public void TestCanHandleMultipleSyntaxErrors()
     // Missing semicolons
     var lines = new List<string>
                         "var nTimes  int := 0",
                         "var s ,,: string  \"How many times?\"",
                         "print s",
                         "read nTimes",
                         "var x : int",
                         "x = 0",
                         "for x in 0..nTimes-1 ",
                         "    print x",
                         "    print \" : Hello, World!\\n\"",
                         "end fo",
                         "var b : bool := x = nTimes",
                         "assert (b"
     var scanner = new Scanner();
         var tokens = scanner.Tokenize(lines);
         Assert.Fail("Did not throw ParserException.");
     catch (ParserException exception)
         var errors = exception.Errors;
         Assert.IsTrue(0 < errors.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the Mini-PL source code and executes it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">File name or path/fileName</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if ( args.Length < 1 )
                Console.WriteLine("You must give a file name or a path/fileName as a parameter");
            if ( args.Length > 1 )
                Console.WriteLine("Too many parameters");

            var fileReader = new FileReader(FileExtension);
                var lines = fileReader.ReadFile(args[0]);
                var scanner = new Scanner();
                var tokens = scanner.Tokenize(lines);
                var parser = new Parser();
                var tree = parser.Parse(tokens);

                // Code had an assert statement, which failed
            catch (Exception e)
 protected void SetUp()
     _scanner = new Scanner();
     _parser = new Parser();
 protected void SetUp()
     var scanner = new Scanner();
     _parser = new Parser();
     _correctSourceCodes = new[] {
         new List<string>
                         "var nTimes : int := 0;",
                         "var s : string := \"How many times?\";",
                         "print s;",
                         "read nTimes;",
                         "var x : int;",
                         "x := 0;",
                         "for x in 0..nTimes-1 do ",
                         "    print x;",
                         "    print \" : Hello, World!\\n\";",
                         "end for;",
                         "var b : bool := x = nTimes;",
                         "assert (b);"
         new List<string>
                         "var x : int;",
                         "var y :  bool;",
                         "var z :   string;",
     new List<string>
                         "var x : int := (4 + (6 * 2))/(2-0);",
                         "var y : bool := !true & true;",
                         "var z : bool := 3 < 2;",
                         "assert(x > 2);",
                         "assert(3 >= 2);",
                         "assert(x <= 12);",
                         "assert(x = 8);",
     new List<string>
                         "var x : int := (4 + (6 * 2))/(2-0);",
                         "var y : bool := !true & true;",
                         "var z : bool := 3 < 2;",
                         "assert(x > 2);",
                         "assert(3 >= 2);",
                         "assert(x <= 12);",
                         "assert(x = 8);",
                         "for x in 0..5*4 do",
                         "print x;",
                         "end for;",
                         "read x;"
     new List<string>
                         "var x : int := 3;",
                         "var y2k : bool := true;",
                         "var CONSTANT_TEST : string := \"test\";",
                         "assert(x > 2);",
                         "assert(y2k != false);",
                         "assert(CONSTANT_TEST = \"test\");"
     new List<string>
                         "var i : int; // := 0;",
                         "//var s : string := \"How many times?\";",
                         "var b : bool := true;",
     new List<string>
                         "var i : int; /* := 0;",
                         "//var s : string := \"How many times?\";*/",
                         "var b : bool := true;",
     _correctSourceCodeTokens = new List<Token>[_correctSourceCodes.Length];
     for (var i = 0; i < _correctSourceCodeTokens.Length; i++)
         _correctSourceCodeTokens[i] = scanner.Tokenize(_correctSourceCodes[i]);
 protected void SetUp()
     _scanner = new Scanner();