예제 #1
        private void RetryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RetryButton.Enabled  = false;
            RetryButton.Visible  = false;
            GameInfo.GameStarted = false;
            StartupMenu startupMenu = new StartupMenu(this);

            startupMenu.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(StartupMenu_Closing);
예제 #2
        public Minesweeper()
            StartupMenu startupMenu = new StartupMenu(this);

            startupMenu.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(StartupMenu_Closing);
            if (GameInfo.FirstStarted)
                startupMenu.ShowDialog();//show startup menu
                GameInfo.FirstStarted = false;
            while (!GameInfo.GameStarted)
                ;                         //wait until start button is pressed
            //<draw mine field>
            int    mineCellWidth    = 25;
            int    mineCellLength   = 25;
            int    mineCellDistance = 5;
            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int x = 0; x < GameInfo.BoardX; x++)//generate mine cells
                for (int y = 0; y < GameInfo.BoardY; y++)
                    MineCell currentDrawing = new MineCell()
                        Size      = new Size(mineCellWidth, mineCellLength),
                        Location  = new Point(x * mineCellWidth + mineCellDistance, y * mineCellLength + mineCellDistance),
                        Name      = Convert.ToString(x, 10) + "," + Convert.ToString(y, 10),
                        BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLight
                    currentDrawing.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(MineCell_MouseDown);
            for (; ;) //generate mines
                int      randomXCoord         = rnd.Next(0, GameInfo.BoardX);
                int      randomYCoord         = rnd.Next(0, GameInfo.BoardY);
                string   SelectedMineCellName = Convert.ToString(randomXCoord) + "," + Convert.ToString(randomYCoord);//the name of the mine cell selected
                MineCell selectedMineCell     = (MineCell)MineField.Controls.Find(SelectedMineCellName, true)[0];
                if (selectedMineCell.HasMine == false)
                    selectedMineCell.HasMine = true;
                else//if the selected mine cell already has mine in it
                if (GameInfo.CurrentMineCount == GameInfo.TotalMineCount)//when generation is complete
            for (int x = 0; x < GameInfo.BoardX; x++)//calculate `ProxMineCount`
                for (int y = 0; y < GameInfo.BoardY; y++)
                    string selectedMineCellName = Convert.ToString(x) + "," + Convert.ToString(y); //the name of the mine cell selected
                    string proxCellName;                                                           //the name of the proximity mine cell
                    int[,] proxCoords =
                        { x + 1, y - 1 },//all 8 adjacent coordinates of `selectedCell`
                        { x + 1, y     },
                        { x + 1, y + 1 },
                        { x - 1, y - 1 },
                        { x - 1, y     },
                        { x - 1, y + 1 },
                        { x,     y - 1 },
                        { x,     y + 1 }
                    MineCell selectedCell = (MineCell)MineField.Controls.Find(selectedMineCellName, true)[0];
                    MineCell proxCell;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)//cycle through all 8 adjacent cells
                        proxCellName = Convert.ToString(proxCoords[i, 0]) + "," + Convert.ToString(proxCoords[i, 1]);
                        proxCell     = (MineCell)MineField.Controls.Find(proxCellName, true).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (proxCell != null && proxCell.HasMine)
            //</draw mine field>