public static BruteForceAnalysis PerformBruteForce(SolverInfo information, WitnessWebIterator[] iterators, List <BoxWitness> witnesses) { BruteForceAnalysis bfa = new BruteForceAnalysis(information, iterators[0].getTiles(), SolverMain.MAX_BFDA_SOLUTIONS, null); Cruncher[] crunchers = new Cruncher[iterators.Length]; Task[] tasks = new Task[iterators.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < iterators.Length; i++) { crunchers[i] = new Cruncher(information, iterators[i], witnesses, bfa); Cruncher cruncher = crunchers[i]; tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { cruncher.Crunch(); }); } Task.WaitAll(tasks); int solutions = 0; int iterations = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterators.Length; i++) { solutions = solutions + crunchers[i].GetSolutionsFound(); iterations = iterations + iterators[i].GetIterations(); } information.Write("Solutions found by brute force " + solutions + " after " + iterations + " iterations"); return(bfa); }
public Cruncher(SolverInfo information, WitnessWebIterator iterator, List <BoxWitness> witnesses, BruteForceAnalysis bfa) { this.information = information; this.iterator = iterator; // the iterator this.tiles = iterator.getTiles(); // the tiles the iterator is iterating over this.witnesses = witnesses; // the dependent witnesses (class BoxWitness) which need to be checked to see if they are satisfied this.bfa = bfa; // determine how many found mines are currently next to each tile this.currentFlagsTiles = new sbyte[this.tiles.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < this.tiles.Count; i++) { this.currentFlagsTiles[i] = (sbyte)this.information.AdjacentTileInfo(this.tiles[i]).mines; } // determine how many found mines are currently next to each witness this.currentFlagsWitnesses = new sbyte[this.witnesses.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < this.witnesses.Count; i++) { this.currentFlagsWitnesses[i] = (sbyte)this.information.AdjacentTileInfo(this.witnesses[i].GetTile()).mines; } }
public void AddInformation(GameResult information) { //long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks; gameStatus = information.status; this.probabilityEngine = null; // previous probability engine invalidated newClears.Clear(); // the game results tell us when a tile is cleared, flagged or unflagged foreach (ActionResult ar in information.actionResults) { if (ar.resultType == ResultType.Cleared) { tilesLeft--; tiles[ar.x, ar.y].SetValue(ar.value); SolverTile tile = tiles[ar.x, ar.y]; newClears.Add(tile); if (tile.IsDead()) { deadTiles.Remove(tile); } //if (tile.IsExcluded()) { // excludedTiles.Remove(tile); //} //pendingClears.Remove(tile); } else if (ar.resultType == ResultType.Flagged) { tiles[ar.x, ar.y].SetFlagged(true); } else if (ar.resultType == ResultType.Hidden) { tiles[ar.x, ar.y].SetFlagged(false); } else if (ar.resultType == ResultType.Exploded) { SolverTile tile = tiles[ar.x, ar.y]; tile.SetFlagged(false); MineFound(tile); this.bfa = null; // can't walk the bfa tree if we've trodden on a mine } } // find and mark tiles as exhausted //int removed = 0; //if (newClears.Count > 0) { foreach (SolverTile tile in livingWitnesses) { if (AdjacentTileInfo(tile).hidden == 0) { tile.SetExhausted(); } } // remove all exhausted tiles from the list of witnesses livingWitnesses.RemoveWhere(x => x.IsExhausted()); //} // add new witnesses which aren't exhausted foreach (SolverTile newTile in newClears) { AdjacentInfo adjInfo = AdjacentTileInfo(newTile); if (adjInfo.hidden != 0) { if (adjInfo.excluded != adjInfo.hidden) { livingWitnesses.Add(newTile); } else { //excludedWitnesses.Add(newTile); } } } //Write("There are " + livingWitnesses.Count + " living witnesses (" + removed + " deleted)"); //Write("Adding Information to Solver took " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - start) + " ticks"); }
public static SolverActionHeader FindActions(SolverInfo information) { long time1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks; List <SolverAction> actions; if (information.GetGameStatus() == GameStatus.Lost) { information.Write("Game has been lost already - no valid moves"); return(new SolverActionHeader()); } else if (information.GetGameStatus() == GameStatus.Won) { information.Write("Game has been won already - no valid moves"); return(new SolverActionHeader()); } else if (information.GetGameStatus() == GameStatus.NotStarted) { information.Write("Game has not yet started - currently unable to provide help"); return(new SolverActionHeader()); } // are we walking down a brute force deep analysis tree? BruteForceAnalysis lastBfa = information.GetBruteForceAnalysis(); if (lastBfa != null) // yes { SolverTile expectedMove = lastBfa.GetExpectedMove(); if (expectedMove != null && expectedMove.IsHidden()) // the expected move wasn't played ! { information.Write("The expected Brute Force Analysis move " + expectedMove.AsText() + " wasn't played"); information.SetBruteForceAnalysis(null); } else { SolverAction move = lastBfa.GetNextMove(); if (move != null) { information.Write("Next Brute Force Deep Analysis move is " + move.AsText()); actions = new List <SolverAction>(1); actions.Add(move); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } } } actions = FindTrivialActions(information); long time2 = DateTime.Now.Ticks; information.Write("Finding Trivial Actions took " + (time2 - time1) + " ticks"); // if we have some actions from the trivial search use them if (actions.Count > 0) { return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } if (information.GetTilesLeft() == information.GetDeadTiles().Count) { information.Write("All tiles remaining are dead"); // when all the tiles are dead return the first one (they are all equally good or bad) foreach (SolverTile guess in information.GetDeadTiles()) { actions.Add(new SolverAction(guess, ActionType.Clear, 0.5)); // not all 0.5 safe though !! return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } } // get all the witnessed tiles List <SolverTile> witnesses = new List <SolverTile>(information.GetWitnesses()); HashSet <SolverTile> witnessedSet = new HashSet <SolverTile>(); foreach (SolverTile witness in witnesses) { foreach (SolverTile adjTile in information.GetAdjacentTiles(witness)) { if (adjTile.IsHidden()) { witnessedSet.Add(adjTile); } } } List <SolverTile> witnessed = new List <SolverTile>(witnessedSet); int livingTilesLeft = information.GetTilesLeft(); int livingMinesLeft = information.GetMinesLeft(); int offEdgeTilesLeft = information.GetTilesLeft() - witnessed.Count; //information.Write("Excluded tiles " + information.GetExcludedTiles().Count + " out of " + information.GetTilesLeft()); //information.Write("Excluded witnesses " + information.GetExcludedWitnesses().Count); //information.Write("Excluded mines " + information.GetExcludedMineCount() + " out of " + information.GetMinesLeft()); // if there are no living mines but some living tiles then the living tiles can be cleared if (livingMinesLeft == 0 && livingTilesLeft > 0) { information.Write("There are no living mines left - all living tiles must be clearable"); for (int x = 0; x < information.description.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < information.description.height; y++) { SolverTile tile = information.GetTile(x, y); if (tile.IsHidden() && !tile.IsMine()) { actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Clear, 1)); } } } return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } SolutionCounter solutionCounter = new SolutionCounter(information, witnesses, witnessed, livingTilesLeft, livingMinesLeft); solutionCounter.Process(); information.Write("Solution counter says " + solutionCounter.GetSolutionCount() + " solutions and " + solutionCounter.getClearCount() + " clears"); //ProbabilityEngine pe = new ProbabilityEngine(information, witnesses, witnessed, information.GetTilesLeft(), information.GetMinesLeft()); ProbabilityEngine pe = new ProbabilityEngine(information, witnesses, witnessed, livingTilesLeft, livingMinesLeft); pe.Process(); long time3 = DateTime.Now.Ticks; information.Write("Probability Engine took " + (time3 - time2) + " ticks"); // have we found any local clears which we can use List <SolverTile> localClears = pe.GetLocalClears(); if (localClears.Count > 0) { foreach (SolverTile tile in localClears) // place each local clear into an action { actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Clear, 1)); } information.Write("The probability engine has found " + localClears.Count + " safe Local Clears"); // add any mines to it List <SolverTile> minesFound = pe.GetMinesFound(); foreach (SolverTile tile in minesFound) // place each mine found into an action { information.MineFound(tile); actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Flag, 0)); } information.Write("The probability engine has found " + minesFound.Count + " mines"); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } if (pe.GetBestEdgeProbability() == 1) { actions = pe.GetBestCandidates(1); information.Write("The probability engine has found " + actions.Count + " safe Clears"); // add any mines to it List <SolverTile> minesFound = pe.GetMinesFound(); foreach (SolverTile tile in minesFound) // place each mine found into an action { information.MineFound(tile); actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Flag, 0)); } information.Write("The probability engine has found " + minesFound.Count + " mines"); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } // dead edge (all tiles on the edge are dead and there is only one mine count value) if (pe.GetDeadEdge().Count != 0) { SolverTile tile = pe.GetDeadEdge()[0]; information.Write("Probability engine has found a dead area, guessing at " + tile.AsText()); double probability = Combination.DivideBigIntegerToDouble(BigInteger.One, pe.GetDeadEdgeSolutionCount(), 6); actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Clear, probability)); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } // Isolated edges found (all adjacent tiles are also on the edge and there is only one mine count value) if (pe.GetOutcome() == ProbabilityEngine.Outcome.ISOLATED_EDGE) { information.Write("Probability engine has found an isolated area"); Cruncher cruncher = pe.getIsolatedEdgeCruncher(); // determine all possible solutions cruncher.Crunch(); // determine best way to solver them BruteForceAnalysis bfa = cruncher.GetBruteForceAnalysis(); bfa.process(); // if after trying to process the data we can't complete then abandon it if (!bfa.IsComplete()) { information.Write("Abandoned the Brute Force Analysis after " + bfa.GetNodeCount() + " steps"); bfa = null; } else // otherwise try and get the best long term move { information.Write("Built probability tree from " + bfa.GetSolutionCount() + " solutions in " + bfa.GetNodeCount() + " steps"); SolverAction move = bfa.GetNextMove(); if (move != null) { information.SetBruteForceAnalysis(bfa); // save the details so we can walk the tree information.Write("Brute Force Analysis: " + move.AsText()); actions.Add(move); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } else if (bfa.GetAllDead()) { SolverTile tile = cruncher.getTiles()[0]; information.Write("Brute Force Analysis has decided all tiles are dead on the Isolated Edge, guessing at " + tile.AsText()); double probability = Combination.DivideBigIntegerToDouble(BigInteger.One, bfa.GetSolutionCount(), 6); actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Clear, probability)); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } else { information.Write("Brute Force Analysis: no move found!"); } } } // after this point we know the probability engine didn't return any certain clears. But there are still some special cases when everything off edge is either clear or a mine // If there are tiles off the edge and they are definitely safe then clear them all, or mines then flag them if (offEdgeTilesLeft > 0 && (pe.GetOffEdgeProbability() == 1 || pe.GetOffEdgeProbability() == 0)) { information.Write("Looking for the certain moves off the edge found by the probability engine"); bool clear; if (pe.GetOffEdgeProbability() == 1) { information.Write("All off edge tiles are clear"); clear = true; } else { information.Write("All off edge tiles are mines"); clear = false; } for (int x = 0; x < information.description.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < information.description.height; y++) { SolverTile tile = information.GetTile(x, y); if (tile.IsHidden() && !witnessedSet.Contains(tile)) { if (clear) { information.Write(tile.AsText() + " is clear"); actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Clear, 1)); } else { information.Write(tile.AsText() + " is mine"); information.MineFound(tile); actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Flag, 0)); } } } } if (actions.Count > 0) { // add any mines to it List <SolverTile> minesFound = pe.GetMinesFound(); foreach (SolverTile tile in minesFound) // place each mine found into an action { information.MineFound(tile); actions.Add(new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Flag, 0)); } information.Write("The probability engine has found " + minesFound.Count + " mines"); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } else { Console.WriteLine("No Actions found!"); } } // these are guesses List <SolverAction> guesses = pe.GetBestCandidates(1); // we know the Probability Engine completed so hold onto the information for the gui information.SetProbabilityEngine(pe); // if there aren't many possible solutions then do a brute force search if (pe.GetSolutionCount() <= MAX_BFDA_SOLUTIONS) { //if (minesFound.Count > 0) { // information.Write("Not doing a brute force analysis because we found some mines using the probability engine"); // return BuildActionHeader(information, actions); //} // find a set of independent witnesses we can use as the base of the iteration pe.GenerateIndependentWitnesses(); BigInteger expectedIterations = pe.GetIndependentIterations() * SolverMain.Calculate(livingMinesLeft - pe.GetIndependentMines(), livingTilesLeft - pe.GetIndependentTiles()); information.Write("Expected Brute Force iterations " + expectedIterations); // do the brute force if there are not too many iterations if (expectedIterations < MAX_BRUTE_FORCE_ITERATIONS) { List <SolverTile> allCoveredTiles = new List <SolverTile>(); for (int x = 0; x < information.description.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < information.description.height; y++) { SolverTile tile = information.GetTile(x, y); if (tile.IsHidden() && !tile.IsMine()) { allCoveredTiles.Add(tile); } } } WitnessWebIterator[] iterators = BuildParallelIterators(information, pe, allCoveredTiles, expectedIterations); BruteForceAnalysis bfa = Cruncher.PerformBruteForce(information, iterators, pe.GetDependentWitnesses()); bfa.process(); // if after trying to process the data we can't complete then abandon it if (!bfa.IsComplete()) { information.Write("Abandoned the Brute Force Analysis after " + bfa.GetNodeCount() + " steps"); bfa = null; } else // otherwise try and get the best long term move { information.Write("Built probability tree from " + bfa.GetSolutionCount() + " solutions in " + bfa.GetNodeCount() + " steps"); SolverAction move = bfa.GetNextMove(); if (move != null) { information.SetBruteForceAnalysis(bfa); // save the details so we can walk the tree information.Write("Brute Force Analysis: " + move.AsText()); actions.Add(move); return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); } else { information.Write("Brute Force Analysis: no move found!"); } } } else { information.Write("Too many iterations, Brute Force not atempted"); } } if (guesses.Count == 0) // find an off edge guess { if (offEdgeTilesLeft > 0) { information.Write("getting an off edge guess"); SolverTile tile = OffEdgeGuess(information, witnessedSet); SolverAction action = new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Clear, pe.GetOffEdgeProbability()); information.Write(action.AsText()); actions.Add(action); } else { if (information.GetDeadTiles().Count > 0) { information.Write("Finding a dead tile to guess"); SolverTile tile = null; foreach (SolverTile deadTile in information.GetDeadTiles()) // get the first dead tile { tile = deadTile; break; } SolverAction action = new SolverAction(tile, ActionType.Clear, 0.5); // probability may not be 0.5 actions.Add(action); } } } else if (guesses.Count > 1) // if we have more than 1 guess then do some tie break logic { information.Write("Doing a tie break for " + guesses.Count + " actions"); actions = DoTieBreak(guesses); } else { actions = guesses; } return(BuildActionHeader(information, actions)); }
/* * public void ExcludeMines(int n) { * * if (!EXCLUDE_ON) { * return; * } * * this.excludedMinesCount = this.excludedMinesCount + n; * } * * public int GetExcludedMineCount() { * return this.excludedMinesCount; * } * * public void ExcludeTile(SolverTile tile) { * * if (!EXCLUDE_ON) { * return; * } * * tile.SetExcluded(); * excludedTiles.Add(tile); * } * * public HashSet<SolverTile> GetExcludedTiles() { * return this.excludedTiles; * } * * /// <summary> * /// Move a tile from the list of witnesses to the list of excluded witnesses * /// </summary> * public void ExcludeWitness(SolverTile tile) { * * if (!EXCLUDE_ON) { * return; * } * * tile.SetExcluded(); * if (livingWitnesses.Remove(tile)) { * excludedWitnesses.Add(tile); * } * } * * public HashSet<SolverTile> GetExcludedWitnesses() { * return this.excludedWitnesses; * } */ public void SetBruteForceAnalysis(BruteForceAnalysis bfa) { this.bfa = bfa; }
public Node(BruteForceAnalysis bfa, Position position) { this.position = position; this.bfa = bfa; }
public Node(BruteForceAnalysis bfa, int size) { position = new Position(size); this.bfa = bfa; }
public SolutionTable(BruteForceAnalysis bfa, int maxSize) { this.bfa = bfa; solutions = new sbyte[maxSize][]; }
public LivingLocation(BruteForceAnalysis bfa, short index) { this.index = index; this.bfa = bfa; }