public bool RestartGame(GameRestart gr) { clog("Restarting game, gameId: " + gr.gameId); if (gr.gameId != networkManager.gameSession.gameId) { return(false); } networkManager.gameSession.status = STATUS.RESTART; //theBall.SendMessage("ResetBall", null, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); PlayerScore1 = 0; PlayerScore2 = 0; networkManager.gameSession.currentGs.sequence = 0; networkManager.gameSession.status = STATUS.INGAME; // The ball position and velocity is chosen at random by server, and sent out to players. // For now, just trust it. BallControl bc = theBall.GetComponent <BallControl>(); bc.setPosition(new Position(; bc.setVelocity(new Velocity(; // Not correct. FIXME: Vector2 startingForce = new Vector2(gr.balls[0].velocity.x, gr.balls[0].velocity.y); // Not deterministic? //bc.rb2d.AddForce(startingForce); bc.setVelocity(gr.balls[0].velocity); return(false); }
public void SendRestart() { GameRestart gr = new GameRestart(); gr.gameId = networkManager.gameSession.gameId; gr.balls = new Ball[1]; gr.balls[0] = Ball.CopyBall(theBall.GetComponent <BallControl>()); networkManager.webSocketClient.Send(Messaging <GameRestart> .Serialize(gr)); }
void SendRestart() { GameRestart gr = new GameRestart(); gr.gameId = gameSession.gameId; gr.balls = new Ball[1]; gr.balls[0] = Ball.CopyBall(theBall.GetComponent <BallControl>()); client.Send(Messaging <GameRestart> .Serialize(gr)); }
// Match whatever WebSocket text is sending // Consistency: General rule here is that the game state if not timestamped, events may not represent the same time window. void HandleMessage(string message) { var msg = MessageWrapper.UnWrapMessage(message); // Not quite symetric, but the server is text only. switch (msg.type) { case "qotd": break; case "notification": Notification notification = Messaging <Notification> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.clog(notification.notificationText); break; case "register": GameRegister register = Messaging <GameRegister> .Deserialize(message); gameSession.sessionId = register.sessionId; gameSession.uuidPlayer = register.uuidPlayer; break; case "gameJoin": GameJoin gj = Messaging <GameJoin> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.JoinGame(gj); break; case "scoreEvent": ScoreEvent se = Messaging <ScoreEvent> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.UpdateScore(se); break; case "moveEvent": MoveEvent me = Messaging <MoveEvent> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.UpdatePosition(me); break; case "gameState": GameState serverGs = Messaging <GameState> .Deserialize(message); gameSession.currentGs.sequence = serverGs.sequence; //UpdateLocalGame(serverGs); break; case "contactEvent": ContactEvent ce = Messaging <ContactEvent> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.HandleContactEvent(ce); break; case "resign": GameResign resign = Messaging <GameResign> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.theBall.SendMessage("ResetBall", null, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); gameManager.ghostBall.SendMessage("ResetBall", null, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); break; case "nextRound": NextRound nr = Messaging <NextRound> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.StartNextRound(nr); break; case "gameRestart": GameRestart gr = Messaging <GameRestart> .Deserialize(message); gameManager.RestartGame(gr); break; default: gameManager.clog("Unknown message arrived: " + msg.type + ", message: " + message); break; } }