private void CreateZipEntry(string path, string contentType, string content) { ZipArchiveEntry entry = _archive.CreateEntry(path); using (var zipStream = entry.Open()) using (MiniExcelStreamWriter writer = new MiniExcelStreamWriter(zipStream, _utf8WithBom, _configuration.BufferSize)) writer.Write(content); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType)) { _zipDictionary.Add(path, new ZipPackageInfo(entry, contentType)); } }
private void GenerateSheetByColumnInfo <T>(MiniExcelStreamWriter writer, IEnumerable value, List <ExcelColumnInfo> props, int xIndex = 1, int yIndex = 1) { var isDic = typeof(T) == typeof(IDictionary); var isDapperRow = typeof(T) == typeof(IDictionary <string, object>); foreach (T v in value) { writer.Write($"<x:row r=\"{yIndex}\">"); var cellIndex = xIndex; foreach (var p in props) { if (p == null) //reason: { cellIndex++; continue; } object cellValue = null; if (isDic) { cellValue = ((IDictionary)v)[p.Key]; //WriteCell(writer, yIndex, cellIndex, cellValue, null); // why null because dictionary that needs to check type every time //TODO: user can specefic type to optimize efficiency } else if (isDapperRow) { cellValue = ((IDictionary <string, object>)v)[p.Key.ToString()]; } else { cellValue = p.Property.GetValue(v); } WriteCell(writer, yIndex, cellIndex, cellValue, p); cellIndex++; } writer.Write($"</x:row>"); yIndex++; } }
private void WriteCell(MiniExcelStreamWriter writer, int rowIndex, int cellIndex, object value, ExcelColumnInfo p) { var v = string.Empty; var t = "str"; var s = "2"; if (value == null) { v = ""; } else if (value is string str) { v = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.EncodeXML(str); } else if (p?.ExcelFormat != null && value is IFormattable formattableValue) { var formattedStr = formattableValue.ToString(p.ExcelFormat, _configuration.Culture); v = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.EncodeXML(formattedStr); } else { Type type = null; if (p == null || p.Key != null) { // TODO: need to optimize // Dictionary need to check type every time, so it's slow.. type = value.GetType(); type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) ?? type; } else { type = p.ExcludeNullableType; //sometime it doesn't need to re-get type like prop } if (type.IsEnum) { t = "str"; var description = CustomPropertyHelper.DescriptionAttr(type, value); //TODO: need to optimze if (description != null) { v = description; } else { v = value.ToString(); } } else if (TypeHelper.IsNumericType(type)) { if (_configuration.Culture != CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) { t = "str"; //TODO: add style format } else { t = "n"; } if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(decimal))) { v = ((decimal)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Int32))) { v = ((Int32)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Double))) { v = ((Double)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Int64))) { v = ((Int64)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(UInt32))) { v = ((UInt32)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(UInt16))) { v = ((UInt16)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(UInt64))) { v = ((UInt64)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Int16))) { v = ((Int16)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Single))) { v = ((Single)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Single))) { v = ((Single)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else { v = (decimal.Parse(value.ToString())).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { t = "b"; v = (bool)value ? "1" : "0"; } else if (type == typeof(byte[]) && _configuration.EnableConvertByteArray) { var bytes = (byte[])value; if (bytes != null) { // TODO: Setting configuration because it might have high cost? var format = ImageHelper.GetImageFormat(bytes); //it can't insert to zip first to avoid cache image to memory //because sheet xml is opening.. //int rowIndex, int cellIndex var file = new FileDto() { Byte = bytes, RowIndex = rowIndex, CellIndex = cellIndex, SheetId = currentSheetIndex }; if (format != ImageFormat.unknown) { file.Extension = format.ToString(); file.IsImage = true; } else { file.Extension = "bin"; } _files.Add(file); //TODO:Convert to base64 var base64 = $"@@@fileid@@@,{file.Path}"; v = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.EncodeXML(base64); s = "4"; } } else if (type == typeof(DateTime)) { if (_configuration.Culture != CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) { t = "str"; v = ((DateTime)value).ToString(_configuration.Culture); } else if (p == null || p.ExcelFormat == null) { t = null; s = "3"; v = ((DateTime)value).ToOADate().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { // TODO: now it'll lose date type information t = "str"; v = ((DateTime)value).ToString(p.ExcelFormat, _configuration.Culture); } } else { //TODO: _configuration.Culture v = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.EncodeXML(value.ToString()); } } var columname = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.ConvertXyToCell(cellIndex, rowIndex); if (v != null && (v.StartsWith(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal) || v.EndsWith(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal))) /*Prefix and suffix blank space will lost after SaveAs #294*/ { writer.Write($"<x:c r=\"{columname}\" {(t == null ? "" : $"t =\"{t}\"")} s=\"{s}\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><x:v>{v}</x:v></x:c>");
private void WriteEmptySheet(MiniExcelStreamWriter writer) { writer.Write($@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><x:worksheet xmlns:x=""""><x:dimension ref=""A1""/><x:sheetData></x:sheetData></x:worksheet>"); }
private void CreateSheetXml(object value, string sheetPath) { ZipArchiveEntry entry = _archive.CreateEntry(sheetPath); using (var zipStream = entry.Open()) using (MiniExcelStreamWriter writer = new MiniExcelStreamWriter(zipStream, _utf8WithBom, _configuration.BufferSize)) { if (value == null) { WriteEmptySheet(writer); goto End; //for re-using code } var type = value.GetType(); Type genericType = null; //DapperRow if (value is IDataReader) { GenerateSheetByIDataReader(writer, value as IDataReader); } else if (value is IEnumerable) { var values = value as IEnumerable; // try to get type from reflection // genericType = null var rowCount = 0; var maxColumnIndex = 0; //List<object> keys = new List<object>(); List <ExcelColumnInfo> props = null; string mode = null; // reason : // check mode & get maxRowCount & maxColumnIndex { foreach (var item in values) //TODO: need to optimize { rowCount = checked (rowCount + 1); //TODO: if item is null but it's collection<T>, it can get T type from reflection if (item != null && mode == null) { if (item is IDictionary <string, object> ) { mode = "IDictionary<string, object>"; var dic = item as IDictionary <string, object>; props = GetDictionaryColumnInfo(dic, null); maxColumnIndex = props.Count; } else if (item is IDictionary) { var dic = item as IDictionary; mode = "IDictionary"; props = GetDictionaryColumnInfo(null, dic); //maxColumnIndex = dic.Keys.Count; maxColumnIndex = props.Count; // why not using keys, because ignore attribute ![image]( } else { var _t = item.GetType(); if (_t != genericType) { genericType = item.GetType(); } genericType = item.GetType(); SetGenericTypePropertiesMode(genericType, ref mode, out maxColumnIndex, out props); } var collection = value as ICollection; if (collection != null) { rowCount = checked ((value as ICollection).Count); break; } continue; } } } if (rowCount == 0) { // only when empty IEnumerable need to check this issue #133 genericType = TypeHelper.GetGenericIEnumerables(values).FirstOrDefault(); if (genericType == null || genericType == typeof(object) || // sometime generic type will be object, e.g: typeof(IDictionary <string, object>).IsAssignableFrom(genericType) || typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(genericType)) { WriteEmptySheet(writer); goto End; //for re-using code } else { SetGenericTypePropertiesMode(genericType, ref mode, out maxColumnIndex, out props); } } writer.Write($@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><x:worksheet xmlns:r="""" xmlns:x="""" >"); // dimension var maxRowIndex = rowCount + (_printHeader && rowCount > 0 ? 1 : 0); //TODO:it can optimize writer.Write($@"<x:dimension ref=""{GetDimensionRef(maxRowIndex, maxColumnIndex)}""/>"); //cols:width var ecwProp = props?.Where(x => x?.ExcelColumnWidth != null).ToList(); if (ecwProp != null && ecwProp.Count > 0) { writer.Write($@"<x:cols>"); foreach (var p in ecwProp) { writer.Write($@"<x:col min=""{p.ExcelColumnIndex + 1}"" max=""{p.ExcelColumnIndex + 1}"" width=""{p.ExcelColumnWidth}"" customWidth=""1"" />"); } writer.Write($@"</x:cols>"); } //header writer.Write($@"<x:sheetData>"); var yIndex = 1; var xIndex = 1; if (_printHeader) { var cellIndex = xIndex; writer.Write($"<x:row r=\"{yIndex}\">"); foreach (var p in props) { if (p == null) { cellIndex++; //reason : continue; } var r = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.ConvertXyToCell(cellIndex, yIndex); WriteC(writer, r, columnName: p.ExcelColumnName); cellIndex++; } writer.Write($"</x:row>"); yIndex++; } // body if (mode == "IDictionary<string, object>") //Dapper Row { GenerateSheetByColumnInfo <IDictionary <string, object> >(writer, value as IEnumerable, props, xIndex, yIndex); } else if (mode == "IDictionary") //IDictionary { GenerateSheetByColumnInfo <IDictionary>(writer, value as IEnumerable, props, xIndex, yIndex); } else if (mode == "Properties") { GenerateSheetByColumnInfo <object>(writer, value as IEnumerable, props, xIndex, yIndex); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {type.Name} & genericType {genericType.Name} not Implemented. please issue for me."); } writer.Write("</x:sheetData>"); if (_configuration.AutoFilter) { writer.Write($"<x:autoFilter ref=\"A1:{ExcelOpenXmlUtils.ConvertXyToCell(maxColumnIndex, maxRowIndex == 0 ? 1 : maxRowIndex)}\" />"); } writer.Write("<x:drawing r:id=\"drawing" + currentSheetIndex + "\" /></x:worksheet>"); } else if (value is DataTable) { GenerateSheetByDataTable(writer, value as DataTable); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {type.Name} & genericType {genericType.Name} not Implemented. please issue for me."); } } End: //for re-using code _zipDictionary.Add(sheetPath, new ZipPackageInfo(entry, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml")); }