public void Update(Group group)
        public void ShouldRenderCreateViewByPOSTForAnInvalidGroup()
            // Arrange
            IPrincipal fakeUser = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity("User1", "Forms"), null);
            Group newGroup = new Group { Name = "Test Group", Description = "Just a test group" };
            _controller.ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError("Key", "ErrorMessage");

            // Act
            ActionResult actual = _controller.Create(newGroup, fakeUser);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsNotNull(actual, "The returned ActionResult is Null");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf<ViewResult>(actual, "The returned ActionResult was not an instance of ViewResult");

            ViewResult viewResult = (ViewResult) actual;
            Assert.IsNotNull(viewResult.ViewData.Model, "The value of viewResult.ViewData.Model is Null");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf<Group>(viewResult.ViewData.Model, "The value of viewResult.ViewData.Model is not an instance of Group");

            Group model = (Group) viewResult.ViewData.Model;
            Assert.IsTrue(model.ID == newGroup.ID, string.Format("The value of Model.ID should be '{0}' but it is '{1}'", newGroup.ID, model.ID));
            Assert.IsTrue(model.Name == newGroup.Name, string.Format("The value of Model.Name should be '{0}' but it is '{1}'", newGroup.Name, model.Name));
            Assert.IsTrue(model.Description == newGroup.Description, string.Format("The value of Model.Description should be '{0}' but it is '{1}'", newGroup.Description, model.Description));
 public void Add(Group newGroup)
        public void ShouldRenderMovieDetailsViewByPOSTForANewValidGroup()
            // Arrange
            IPrincipal fakeUser = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity("User1", "Forms"), null);
            Group newGroup = new Group {Name = "Test Group", Description = "Just a test group"};
            const int newGroupId = 4;

            // Act
            ActionResult actual = _controller.Create(newGroup, fakeUser);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsNotNull(actual, "The returned ActionResult is Null");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf<RedirectToRouteResult>(actual, "The returned ActionResult was not an instance of RedirectToRouteResult");
            Assert.IsTrue(newGroup.ID == newGroupId, string.Format("The value of newGroup.ID should be '{0}' but it is '{1}'", newGroupId, newGroup.ID));

            RedirectToRouteResult viewResult = (RedirectToRouteResult) actual;
            Assert.IsNotNull(viewResult.RouteName == "Default", string.Format("The RedirectToRouteResult RouteName should be 'Default' but it is '{0}'", viewResult.RouteName));
            Assert.IsTrue(viewResult.RouteValues["Action"].ToString() == "Index", string.Format("The value of RouteValues[\"Action\"] should be 'Index' but it is '{0}'", viewResult.RouteValues["Action"]));
 public void Update(Group group)
 public void Add(Group newGroup)
     newGroup.ID = Interlocked.Increment(ref _newId);
        public ActionResult Create(Group group, IPrincipal user)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var owner = this._groupsService.GetUserInfo(user.Identity.Name);
                    group.Owner = owner;
                    group.OwnerId = owner.UserId;
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
            catch (Exception e)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", String.Format("Edit Failure, inner exception: {0}", e));

            return View(group);
 // GET: /Groups/Create
 public ActionResult Create()
     Group group = new Group();
     return View(group);