public void CellConstructorMustConstructInstanceWithProperPropertyValues() { Cell cell = new Cell(); Assert.AreEqual(false, cell.IsBomb, "IsBomb initial value must be false;"); Assert.AreEqual(false, cell.IsOpen, "IsOpen initial value must be false;"); }
public void CellPropertyNumberOfMinesGetterAndSetterWorksProper(int number) { Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.NumberOfMines = number; Assert.AreEqual(number, cell.NumberOfMines, "Expected and actual value of NumberOfMines property are not equal"); }
public void CellPropertyIsBombGetterAndSetterWorksProper() { Cell cell = new Cell(); bool expectedIsBomb = true; cell.IsBomb = expectedIsBomb; Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsBomb, cell.IsBomb, "Expected and actual value of IsBomb property are not equal"); }
public void CellPropertyIsOpenGetterAndSetterWorksProper() { Cell cell = new Cell(); bool expectedIsOpen = true; cell.IsOpen = expectedIsOpen; bool actualIsOpen = cell.IsOpen; Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsOpen, actualIsOpen, "Expected and actual value of IsOpen property are not equal"); }