예제 #1
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: zevt/Minion
        private void buttonSendEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string FirstPartEmail = "<p>Dear, <br/> Result  Unlock Code</p>";
            string LastPartEmail  = "<p>Please put a unauthorized Sim card into the phone and restart it.";

            LastPartEmail += " The phone will ask for unlock PIN.";
            LastPartEmail += " <p> Read the instruction in attached file to know how to use the code to unlock your phone.";
            LastPartEmail += " Remember that the code in the pdf file is example code, not yours. Your code is above.</p> ";
            LastPartEmail += "<p> If you have any question feel free to email me</p>";
            LastPartEmail += " <p>Best Regards.</p>";
            string          strEmail;
            string          strIMEI;
            string          strCode;
            string          strDeliver;
            string          EmailBody;
            RegexUltilities util       = new RegexUltilities();
            List <string>   ResultList = new List <string>();

            foreach (string str in rtbCompleteOrderResult.Lines)
            // Load data from file that contain orders not receive Unlock Code yet.
            string FilteredDataFilePath = tbFilteredDataFilePath.Text;

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FilteredDataFilePath))
                MessageBox.Show("Filtered Data file doesn't exist", "File not exist", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
            Excel.Application OutApp   = new Excel.Application();
            Workbook          Outbook  = OutApp.Workbooks.Open(FilteredDataFilePath);
            Worksheet         outsheet = (Worksheet)Outbook.Sheets[1];
            int iRow;
            int index;

            iRow = outsheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
            // Move to line that has actual data from bottom

            Excel.Range range;
            range = outsheet.get_Range("A" + iRow.ToString(), "D" + iRow.ToString());
            Array LastRowData = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;

            while (LastRowData.GetValue(1, iDate) == null)
                range       = outsheet.get_Range("A" + iRow.ToString(), "D" + iRow.ToString());
                LastRowData = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;
            if (iRow == 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Data file contains only header");
            // At this point, iRow is equal number of line that contains actual data in excel file

            //  Finding the index where process filling unlock code should stop.
            range = outsheet.get_Range("A" + "1", "I" + iRow.ToString());
            Array  DataValue     = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;
            string strNotDeliver = strNo;

            if (chbFullScan.Checked) // Perform full scan when working with iPhone IMEI
                index = 2;
                index = iRow;
                while (DataValue.GetValue(index, iDelivered).ToString().Contains(strNotDeliver) && index > 1)
            if (index > iRow)
                MessageBox.Show(" All unlock codes were sent out");
            range     = outsheet.get_Range("A" + index.ToString(), "I" + iRow.ToString());
            DataValue = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;
            // This fragment code send unlock code to customers' emails, using information in filter data file ( result data)
            iRow = DataValue.GetLength(0);
            int i;

            for (i = 1; i <= iRow; ++i)
                    strIMEI    = DataValue.GetValue(i, iIMEI).ToString();
                    strCode    = DataValue.GetValue(i, iCode).ToString();
                    strDeliver = DataValue.GetValue(i, iDelivered).ToString();
                    // Check if the code is ready yet
                    if (strCode.Contains(strCodeUnavailable) || strDeliver.Contains(strYes))

                    strEmail   = DataValue.GetValue(i, iEmail).ToString();
                    EmailBody  = FirstPartEmail;
                    EmailBody += "<p><font size = \"+1\" >" + strIMEI + "</p>";
                    EmailBody += "<p><font size = \"+1\" >" + strCode + "</p>";
                    EmailBody += LastPartEmail;
                        // Create the Outlook application.
                        Outlook.Application oApp = new Outlook.Application();
                        // Create a new mail item.
                        Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
                        // Set HTMLBody.
                        //add the body of the email

                        oMsg.HTMLBody = EmailBody;
                        //Add an attachment.
                        String sDisplayName = "Instruction";
                        int    iPosition    = (int)oMsg.Body.Length + 1;
                        int    iAttachType  = (int)Outlook.OlAttachmentType.olByValue;
                        //now attached the file
                        Outlook.Attachment oAttach = oMsg.Attachments.Add(tbAttachFilePath.Text, iAttachType, iPosition, sDisplayName);
                        //Subject line
                        oMsg.Subject = "UNLOCK CODE";
                        // Add a recipient.
                        Outlook.Recipients oRecips = (Outlook.Recipients)oMsg.Recipients;
                        // Change the recipient in the next line if necessary.
                        if (chbTest.Checked)
                            strEmail = "*****@*****.**";
                            outsheet.Cells[index + i - 1, iDelivered] = strYes;
                        Outlook.Recipient oRecip = (Outlook.Recipient)oRecips.Add(strEmail);
                        // Send.
                        // Clean up.
                        oRecip  = null;
                        oRecips = null;
                        oMsg    = null;
                        oApp    = null;
                    }//end of try block
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    }//end of catch
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
예제 #2
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: zevt/Minion
        private void buttonExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Prepare lists of data to display in rich text boxes
            List <string> FullSamsungOrderList = new List <string>(); // Store Samsung order (Email, ID, IMEI)
            List <string> IMEISamsungOrderList = new List <string>(); // Store only IMEI
            List <string> FulliPhoneOrderList  = new List <string>(); //Store all iPhone order (Email, IMEI, Gorss)

            List <string>[] iPhoneIMEIList = new List <string> [5];
            // index for type of iPhone order by gross
            int G1, G2, G3, G4, G5;
            int index = 0;

            G1 = index++; G2 = index++; G3 = index++; G4 = index++; G5 = index;
            for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
                iPhoneIMEIList[index] = new List <string>();
            RegexUltilities ulti     = new RegexUltilities();
            string          Datafile = tbDataFilePath.Text;

            Excel.Application DataApp = DataApp = new Excel.Application();
            DataApp.Visible = false;
            Excel.Workbook  DataBook  = DataApp.Workbooks.Open(Datafile);
            Excel.Worksheet DataSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)DataBook.Sheets[1];
            //Excel.Worksheet DataSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)DataBook.Sheets.get_Item(1);
            int iRow = DataSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
            int iCol = DataSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count;

            System.Array DataValues = null;
            Excel.Range  range;
            // Move the last row up to the first line that has actual data
            range      = DataSheet.get_Range("A" + iRow.ToString(), "X" + iRow.ToString());
            DataValues = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;
            while (DataValues.GetValue(1, 1) == null && iRow > 1)
                range      = DataSheet.get_Range("A" + iRow.ToString(), "X" + iRow.ToString());
                DataValues = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;
            if (iRow == 1) // Data file contains only header line
                MessageBox.Show("File " + Datafile + " contains only header line");
            // Get Data from excel file and set to Array of string named DataValues
            range      = DataSheet.get_Range("A" + "1", "X" + iRow.ToString());
            DataValues = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;

            // Get indexes of all caption of the output filtered data excel file
            int indexName, indexEmail, indexGross, indexNote, indexEBayID, indexiPhoneIMEI, indexSamsungIMEI;
            int indexDate, indexTime;
            indexName = indexEmail = indexGross = indexNote = indexEBayID = indexiPhoneIMEI = indexSamsungIMEI = 1;
            indexDate = indexTime = 1;
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexName)).Contains("Name"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexEmail)).Contains("From Email Address"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexGross)).Contains("Gross"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexNote)).Contains("Note"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexEBayID)).Contains("Buyer ID"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexiPhoneIMEI)).Contains("Option 2 Value"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexSamsungIMEI)).Contains("Option 1 Value"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexDate)).Contains("Date"))
            while (!((string)DataValues.GetValue(1, indexTime)).Contains("Time"))
            // Open or create output excel file for filtered data
            int i, j;
            //iCol = DataValues.GetLength(1);
            // Create a excel file to write filtered data in it
            string            PurifiedDataFilename = tbFilteredDataFilePath.Text;
            Excel.Application FilterDataApp        = new Excel.Application();
            FilterDataApp.Visible = false;
            Excel.Workbook  FilterDataBook;
            Excel.Worksheet FilterDataSheet;
            // Prepare caption indexes for output excel file of filtered data
            index = 1;
            bool FirstTimECreated;

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(PurifiedDataFilename))  // Create file PurifedData.xlsx if not exist
                FirstTimECreated = true;
                FilterDataBook   = FilterDataApp.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
                FilterDataSheet  = (Excel.Worksheet)FilterDataBook.Worksheets[1];
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iDate]      = "Date";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iTime]      = "Time";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iName]      = "Name";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iEmail]     = "Email";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iEbayID]    = "Ebay ID";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iGross]     = "Gross";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iIMEI]      = "IMEI";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iCode]      = "Unlock Code";
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[1, iDelivered] = "Delivered";
            else  // Open if PurifedData.xlsx already exists
                FirstTimECreated = false;
                FilterDataBook   = FilterDataApp.Workbooks.Open(PurifiedDataFilename);
                FilterDataSheet  = (Excel.Worksheet)FilterDataBook.Worksheets[1];

            int LastRow = FilterDataSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
            // Reduce LastRow until it has actual data
            FilterDataApp.Visible = false;
            string       strDate;
            string       strTime;
            const string MissingIMEI = "Missing";

            if (LastRow > 1) // has at least 1 or more data line than header line
                Array       LastRowData;
                Excel.Range lrdRange;
                // Move to line that has actual data from bottom
                lrdRange    = FilterDataSheet.get_Range("A" + LastRow.ToString(), "D" + LastRow.ToString());
                LastRowData = (System.Array)lrdRange.Cells.Value;
                while (LastRowData.GetValue(1, iDate) == null)
                    lrdRange    = FilterDataSheet.get_Range("A" + LastRow.ToString(), "D" + LastRow.ToString());
                    LastRowData = (System.Array)lrdRange.Cells.Value;
                if (LastRow > 1) // Filtered Data file has 1 or more actual data line than just header
                    DateTime lastupdatePoint, currentRowDate;
                    // At this point, iRow is the last row of data file that contains actual data line
                    string strLastPointDate = LastRowData.GetValue(1, iDate).ToString();
                    string strLastPointTime = LastRowData.GetValue(1, iTime).ToString();
                    // Convert string date and time to lastupdatepoint.
                    lastupdatePoint = DateTime.Parse(strLastPointDate);
                    lastupdatePoint = lastupdatePoint.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(double.Parse(strLastPointTime) * 3600 * 24));
                    currentRowDate  = lastupdatePoint.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-100.0));
                    // Match to the first line in Data file that hasn't been passed to filtered file yet
                        if (iRow == 1)
                            continue;            // break;
                        strDate = DataValues.GetValue(iRow, indexDate).ToString();
                        strTime = DataValues.GetValue(iRow, indexTime).ToString();
                        // Get date and time from last row of Filter data
                        currentRowDate = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
                        currentRowDate = currentRowDate.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(double.Parse(strTime) * 3600 * 24));
                    }while (DateTime.Compare(lastupdatePoint, currentRowDate) >= 0 && iRow > 1);
                    // Here, if iRow == 1 then stop process because there is no information need to update to filter file
                    // however the next loop for start from iRow > 1 so the process stop anyway
                    if (iRow == 1)
                        MessageBox.Show(" There is no new order available  need to update");

            for (i = iRow; i > 1; --i)
                //if (DataValues.GetValue(i, j) == null) continue;
                string strGross, strIMEI, strEmail, strEbayID;
                strGross = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexGross).ToString();

                // ignore following rows
                if (strGross.Contains(strSamsungWebGross) && (DataValues.GetValue(i, indexSamsungIMEI - 1) == null))
                if (strGross.Contains(strSamsungEBayGross) && (DataValues.GetValue(i, indexGross + 1) == null))
                if (!ulti.IsUnlockOrder(strGross))

                //  Record only row that is valid Unlock code order and contains enough information
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iGross] = strGross;
                strDate = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexDate).ToString();
                strTime = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexTime).ToString();
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iDate] = strDate;
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iTime] = strTime;
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iName] = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexName).ToString();
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iCode] = strCodeUnavailable;
                strEmail = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexEmail).ToString();
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iEmail] = strEmail;
                if (DataValues.GetValue(i, indexEBayID) != null)
                    strEbayID = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexEBayID).ToString();
                    FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iEbayID] = strEbayID;
                    strEbayID = String.Empty;
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iDelivered] = strNo;
                if (strGross.Contains(strSamsungWebGross))
                    if (DataValues.GetValue(i, indexSamsungIMEI) != null)
                        strIMEI = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexSamsungIMEI).ToString();
                        // Delete character / and last 2 digits in IMEI if it exist.
                        strIMEI = ulti.CheckAndCorrectIMEI(strIMEI);
                        strIMEI = RegexUltilities.sMissingIMEI;

                else if (strGross.Contains(strSamsungEBayGross))
                    if (DataValues.GetValue(i, indexNote) != null)
                        strIMEI = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexNote).ToString();
                        if (ulti.ContainIMEI(strIMEI))
                            strIMEI = ulti.GetIMEI(strIMEI);
                            strIMEI = RegexUltilities.sMissingIMEI;
                        strIMEI = RegexUltilities.sMissingIMEI;

                    FullSamsungOrderList.Add(strEmail + "\t" + strEbayID);
                    if (DataValues.GetValue(i, indexiPhoneIMEI) != null)
                        strIMEI = DataValues.GetValue(i, indexiPhoneIMEI).ToString();
                        strIMEI = "0" + strIMEI;
                        strIMEI = RegexUltilities.sMissingIMEI;
                    ///////following code needs to be rewrite using const string[]
                    if (strGross.Contains(strG1))
                        index = G1;
                        FulliPhoneOrderList.Add(strEmail + "\t" + strG1);
                    else if (strGross.Contains(strG2))
                        index = G2;
                        FulliPhoneOrderList.Add(strEmail + "\t" + strG2);
                    else if (strGross.Contains(strG3))
                        index = G3;
                        FulliPhoneOrderList.Add(strEmail + "\t" + strG3);
                    else if (strGross.Contains(strG4))
                        index = G4;
                        FulliPhoneOrderList.Add(strEmail + "\t" + strG4);
                    else if (strGross.Contains(strG5))
                        index = G5;
                        FulliPhoneOrderList.Add(strEmail + "\t" + strG5);
                FilterDataSheet.Cells[LastRow, iIMEI] = strIMEI;
            if (FirstTimECreated)
            // Show information in rich text boxes
            rtbFullOrderInfo.Text = null;
            foreach (string s in FullSamsungOrderList)
                rtbFullOrderInfo.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbCorrectIMEIs.Text = null;
            foreach (string s in IMEISamsungOrderList)
                rtbCorrectIMEIs.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
            // Display information for iPhone order in compact and in details below compact
            // These code needs to be rewrite using const string[]
            rtbiPhoneOrder.Text = null;
            foreach (string s in FulliPhoneOrderList)
                rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += iPhone_standard_old + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (string s in iPhoneIMEIList[G1])
                rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += iPhone_standard_new + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (string s in iPhoneIMEIList[G2])
                rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += iPhone_premium_old + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (string s in iPhoneIMEIList[G3])
                rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += iPhone_premium_new + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (string s in iPhoneIMEIList[G4])
                rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += iPhone_express + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (string s in iPhoneIMEIList[G5])
                rtbiPhoneOrder.Text += s + Environment.NewLine;
예제 #3
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: zevt/Minion
         * static public bool IsIphoneOrder(string str)
         * {
         *  if (str != iPhone_standard_old
         *      && str != iPhone_standard_new
         *      && str != iPhone_premium_old
         *      && str != iPhone_premium_new
         *      && str != iPhone_express)
         *      return false;
         *  else return true;
         * }
        private void btGetCompleteOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rtbUnlockCode.Lines == null || rtbUnlockCode.Lines.GetLength(0) == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No unlock code result to fill to the file");
            RegexUltilities util             = new RegexUltilities();
            List <string>   UnlockResultList = new List <string>();

            // Get unlock code result
            foreach (string s in rtbUnlockCode.Lines)
                if (s.Contains("IMEI") || s.Contains("NETWORK"))

            string FilteredDataFilePath = tbFilteredDataFilePath.Text;

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FilteredDataFilePath))
                MessageBox.Show("Filtered Data file doesn't exist", "File not exist", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
            Excel.Application OutApp   = new Excel.Application();
            Workbook          Outbook  = OutApp.Workbooks.Open(FilteredDataFilePath);
            Worksheet         outsheet = (Worksheet)Outbook.Sheets[1];
            int iRow;
            int index;

            iRow = outsheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
            // Move to line that has actual data from bottom

            Excel.Range range;
            range = outsheet.get_Range("A" + iRow.ToString(), "D" + iRow.ToString());
            Array LastRowData = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;

            while (LastRowData.GetValue(1, iDate) == null)
                range       = outsheet.get_Range("A" + iRow.ToString(), "D" + iRow.ToString());
                LastRowData = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;
            if (iRow == 1)
                MessageBox.Show("File " + FilteredDataFilePath + " contains only header line");

            // At this point, iRow is equal number of line that contains actual data in excel file
            //  Finding the index where process filling unlock code should stop.
            range = outsheet.get_Range("A" + "1", "I" + iRow.ToString());
            Array DataValue = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;

            if (chbFullScan.Checked)
                index = 2;
                index = iRow;
                while (index > 1 && DataValue.GetValue(index, iCode).ToString().Contains(strCodeUnavailable))
            if (index > iRow) // All orders in file already filled with unlock code
                MessageBox.Show(" No information available from current start line");
            int iDataValueBeginLine = index;

            range     = outsheet.get_Range("A" + iDataValueBeginLine.ToString(), "I" + iRow.ToString());
            DataValue = (System.Array)range.Cells.Value;
            iRow      = DataValue.GetLength(0);
            string strIMEI, strEmail, strCode, strEBayID;
            int    i;

            rtbCompleteOrderResult.Text = null;
            for (i = 1; i <= iRow; ++i)
                strCode = DataValue.GetValue(i, iCode).ToString();
                // Check if unlock code already exist
                if (!strCode.Contains(strCodeUnavailable))
                strIMEI = DataValue.GetValue(i, iIMEI).ToString();
                index   = 0;
                int CodeListSize = UnlockResultList.Count();
                while ((index < CodeListSize) && !UnlockResultList[index].Contains(strIMEI))
                if (index < CodeListSize)  // Code found. Unlock code will be the next row
                    strCode = UnlockResultList[index + 1];
                    // Update Unlock Code to data file
                    outsheet.Cells[iDataValueBeginLine + i - 1, iCode] = strCode;
                    UnlockResultList.RemoveAt(index); // remove the IMEI from the UnlockResultList,
                    //Length of UnockResultList decrease by 1
                    UnlockResultList.RemoveAt(index); // Remove the code from UnlockResultList
                    strEmail = DataValue.GetValue(i, iEmail).ToString();
                    // Output to rich text box
                    rtbCompleteOrderResult.Text += Environment.NewLine + strEmail;
                    if (DataValue.GetValue(i, iEbayID) != null)
                        strEBayID = DataValue.GetValue(i, iEbayID).ToString();
                        rtbCompleteOrderResult.Text += "\t" + strEBayID;
                    rtbCompleteOrderResult.Text += Environment.NewLine + strIMEI;
                    rtbCompleteOrderResult.Text += Environment.NewLine + strCode;