예제 #1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public virtual EffectParameterDescription GetDescription(Effect effect, EffectParameter parameter)
            if (parameter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter");

            EffectParameterDescription description = null;

            // First, try to get usage from annotation string.

            var annotation = parameter.Annotations["Semantic"];

            if (annotation != null && annotation.ParameterType == EffectParameterType.String)
                description = GetDescriptionFromString(parameter, annotation.GetValueString());

            if (description == null)
                // No annotation.
                // --> Try to get usage from semantic.
                description = GetDescriptionFromString(parameter, parameter.Semantic);

            if (description == null)
                // No annotation, no semantic.
                // --> Try to get usage from parameter name.
                // Check whether string matches entry in dictionary.
                description = GetDescriptionFromString(parameter, parameter.Name);

            if (description == null)
                // Too bad, better luck next time.

            // Get the effect parameter hint from annotations.
            var hint = EffectHelper.GetHintFromAnnotations(parameter);

            if (hint.HasValue)
                // User-defined hint found in effect file.
                // --> Override default.
                description.Hint = hint.Value;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Interprets the specified effect parameter and adds an
        /// <see cref="EffectParameterDescription"/> to the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="effect">The effect.</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">The effect parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="interpreters">The effect interpreters.</param>
        private void InterpretParameter(Effect effect, EffectParameter parameter, EffectInterpreterCollection interpreters)
            Debug.Assert(!Contains(parameter), "Effect binding already contains a description for the given effect parameter.");

            // Try all interpreters to find a description.
            foreach (var interpreter in interpreters)
                var description = interpreter.GetDescription(effect, parameter);
                if (description != null)

            // No description found. If the parameter is a struct or array of structs
            // we check the structure members.
            if (parameter.ParameterClass == EffectParameterClass.Struct)
                if (parameter.Elements.Count > 0)
                    // Effect parameter is an array of structs.
                    foreach (EffectParameter element in parameter.Elements)
                        foreach (EffectParameter member in element.StructureMembers)
                            InterpretParameter(effect, member, interpreters);
                    // Effect parameter is a struct.
                    foreach (EffectParameter member in parameter.StructureMembers)
                        InterpretParameter(effect, member, interpreters);
                // No description found and this parameter is no struct.
                // Try to get hint from annotations and create default description (= "Unknown usage").
                var hint = EffectHelper.GetHintFromAnnotations(parameter) ?? EffectParameterHint.Material;
                Add(new EffectParameterDescription(parameter, null, 0, hint));