public void doConnect(MAVLinkInterface comPort, string portname, string baud) { bool skipconnectcheck = false; log.Info("We are connecting"); switch (portname) { case "preset": skipconnectcheck = true; break; case "TCP": comPort.BaseStream = new TcpSerial(); _connectionControl.CMB_serialport.Text = "TCP"; break; case "UDP": comPort.BaseStream = new UdpSerial(); _connectionControl.CMB_serialport.Text = "UDP"; break; case "UDPCl": comPort.BaseStream = new UdpSerialConnect(); _connectionControl.CMB_serialport.Text = "UDPCl"; break; case "AUTO": default: comPort.BaseStream = new SerialPort(); break; } // Tell the connection UI that we are now connected. _connectionControl.IsConnected(true); // Here we want to reset the connection stats counter etc. this.ResetConnectionStats(); comPort.MAV.cs.ResetInternals(); //cleanup any log being played comPort.logreadmode = false; if (comPort.logplaybackfile != null) comPort.logplaybackfile.Close(); comPort.logplaybackfile = null; try { // do autoscan if (portname == "AUTO") { Comms.CommsSerialScan.Scan(false); DateTime deadline = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(50); while (Comms.CommsSerialScan.foundport == false) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (DateTime.Now > deadline) { CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.Timeout); _connectionControl.IsConnected(false); return; } } _connectionControl.CMB_serialport.Text = portname = Comms.CommsSerialScan.portinterface.PortName; _connectionControl.CMB_baudrate.Text = baud = Comms.CommsSerialScan.portinterface.BaudRate.ToString(); } log.Info("Set Portname"); // set port, then options comPort.BaseStream.PortName = portname; log.Info("Set Baudrate"); try { comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate = int.Parse(baud); } catch (Exception exp) { log.Error(exp); } // prevent serialreader from doing anything comPort.giveComport = true; log.Info("About to do dtr if needed"); // reset on connect logic. if (config["CHK_resetapmonconnect"] == null || bool.Parse(config["CHK_resetapmonconnect"].ToString()) == true) { log.Info("set dtr rts to false"); comPort.BaseStream.DtrEnable = false; comPort.BaseStream.RtsEnable = false; comPort.BaseStream.toggleDTR(); } comPort.giveComport = false; // setup to record new logs try { Directory.CreateDirectory(MainV2.LogDir); comPort.logfile = new BufferedStream(File.Open(MainV2.LogDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss") + ".tlog", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)); comPort.rawlogfile = new BufferedStream(File.Open(MainV2.LogDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss") + ".rlog", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)); log.Info("creating logfile " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss") + ".tlog"); } catch (Exception exp2) { log.Error(exp2); CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.Failclog); } // soft fail // reset connect time - for timeout functions connecttime = DateTime.Now; // do the connect comPort.Open(false, skipconnectcheck); if (!comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen) { log.Info("comport is closed. existing connect"); try { _connectionControl.IsConnected(false); UpdateConnectIcon(); comPort.Close(); } catch { } return; } // 3dr radio is hidden as no hb packet is ever emitted if (comPort.sysidseen.Count > 1) { // we have more than one mav // user selection of sysid MissionPlanner.Controls.SysidSelector id = new SysidSelector(); id.Show(); } // create a copy int[] list = comPort.sysidseen.ToArray(); // get all the params foreach (var sysid in list) { comPort.sysidcurrent = sysid; comPort.getParamList(); } // set to first seen comPort.sysidcurrent = list[0]; // detect firmware we are conected to. if (comPort.MAV.cs.firmware == Firmwares.ArduCopter2) { _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.SelectedIndex = _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.Items.IndexOf(Firmwares.ArduCopter2); } else if (comPort.MAV.cs.firmware == Firmwares.Ateryx) { _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.SelectedIndex = _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.Items.IndexOf(Firmwares.Ateryx); } else if (comPort.MAV.cs.firmware == Firmwares.ArduRover) { _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.SelectedIndex = _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.Items.IndexOf(Firmwares.ArduRover); } else if (comPort.MAV.cs.firmware == Firmwares.ArduPlane) { _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.SelectedIndex = _connectionControl.TOOL_APMFirmware.Items.IndexOf(Firmwares.ArduPlane); } // check for newer firmware var softwares = Firmware.LoadSoftwares(); if (softwares.Count > 0) { try { string[] fields1 = comPort.MAV.VersionString.Split(' '); foreach ( item in softwares) { string[] fields2 =' '); // check primare firmware type. ie arudplane, arducopter if (fields1[0] == fields2[0]) { Version ver1 = VersionDetection.GetVersion(comPort.MAV.VersionString); Version ver2 = VersionDetection.GetVersion(; if (ver2 > ver1) { Common.MessageShowAgain(Strings.NewFirmware, Strings.NewFirmwareA + + Strings.Pleaseup); break; } // check the first hit only break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } } FlightData.CheckBatteryShow(); MissionPlanner.Utilities.Tracking.AddEvent("Connect", "Connect", comPort.MAV.cs.firmware.ToString(), comPort.MAV.param.Count.ToString()); MissionPlanner.Utilities.Tracking.AddTiming("Connect", "Connect Time", (DateTime.Now - connecttime).TotalMilliseconds, ""); MissionPlanner.Utilities.Tracking.AddEvent("Connect", "Baud", comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate.ToString(), ""); // save the baudrate for this port config[_connectionControl.CMB_serialport.Text + "_BAUD"] = _connectionControl.CMB_baudrate.Text; this.Text = titlebar + " " + comPort.MAV.VersionString; // refresh config window if needed if (MyView.current != null) { if (MyView.current.Name == "HWConfig") MyView.ShowScreen("HWConfig"); if (MyView.current.Name == "SWConfig") MyView.ShowScreen("SWConfig"); } // load wps on connect option. if (config["loadwpsonconnect"] != null && bool.Parse(config["loadwpsonconnect"].ToString()) == true) { // only do it if we are connected. if (comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen) { MenuFlightPlanner_Click(null, null); FlightPlanner.BUT_read_Click(null, null); } } // get any rallypoints if (MainV2.comPort.MAV.param.ContainsKey("RALLY_TOTAL") && int.Parse(MainV2.comPort.MAV.param["RALLY_TOTAL"].ToString()) > 0) { FlightPlanner.getRallyPointsToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null); double maxdist = 0; foreach (var rally in comPort.MAV.rallypoints) { foreach (var rally1 in comPort.MAV.rallypoints) { var pnt1 = new PointLatLngAlt( / 10000000.0f, rally.Value.lng / 10000000.0f); var pnt2 = new PointLatLngAlt( / 10000000.0f, rally1.Value.lng / 10000000.0f); var dist = pnt1.GetDistance(pnt2); maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, dist); } } if (comPort.MAV.param.ContainsKey("RALLY_LIMIT_KM") && (maxdist / 1000.0) > (float)comPort.MAV.param["RALLY_LIMIT_KM"]) { CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.Warningrallypointdistance + " " + (maxdist / 1000.0).ToString("0.00") + " > " + (float)comPort.MAV.param["RALLY_LIMIT_KM"]); } } // set connected icon this.MenuConnect.Image = displayicons.disconnect; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Warn(ex); try { _connectionControl.IsConnected(false); UpdateConnectIcon(); comPort.Close(); } catch (Exception ex2) { log.Warn(ex2); } CustomMessageBox.Show("Can not establish a connection\n\n" + ex.Message); return; } }
public void doDisconnect(MAVLinkInterface comPort) { log.Info("We are disconnecting"); try { if (speechEngine != null) // cancel all pending speech speechEngine.SpeakAsyncCancelAll(); comPort.BaseStream.DtrEnable = false; comPort.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } // now that we have closed the connection, cancel the connection stats // so that the 'time connected' etc does not grow, but the user can still // look at the now frozen stats on the still open form try { // if terminal is used, then closed using this button.... exception if (this.connectionStatsForm != null) ((ConnectionStats)this.connectionStatsForm.Controls[0]).StopUpdates(); } catch { } // refresh config window if needed if (MyView.current != null) { if (MyView.current.Name == "HWConfig") MyView.ShowScreen("HWConfig"); if (MyView.current.Name == "SWConfig") MyView.ShowScreen("SWConfig"); } try { System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((WaitCallback)delegate { try { MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort.SortLogs(Directory.GetFiles(MainV2.LogDir, "*.tlog")); } catch { } } ); } catch { } this.MenuConnect.Image = global::MissionPlanner.Properties.Resources.light_connect_icon; }
private void but_droneapi_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string droneshareusername = MainV2.getConfig("droneshareusername"); InputBox.Show("Username", "Username", ref droneshareusername); MainV2.config["droneshareusername"] = droneshareusername; string dronesharepassword = MainV2.getConfig("dronesharepassword"); if (dronesharepassword != "") { try { // fail on bad entry var crypto = new Crypto(); dronesharepassword = crypto.DecryptString(dronesharepassword); } catch { } } InputBox.Show("Password", "Password", ref dronesharepassword,true); var crypto2 = new Crypto(); string encryptedpw = crypto2.EncryptString(dronesharepassword); MainV2.config["dronesharepassword"] = encryptedpw; Utilities.DroneApi.DroneProto dp = new Utilities.DroneApi.DroneProto(); if (dp.connect()) { if (dp.loginUser(droneshareusername, dronesharepassword)) { MAVLinkInterface mine = new MAVLinkInterface(); var comfile = new Comms.CommsFile(); mine.BaseStream = comfile; mine.BaseStream.PortName = @"C:\Users\hog\Documents\apm logs\iris 6-4-14\2014-04-06 09-07-32.tlog"; mine.BaseStream.Open(); comfile.bps = 4000; mine.getHeartBeat(); dp.setVechileId(mine.MAV.Guid, 0, mine.MAV.sysid); dp.startMission(); while (true) { byte[] packet = mine.readPacket(); dp.SendMavlink(packet,0); } dp.close(); mine.Close(); } } }
public void doDisconnect(MAVLinkInterface comPort) { try { comPort.BaseStream.DtrEnable = false; comPort.Close(); } catch { } }
public void doDisconnect(MAVLinkInterface comPort) { try { comPort.BaseStream.DtrEnable = false; comPort.Close(); } catch { } //this.BUT_Connect.Text = "连接"; }