상속: Thing
        // Checks if the given character's moving direction is wall or not
        public bool IsDirectionWall(Character character, Point direction)
            Point targetPoint = new Point(character.Position.X + direction.X, character.Position.Y + direction.Y);
            Point currentPoint = new Point(character.Position.X, character.Position.Y);

            // Validate if the target Tile actually exists. (Not outside the map)
            if (targetPoint.X >= Map.GetLength(0) || targetPoint.Y >= Map.GetLength(1))
                return true;

            Tile targetTile = Map[targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y];
            Tile currentTile = Map[currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y];

            if (direction.Y < 0) // Up
                if (targetTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Down) || currentTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Up))
                    return true;
            else if (direction.Y > 0)   // Down
                if (targetTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Up) || currentTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Down))
                    return true;
            if (direction.X < 0) // Left
                if (targetTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Right) || currentTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Left))
                    return true;
            else if (direction.X > 0) // Right
                if (targetTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Left) || currentTile.FourWalls.HasFlag(Walls.Right))
                    return true;
            return false;
        // Checks if the character can move. If it can, set the new position to the character.
        public bool TryToMoveTheCharacter(Character character, Point direction)
            if (IsDirectionWall(character, direction))
                return false;

            // New new position(moves)
            character.Position.X += direction.X;
            character.Position.Y += direction.Y;

            return true;