internal static void Start() { Console.WriteLine("GSMCallHistoryTest start..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); // Creates an instance of the GSM class and adds few calls. Console.Write("Add calls "); var gsm = new GSM("E72", "Nokia"); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Thread.Sleep(500); gsm.AddCall(new Call(DateTime.Now, "088" + rand.Next(1000000, 9999999), rand.Next(1, 500))); Console.Write("."); } // Displays the information about the calls. Console.WriteLine("\n\n{0}", string.Join("\n", gsm.CallHistory)); // Calculates and print the total price of the calls in the history. Console.WriteLine("\nTotal calls: {0}", gsm.CallHistory.Count); Console.WriteLine("Total price of the calls: {0:F2}", gsm.TotalPrice(PricePerMinute)); var longestCall = gsm.CallHistory.OrderByDescending(call => call.Duration).First(); Console.WriteLine("Longest call:"); Console.WriteLine("\tDateTime: {0}", longestCall.DateTime); Console.WriteLine("\tDialledPhoneNumber: {0}", longestCall.DialledPhoneNumber); Console.WriteLine("\tDuration: {0}", longestCall.Duration); // Removes the longest call from the history and calculates the total price again. Thread.Sleep(1000); gsm.DeleteCall(longestCall); Console.WriteLine("\nRemove the longest call from the history..."); Console.WriteLine("Total calls: {0}", gsm.CallHistory.Count); Console.WriteLine("Total price of the calls: {0:F2}", gsm.TotalPrice(PricePerMinute)); // Clears the call history and print it. Console.WriteLine("\nClears the call history..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); gsm.ClearCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine("Total calls: {0}\n", gsm.CallHistory.Count); }
public static void Start() { Console.WriteLine("GSMTest start..."); // Creates an array of few instances of the GSM class. var gsms = new GSM[] { new GSM("E72", "Nokia", null, "Pesho", new Battery("Toshiba", 3, 5, BatteryType.NiCd)), new GSM("E1270", "Samsung", 34.8m, null, null, new Display(96, 256)), new GSM("C21", "Yezz", 259.99m, "Ivan", new Battery("Toshiba", 20, 14, BatteryType.LiIon), new Display(128, 256000)) }; // Displays the information about the GSMs in the array. foreach (var gsm in gsms) { Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("\n" + gsm); } // Displays the information about the static property IPhone4S. Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", GSM.IPhone4S); Thread.Sleep(1000); }