C# (CSharp) ModbusLib Master - 4개의 예제가 발견되었습니다. 이것들은 오픈소스 프로젝트에서 추출된 C# (CSharp)의 ModbusLib.Master에 대한 실세계 최고 등급의 예제들입니다. 예제들을 평가하여 예제의 품질 향상에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
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Modbus TCP common driver class. This class implements a modbus TCP master driver. It supports the following commands: Read coils Read discrete inputs Write single coil Write multiple cooils Read holding register Read input register Write single register Write multiple register All commands can be sent in synchronous or asynchronous mode. If a value is accessed in synchronous mode the program will stop and wait for slave to response. If the slave didn't answer within a specified time a timeout exception is called. The class uses multi threading for both synchronous and asynchronous access. For the communication two lines are created. This is necessary because the synchronous thread has to wait for a previous command to finish.