * (item.LiveDay);
                            room += item.RoomNum;
                            appendbed += item.AppendBed;
                        else if (item.Enterprise.Type == EnterpriseType.景点)
                            visited += item.AdultsAmount + item.ChildrenAmount;
예제 #12
 public void GetCountByStatics(string begintime, string endtime, string EntName, int type, int EntId, int Enttype, int Wentid,out int people,out int room,out int appendbed)
     people = room = appendbed = 0;
     List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> ListRecord = GetRecordByCondition(begintime, endtime, EntName, type, EntId,null,null).ToList();
     List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord> List = new List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord>();
     foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in ListRecord)
         if (List.Where(x => x.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id == item.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Where(x => x.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString() == item.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString()).Where(x => x.Enterprise.Id == item.Enterprise.Id).Count() == 0)
     List = List.Where(x => x.Enterprise.Id == Wentid).ToList();
     if (Enttype == 1)
         foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in List)
             people += item.AdultsAmount + item.ChildrenAmount;
     if (Enttype == 4)
         foreach (DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in List)
             people += (item.AdultsAmount + item.ChildrenAmount)*item.LiveDay;
             room += item.RoomNum;
             appendbed += item.AppendBed;
        /// <summary>
        /// GeneratePo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proposePoList">proposePoList(EmpID, EstDate, ItemID, supplier1Qty, supplier2Qty, supplier3Qty)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool generatePo(List<ProposePo> proposePoList)
            bool result = true;

            //filter the proposePoList by supplier
            List<ProposePo> supplier1 = proposePoList.Where(x => x.supplier1Qty != 0).ToList();
            List<ProposePo> supplier2 = proposePoList.Where(x => x.supplier2Qty != 0).ToList();
            List<ProposePo> supplier3 = proposePoList.Where(x => x.supplier3Qty != 0).ToList();

            //obtain supplier1 ID
            string supplier1ID = ctx.Supplier.Where(x => x.Rank == 1).First().SupplierID;
            //obtain supplier2 ID
            string supplier2ID = ctx.Supplier.Where(x => x.Rank == 2).First().SupplierID;
            //obtain supplier3 ID
            string supplier3ID = ctx.Supplier.Where(x => x.Rank == 3).First().SupplierID;

            //generate po for supplier 1
            if (supplier1.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                //create and add new po to db
                PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder();
                po.SupplierID = supplier1ID;
                po.EmpID = supplier1.First().EmpID;
                po.Date = DateTime.Now;
                po.EstDate = Convert.ToDateTime(supplier1.First().EstDate).Date;
                po.Status = "PENDING";

                //obtain the PoID of the newly added Po
                int empID = supplier1.First().EmpID;
                var poLast = ctx.PurchaseOrder.Where(x=> x.EmpID == empID).ToList().Last();
                int poLastID = poLast.PoID;

                double totalamt = 0;

                //create and add poDetail to db
                foreach (ProposePo proposepo in supplier1)
                    ItemPrice itemprice = ctx.ItemPrice.Where(x => x.ItemID == proposepo.ItemID && x.SupplierID == supplier1ID).FirstOrDefault();

                    PurchaseOrderDetail poDetail = new PurchaseOrderDetail();
                    poDetail.PoID = poLastID;
                    poDetail.ItemID = proposepo.ItemID;
                    poDetail.Qty = proposepo.supplier1Qty;
                    poDetail.Price = itemprice.Price;
                    totalamt += Convert.ToDouble(poDetail.Qty) * (double)poDetail.Price;

                //Update the po total amount
                poLast.TotalAmt = totalamt;

            //generate po for supplier 2
            if (supplier2.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                //create and add new po to db
                PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder();
                po.SupplierID = supplier2ID;
                po.EmpID = supplier2.First().EmpID;
                po.Date = DateTime.Now;
                po.EstDate = Convert.ToDateTime(supplier2.First().EstDate);
                po.Status = "PENDING";

                //obtain the PoID of the newly added Po
                int empID = supplier2.First().EmpID;
                var poLast = ctx.PurchaseOrder.Where(x => x.EmpID == empID).ToList().Last();
                int poLastID = poLast.PoID;

                double totalamt = 0;

                //create and add poDetail to db
                foreach (ProposePo proposepo in supplier2)
                    ItemPrice itemprice = ctx.ItemPrice.Where(x => x.ItemID == proposepo.ItemID && x.SupplierID == supplier1ID).FirstOrDefault();

                    PurchaseOrderDetail poDetail = new PurchaseOrderDetail();
                    poDetail.PoID = poLastID;
                    poDetail.ItemID = proposepo.ItemID;
                    poDetail.Qty = proposepo.supplier2Qty;
                    poDetail.Price = itemprice.Price;
                    totalamt += Convert.ToDouble(poDetail.Qty) * (double)poDetail.Price;

                //Update the po total amount
                poLast.TotalAmt = totalamt;

            //generate po for supplier 3
            if (supplier3.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                //create and add new po to db
                PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder();
                po.SupplierID = supplier3ID;
                po.EmpID = supplier3.First().EmpID;
                po.Date = DateTime.Now;
                po.EstDate = Convert.ToDateTime(supplier3.First().EstDate);
                po.Status = "PENDING";

                //obtain the PoID of the newly added Po
                int empID = supplier3.First().EmpID;
                var poLast = ctx.PurchaseOrder.Where(x => x.EmpID == empID).ToList().Last();
                int poLastID = poLast.PoID;

                double totalamt = 0;

                //create and add poDetail to db
                foreach (ProposePo proposepo in supplier3)
                    ItemPrice itemprice = ctx.ItemPrice.Where(x => x.ItemID == proposepo.ItemID && x.SupplierID == supplier1ID).FirstOrDefault();

                    PurchaseOrderDetail poDetail = new PurchaseOrderDetail();
                    poDetail.PoID = poLastID;
                    poDetail.ItemID = proposepo.ItemID;
                    poDetail.Qty = proposepo.supplier3Qty;
                    poDetail.Price = itemprice.Price;
                    totalamt += Convert.ToDouble(poDetail.Qty) * (double)poDetail.Price;

                //Update the po total amount
                poLast.TotalAmt = totalamt;

                result = false;
            return result;
예제 #14
        private List<SelectListItem> GetMarketList(string selected, bool allOption = false)
            List<SelectListItem> listeMarket = new List<SelectListItem>();
            SelectListItem mAll = new SelectListItem();
            SelectListItem mHealth = new SelectListItem();
            SelectListItem mAdvertising = new SelectListItem();
            SelectListItem mFinance = new SelectListItem();
            SelectListItem mICT = new SelectListItem();
            if (allOption)
                mAll.Value = "";
                mAll.Text = "All";
                mAll.Selected = true;
            // mAll.Selected = true;
            mHealth.Value = "Health";
            mHealth.Text = "Health";

            mAdvertising.Value = "Advertising";
            mAdvertising.Text = "Advertising";

            mFinance.Value = "Finance";
            mFinance.Text = "Finance";

            mICT.Value = "ICT";
            mICT.Text = "ICT";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selected))
                var selecteditem = listeMarket.Where(m => m.Value.ToLower().Equals(selected.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault();
                if (selecteditem != null)
                    selecteditem.Selected = true;
            return listeMarket;
예제 #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets all series that match with the provided name.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">Name of the series.</param>
		/// <param name="languageAbbreviation">Abbreviation of the language to search the series.</param>
		/// <param name="mirror">The mirror to use.</param>
		/// <returns>List of series that matches the provided name.</returns>
		/// <example>Shows how to get a series by name.
		/// <code>
		/// namespace Docunamespace
		/// {
		/// 	/// <summary>
		/// 	/// Class for the docu.
		/// 	/// </summary>
		/// 	class DocuClass
		/// 	{
		/// 		/// <summary>
		/// 		/// Gets series by name.
		/// 		/// </summary>
		/// 		public List&#60;Series&#62; GetSeries(string name, Mirror mirror, Language language)
		/// 		{
		///				string apiKey = "ABCD12345";
		/// 			TVDB.Web.ITvDb instance = new TVDB.Web.WebInterface(apiKey);
		/// 			List&#60;Series&#62; series = await instance.GetSeriesByName(name, language.Abbreviation, mirror);
		/// 			return series;
		/// 		}
		/// 	}
		/// }
		/// </code>
		/// </example>
		public async Task<List<Series>> GetSeriesByName(string name, string languageAbbreviation, Mirror mirror)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
				return null;

			if (mirror == null)
				return null;

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(languageAbbreviation))
				return null;

			string url = "{0}/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname={1}&language={2}";

            byte[] result = await this.client.DownloadDataTaskAsync(string.Format(url, mirror.Address, name, languageAbbreviation)).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
			MemoryStream resultStream = new MemoryStream(result);

			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlNode dataNode = doc.ChildNodes[1];

			List<Series> series = new List<Series>();
			foreach (XmlNode currentNode in dataNode.ChildNodes)
				Series deserialized = new Series();


			return series.Where(x => x.Language.Equals(languageAbbreviation)).ToList<Series>();
 private static void CheckTagSetForDuplicates(List<TagProcessResult> tagList, TagProcessResult tpr)
     var duplicateTagId =
     tagList.Where(t => t.TagId != tpr.TagId)
            .Where(t => !t.DuplicateTagId.HasValue)
            .Where(t => t.TagValue.ToLower() == tpr.TagValue.ToLower())
            .Select(t => t.TagId).FirstOrDefault();
      if (duplicateTagId != default(int))
     tpr.DuplicateTagId = duplicateTagId;
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取该供应商下所关联的所有联系人信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="suppId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void GetAllContacts(string suppId)
            //string conId = string.Empty;
            //DataTable dt_contacts = new DataTable();
            //DataTable dt_base_contacts = DBHelper.GetTable("查询关联的联系人ID集合", "tr_base_contacts", "cont_id", " relation_object_id='" + suppId + "'", "", "");
            //if (dt_base_contacts != null && dt_base_contacts.Rows.Count > 0)
            //    foreach (DataRow dr in dt_base_contacts.Rows)
            //    {
            //        conId += "'" + dr["cont_id"] + "',";
            //    }
            //    conId = conId.Trim(',');
            //    gvUserInfoList.DataSource = DBHelper.GetTable("查询关联的联系人信息", "tb_contacts", "*", " cont_id in (" + conId + ")", "", "");
            string conId = string.Empty;
            DataTable dt_base_contacts = DBHelper.GetTable("查询关联的联系人ID集合", "tr_base_contacts", "*", " relation_object_id='" + suppId + "'", "", "");
            if (dt_base_contacts != null && dt_base_contacts.Rows.Count > 0)
                isdefault defaultModel = new isdefault();
                List<isdefault> list_default = new List<isdefault>();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt_base_contacts.Rows)
                    conId += "'" + dr["cont_id"] + "',";
                    defaultModel = new isdefault();
                    defaultModel.cont_id = dr["cont_id"].ToString();
                    defaultModel.is_default = dr["is_default"] == null || dr["is_default"].ToString() == "" ? "0" : dr["is_default"].ToString();
                conId = conId.Trim(',');

                string TableName = string.Format(@"(select dic_name as con_post_name,tb_contacts.* from 
                                                    left join 
                                                    sys_dictionaries on 
                                                     as tb_contacts");
                DataTable dt_contacts = DBHelper.GetTable("查询关联的联系人信息", TableName, string.Format("*,{0} phone,{1} tel", EncryptByDB.GetDesFieldValue("cont_phone"), EncryptByDB.GetDesFieldValue("cont_tel")), " cont_id in (" + conId + ")", "", "");
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt_contacts.Rows)
                    DataGridViewRow dgvr = gvUserInfoList.Rows[gvUserInfoList.Rows.Add()];
                    dgvr.Cells["colcont_id"].Value = dr["cont_id"];
                    dgvr.Cells["colcont_name"].Value = dr["cont_name"];
                    dgvr.Cells["colcont_post"].Value = dr["con_post_name"];
                    dgvr.Cells["colcont_phone"].Value = dr["phone"];
                    dgvr.Cells["colcont_tel"].Value = dr["tel"];
                    dgvr.Cells["colremark"].Value = dr["remark"];
                    dgvr.Cells["colcont_email"].Value = dr["cont_email"];
                    if (list_default.Count > 0)
                        dgvr.Cells["colis_default"].Value = list_default.Where(p => p.cont_id == dr["cont_id"].ToString()).First().is_default;
                    string createTime = CommonCtrl.IsNullToString(dr["cont_birthday"]);
                    if (createTime.Length > 0)
                        dgvr.Cells["colcont_birthday"].Value = DateTime.MinValue.AddTicks(Convert.ToInt64(createTime)).ToLocalTime();
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取该企业的奖励情况
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entid">企业id</param>
 /// <param name="day">天数</param>
 public void GetDJSRewordEnt(string entid, int day, out int groupcount, out int peocount)
     peocount = 0; groupcount = 0;
     List<DJ_Route> ListRoute = new DAL.DALDJ_Route().GetRouteByentid(int.Parse(entid)).ToList();
     List<DJ_TourGroup> ListGroup = new List<DJ_TourGroup>();
     foreach (DJ_Route route in ListRoute)
         Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord record = new BLLDJConsumRecord().GetGroupConsumRecordByRouteId(route.Id);
         if (record != null && DateTime.Parse(record.ConsumeTime.AddDays(day).ToShortDateString()) >= DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()))
             peocount += record.AdultsAmount + record.ChildrenAmount;
             if (ListGroup.Where(x => x.Id == route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Count() == 0)
     groupcount = ListGroup.Count;
예제 #19
        public List<CategoryEntityComplete> searchComplete(string searchitem)
            string[] arr = searchitem.Split(' ');
            List<CategoryEntityComplete> l = new List<CategoryEntityComplete>();
            for (int s = 0; s < arr.Length; s++)
                if (s == 0)
                    var list = (from a in db.ESHOP_NEWs
                                join b in db.ESHOP_NEWS_CATs on a.NEWS_ID equals b.NEWS_ID
                                where (SqlMethods.Like(a.NEWS_KEYWORD_ASCII, ClearUnicode("%" + arr[s] + "%")))
                                && a.NEWS_TYPE == 1
                                select new
                                }).Distinct().OrderByDescending(n => n.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE).OrderByDescending(n => n.CAT_NAME);

                    foreach (var i in list)
                        CategoryEntityComplete enti = new CategoryEntityComplete();
                        enti.catname = i.CAT_NAME;
                        enti.title = i.NEWS_TITLE;
                    var list = l.Where(n=>n.title.ToLower().Contains(arr[s].ToLower())).ToList();
                    if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                        l = list;
            return l;
예제 #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Business.SMS.Instance.SendSMS("Mensagem de teste!!", "+5511965579593");
            Console.WriteLine("Olá!! Vamos começar =)");

            Console.WriteLine("Começando pelo começo, importar o CSV? S/N");

            var csv = Console.ReadLine();

            #region importar dados
            if (csv != null && csv.ToLower() == "s")
                var list = new List<Models.Lentidao>();
                var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"Content\Lentidao.csv"), Encoding.Default);
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    var line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                        string[] values = line.Split(';');
                        if (values.Length >= 12)
                            list.Add(new Models.Lentidao
                                DataHora = Convert.ToDateTime(values[1]),
                                IdCorredor = Convert.ToInt32(values[2]),
                                Corredor = values[3],
                                Sentido = values[4],
                                Pista = values[5],
                                ExtensaoPista = Convert.ToInt32(values[6]),
                                InicioLentidao = values[7],
                                TerminoLentidao = values[8],
                                ReferenciaNumericaInicioLentidao = Convert.ToInt32(values[9]),
                                ExensaoLentidao = Convert.ToInt32(values[10]),
                                Regiao = values[11]

                using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
                Console.WriteLine("Uffa!! Terminamos, vamos pro próximo =)");

            Console.WriteLine("Vamos fazer a query... (sem view, vai demorar)");

            using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
                context.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine;
                Console.WriteLine("Inserir Lentidão Consolidada? S/N");
                var s = Console.ReadLine();

                var todos = new List<Models.LentidaoConsolidado>();
                if (s != null && s.ToLower() == "s")

                    todos = context.Lentidoes
                        .GroupBy(a => new {
                        .Select(a=> new
                            Total = a.Count(),
                            TerminoLentidao = a.Key.TerminoLentidao,
                            InicioLentidao = a.Key.InicioLentidao,
                            ReferenciaNumericaInicioLentidao = a.Key.ReferenciaNumericaInicioLentidao,
                            Regiao = a.Key.Regiao
                        .OrderByDescending(a => a.Total).Skip(1).ToList().Select(a => new Models.LentidaoConsolidado
                            Total = a.Total,
                            TerminoLentidao = a.TerminoLentidao,
                            InicioLentidao = a.InicioLentidao,
                            ReferenciaNumericaInicioLentidao = a.ReferenciaNumericaInicioLentidao,
                            Regiao = a.Regiao


                todos = context.LentidaoConsolidados.Where(a=>!a.Steps.Any()).ToList();

                var stps = new List<Models.Step>();

                var count = 0;
                foreach(var todo in todos)

                    var directionsRequest = new DirectionsRequest()
                        Origin = String.Format("{0} {1}, São Paulo - SP, Brasil", TratarEndereco(todo.InicioLentidao), todo.ReferenciaNumericaInicioLentidao),
                        Destination = String.Format("{0}, São Paulo - SP, Brasil", todo.TerminoLentidao),
                        SigningKey = "AIzaSyAl8V3SnsqpCWA1SmyMH0g-PaOkfN5J5LA",

                    var directions = GoogleMaps.Directions.Query(directionsRequest);

                    if (directions.Status == DirectionsStatusCodes.OK)
                        var legs = directions.Routes.First().Legs;

                        foreach (var leg in legs)
                            if (leg.Distance.Value > 20000)
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                                    String.Format("Xiiii, mais do que 20 quilômetros? Tá suspeito esse registro..."),
                                    new object {});
                                var steps = leg.Steps;

                                stps.AddRange(steps.Select(step => new Models.Step
                                    PosicaoGeografica = DbGeography.FromText(Business.Ocorrencia.Instance.GetGeographyTextFromLatlng(step.StartLocation.Latitude, step.StartLocation.Longitude)),
                                    FkLentidaoConsolidado = todo.Id

                                count = count + stps.Count;

                    if (count > 500)
                        if (count > 500)
                            using (var context2 = new DatabaseContext())
                                    context2.Steps.AddRange(stps.Where(a => a.PosicaoGeografica != null));
                                catch (Exception)
                                stps = new List<Models.Step>();
                                count = 0;




예제 #21
 public List<Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord> GetRecordByAllCondition(string groupname, string EntName, string BeginTime, string EndTime, int enterid)
     List<Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord> ListRecord = IDjgroup.GetRecordByAllCondition(groupname, EntName, BeginTime, EndTime, enterid);
     List<Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord> List = new List<DJ_GroupConsumRecord>();
     foreach (Model.DJ_GroupConsumRecord item in ListRecord)
         if (List.Where(x => x.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id == item.Route.DJ_TourGroup.Id).Where(x => x.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString() == item.ConsumeTime.ToShortDateString()).Count() == 0)
     return List;
 public JsonState UpdateData(int id, DateTime updateStart, DateTime updateEnd)
     JsonState jsonState = new JsonState();
     string formula = "";
     jsonState.state = 0;
     if (id > 0)
         Sql sql = new Sql();
         sql.Select("*").From("tn_FormulaSetting").Where("Id=@0", id);
         FormulaSetting formulaSetting = db.Fetch<FormulaSetting>(sql).FirstOrDefault();
         if (formulaSetting != null)
             formula = formulaSetting.Formula;
             List<string> pipoints = GetPiPoints(formulaSetting.Formula);
             List<FormulaPoint> formulaPoints = new List<FormulaPoint>();
             formulaPoints = db.Fetch<FormulaPoint>("select * from tn_FormulaPoint");
             IDictionary<string, List<PIAvgRecords>> piAvgRecords = new Dictionary<string, List<PIAvgRecords>>();
             foreach (string pipoint in pipoints)
                 string pointName = pipoint.Replace("_MONTHAVG", "").Replace("_MONTH", "");
                 FormulaPoint formulaPoint = formulaPoints.Where(n => n.PointName == pointName).FirstOrDefault();
                 if (formulaPoint != null)
                     sql = new Sql("select * from " + formulaPoint.TableName + " where pname=@0 and timestamps<=@1 and timestamps>=@2", pointName, updateEnd, updateStart);
                     sql = new Sql("select * from PIAvgRecords where pname=@0 and timestamps<=@1 and timestamps>=@2", pointName, updateEnd, updateStart);
                 piAvgRecords[pipoint] = db.Fetch<PIAvgRecords>(sql);
             Expre(pipoints, piAvgRecords, formulaSetting, updateStart, updateEnd);
             jsonState.state = 1;
     return jsonState;
        private static void CheckTagSetForSynonyms(List<TagProcessResult> tagList, TagProcessResult tpr)
            var synonymTagId = 0;
             foreach (var wpr in tpr.WordProcessResultList)
            var wordSynonyms = Synonyms(wpr.Word);
            if (wordSynonyms.Any())
               synonymTagId =
                  tagList.Where(t => t.TagId != tpr.TagId)
                         .Where(t => !t.SynonymTagId.HasValue)
                         .Where(t => t.WordProcessResultList.Any(x => wordSynonyms.Contains(x.Word)))
                         .Select(x => x.TagId)

             if (synonymTagId != default(int))
            tpr.SynonymTagId = synonymTagId;
예제 #24
        /// <summary> 提交成功时,对引用的前置单据的状态进行更新 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderid"></param>
        bool SetOrderStatus(string saleorderid)
            bool ret = false;
                #region 设置前置单据的状态和完成数量
                List<OrderImportStatus> list_order = new List<OrderImportStatus>();
                List<OrderFinishInfo> list_orderinfo = new List<OrderFinishInfo>();
                OrderImportStatus orderimport_model = new OrderImportStatus();
                OrderFinishInfo orderfinish_info = new OrderFinishInfo();

                DataTable dt_Business = GetBusinessCount(saleorderid);
                DataTable dt_Finish = GetFinishCount(saleorderid);

                string sale_plan_id = string.Empty;
                string order_num = string.Empty;
                string parts_code = string.Empty;
                if (dt_Business.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_Business.Rows.Count; i++)
                        bool isfinish = true;
                        int BusinessCount = int.Parse(dt_Business.Rows[i]["business_count"].ToString());
                        sale_plan_id = dt_Business.Rows[i]["sale_plan_id"].ToString();
                        order_num = dt_Business.Rows[i]["order_num"].ToString();
                        parts_code = dt_Business.Rows[i]["parts_code"].ToString();
                        DataRow[] dr = dt_Finish.Select(" order_num='" + order_num + "' and parts_code='" + parts_code + "'");
                        if (dr != null && dr.Count() > 0)
                            orderfinish_info = new OrderFinishInfo();
                            orderfinish_info.sale_plan_id = sale_plan_id;
                            orderfinish_info.parts_code = parts_code;
                            orderfinish_info.finish_num = dr[0]["relation_count"].ToString();
                            if (int.Parse(dr[0]["relation_count"].ToString()) < BusinessCount)
                                isfinish = false;
                            orderfinish_info = new OrderFinishInfo();
                            orderfinish_info.sale_plan_id = sale_plan_id;
                            orderfinish_info.parts_code = parts_code;
                            orderfinish_info.finish_num = "0";

                            isfinish = false;

                        orderimport_model = new OrderImportStatus();
                        orderimport_model.order_num = order_num;
                        orderimport_model.isfinish = isfinish;
                        if (list_order.Count > 0)
                            if (list_order.Where(p => p.order_num == order_num).Count() > 0)
                                if (!isfinish)
                                    for (int a = 0; a < list_order.Count; a++)
                                        if (list_order[a].order_num == order_num && list_order[a].isfinish)
                                        { list_order[a].isfinish = isfinish; }
                            { list_order.Add(orderimport_model); }
                        { list_order.Add(orderimport_model); }
                ret = ImportPurchasePlanStatus(list_order, list_orderinfo);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { }
            return ret;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the resume field.
        /// </summary>
        protected List<ResumeField> GetResumeField()
            var result = new List<ResumeField>();
            foreach (RepeaterItem filed in fieldRepeater.Items)
                var lbl = (Label)filed.FindControl("field");
                var listView = (ListView)filed.FindControl("themeListView");
                var item = new ResumeField
                    FieldName = lbl.Text,
                    Theme = new List<ResumeTheme>()

                foreach (var theme in listView.Items)
                    var skill = (DropDownList)theme.FindControl("themeSkils");
                    if (skill.SelectedIndex == 0) continue;

                    var themeId = (Label)theme.FindControl("themeId");
                    var themeName = (Label)theme.FindControl("theme");

                    item.Theme.Add(new ResumeTheme
                                           SkillId = Convert.ToInt32(skill.SelectedValue),
                                           SkillName = skill.SelectedItem.Text,
                                           ThemeId = Convert.ToInt32(themeId.Text),
                                           ThemeName = themeName.Text
            foreach (var item in result.Where(item => item.Theme.Count == 0))
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the by age.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">The list.</param>
        /// <param name="startAge">The start age.</param>
        /// <param name="endAge">The end age.</param>
        public static List<Resume> FindByAge(List<Resume> list, int startAge, int endAge)
            if (endAge == 0) endAge = 99;
            if ((startAge < 1 && endAge > 65)||startAge>=endAge) return list;

            var now = DateTime.Now.Year;
            return list.Where(x => startAge <= (now - x.Client.BirthDay.Year) &&
                                            (now - x.Client.BirthDay.Year) <= endAge)
 /// <summary>
 /// Handler for <see cref="Page.OnNavigatedTo(Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs)" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameter"><see cref="Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs.Parameter" />.</param>
 public async void Activate(object parameter)
     string lsActivityID = parameter as string;
     MSHealthActivities loActivities = null;
     MSHealthSplitDistanceType loDistanceType = MSHealthSplitDistanceType.None;
     MSHealthActivityInclude loInclude = MSHealthActivityInclude.Details | MSHealthActivityInclude.MapPoints;
     IsLoaded = false;
     Activity = null;
     TotalDistance = null;
     DistanceUnitShort = null;
     Pace = null;
     Splits = null;
     HeartRateZones = null;
     MapPath = null;
     ElevationGain = null;
     ElevationLoss = null;
     MaxElevation = null;
     MinElevation = null;
     IsElevationAvailable = false;
     IsHeartRateZonesAvailable = false;
     IsNikePlusAvailable = false;
     List<HeartRateZoneItem> loHeartRateZones = null;
     // Set back button visible (for Windows app)
     SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().AppViewBackButtonVisibility = AppViewBackButtonVisibility.Visible;
     // Check parameter (Activity ID)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lsActivityID))
         IsRunningRequest = true;
         // Determine Distance Unit
         switch (Settings.MSHealthFilterDistance)
             case DistanceUnit.DISTANCE_MILE:
                 loDistanceType = MSHealthSplitDistanceType.Mile;
                 DistanceUnitShort = Resources.Strings.TextDistanceUnitShortMileText;
             case DistanceUnit.DISTANCE_KILOMETER:
                 loDistanceType = MSHealthSplitDistanceType.Kilometer;
                 DistanceUnitShort = Resources.Strings.TextDistanceUnitShortKilometerText;
             // Get Activity details
             loActivities = await moMSHealthClient.ListActivities(ids: lsActivityID,
                                                                  include: loInclude,
                                                                  splitDistanceType: loDistanceType);
             // Check Activity details returned
             if (loActivities.ItemCount > 0)
                 // Map from derivated activities to single instance activity
                 if (loActivities.FreePlayActivities != null &&
                     Activity = loActivities.FreePlayActivities.FirstOrDefault();
                 else if (loActivities.RunActivities != null &&
                     Activity = loActivities.RunActivities.FirstOrDefault();
                 else if (loActivities.BikeActivities != null &&
                     Activity = loActivities.BikeActivities.FirstOrDefault();
                 else if (loActivities.GolfActivities != null &&
                     Activity = loActivities.GolfActivities.FirstOrDefault();
                 else if (loActivities.GuidedWorkoutActivities != null &&
                     Activity = loActivities.GuidedWorkoutActivities.FirstOrDefault();
                 else if (loActivities.SleepActivities != null &&
                     Activity = loActivities.SleepActivities.FirstOrDefault();
                 else if (loActivities.HikeActivities != null &&
                     Activity = loActivities.HikeActivities.FirstOrDefault();
             // Check current activity instance
             if (Activity != null)
                 // Calculate Total Distance
                 if (Activity.SplitDistance != null &&
                     Activity.SplitDistance.HasValue &&
                     Activity.SplitDistance.Value > 0 &&
                     Activity.DistanceSummary != null &&
                     Activity.DistanceSummary.TotalDistance != null &&
                     TotalDistance = (decimal)Activity.DistanceSummary.TotalDistance / (decimal)Activity.SplitDistance;
                 // Calculate Pace
                 if (Activity.DistanceSummary != null &&
                     Activity.DistanceSummary.Pace != null &&
                     Pace = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)Activity.DistanceSummary.Pace);
                 // Calculate Elevation
                 if (Activity.DistanceSummary != null)
                     // Elevation Gain
                     if (Activity.DistanceSummary.ElevationGain != null)
                         ElevationGain = (double)Activity.DistanceSummary.ElevationGain / MSHealthDistanceSummary.ELEVATION_FACTOR;
                         IsElevationAvailable = true;
                     // Elevation Loss
                     if (Activity.DistanceSummary.ElevationLoss != null)
                         ElevationLoss = (double)Activity.DistanceSummary.ElevationLoss / MSHealthDistanceSummary.ELEVATION_FACTOR;
                         IsElevationAvailable = true;
                     // Max Elevation
                     if (Activity.DistanceSummary.MaxElevation != null)
                         MaxElevation = (double)Activity.DistanceSummary.MaxElevation / MSHealthDistanceSummary.ELEVATION_FACTOR;
                         IsElevationAvailable = true;
                     // Min Elevation
                     if (Activity.DistanceSummary.MinElevation != null)
                         MinElevation = (double)Activity.DistanceSummary.MinElevation / MSHealthDistanceSummary.ELEVATION_FACTOR;
                         IsElevationAvailable = true;
                 // Heart Rate Zones
                 if (Activity.PerformanceSummary != null &&
                     Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones != null)
                     loHeartRateZones = new List<HeartRateZoneItem>();
                     // Underhealthy
                     loHeartRateZones.Add(new HeartRateZoneItem()
                         Key = HeartRateZoneItem.HRZONE_UNDER_HEALTHY,
                         Name = Resources.Strings.TextHeartRateZoneUnderHealthyText,
                         Value = Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones.UnderHealthyHeart ?? 0,
                     // Healthy
                     loHeartRateZones.Add(new HeartRateZoneItem()
                         Key = HeartRateZoneItem.HRZONE_HEALTHY,
                         Name = Resources.Strings.TextHeartRateZoneHealthyText,
                         Value = Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones.HealthyHeart ?? 0,
                     // Fitness
                     loHeartRateZones.Add(new HeartRateZoneItem()
                         Key = HeartRateZoneItem.HRZONE_FITNESS,
                         Name = Resources.Strings.TextHeartRateZoneFitnessText,
                         Value = Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones.FitnessZone ?? 0,
                     // Aerobic
                     loHeartRateZones.Add(new HeartRateZoneItem()
                         Key = HeartRateZoneItem.HRZONE_AEROBIC,
                         Name = Resources.Strings.TextHeartRateZoneAerobicText,
                         Value = Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones.Aerobic ?? 0,
                     // Anaerobic
                     loHeartRateZones.Add(new HeartRateZoneItem()
                         Key = HeartRateZoneItem.HRZONE_ANAEROBIC,
                         Name = Resources.Strings.TextHeartRateZoneAnaerobicText,
                         Value = Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones.Anaerobic ?? 0,
                     // Redline
                     loHeartRateZones.Add(new HeartRateZoneItem()
                         Key = HeartRateZoneItem.HRZONE_REDLINE,
                         Name = Resources.Strings.TextHeartRateZoneRedlineText,
                         Value = Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones.Redline ?? 0,
                     // OverRedline
                     loHeartRateZones.Add(new HeartRateZoneItem()
                         Key = HeartRateZoneItem.HRZONE_OVER_REDLINE,
                         Name = Resources.Strings.TextHeartRateZoneOverRedlineText,
                         Value = Activity.PerformanceSummary.HeartRateZones.OverRedline ?? 0,
                     HeartRateZones = new ObservableCollection<HeartRateZoneItem>(loHeartRateZones);
                     IsHeartRateZonesAvailable = true;
                 // Segments (splits)
                 if (Activity.ActivitySegments != null &&
                     Activity.ActivitySegments.Any() &&
                     TotalDistance != null)
                     // ActivitySegment to Split
                     double ldSplitValue = 0;
                     List<SplitItem> loSplits = new List<SplitItem>();
                     foreach (MSHealthActivitySegment loSegment in Activity.ActivitySegments.OrderBy(loSeg => loSeg.StartTime))
                         loSplits.Add(new SplitItem()
                             Value = ldSplitValue > (double)TotalDistance.Value ? (double)TotalDistance.Value : ldSplitValue,
                             Duration = loSegment.Duration.Value,
                             AvgHeartRate = loSegment.HeartRateSummary != null ? loSegment.HeartRateSummary.AverageHeartRate.Value : 0,
                     // Get Max/Min Duration/HR, for complete splits only
                         loSplits.Where(loSplit => (loSplit.Value % 1) == 0).OrderBy(loSplit => loSplit.Duration).First().DurationMark = "↓";
                         loSplits.Where(loSplit => (loSplit.Value % 1) == 0).OrderByDescending(loSplit => loSplit.Duration).First().DurationMark = "↑";
                         loSplits.Where(loSplit => (loSplit.Value % 1) == 0).OrderBy(loSplit => loSplit.AvgHeartRate).First().HRMark = "↓";
                         loSplits.Where(loSplit => (loSplit.Value % 1) == 0).OrderByDescending(loSplit => loSplit.AvgHeartRate).First().HRMark = "↑";
                     catch { /* Do nothing */ }
                     // Sort by value and assign to instance
                     loSplits = loSplits.OrderBy(loSplit => loSplit.Value).ToList();
                     Splits = new ObservableCollection<SplitItem>(loSplits);
                 // MapPoints to MapPath
                 if (Activity.MapPoints != null &&
                     List<BasicGeoposition> loGeopositions = new List<BasicGeoposition>();
                     loGeopositions = (from loMapPoint in Activity.MapPoints
                                                                  .Where(loPoint => loPoint.Location != null &&
                                                                                    loPoint.Location.Latitude != null &&
                                                                                    loPoint.Location.Longitude != null)
                                                                  .OrderBy(loPoint => loPoint.Ordinal)
                                       select new BasicGeoposition()
                                           Latitude = (double)loMapPoint.Location.Latitude / MSHealthGPSPoint.LATITUDE_FACTOR,
                                           Longitude = (double)loMapPoint.Location.Longitude / MSHealthGPSPoint.LONGITUDE_FACTOR,
                                           Altitude = loMapPoint.Location.ElevationFromMeanSeaLevel != null ?
                                                         ((double)loMapPoint.Location.ElevationFromMeanSeaLevel / MSHealthGPSPoint.ELEVATION_FACTOR) : 0d,
                     //foreach (var loMapPoint in Activity.MapPoints)
                     //    if (loMapPoint.Location != null &&
                     //        loMapPoint.Location.Latitude != null &&
                     //        loMapPoint.Location.Longitude != null)
                     //    {
                     //        loGeopositions.Add(new BasicGeoposition()
                     //        {
                     //            Latitude = (double)loMapPoint.Location.Latitude / 10000000d,
                     //            Longitude = (double)loMapPoint.Location.Longitude / 10000000d,
                     //        });
                     //    }
                     if (loGeopositions.Any())
                         MapPath = new Geopath(loGeopositions);
         catch (Exception loException)
             // Handle exceptions (just for debugging purposes)
             if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
             await moDialogService.ShowError(Resources.Strings.MessageContentErrorOperation,
             // Return to main page
             IsRunningRequest = false;
         // Check for Nike+ Credentials
         if (Settings.NikePlusCredential != null)
             if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Settings.NikePlusCredential.Password, "[\"&`'<>]"))
                     // Check for GPS data
                     if (Activity.MapPoints == null ||
                         // Get Minute Summaries
                         loActivities = await moMSHealthClient.ListActivities(ids: lsActivityID,
                                                                      include: MSHealthActivityInclude.MinuteSummaries,
                                                                      splitDistanceType: loDistanceType);
                         // Check Activity details returned
                         if (loActivities.ItemCount > 0)
                             // Map from derivated activities to single instance activity
                             if (loActivities.FreePlayActivities != null &&
                                 Activity.MinuteSummaries = loActivities.FreePlayActivities.FirstOrDefault().MinuteSummaries;
                             else if (loActivities.RunActivities != null &&
                                 Activity.MinuteSummaries = loActivities.RunActivities.FirstOrDefault().MinuteSummaries;
                             else if (loActivities.BikeActivities != null &&
                                 Activity.MinuteSummaries = loActivities.BikeActivities.FirstOrDefault().MinuteSummaries;
                             else if (loActivities.GolfActivities != null &&
                                 Activity.MinuteSummaries = loActivities.GolfActivities.FirstOrDefault().MinuteSummaries;
                             else if (loActivities.GuidedWorkoutActivities != null &&
                                 Activity.MinuteSummaries = loActivities.GuidedWorkoutActivities.FirstOrDefault().MinuteSummaries;
                             else if (loActivities.SleepActivities != null &&
                                 Activity.MinuteSummaries = loActivities.SleepActivities.FirstOrDefault().MinuteSummaries;
                 catch (Exception loException)
                     // Handle exceptions (just for debugging purposes)
                     if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                 // Ensure Activity either has GPS or MinuteSummaries data
                 if ((Activity.MapPoints != null &&
                      Activity.MapPoints.Any()) ||
                      (Activity.MinuteSummaries != null &&
                     moNikePlusClient.SetCredentials(Settings.NikePlusCredential.UserName, Settings.NikePlusCredential.Password);
                     IsNikePlusAvailable = true;
         IsLoaded = true;
예제 #28
        /// <summary> 提交成功时,对引用的前置单据的状态进行更新 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderid"></param>
        void SetOrderStatus(string orderid)
            List<OrderImportStatus> list_order = new List<OrderImportStatus>();
            List<OrderFinishInfo> list_orderinfo = new List<OrderFinishInfo>();
            OrderImportStatus orderimport_model = new OrderImportStatus();
            OrderFinishInfo orderfinish_info = new OrderFinishInfo();

            DataTable dt_Business = GetBusinessCount(orderid);
            DataTable dt_Finish = GetFinishCount();

            string plan_id = string.Empty;
            string order_num = string.Empty;
            string parts_code = string.Empty;
            string importtype = string.Empty;
            if (dt_Business.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_Business.Rows.Count; i++)
                    bool isfinish = true;
                    decimal BusinessCount = decimal.Parse(dt_Business.Rows[i]["business_counts"].ToString());
                    plan_id = dt_Business.Rows[i]["plan_id"].ToString();
                    order_num = dt_Business.Rows[i]["order_num"].ToString();
                    parts_code = dt_Business.Rows[i]["parts_code"].ToString();
                    DataRow[] dr = dt_Finish.Select(" order_num='" + order_num + "' and parts_code='" + parts_code + "'");
                    if (dr != null && dr.Count() > 0)
                        importtype = dr[0]["ImportType"].ToString();

                        orderfinish_info = new OrderFinishInfo();
                        orderfinish_info.plan_id = plan_id;
                        orderfinish_info.parts_code = parts_code;
                        orderfinish_info.finish_num = dr[0]["relation_count"].ToString();
                        orderfinish_info.importtype = importtype;
                        if (decimal.Parse(dr[0]["relation_count"].ToString()) < BusinessCount)
                            isfinish = false;
                        orderfinish_info = new OrderFinishInfo();
                        orderfinish_info.plan_id = plan_id;
                        orderfinish_info.parts_code = parts_code;
                        orderfinish_info.finish_num = "0";
                        orderfinish_info.importtype = importtype;

                        isfinish = false;

                    orderimport_model = new OrderImportStatus();
                    orderimport_model.order_num = order_num;
                    orderimport_model.importtype = importtype;
                    orderimport_model.isfinish = isfinish;
                    if (list_order.Count > 0)
                        if (list_order.Where(p => p.order_num == order_num).Count() > 0)
                            if (!isfinish)
                                for (int a = 0; a < list_order.Count; a++)
                                    if (list_order[a].order_num == order_num && list_order[a].isfinish)
                                    { list_order[a].isfinish = isfinish; }
                        { list_order.Add(orderimport_model); }
                    { list_order.Add(orderimport_model); }
            ImportPurchasePlanStatus(list_order, list_orderinfo);
예제 #29
        public void Execute(IEnumerable<ICommandLineElement> args)
            if(args.Count() == 0)

            var subcommand = args.Take(1)
                .Where(x => x is IArgumentElement)
                .Select(x => x as IArgumentElement)
                .Select(x => x.Id)

            _log.DebugFormat("Subcommand: '{0}'", subcommand);

            //processing out the instance argument
            var instance = args
                .Where(x => x is IDefinitionElement)
                .Select(x => x as IDefinitionElement)
                .Where(x => x.Key == "instance")
                .Select(x => x.Value)

            //instance override
            _settings.InstanceName = instance;

            var subcommands = new List<Command>
                                  new InstallService(_settings),
                                  new UninstallService(_settings)

            var oa = subcommands
                .Where(x => x.Name == subcommand)

            if (oa == null)

            //need to skip two now. ?