예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the QueryEngine with the supplied ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qeId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        Qel.QueryEngine GetQueryEngineInstance(int qeId)
            lock (Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict)
                if (Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict.ContainsKey(qeId))
                    Qel.QueryEngine qe = Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict[qeId];

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid query engine id: " + qeId);
예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Read input data from database
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="smp">
		/// <returns></returns>

		List<CompoundStructureActivityData> ReadData(
			SasMapParms smp)
			MetaColumn activityMc = smp.EndpointMc;
			QueryColumn keyCriteriaQc = smp.KeyCriteriaQc;

			AssertMx.IsNotNull(activityMc, "mc");
			AssertMx.IsNotNull(keyCriteriaQc, "keyCriteriaQc");

			MetaTable mt, mt2;
			MetaColumn mc2 = null;

			Query q = new Query();
			mt = activityMc.MetaTable;
			QueryTable qt = new QueryTable(mt);
			if (mt.SummarizedExists && !mt.UseSummarizedData)
			{ // retrieve summarized data if exists 
				mt2 = MetaTableCollection.Get(mt.Name + MetaTable.SummarySuffix);
				if (mt2 != null)
					mc2 = mt2.GetMetaColumnByName(activityMc.Name);
					if (mc2 == null) mc2 = mt2.GetMetaColumnByLabel(activityMc.Label);

				if (mc2 != null) // same column available in summarized?
					mt = mt2;
					activityMc = mc2;

			q.KeyCriteriaDisplay = SMP.KeyCriteriaQc.CriteriaDisplay;

			QueryColumn qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(activityMc.Name);
			qc.Selected = true;

			QueryEngine qe = new QueryEngine();
			List<string> keyList = qe.ExecuteQuery(q); // note that keylist may be empty if single-step query

			HashSet<string> keySet = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

			List<CompoundStructureActivityData> data = new List<CompoundStructureActivityData>();

			int rowCount = 0;
			while (true)
				object[] vo = qe.NextRow();
				if (vo == null) break;
				CompoundStructureActivityData cd = new CompoundStructureActivityData();
				string cid = (string)vo[0];
				cd.Cid = cid;
				keySet.Add(cid); // accumulate keys

				object val = vo[2];
				if (NullValue.IsNull(val)) continue;
				if (val is double)
					cd.Activity = (double)val;
				else if (val is Int32)
					cd.Activity = (Int32)val;

				else if (val is NumberMx)
					NumberMx nex = val as NumberMx;
					cd.Activity = nex.Value;

				else if (val is QualifiedNumber)
					QualifiedNumber qn = val as QualifiedNumber;
					cd.Activity = qn.NumberValue;
					//if (qn.Qualifier != null && qn.Qualifier != "" && qn.Qualifier != "=")
					//	continue; // (don't want to do this since may filter out good data (e.g. IC50 <0.0001))

				else continue;

				if (cd.Activity == NullValue.NullNumber) continue;


			// Retrieve structures

			keyList = new List<string>(keySet);
			Dictionary<string, MoleculeMx> csDict = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculesForCidList(keyList, qt.MetaTable); // get the structures in a single step

			// Add structures and build/store fingerprints to data

			DebugLog.Message("========== Fingerprints ============");

			foreach (CompoundStructureActivityData cd in data)

				if (!csDict.ContainsKey(cd.Cid) || csDict[cd.Cid] == null) continue;

				if (cd.Cid == "111" || cd.Cid == "222") csDict = csDict; // debug

				MoleculeMx cs = csDict[cd.Cid];
				cd.Structure = cs;

				FingerprintType fpType = FingerprintType.Circular;
				int fpSubtype = -1;

				if (SMP.SimilarityType == SimilaritySearchType.ECFP4) // some issue with ECFP4?
					fpType = FingerprintType.Circular;
					fpSubtype = CircularFingerprintType.ECFP4;

				else if (SMP.SimilarityType == SimilaritySearchType.Normal)
					fpType = FingerprintType.MACCS;

				cd.BitsetFingerprint = cs.BuildBitSetFingerprint(fpType, fpSubtype);
				if (cd.BitsetFingerprint == null) continue; // couldn't build fingerprint (e.g. no structure)

				if (Debug) DebugLog.Message(cd.Cid + ": " + Lex.Join(CdkMolUtil.GetBitSet(cd.BitsetFingerprint), ", "));

			return data;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a set of rows from data in the buffer
        /// </summary>

        public override void BuildDataFromOtherRetrievedData(
            QueryEngine qe,
            int ti,
            List <object[]> results,
            int firstResult,
            int resultCount)
            // This routine takes a set of results in the buffer, computes the calculated field value
            // and stores the results back in the buffer. For a calc field derived from a single column
            // the process is simple; however, for two column calculations there are two cases to consider.
            // 1. If no values then nothing to compute.
            // 2. If both values are present in the buffer row then just use them.
            // 3. If a single value is present then pick up the most recent other value that
            //    exists for the same key.
            // Note that if the query only retrieves one of the two fields the the other field
            // will be retrieved into the calc field buffer.

            QueryColumn     qc;
            MetaColumn      mc;
            CalcFieldColumn cfc, cfc2;
            int             voiCfKey, voiCf, voi;
            object          v, v1, v2, vn;

            object[]  vo, mergedVo;
            const int keyOffset = 1;

            throw new NotImplementedException();

#if false
            Query q = qe.Query;
            CalcFieldMetaTable cfMt = GetCalcFieldMetaTable(q.Tables[ti].MetaTable);
            CalcField          cf   = cfMt.CalcField;

            // Setup

            if (resultCount <= 0)
            if (SelectList.Count <= 1)
                return;                                                               // just return if only key selected
            voiCfKey = Qt.KeyQueryColumn.VoPosition;                                  // calc field key value buffer index
            voiCf    = Qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("CALC_FIELD").VoPosition; // calculated value buffer index

            mergedVo = new object[results[0].Length];                                 // merged vo containing latest values for each column

            // Process each result row

            for (int ri = firstResult; ri < firstResult + resultCount; ri++)             // result loop
                vo = results[ri];
                if (vo[0] == null)

                if (mergedVo[0] == null || Lex.Ne(vo[0].ToString(), mergedVo[0].ToString()))
                {                 // if new key init voVals
                    Array.Clear(mergedVo, 0, mergedVo.Length);
                    mergedVo[0] = vo[0];

                int           nonNullCount = 0;
                int           nullCount    = 0;
                QueryColumn[] colMap       = _dataMap.InputColMap;
                for (int mi = 0; mi < colMap.Length; mi++)
                    if (colMap[mi] == null)
                        continue;                                         //
                    voi = colMap[mi].VoPosition;
                    v   = vo[voi];
                    if (!NullValue.IsNull(v))
                        mergedVo[voi] = v;


                if (nonNullCount == 0)
                    continue;                         // if all inputs are null then all done (assume all outputs are null also)
                vo[voiCfKey] = vo[0];                 // copy key value

                QueryTableData qtd = qe.Qtd[ti];

                // Pick up each retrieved value in the from other data fields

                for (int cfci = 0; cfci < qtd.SelectedColumns.Count; cfci++)                 // columns to retrieve/calculate loop
                    qc  = qtd.SelectedColumns[cfci];
                    mc  = qc.MetaColumn;
                    voi = qc.VoPosition;

                    bool calcFieldCol = Lex.Eq(mc.Name, "CALC_FIELD");
                    bool selectedCol  = !calcFieldCol;

                    // Input value column

                    if (selectedCol)                     // retrieved input value
                        QueryColumn cmi = _dataMap.SelectedColMap[cfci];
                        if (cmi != null && cmi.VoPosition > 0)
                            v = mergedVo[cmi.VoPosition];
                            if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Image)                             // convert to proper image reference
                                MetaTable         sourceMt = cmi.QueryTable.MetaTable;
                                GenericMetaBroker gmb      = QueryEngine.GetGlobalBroker(cmi.QueryTable.MetaTable);
                                v = gmb.ConvertValueToImageReference(v);

                            vo[voi] = v;

                    // Calculate the CF value

                        cfc       = cf.CfCols[0];
                        vn        = vo[voiCf];                  // get possible single retrieved value
                        vo[voiCf] = null;                       // clear calc value (may hold one of two values)

                        v = mergedVo[colMap[0].VoPosition];     // get first value
                        if (NullValue.IsNull(v))
                            continue;                                              // if null then result must be null
                        v = ApplyFunction(cfc, v);

                        for (int mi = 1; mi < colMap.Length; mi++) // combine with
                            v1 = v;                                // reference previous value
                            if (colMap[mi] == null)
                            cfc2 = cf.CfCols[mi];
                            voi  = colMap[mi].VoPosition;
                            v2   = mergedVo[voi];

                            v2 = ApplyFunction(cfc2, v2);

                            v = CalculateValue(cf, v1, cfc2, v2);
                            if (v == null)

                        v = ApplyClassification(cf, v);

                        vo[voiCf] = v; // store calculated value
                }                      // column loop

                vo = vo;               // debug to check row loop at end
            }                          // row loop

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Read in data, pivot & buffer for supplied set of rows.
        /// This is called for retrieval only, not for search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eqp"></param>

        public override void ExecuteQuery(
            ExecuteQueryParms eqp)
            DbCommandMx              drd;
            int                      rowsFetched = 0, vosCreated = 0;
            MetaTable                mt;
            MetaColumn               mc = null;
            DateTime                 dt;
            PivotMetaBroker          mb;
            List <GenericMetaBroker> mbList;

            string cid, pivotKey, tableFilter, s, txt, tok;
            int    fci, mci, pvi, pci, si, i1;

            object[] vo = null;
            object   o;

            if (!PivotInCode)             // let Oracle do the pivoting?

            // Self-pivot. Read & buffer data for all query tables from same Source/TableFilterColumns for key set if we are the first table for Source

            int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
            Dictionary <string, MultiTablePivotBrokerTypeData> mbsi = eqp.Qe.MetaBrokerStateInfo;

            mt = eqp.QueryTable.MetaTable;
            string sourceKey = mt.TableMap + "," + Csv.JoinCsvString(mt.TableFilterColumns);             // grouping based on source sql
            MultiTablePivotBrokerTypeData mpd = (MultiTablePivotBrokerTypeData)mbsi[sourceKey];

            if (mpd.FirstTableName != mt.Name)
                return;                                            // retrieve data for all tables when we see first table

            // Build sql

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();             // build filter to select for desired metatable

            tableFilter = "";
            if (mt.TableFilterColumns.Count == 1)
            {             // build single in list if single filter column
                foreach (string mtName in mpd.MbInstances.Keys)
                    mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                    tableFilter = mt.TableFilterColumns[0] + " in (" + sb.ToString() + ")";

            else             // multiple table filter columns, build and/or expressions
                foreach (string mtName in mpd.MbInstances.Keys)
                    mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        sb.Append(" or ");
                    tableFilter = "(" + GetTableFilterCriteria(mt) + ")";
                tableFilter = "(" + sb.ToString() + ")";

            string sql = "select * from " + mt.TableMap + " where ";

            if (tableFilter != "")
                sql += tableFilter + " and ";
            sql += mt.KeyMetaColumn.ColumnMap + " in (<list>) ";

            // Read unpivoted data, merge/pivot & buffer pivoted rows

            List <string> keySubset = eqp.SearchKeySubset;

            if (keySubset == null)
                keySubset = GetPreviewSubset();                                // assume previewing of single table if no subset
            List <string> parmList = new List <string>();

            for (i1 = 0; i1 < keySubset.Count; i1++)             // copy keys to parameter array properly normalized
                string key = CompoundId.NormalizeForDatabase((string)keySubset[i1], Qt.MetaTable);
                if (key != null)

            drd = new DbCommandMx();
            drd.PrepareListReader(sql, DbType.String);
            while (drd.Read())

                string tableFilterKey = "";                 // get column values to identify table
                for (fci = 0; fci < mt.TableFilterColumns.Count; fci++)
                    o = drd.GetObjectByName(mt.TableFilterColumns[fci]);
                    if (o == null)
                        s = "";
                        s = o.ToString();
                    if (tableFilterKey != "")
                        tableFilterKey += ", ";
                    tableFilterKey += s;
                mt = mpd.TableFilterValuesToMetaTableDict[tableFilterKey];
                if (mt == null)
                    continue;                             // continue if don't know about this table
                if (!mpd.MbInstances.ContainsKey(mt.Name))
                    continue;                                                        // have row hash for broker?
                int mbIdx = 0;
                mb = (PivotMetaBroker)mpd.GetFirstBroker(mt.Name, out mbList);

                while (true)                 // copy out for each metabroker
                    mt = mb.Qt.MetaTable;
                    if (mt == null)

                    if (mb.MultipivotRowDict == null)
                        mb.MultipivotRowDict = new Dictionary <string, object[]>();

                    string rowKey = "";
                    for (mci = 0; mci < mt.PivotMergeColumns.Count; mci++)
                        o = drd.GetObjectByName(mt.PivotMergeColumns[mci]);
                        if (o == null)
                            s = "<null>";
                            s = o.ToString();
                        rowKey += "<" + s + ">";

                    if (mb.MultipivotRowDict.ContainsKey(rowKey))                     // have entry for row?
                        vo = (object[])mb.MultipivotRowDict[rowKey];

                    else                     // new row, create vo for it & fill in merged column values
                        vo = new Object[mb.SelectList.Count];
                        for (si = 0; si < mb.SelectList.Count; si++)                         // transfer non-pivoted values
                            mc = mb.SelectList[si];
                            if (mc.PivotValues != null)
                                continue;                                                     // skip pivoted cols for now
                            for (mci = 0; mci < mt.PivotMergeColumns.Count; mci++)
                                if (Lex.Eq(mc.ColumnMap, mt.PivotMergeColumns[mci]))
                                    o = drd.GetObjectByName(mt.PivotMergeColumns[mci]);
                                    if (mc.IsKey)                                     // normalize cid adding prefix as needed
                                        o = CompoundId.Normalize(o.ToString(), mt);
                                    vo[si] = o;

                        mb.MultipivotRowDict[rowKey] = vo;

                    // Pivot out data based on pivot column values

                    if (mb.PivotKeys == null)
                    {                     // build set of pivot keys for the pivoted columns in the table if not done yet
                        mb.PivotKeys = new string[mb.SelectList.Count];
                        for (si = 0; si < mb.SelectList.Count; si++)
                            mc = mb.SelectList[si];
                            if (mc.PivotValues == null)
                                continue;                                                     // skip non-pivoted cols
                            pivotKey = "";
                            for (pvi = 0; pvi < mc.PivotValues.Count; pvi++)
                                pivotKey += "<" + mc.PivotValues[pvi].ToLower() + ">";
                            mb.PivotKeys[si] = pivotKey;

                    pivotKey = "";
                    for (pci = 0; pci < mt.PivotColumns.Count; pci++)
                    {                     // build pivot key for this unpivoted row
                        o = drd.GetObjectByName(mt.PivotColumns[pci]);
                        if (o == null)
                            s = "<null>";
                            s = o.ToString().ToLower();
                        pivotKey += "<" + s + ">";

                    for (si = 0; si < mb.SelectList.Count; si++)                // transfer pivoted values
                        if (mb.PivotKeys[si] == null ||                         // skip non-pivoted cols
                            pivotKey != mb.PivotKeys[si])
                            continue;                                                   // and non-matches
                        mc = mb.SelectList[si];
                        int ci = drd.Rdr.GetOrdinal(mc.ColumnMap);

                        if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Integer)
                            if (!mc.DetailsAvailable)                             // simple scalar value
                                vo[si] = drd.GetInt(ci);

                            else                             // value with possible resultId, linking information
                                txt    = drd.GetString(ci);  // todo: fix for annotation
                                vo[si] = QueryEngine.ParseScalarValue(txt, Qt, mc);

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Number)
                            if (!mc.DetailsAvailable)                             // simple scalar value
                                vo[si] = drd.GetDouble(ci);

                            else                             // value with possible resultId, linking information
                                txt    = Dr.GetString(ci);   // todo: fix for annotation
                                vo[si] = QueryEngine.ParseScalarValue(txt, Qt, mc);

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo)
                            // todo

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.String)
                            if (!mc.DetailsAvailable)
                                vo[si] = drd.GetString(ci);

                            else                             // value with possible resultId, linking information
                                txt    = Dr.GetString(ci);   // todo: fix for annotation
                                vo[si] = QueryEngine.ParseScalarValue(txt, Qt, mc);

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Date)
                            if (!mc.DetailsAvailable)                             // simple scalar value
                                vo[si] = drd.GetDateTime(ci);

                            else                             // value with possible resultId, linking information
                                txt    = Dr.GetString(ci);   // todo: fix for annotation
                                vo[si] = QueryEngine.ParseScalarValue(txt, Qt, mc);

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Structure)
                        {                         // structures come in as compound identifiers (todo: fix for annotation)
                            tok    = Dr.GetValue(si).ToString();
                            cid    = CompoundId.Normalize(tok, Qt.MetaTable);
                            vo[si] = cid;

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.MolFormula)
                            vo[si] = drd.GetString(ci);

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.DictionaryId)
                            try                             // Id may be string or integer value
                            { vo[si] = drd.GetString(ci); }
                            catch (Exception ex)
                            { vo[si] = drd.GetInt(ci); }

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Image)
                            try                             // Id may be string or integer value
                            { vo[si] = drd.GetString(ci); }
                            catch (Exception ex)
                            { vo[si] = drd.GetInt(ci); }

                        else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Hyperlink)
                            txt = drd.GetString(ci);
                            Hyperlink hlink = new Hyperlink();
                            vo[si]     = hlink;
                            hlink.Text = txt;
                    if (mbList == null)
                        break;                   // single broker
                    mbIdx++;                     // go to next broker
                    if (mbIdx >= mbList.Count)
                        break;                                            // at end of brokers?
                    mb = (PivotMetaBroker)mbList[mbIdx];
                }         // end of broker loop
            }             // end of read loop

예제 #5
        public bool Cancelled;                 // flag set if cancelled

        /// <summary>
        /// Basic constructor
        /// </summary>

        public ExecuteQueryParms(
            QueryEngine qe)
            Qe = qe;
예제 #6
        object IInvokeServiceOps.InvokeServiceOperation(int opCode, object[] args)
            MobiusQueryEngineService op = (MobiusQueryEngineService)opCode;

            switch (op)
            case MobiusQueryEngineService.Initialize:

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.CreateInstance:
                Qel.QueryEngine instance = new Mobius.QueryEngineLibrary.QueryEngine();

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.DisposeInstance:
                int  instanceId = (int)args[0];
                bool disposed   = Qel.QueryEngine.Dispose(instanceId);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.SetParameter:
                string parm = "", value = "";

                if (args.Length == 2)
                    parm  = args[0].ToString();
                    value = args[1].ToString();

                else                                 // old form (remove when all old clients are updated)
                    parm  = "DatabaseSubset";
                    value = args[0].ToString();

                Qel.QueryEngine.SetParameter(parm, value);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetSummarizationDetailQuery:
                int    instanceId     = (int)args[0];
                string metaTableName  = (string)args[1];
                string metaColumnName = (string)args[2];
                int    level          = (int)args[3];
                string resultId       = (string)args[4];

                //Qel.QueryEngine qe = null;
                //lock (Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict)
                //	if (Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict.ContainsKey(instanceId))
                //	{
                //		qe = Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict[instanceId];
                //	}
                //if (qe != null)

                string     queryXml = "";
                Data.Query query    = QueryEngine.GetSummarizationDetailQuery(metaTableName, metaColumnName, level, resultId);
                if (query != null)
                    queryXml = query.Serialize(false);

                //	throw new ArgumentException("Not a valid query engine instance id!");

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetDrilldownDetailQuery:
                int    instanceId     = (int)args[0];
                string metaTableName  = (string)args[1];
                string metaColumnName = (string)args[2];
                int    level          = (int)args[3];
                string resultId       = (string)args[4];

                //Qel.QueryEngine qe = null;
                //lock (Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict)
                //	if (Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict.ContainsKey(instanceId))
                //	{
                //		qe = Qel.QueryEngine.IdToInstanceDict[instanceId];
                //	}
                //if (qe != null)

                Mobius.Data.MetaTable  metaTable  = Mobius.Data.MetaTableCollection.GetExisting(metaTableName);
                Mobius.Data.MetaColumn metaColumn = metaTable.GetMetaColumnByName(metaColumnName);
                Data.Query             query      = QueryEngine.GetDrilldownDetailQuery(metaTable, metaColumn, level, resultId);
                string queryXml = query.Serialize(false);

                //	throw new ArgumentException("Not a valid query engine instance id!");

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetImage:
                string mtMcName = null;

                int instanceId = (int)args[0];

                if (args[1] is string)                                 // New "mtName.mcName" format for arg (Post Client 5.0)
                    mtMcName = (string)args[1];

                else if (args[1] is MetaColumn)                                 // old Mobius.Services.Types.MetaColumn format
                    MetaColumn mc = (MetaColumn)args[1];
                    mtMcName = mc.MetaTable.Name + "." + mc.Name;

                    return(null);                                 // error
                Mobius.Data.MetaColumn mobiusMC = Mobius.Data.MetaColumn.ParseMetaTableMetaColumnName(mtMcName);

                string graphicsIdString = (string)args[2];
                int    desiredWidth     = (int)args[3];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                //Mobius.Data.MetaColumn mobiusMC = _transHelper.Convert<MetaColumn, Mobius.Data.MetaColumn>(metaColumn);
                System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = qe.GetImage(mobiusMC, graphicsIdString, desiredWidth);
                Types.Bitmap          result = new Types.Bitmap(bitmap);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.ResolveCidListReference:
                string tok = (string)args[0];
                Mobius.Data.UserObject uo     = Qel.QueryEngine.ResolveCidListReference(tok);
                UserObjectNode         result = _transHelper.Convert <Mobius.Data.UserObject, UserObjectNode>(uo);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetRootTable:
                string                queryString = (string)args[0];
                Mobius.Data.Query     mobiusQuery = Data.Query.Deserialize(queryString);
                Mobius.Data.MetaTable mobiusMT    = Qel.QueryEngine.GetRootTable(mobiusQuery);
                string                mtString    = null;
                if (mobiusMT != null)
                    mtString = mobiusMT.Serialize();

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.DoPresearchChecksAndTransforms:
                string     serializedQuery = (string)args[0];
                Data.Query q = Data.Query.Deserialize(serializedQuery);
                q = Qel.QueryEngine.DoPreSearchTransformations(q);
                if (q == null)
                string serializedQuery2 = q.Serialize(true);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetKeys:
                int             instanceId = (int)args[0];
                Qel.QueryEngine qe         = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);
                List <string>   keys       = qe.GetKeys();

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.ExecuteQuery:
                int             instanceId      = (int)args[0];
                string          serializedQuery = (string)args[1];
                Qel.QueryEngine qe     = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);
                Data.Query      q      = Data.Query.Deserialize(serializedQuery);
                List <string>   result = qe.ExecuteQuery(q, false, false);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.TransformAndExecuteQuery:
                int    instanceId      = (int)args[0];
                string serializedQuery = (string)args[1];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);
                Data.Query      q2;
                Data.Query      q       = Data.Query.Deserialize(serializedQuery);
                List <string>   keyList = qe.TransformAndExecuteQuery(q, out q2);
                object[]        sa      = new object[2];
                sa[0] = keyList;
                if (q2 != null)                                 // any transformed query?
                    sa[1] = q2.Serialize(true, true);           // serialize including metatables not previously send to client

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.BuildSqlStatements:
                int    instanceId      = (int)args[0];
                string serializedQuery = (string)args[1];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe            = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);
                Data.Query      q             = Data.Query.Deserialize(serializedQuery);
                string          sqlStatements = qe.BuildSqlStatements(q);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.SaveSpotfireSql:
                string sqlStmtName     = (string)args[0];
                string serializedQuery = (string)args[1];

                Data.Query q      = Data.Query.Deserialize(serializedQuery);
                int        stmtId = Mobius.QueryEngineLibrary.QueryEngine.SaveSpotfireSql(sqlStmtName, q);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.SaveSpotfireKeyList:
                string keyColName, listType, keyList;
                if (args.Length >= 3)
                    keyColName = (string)args[0];
                    listType   = (string)args[1];
                    keyList    = (string)args[2];

                else if (args.Length == 2)                                 // old form
                    keyColName = "CORP_ID";
                    listType   = (string)args[0];
                    keyList    = (string)args[1];

                else                                 // old form for cid list
                    keyColName = "CORP_ID";
                    listType   = "CIDLIST";
                    keyList    = (string)args[0];

                string keyListName = Mobius.QueryEngineLibrary.QueryEngine.SaveSpotfireKeyList(keyColName, listType, keyList);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.ReadSpotfireSql:
                string sqlStmtName = args[0] as string;
                int    version     = (int)args[1];
                string sql         = Mobius.QueryEngineLibrary.QueryEngine.ReadSpotfireSql(sqlStmtName, version);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.RemapTablesForRetrieval:                     // DoPreRetrievalTransformation
                int instanceId = (int)args[0];

                Qel.QueryEngine   qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);
                Mobius.Data.Query q  = qe.DoPreRetrievalTableExpansions();
                if (q == null)

                string serializedQuery = q.Serialize(true);                                 // serialize including metatables not previously included

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.NextRowsSerialized:
                int  minRows       = 1;
                bool returnQeStats = false;
                List <Mobius.Data.MetaBrokerStats> mbStats = null;

                int instanceId = (int)args[0];
                int ai         = 1;
                if (args.Length >= 4)                                 // newer version with minRows arg
                    minRows = (int)args[ai++];

                int maxRows = (int)args[ai++];
                int maxTime = (int)args[ai++];

                if (ai < args.Length)                                 // newer version with returnQeStats arg
                    returnQeStats = (bool)args[ai++];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                if (returnQeStats)
                    mbStats = new List <Mobius.Data.MetaBrokerStats>();

                byte[] serializedRows = qe.NextRowsSerialized(minRows, maxRows, maxTime, mbStats);

                if (!returnQeStats)

                else                                 // return serialized rows and stats in a two-element object array
                    object[] oa = new object[2];
                    oa[0] = serializedRows;
                    oa[1] = Mobius.Data.MetaBrokerStats.SerializeList(mbStats);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.NextRows:
                int minRows = 1;

                int instanceId = (int)args[0];
                int ai         = 1;
                if (args.Length >= 4)                                 // newer version with minRows arg
                    minRows = (int)args[ai++];

                int maxRows = (int)args[ai++];
                int maxTime = (int)args[ai++];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                List <object[]> rows = qe.NextRows(minRows, maxRows, maxTime);

                DataRow        dataRow  = null;
                List <DataRow> dataRows = new List <DataRow>();
                if (rows == null)

                for (int ri = 0; ri < rows.Count; ri++)                                 // convert each row
                    object[] row = rows[ri];
                    if (row != null)
                        dataRow = new DataRow();
                        object[] convertedRow = new object[row.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < row.Length; i++)
                            convertedRow[i] = _transHelper.ConvertObject(row[i]);
                        dataRow.Data = convertedRow;


            case MobiusQueryEngineService.NextRow:
                int             instanceId = (int)args[0];
                Qel.QueryEngine qe         = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                object[] row     = qe.NextRow();
                DataRow  dataRow = null;
                if (row != null)
                    dataRow = new DataRow();
                    object[] convertedRow = new object[row.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < row.Length; i++)
                        convertedRow[i] = _transHelper.ConvertObject(row[i]);
                    dataRow.Data = convertedRow;


            case MobiusQueryEngineService.Close:
                int             instanceId = (int)args[0];
                Qel.QueryEngine qe         = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.Cancel:
                int             instanceId = (int)args[0];
                Qel.QueryEngine qe         = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetQueryEngineState:
                int instanceId = (int)args[0];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);
                Mobius.Data.QueryEngineState state  = qe.State;
                QueryEngineState             result = _transHelper.Convert <Mobius.Data.QueryEngineState, QueryEngineState>(state);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.LogExceptionAndSerializedQuery:
                string     exMsg           = (string)args[0];
                string     serializedQuery = (string)args[1];
                Data.Query query           = Data.Query.Deserialize(serializedQuery);
                return(Qel.QueryEngine.LogExceptionAndSerializedQuery(exMsg, query));

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.LogQueryExecutionStatistics:

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.ValidateCalculatedFieldExpression:
                string advExpr = (string)args[0];

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.CreateQueryFromMQL:
                string            mql         = (string)args[0];
                Mobius.Data.Query mobiusQuery = Mobius.Data.MqlUtil.ConvertMqlToQuery(mql);

                Query result = _transHelper.Convert <Mobius.Data.Query, Query>(mobiusQuery);                                //translate the result

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.ExecuteMQLQuery:
                Mobius.Data.Query q2;

                int    instanceId = (int)args[0];
                string mql        = (string)args[1];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                Mobius.Data.Query q      = Mobius.Data.MqlUtil.ConvertMqlToQuery(mql);
                List <string>     result = qe.TransformAndExecuteQuery(q, out q2);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetSelectAllDataQuery:
                string mtName   = (string)args[0];
                string cn       = (string)args[1];
                string queryXml = "";

                Mobius.Data.Query q = QueryEngineLibrary.QueryEngine.GetSelectAllDataQuery(mtName, cn);
                if (q != null)
                    queryXml = q.Serialize(false);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetStandardMobileQueries:
                Data.Query[] mobileQueries = QueryEngineLibrary.QueryEngine.GetStandardMobileQueries();

                List <Query> queries = new List <Query>();

                foreach (Data.Query query in mobileQueries)
                    Query typesQuery = _transHelper.Convert <Mobius.Data.Query, Query>(query);


            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetMobileQueriesByOwner:
                string       user          = (string)args[0];
                Data.Query[] mobileQueries = QueryEngineLibrary.QueryEngine.GetMobileQueriesByOwner(user);

                List <Query> queries = new List <Query>();

                foreach (Data.Query query in mobileQueries)
                    Query typesQuery = _transHelper.Convert <Mobius.Data.Query, Query>(query);


            case MobiusQueryEngineService.GetAdditionalData:
                int    instanceId = (int)args[0];
                string command    = (string)args[1];

                Qel.QueryEngine qe = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                object o = qe.GetAdditionalData(command);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.ExportDataToSpotfireFiles:
                int             instanceId = (int)args[0];
                Qel.QueryEngine qe         = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                ExportParms ep = ExportParms.Deserialize(args[1] as string);

                QueryEngineStats qeStats = qe.ExportDataToSpotfireFiles(ep);

                return(qeStats != null ? qeStats.Serialize() : null);

            case MobiusQueryEngineService.CompleteRowRetrieval:
                int             instanceId = (int)args[0];
                Qel.QueryEngine qe         = GetQueryEngineInstance(instanceId);

                QueryEngineStats qeStats = qe.CompleteRowRetrieval();

                return(qeStats != null ? qeStats.Serialize() : null);

                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized operation: " + (int)op);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyze key criteria in token list.
        /// A saved list reference is returned as a set of key values &
        /// blanked out in the token list.
        /// Other key references are returned as a set of indexes in a list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="q"></param>
        /// <param name="Qtd"></param>
        /// <param name="tokens"></param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaPositions">Token indexes for key criteria column names</param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaSavedListKeys">Keys in any referenced saved list</param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaInListKeys">Keys in any literal list </param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaConstantPositions">Positions of key values for literal lists</param>

        public static void AnalyzeKeyCriteria(
            Query q,
            QueryTableData[] Qtd,
            List <MqlToken> tokens,
            out CompareOp keyCriteriaOp,
            out List <int> keyCriteriaPositions,
            out List <string> keyCriteriaSavedListKeys,
            out List <string> keyCriteriaInListKeys,
            out List <int> keyCriteriaConstantPositions)
            string tok1, tok2, tok3, tok4, tok5;

            keyCriteriaOp                = CompareOp.Unknown;
            keyCriteriaPositions         = new List <int>();
            keyCriteriaSavedListKeys     = null;
            keyCriteriaInListKeys        = null;
            keyCriteriaConstantPositions = new List <int>();

            for (int tki = 0; tki < tokens.Count; tki++)
                QueryColumn qc = tokens[tki].Qc;
                if (qc == null)
                if (!qc.IsKey)

                keyCriteriaPositions.Add(tki);                 // remember position of key col reference

                if (tokens.Count < tki + 2)
                    throw new QueryException("Incomplete compound id criteria at end of statement");

                bool notLogic = false;

                tok1 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 1);

                if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "Not"))
                    notLogic = true;
                    if (tokens.Count < tki + 2)
                        throw new QueryException("Incomplete compound id criteria at end of statement");
                    tok1 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 1);

                tok2 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 2);
                tok3 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 3);
                tok4 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 4);
                tok5 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 5);

                // Saved List

                if (tokens.Count > tki + 3 && Lex.Eq(tok1, "In") &&
                    Lex.Eq(tok2, "List"))
                {                 // have a saved list
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.InList;

                    if (keyCriteriaSavedListKeys != null)                     // already have it?
                        throw new UserQueryException("Only one condition is allowed for the " + qc.ActiveLabel + " field");

                    if (notLogic)                     // not currently allowed for saved lists
                        throw new UserQueryException("\"Not\" logic is not allowed for " + qc.ActiveLabel + " saved lists");

                    string     listName = tokens[tki + 3].Tok.Text;
                    UserObject uo       = ResolveCidListReference(listName);
                    if (uo == null)
                        throw new UserQueryException("Key list " + listName + " not found");
                    listName = uo.InternalName;
                    CidList keyCriteriaSavedList = CidListDao.Read(listName, QueryEngine.GetRootTable(q));
                    if (keyCriteriaSavedList == null)
                        throw new UserQueryException("Key list " + listName + " not found");
                    keyCriteriaSavedListKeys = keyCriteriaSavedList.ToStringList();
                    tokens[tki].Qc           = null;
                    tokens[tki].Tok.Text     = "";
                    for (int tki2 = tki + 1; tki2 <= tki + 3; tki2++)
                        tokens[tki2].Tok.Text = "";
                    if (!MqlUtil.DisableAdjacentAndLogic(tokens, tki, tki + 3))
                        throw new UserQueryException("Only \"And\" logic is allowed with " +
                                                     qc.ActiveLabel + " saved lists");

                    int ti = q.GetQueryTableIndexByAlias(qc.QueryTable.Alias);
                    keyCriteriaPositions.RemoveAt(keyCriteriaPositions.Count - 1);

                // Explicit list of allowed keys

                else if (tokens.Count > tki + 2 && Lex.Eq(tok1, "In") &&
                         Lex.Eq(tok2, "("))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.In;

                    int listKeyCount = 0;                     // count keys in this list
                    for (int tki2 = tki + 3; tki2 < tokens.Count; tki2++)
                        tok1 = tokens[tki2].Tok.Text;
                        if (tok1 == ",")
                        else if (tok1 == ")")
                        if (keyCriteriaInListKeys == null)
                            keyCriteriaInListKeys = new List <string>();

                        MetaTable rootTable = QueryEngine.GetRootTable(q);
                        string    normKey   = CompoundId.Normalize(tok1, rootTable);
                        if (normKey != null && normKey != "")

                    if (listKeyCount == 0)
                        throw new UserQueryException("The query contains an invalid empty list of " + qc.ActiveLabel + "s");

                // Between a range of key values

                else if (tokens.Count > tki + 4 && Lex.Eq(tok1, "Between") &&
                         Lex.Eq(tok3, "And"))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.Between;

                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 2);
                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 4);

                // Single key value, treat like a list with a single value

                else if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "="))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.Eq;

                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 2);
                    if (keyCriteriaInListKeys == null)
                        keyCriteriaInListKeys = new List <string>();

                    MetaTable rootTable = QueryEngine.GetRootTable(q);
                    string    normKey   = CompoundId.Normalize(tok2, rootTable);
                    if (Lex.IsDefined(normKey))

                // Other binary operator

                else if (MqlUtil.IsBasicComparisonOperator(tok1))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOpString.ToCompareOp(tok1);
                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 2);

                // Unary operator "is null"

                else if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "Is") && Lex.Eq(tok2, "Null"))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.IsNull;

                // Unary operator "is not null"

                else if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "Is") && Lex.Eq(tok2, "Not") && Lex.Eq(tok3, "Null"))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.IsNotNull;

                    throw new QueryException("Unrecognized compound id condition " + tok1);

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Build and save SQL for use in Spotfire information link
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int SaveSpotfireSql(
            string sqlStmtName,
            Query query)
            DbConnectionMx conn = null;

            string qtSql = "", sql, expr;
            string keys = null;
            string keyColName = "";
            string t1KeyColExpr = "", keyColExpr;

            string rootDataSource = "DEV857";
            string rootSchema     = "MBS_OWNER";

            //if (query.Tables.Count != 1) throw new Exception("Can only save Spotfire Sql for single-table queries");

            Query q = query.Clone();

            // Clean up query before generating SQL

            q.KeyCriteria = q.KeyCriteriaDisplay = "";

            List <QueryTable> qtToRemove = new List <QueryTable>();

            foreach (QueryTable qt0 in q.Tables)
                if (qt0.SelectedCount <= 1 ||

                foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in qt0.QueryColumns)                 // clear any criteria
                    if (Lex.IsDefined(qc0.Criteria))
                        qc0.Criteria = qc0.CriteriaDisplay = "";

            foreach (QueryTable qt0 in qtToRemove)

            string selectList   = "";         // top-level list of selected columns
            string fromList     = "";         // sql for each QueryTable
            string joinCriteria = "";         // join criteria between QueryTables
            int    remapCount   = 0;



            for (int ti = 0; ti < q.Tables.Count; ti++)
                QueryTable qt = q.Tables[ti];
                if (ti == 0)
                    keyColName = qt.MetaTable.KeyMetaColumn.Name;

                QueryEngine       qe  = new QueryEngine();
                ExecuteQueryParms eqp = new ExecuteQueryParms(qe, qt);
                eqp.ReturnQNsInFullDetail = false;

                qtSql = qe.BuildSqlForSingleTable(eqp);
                qtSql = Lex.Replace(qtSql, "/*+ hint */ ", "");

                conn = DbConnectionMx.MapSqlToConnection(ref qtSql, rootDataSource, rootSchema);                 // convert SQL to use dblinks from root source/schema
                if (conn == null)
                    throw new Exception("Connection not found for: " + rootDataSource);

                // Recast numeric cols that are integers as integers for Spotfire

                List <DbColumnMetadata> cmdList = OracleMx.GetColumnMetadataFromSql(qtSql, conn);

                string qtSelectList = "";
                remapCount = 0;                 // number of cols remapped
                int sci = -1;

                foreach (QueryColumn qc in qt.QueryColumns)
                    if (!qc.Selected)
                    sci++;                     // synch with cmdList

                    MetaColumn mc = qc.MetaColumn;

                    string mcName = mc.Name;
                    if (q.Tables.Count > 1)                     // if more than one table qualify by table name
                        mcName = qt.Alias + "." + mcName;

                    string colName = qc.UniqueName;

                    //if (mc.Name == "CORP_SBMSN_ID") mc = mc; // debug
                    //if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId) mc = mc; // debug

                    if (mc.IsNumeric && (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Integer || mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId))
                        DbColumnMetadata md = cmdList[sci];
                        expr = "cast (" + mcName + " as integer) " + colName;                          //  integer same as number(22,0)--- " as number(38, 0)) " + expr;

                    else if (mcName != colName)
                        expr = mcName + " " + colName;

                        expr = mc.Name;

                    if (qtSelectList != "")
                        qtSelectList += ", ";
                    qtSelectList += expr;

                if (selectList != "")
                    selectList += ", ";
                selectList += qtSelectList;

                if (fromList != "")
                    fromList += ", ";
                fromList += "(" + qtSql + ") " + qt.Alias;

                keyColExpr = qt.Alias + "." + qt.KeyQueryColumn.MetaColumn.Name;

                if (ti == 0)
                    t1KeyColExpr = keyColExpr;

                    if (joinCriteria != "")
                        joinCriteria += " and ";
                    joinCriteria += keyColExpr + " (+) = " + t1KeyColExpr;

            selectList += " ";             // be sure last col name in list is delimited with a space

            if (q.Tables.Count == 1 && remapCount == 0)
                sql = qtSql; // simple single table with no remapping of cols
            else             // combine list of elements
                sql =
                    "select " + selectList +
                    " from " + fromList;

                if (joinCriteria != "")
                    sql += " where " + joinCriteria;

                sql = "select * from (" + sql + ")";                  // encapsulate the SQL

            int v2 = SpotfireDao.InsertSpotfireSql(sqlStmtName, 0, sql, keyColName, null, Security.UserName);

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Prep non-Oracle query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eqp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public override string PrepareQuery(
            ExecuteQueryParms eqp)
            int cti;

            Eqp = eqp;
            QueryEngine qe = eqp.Qe;
            Query       q  = qe.Query;
            QueryTable  qt = eqp.QueryTable;
            QueryColumn qc;
            MetaTable   mt = qt.MetaTable;
            MetaColumn  mc = null;

            StructCriteriaQc = KeyCriteriaQc = null;

            QueryColumn strQc = qt.FirstStructureQueryColumn;

            if (strQc != null && Lex.IsDefined(strQc.Criteria))
                StructCriteriaQc = strQc;
                throw new Exception("Structure criteria not defined");

            Pssc = ParsedStructureCriteria.Parse(StructCriteriaQc);

            QueryColumn keyQc = qt.KeyQueryColumn;

            if (keyQc != null && Lex.IsDefined(q.KeyCriteria))             //keyQc.Criteria))
                KeyCriteriaQc = keyQc;

            if (StructCriteriaQc == null &&
                KeyCriteriaQc == null &&
                eqp.SearchKeySubset == null)
                throw new Exception("NonSqlBroker - No criteria specified");

            SelectList = new List <MetaColumn>();            // list of selected metacolumns
            foreach (QueryColumn qc2 in qt.QueryColumns)
                if (qc2.MetaColumn == null)
                    continue;                                         // in case metacolumn not defined
                if (qc2.IsKey)
                    qc2.Selected = true;
                if (qc2.Selected || qc2.SortOrder != 0)

            // Setup for ECFP4 similarity search

            if (Pssc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim && Pssc.SimilarityType == SimilaritySearchType.ECFP4)
                Ecfp4Dao = null;                 // reset Dao to initiate new search

            else if (Pssc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.SmallWorld) // SmallWorld search
                SwDao = null;                                           // reset Dao to initiate new search

            else if (Pssc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.Related) // Related structure search
                RSS = null;                                          // reset to initiate new search

            else if (!MqlUtil.IsCartridgeMetaTable(mt)) // must be non chemical cartridge table (e.g. User structure DB or structure in Annotation table
                return("");                             // everything looks ok, query criteria stored here, no sql returned
                throw new Exception("Unsupported NonSqlBroker search for table: " + eqp.QueryTable.MetaTable.Label);
예제 #10
/// <summary>
/// Convert a multipivot table into a set of tables where data exists for
/// one or more of the compound identifiers in the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qt">Current form of query table</param>
/// <param name="q">Query to add transformed tables to</param>
/// <param name="ResultKeys">Keys data will be retrieved for</param>

        public override void ExpandToMultipleTables(
            QueryTable qt,
            Query q,
            List <string> resultKeys)
            MetaTable        mt2;
            QueryTable       qt2;
            QueryColumn      qc2;
            HashSet <string> geneDict = new HashSet <string>();
            string           sql;
            string           geneSymbol;

            int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();

// Build query & get set of gene symbols

            Query q2 = new Query();

            q2.SingleStepExecution = true;

            q2.KeyCriteria = q2.KeyCriteriaDisplay =              // keylist to return (may want to include all target summary option criteria)
                                                     " in (" + MqlUtil.FormatValueListString(resultKeys, true) + ")";

            qt2 = qt.Clone();
            qc2          = qt2.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("gene_symbol");
            qc2.Selected = true;

            QueryEngine qe2 = new QueryEngine();

            while (true)
                object[] vo = qe2.NextRow();
                if (vo == null)

                if (qe2.Cancelled)

                geneSymbol = vo[2] as string;
                if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(geneSymbol))

            string[] sa = new string[geneDict.Count];

            foreach (string s0 in sa)
                geneSymbol = s0;
                string mt2Name = MultiDbAssayDataNames.BasePivotTablePrefix + geneSymbol;

                //if (QueryEngine.FilterAllDataQueriesByDatabaseContents &&
                //    !MetaTableCollection.IsMetaTableInContents(mtName)) continue; // metatable must be in contents

                mt2 = MetaTableCollection.Get(mt2Name);
                if (mt2 == null)
                    continue;                              // in case can't allocate for some reason
                qt2 = q.GetQueryTableByName(mt2.Name);     // see if already in query
                if (qt2 != null)
                    continue;                              // ignore if already there
                qt2 = new QueryTable(q, mt2);              // allocate new query table & add to query

                foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in qt.QueryColumns)                 // set selected columns to match those in the source qt
                    if (qc0.Selected && qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(qc0.MetaColumn.Name) != null)
                        qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(qc0.MetaColumn.Name).Selected = true;

                if (qt.HeaderBackgroundColor != Color.Empty)
                    qt2.HeaderBackgroundColor = qt.HeaderBackgroundColor;

            t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0;
예제 #11
/// <summary>
///  Setup/configure any needed secondary metabroker
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eqp"></param>
/// <param name="mpd"></param>
/// <param name="unpivotedTableIsFirst"></param>

        void SetupSecondaryMetaBroker(
            ExecuteQueryParms eqp,
            MultiTablePivotBrokerTypeData mpd,
            out bool unpivotedTableIsFirst)
            QueryEngine qe2;
            Query       q2;
            QueryTable  qt2;
            QueryColumn qc2;
            MetaTable   mt2;

            string    firstMtName = mpd.FirstTableName;
            MetaTable firstMt     = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(firstMtName);

            unpivotedTableIsFirst = UnpivotedAssayResult.IsUnpivotedSummarizedMdbAssayTable(firstMtName);

            if (unpivotedTableIsFirst) // just use unpivoted table as is
                SecondaryMetaBroker = this;
                Eqp2 = eqp;

            else // all pivoted tables, create secondary query on the summarized unpivoted table
                if (SecondaryMetaBroker == null)
                    MultiDbAssayMetaBroker mb2 = SecondaryMetaBroker = new MultiDbAssayMetaBroker();

                    if (UnpivotedAssayResult.IsCombinedMdbAssayTable(firstMtName))
                        mt2 = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.CombinedTableName);
                        mt2 = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.BaseTableName);

                    q2  = new Query();
                    qt2 = new QueryTable(mt2);

                    qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException(MultiDbAssayDataNames.GeneSymbol);
                    if (mpd.TableCodeCsvList.Length != 0) // limit by codes
                        qc2.Criteria = qc2.CriteriaDisplay = MultiDbAssayDataNames.GeneSymbol + " in (" + mpd.TableCodeCsvList + ")";


                    qe2       = new QueryEngine();
                    qe2.Query = q2;
                    Eqp2      = new ExecuteQueryParms(qe2, qt2);

                    mb2.Sql += " where " + qc2.Criteria;

                Eqp2.SearchKeySubset = eqp.SearchKeySubset;
