/// <summary> /// Handle fatal errors such as ping failure, login failure, server disconnection, and so on. /// Allows AutoRelog to perform on fatal errors, prompt for server version, and offline commands. /// </summary> /// <param name="errorMessage">Error message to display and optionally pass to AutoRelog bot</param> /// <param name="versionError">Specify if the error is related to an incompatible or unkown server version</param> /// <param name="disconnectReason">If set, the error message will be processed by the AutoRelog bot</param> public static void HandleFailure(string errorMessage = null, bool versionError = false, ChatBots.AutoRelog.DisconnectReason?disconnectReason = null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { ConsoleIO.Reset(); while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.ReadKey(true); } Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); if (disconnectReason.HasValue) { if (ChatBots.AutoRelog.OnDisconnectStatic(disconnectReason.Value, errorMessage)) { return; //AutoRelog is triggering a restart of the client } } } if (Settings.interactiveMode) { if (versionError) { Translations.Write("mcc.server_version"); Settings.ServerVersion = Console.ReadLine(); if (Settings.ServerVersion != "") { useMcVersionOnce = true; Restart(); return; } } if (offlinePrompt == null) { offlinePrompt = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { string command = " "; ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("mcc.disconnected", (Settings.internalCmdChar == ' ' ? "" : "" + Settings.internalCmdChar))); Translations.WriteLineFormatted("mcc.press_exit"); while (command.Length > 0) { if (!ConsoleIO.BasicIO) { ConsoleIO.Write('>'); } command = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (command.Length > 0) { string message = ""; if (Settings.internalCmdChar != ' ' && command[0] == Settings.internalCmdChar) { command = command.Substring(1); } if (command.StartsWith("reco")) { message = new Commands.Reco().Run(null, Settings.ExpandVars(command), null); } else if (command.StartsWith("connect")) { message = new Commands.Connect().Run(null, Settings.ExpandVars(command), null); } else if (command.StartsWith("exit") || command.StartsWith("quit")) { message = new Commands.Exit().Run(null, Settings.ExpandVars(command), null); } else if (command.StartsWith("help")) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§8MCC: " + (Settings.internalCmdChar == ' ' ? "" : "" + Settings.internalCmdChar) + new Commands.Reco().GetCmdDescTranslated()); ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§8MCC: " + (Settings.internalCmdChar == ' ' ? "" : "" + Settings.internalCmdChar) + new Commands.Connect().GetCmdDescTranslated()); } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("icmd.unknown", command.Split(' ')[0])); } if (message != "") { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§8MCC: " + message); } } } })); offlinePrompt.Start(); } } else { // Not in interactive mode, just exit and let the calling script handle the failure if (disconnectReason.HasValue) { // Return distinct exit codes for known failures. if (disconnectReason.Value == ChatBot.DisconnectReason.UserLogout) { Exit(1); } if (disconnectReason.Value == ChatBot.DisconnectReason.InGameKick) { Exit(2); } if (disconnectReason.Value == ChatBot.DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost) { Exit(3); } if (disconnectReason.Value == ChatBot.DisconnectReason.LoginRejected) { Exit(4); } } Exit(); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the translated version of command description. /// </summary> /// <returns>Translated command description</returns> public string GetCmdDescTranslated() { string s = string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdUsage) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdDesc) ? "" : ": "; // If either one is empty, no colon : return(CmdUsage + s + Translations.TryGet(CmdDesc)); }
/// <summary> /// Start a new Client /// </summary> private static void InitializeClient() { SessionToken session = new SessionToken(); ProtocolHandler.LoginResult result = ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.LoginRequired; if (Settings.Password == "-") { Translations.WriteLineFormatted("mcc.offline"); result = ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success; session.PlayerID = "0"; session.PlayerName = Settings.Login; } else { // Validate cached session or login new session. if (Settings.SessionCaching != CacheType.None && SessionCache.Contains(Settings.Login.ToLower())) { session = SessionCache.Get(Settings.Login.ToLower()); result = ProtocolHandler.GetTokenValidation(session); if (result != ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { Translations.WriteLineFormatted("mcc.session_invalid"); if (Settings.Password == "") { RequestPassword(); } } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("mcc.session_valid", session.PlayerName)); } } if (result != ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.connecting", Settings.AccountType == ProtocolHandler.AccountType.Mojang ? "Minecraft.net" : "Microsoft"); result = ProtocolHandler.GetLogin(Settings.Login, Settings.Password, Settings.AccountType, out session); if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success && Settings.SessionCaching != CacheType.None) { SessionCache.Store(Settings.Login.ToLower(), session); } } } if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { Settings.Username = session.PlayerName; if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } if (Settings.playerHeadAsIcon) { ConsoleIcon.setPlayerIconAsync(Settings.Username); } if (Settings.DebugMessages) { Translations.WriteLine("debug.session_id", session.ID); } //ProtocolHandler.RealmsListWorlds(Settings.Username, PlayerID, sessionID); //TODO REMOVE if (Settings.ServerIP == "") { Translations.Write("mcc.ip"); Settings.SetServerIP(Console.ReadLine()); } //Get server version int protocolversion = 0; ForgeInfo forgeInfo = null; if (Settings.ServerVersion != "" && Settings.ServerVersion.ToLower() != "auto") { protocolversion = Protocol.ProtocolHandler.MCVer2ProtocolVersion(Settings.ServerVersion); if (protocolversion != 0) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("mcc.use_version", Settings.ServerVersion, protocolversion)); } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("mcc.unknown_version", Settings.ServerVersion)); } if (useMcVersionOnce) { useMcVersionOnce = false; Settings.ServerVersion = ""; } } //Retrieve server info if version is not manually set OR if need to retrieve Forge information if (protocolversion == 0 || Settings.ServerAutodetectForge || (Settings.ServerForceForge && !ProtocolHandler.ProtocolMayForceForge(protocolversion))) { if (protocolversion != 0) { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.forge"); } else { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.retrieve"); } if (!ProtocolHandler.GetServerInfo(Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort, ref protocolversion, ref forgeInfo)) { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.ping"), true, ChatBots.AutoRelog.DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost); return; } } //Force-enable Forge support? if (Settings.ServerForceForge && forgeInfo == null) { if (ProtocolHandler.ProtocolMayForceForge(protocolversion)) { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.forgeforce"); forgeInfo = ProtocolHandler.ProtocolForceForge(protocolversion); } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.forgeforce"), true, ChatBots.AutoRelog.DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost); return; } } //Proceed to server login if (protocolversion != 0) { try { //Start the main TCP client if (Settings.SingleCommand != "") { client = new McClient(session.PlayerName, session.PlayerID, session.ID, Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort, protocolversion, forgeInfo, Settings.SingleCommand); } else { client = new McClient(session.PlayerName, session.PlayerID, session.ID, protocolversion, forgeInfo, Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort); } //Update console title if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } } catch (NotSupportedException) { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.unsupported"), true); } } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.determine"), true); } } else { string failureMessage = Translations.Get("error.login"); string failureReason = ""; switch (result) { case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.AccountMigrated: failureReason = "error.login.migrated"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.ServiceUnavailable: failureReason = "error.login.server"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.WrongPassword: failureReason = "error.login.blocked"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.InvalidResponse: failureReason = "error.login.response"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.NotPremium: failureReason = "error.login.premium"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.OtherError: failureReason = "error.login.network"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.SSLError: failureReason = "error.login.ssl"; break; default: failureReason = "error.login.unknown"; break; } failureMessage += Translations.Get(failureReason); if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.SSLError && isUsingMono) { Translations.WriteLineFormatted("error.login.ssl_help"); return; } HandleFailure(failureMessage, false, ChatBot.DisconnectReason.LoginRejected); } }
/// <summary> /// The main entry point of Minecraft Console Client /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Console Client for MC {0} to {1} - v{2} - By ORelio & Contributors", MCLowestVersion, MCHighestVersion, Version); //Build information to facilitate processing of bug reports if (BuildInfo != null) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§8" + BuildInfo); } //Debug input ? if (args.Length == 1 && args[0] == "--keyboard-debug") { ConsoleIO.WriteLine("Keyboard debug mode: Press any key to display info"); ConsoleIO.DebugReadInput(); } //Setup ConsoleIO ConsoleIO.LogPrefix = "§8[MCC] "; if (args.Length >= 1 && args[args.Length - 1] == "BasicIO" || args.Length >= 1 && args[args.Length - 1] == "BasicIO-NoColor") { if (args.Length >= 1 && args[args.Length - 1] == "BasicIO-NoColor") { ConsoleIO.BasicIO_NoColor = true; } ConsoleIO.BasicIO = true; args = args.Where(o => !Object.ReferenceEquals(o, args[args.Length - 1])).ToArray(); } //Take advantage of Windows 10 / Mac / Linux UTF-8 console if (isUsingMono || WindowsVersion.WinMajorVersion >= 10) { Console.OutputEncoding = Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } //Process ini configuration file if (args.Length >= 1 && System.IO.File.Exists(args[0]) && System.IO.Path.GetExtension(args[0]).ToLower() == ".ini") { Settings.LoadSettings(args[0]); //remove ini configuration file from arguments array List <string> args_tmp = args.ToList <string>(); args_tmp.RemoveAt(0); args = args_tmp.ToArray(); } else if (System.IO.File.Exists("MinecraftClient.ini")) { Settings.LoadSettings("MinecraftClient.ini"); } else { Settings.WriteDefaultSettings("MinecraftClient.ini"); } //Load external translation file. Should be called AFTER settings loaded Translations.LoadExternalTranslationFile(Settings.Language); //Other command-line arguments if (args.Length >= 1) { Settings.Login = args[0]; if (args.Length >= 2) { Settings.Password = args[1]; if (args.Length >= 3) { Settings.SetServerIP(args[2]); //Single command? if (args.Length >= 4) { Settings.SingleCommand = args[3]; } } } } if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Settings.Username = "******"; Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } //Test line to troubleshoot invisible colors if (Settings.DebugMessages) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("debug.color_test", "[0123456789ABCDEF]: [§00§11§22§33§44§55§66§77§88§99§aA§bB§cC§dD§eE§fF§r]")); } //Load cached sessions from disk if necessary if (Settings.SessionCaching == CacheType.Disk) { bool cacheLoaded = SessionCache.InitializeDiskCache(); if (Settings.DebugMessages) { Translations.WriteLineFormatted(cacheLoaded ? "debug.session_cache_ok" : "debug.session_cache_fail"); } } //Asking the user to type in missing data such as Username and Password if (Settings.Login == "") { Console.Write(ConsoleIO.BasicIO ? Translations.Get("mcc.login_basic_io") + "\n" : Translations.Get("mcc.login")); Settings.Login = Console.ReadLine(); } if (Settings.Password == "" && (Settings.SessionCaching == CacheType.None || !SessionCache.Contains(Settings.Login.ToLower()))) { RequestPassword(); } startupargs = args; InitializeClient(); }
/// <summary> /// Reduest user to submit password. /// </summary> private static void RequestPassword() { Console.Write(ConsoleIO.BasicIO ? Translations.Get("mcc.password_basic_io", Settings.Login) + "\n" : Translations.Get("mcc.password")); Settings.Password = ConsoleIO.BasicIO ? Console.ReadLine() : ConsoleIO.ReadPassword(); if (Settings.Password == "") { Settings.Password = "******"; } if (!ConsoleIO.BasicIO) { //Hide password length Console.CursorTop--; Console.Write(Translations.Get("mcc.password_hidden", "<******>")); for (int i = 19; i < Console.BufferWidth; i++) { Console.Write(' '); } } }
/// <summary> /// Run the specified C# script file /// </summary> /// <param name="apiHandler">ChatBot handler for accessing ChatBot API</param> /// <param name="lines">Lines of the script file to run</param> /// <param name="args">Arguments to pass to the script</param> /// <param name="localVars">Local variables passed along with the script</param> /// <param name="run">Set to false to compile and cache the script without launching it</param> /// <exception cref="CSharpException">Thrown if an error occured</exception> /// <returns>Result of the execution, returned by the script</returns> public static object Run(ChatBot apiHandler, string[] lines, string[] args, Dictionary <string, object> localVars, bool run = true) { //Script compatibility check for handling future versions differently if (lines.Length < 1 || lines[0] != "//MCCScript 1.0") { throw new CSharpException(CSErrorType.InvalidScript, new InvalidDataException(Translations.Get("exception.csrunner.invalid_head"))); } //Script hash for determining if it was previously compiled ulong scriptHash = QuickHash(lines); Assembly assembly = null; //No need to compile two scripts at the same time lock (CompileCache) { ///Process and compile script only if not already compiled if (!Settings.CacheScripts || !CompileCache.ContainsKey(scriptHash)) { //Process different sections of the script file bool scriptMain = true; List <string> script = new List <string>(); List <string> extensions = new List <string>(); List <string> libs = new List <string>(); List <string> dlls = new List <string>(); foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.StartsWith("//using")) { libs.Add(line.Replace("//", "").Trim()); } else if (line.StartsWith("//dll")) { dlls.Add(line.Replace("//dll ", "").Trim()); } else if (line.StartsWith("//MCCScript")) { if (line.EndsWith("Extensions")) { scriptMain = false; } } else if (scriptMain) { script.Add(line); } else { extensions.Add(line); } } //Add return statement if missing if (script.All(line => !line.StartsWith("return ") && !line.Contains(" return "))) { script.Add("return null;"); } //Generate a class from the given script string code = String.Join("\n", new string[] { "using System;", "using System.Collections.Generic;", "using System.Text.RegularExpressions;", "using System.Linq;", "using System.Text;", "using System.IO;", "using System.Net;", "using System.Threading;", "using MinecraftClient;", "using MinecraftClient.Mapping;", "using MinecraftClient.Inventory;", String.Join("\n", libs), "namespace ScriptLoader {", "public class Script {", "public CSharpAPI MCC;", "public object __run(CSharpAPI __apiHandler, string[] args) {", "this.MCC = __apiHandler;", String.Join("\n", script), "}", String.Join("\n", extensions), "}}", }); //Compile the C# class in memory using all the currently loaded assemblies CSharpCodeProvider compiler = new CSharpCodeProvider(); CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters(); parameters.ReferencedAssemblies .AddRange(AppDomain.CurrentDomain .GetAssemblies() .Where(a => !a.IsDynamic) .Select(a => a.Location).ToArray()); parameters.CompilerOptions = "/t:library"; parameters.GenerateInMemory = true; parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange(dlls.ToArray()); CompilerResults result = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, code); //Process compile warnings and errors if (result.Errors.Count > 0) { throw new CSharpException(CSErrorType.LoadError, new InvalidOperationException(result.Errors[0].ErrorText)); } //Retrieve compiled assembly assembly = result.CompiledAssembly; if (Settings.CacheScripts) { CompileCache[scriptHash] = result.CompiledAssembly; } } else if (Settings.CacheScripts) { assembly = CompileCache[scriptHash]; } } //Run the compiled assembly with exception handling if (run) { try { object compiledScript = assembly.CreateInstance("ScriptLoader.Script"); return (compiledScript .GetType() .GetMethod("__run") .Invoke(compiledScript, new object[] { new CSharpAPI(apiHandler, localVars), args })); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CSharpException(CSErrorType.RuntimeError, e); } } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// The main entry point of Minecraft Console Client /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Minecraft Console Client v{0} - for MC {1} to {2} - Github.com/MCCTeam", Version, MCLowestVersion, MCHighestVersion); //Build information to facilitate processing of bug reports if (BuildInfo != null) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§8" + BuildInfo); } //Debug input ? if (args.Length == 1 && args[0] == "--keyboard-debug") { ConsoleIO.WriteLine("Keyboard debug mode: Press any key to display info"); ConsoleIO.DebugReadInput(); } //Setup ConsoleIO ConsoleIO.LogPrefix = "§8[MCC] "; if (args.Length >= 1 && args[args.Length - 1] == "BasicIO" || args.Length >= 1 && args[args.Length - 1] == "BasicIO-NoColor") { if (args.Length >= 1 && args[args.Length - 1] == "BasicIO-NoColor") { ConsoleIO.BasicIO_NoColor = true; } ConsoleIO.BasicIO = true; args = args.Where(o => !Object.ReferenceEquals(o, args[args.Length - 1])).ToArray(); } //Take advantage of Windows 10 / Mac / Linux UTF-8 console if (isUsingMono || WindowsVersion.WinMajorVersion >= 10) { Console.OutputEncoding = Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } //Process ini configuration file if (args.Length >= 1 && System.IO.File.Exists(args[0]) && System.IO.Path.GetExtension(args[0]).ToLower() == ".ini") { Settings.LoadFile(args[0]); //remove ini configuration file from arguments array List <string> args_tmp = args.ToList <string>(); args_tmp.RemoveAt(0); args = args_tmp.ToArray(); } else if (System.IO.File.Exists("MinecraftClient.ini")) { Settings.LoadFile("MinecraftClient.ini"); } else { Settings.WriteDefaultSettings("MinecraftClient.ini"); } //Load external translation file. Should be called AFTER settings loaded Translations.LoadExternalTranslationFile(Settings.Language); //Other command-line arguments if (args.Length >= 1) { if (args.Contains("--help")) { Console.WriteLine("Command-Line Help:"); Console.WriteLine("MinecraftClient.exe <username> <password> <server>"); Console.WriteLine("MinecraftClient.exe <username> <password> <server> \"/mycommand\""); Console.WriteLine("MinecraftClient.exe --setting=value [--other settings]"); Console.WriteLine("MinecraftClient.exe --section.setting=value [--other settings]"); Console.WriteLine("MinecraftClient.exe <settings-file.ini> [--other settings]"); return; } try { Settings.LoadArguments(args); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Settings.interactiveMode = false; HandleFailure(e.Message); return; } } if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Settings.Username = "******"; Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } //Test line to troubleshoot invisible colors if (Settings.DebugMessages) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("debug.color_test", "[0123456789ABCDEF]: [§00§11§22§33§44§55§66§77§88§99§aA§bB§cC§dD§eE§fF§r]")); } //Load cached sessions from disk if necessary if (Settings.SessionCaching == CacheType.Disk) { bool cacheLoaded = SessionCache.InitializeDiskCache(); if (Settings.DebugMessages) { Translations.WriteLineFormatted(cacheLoaded ? "debug.session_cache_ok" : "debug.session_cache_fail"); } } //Asking the user to type in missing data such as Username and Password bool useBrowser = Settings.AccountType == ProtocolHandler.AccountType.Microsoft && Settings.LoginMethod == "browser"; if (Settings.Login == "" && !useBrowser) { Console.Write(ConsoleIO.BasicIO ? Translations.Get("mcc.login_basic_io") + "\n" : Translations.Get("mcc.login")); Settings.Login = Console.ReadLine(); } if (Settings.Password == "" && (Settings.SessionCaching == CacheType.None || !SessionCache.Contains(Settings.Login.ToLower())) && !useBrowser) { RequestPassword(); } // Setup exit cleaning code ExitCleanUp.Add(delegate() { // Do NOT use Program.Exit() as creating new Thread cause program to freeze if (client != null) { client.Disconnect(); ConsoleIO.Reset(); } if (offlinePrompt != null) { offlinePrompt.Abort(); offlinePrompt = null; ConsoleIO.Reset(); } if (Settings.playerHeadAsIcon) { ConsoleIcon.revertToMCCIcon(); } }); startupargs = args; InitializeClient(); }
/// <summary> /// Start a new Client /// </summary> private static void InitializeClient() { SessionToken session = new SessionToken(); ProtocolHandler.LoginResult result = ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.LoginRequired; if (Settings.Password == "-") { Translations.WriteLineFormatted("mcc.offline"); result = ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success; session.PlayerID = "0"; session.PlayerName = Settings.Login; } else { // Validate cached session or login new session. if (Settings.SessionCaching != CacheType.None && SessionCache.Contains(Settings.Login.ToLower())) { session = SessionCache.Get(Settings.Login.ToLower()); result = ProtocolHandler.GetTokenValidation(session); if (result != ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { Translations.WriteLineFormatted("mcc.session_invalid"); // Try to refresh access token if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.RefreshToken)) { result = ProtocolHandler.MicrosoftLoginRefresh(session.RefreshToken, out session); } if (result != ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success && Settings.Password == "" && Settings.AccountType == ProtocolHandler.AccountType.Mojang) { RequestPassword(); } } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("mcc.session_valid", session.PlayerName)); } } if (result != ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.connecting", Settings.AccountType == ProtocolHandler.AccountType.Mojang ? "Minecraft.net" : "Microsoft"); result = ProtocolHandler.GetLogin(Settings.Login, Settings.Password, Settings.AccountType, out session); } } if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success && Settings.SessionCaching != CacheType.None) { SessionCache.Store(Settings.Login.ToLower(), session); } if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { Settings.Username = session.PlayerName; bool isRealms = false; if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } if (Settings.playerHeadAsIcon) { ConsoleIcon.setPlayerIconAsync(Settings.Username); } if (Settings.DebugMessages) { Translations.WriteLine("debug.session_id", session.ID); } List <string> availableWorlds = new List <string>(); if (Settings.MinecraftRealmsEnabled && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.ID)) { availableWorlds = ProtocolHandler.RealmsListWorlds(Settings.Username, session.PlayerID, session.ID); } if (Settings.ServerIP == "") { Translations.Write("mcc.ip"); string addressInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (addressInput.StartsWith("realms:")) { if (Settings.MinecraftRealmsEnabled) { if (availableWorlds.Count == 0) { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.realms.access_denied"), false, ChatBot.DisconnectReason.LoginRejected); return; } int worldIndex = 0; string worldId = addressInput.Split(':')[1]; if (!availableWorlds.Contains(worldId) && int.TryParse(worldId, out worldIndex) && worldIndex < availableWorlds.Count) { worldId = availableWorlds[worldIndex]; } if (availableWorlds.Contains(worldId)) { string RealmsAddress = ProtocolHandler.GetRealmsWorldServerAddress(worldId, Settings.Username, session.PlayerID, session.ID); if (RealmsAddress != "") { addressInput = RealmsAddress; isRealms = true; Settings.ServerVersion = MCHighestVersion; } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.realms.server_unavailable"), false, ChatBot.DisconnectReason.LoginRejected); return; } } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.realms.server_id"), false, ChatBot.DisconnectReason.LoginRejected); return; } } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.realms.disabled"), false, null); return; } } Settings.SetServerIP(addressInput); } //Get server version int protocolversion = 0; ForgeInfo forgeInfo = null; if (Settings.ServerVersion != "" && Settings.ServerVersion.ToLower() != "auto") { protocolversion = Protocol.ProtocolHandler.MCVer2ProtocolVersion(Settings.ServerVersion); if (protocolversion != 0) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("mcc.use_version", Settings.ServerVersion, protocolversion)); } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted(Translations.Get("mcc.unknown_version", Settings.ServerVersion)); } if (useMcVersionOnce) { useMcVersionOnce = false; Settings.ServerVersion = ""; } } //Retrieve server info if version is not manually set OR if need to retrieve Forge information if (!isRealms && (protocolversion == 0 || Settings.ServerAutodetectForge || (Settings.ServerForceForge && !ProtocolHandler.ProtocolMayForceForge(protocolversion)))) { if (protocolversion != 0) { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.forge"); } else { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.retrieve"); } if (!ProtocolHandler.GetServerInfo(Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort, ref protocolversion, ref forgeInfo)) { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.ping"), true, ChatBots.AutoRelog.DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost); return; } } //Force-enable Forge support? if (!isRealms && Settings.ServerForceForge && forgeInfo == null) { if (ProtocolHandler.ProtocolMayForceForge(protocolversion)) { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.forgeforce"); forgeInfo = ProtocolHandler.ProtocolForceForge(protocolversion); } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.forgeforce"), true, ChatBots.AutoRelog.DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost); return; } } //Proceed to server login if (protocolversion != 0) { try { //Start the main TCP client if (Settings.SingleCommand != "") { client = new McClient(session.PlayerName, session.PlayerID, session.ID, Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort, protocolversion, forgeInfo, Settings.SingleCommand); } else { client = new McClient(session.PlayerName, session.PlayerID, session.ID, protocolversion, forgeInfo, Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort); } //Update console title if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } } catch (NotSupportedException) { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.unsupported"), true); } } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.determine"), true); } } else { string failureMessage = Translations.Get("error.login"); string failureReason = ""; switch (result) { case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.AccountMigrated: failureReason = "error.login.migrated"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.ServiceUnavailable: failureReason = "error.login.server"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.WrongPassword: failureReason = "error.login.blocked"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.InvalidResponse: failureReason = "error.login.response"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.NotPremium: failureReason = "error.login.premium"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.OtherError: failureReason = "error.login.network"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.SSLError: failureReason = "error.login.ssl"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.UserCancel: failureReason = "error.login.cancel"; break; default: failureReason = "error.login.unknown"; break; } failureMessage += Translations.Get(failureReason); if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.SSLError && isUsingMono) { Translations.WriteLineFormatted("error.login.ssl_help"); return; } HandleFailure(failureMessage, false, ChatBot.DisconnectReason.LoginRejected); } }
/// <summary> /// Start a new Client /// </summary> private static void InitializeClient() { SessionToken session = new SessionToken(); ProtocolHandler.LoginResult result = ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.LoginRequired; if (Settings.Password == "-") { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("\n§e[信息]§8 你当前使用离线模式"); result = ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success; session.PlayerID = "0"; session.PlayerName = Settings.Login; } else { // Validate cached session or login new session. if (Settings.SessionCaching != CacheType.None && SessionCache.Contains(Settings.Login.ToLower())) { session = SessionCache.Get(Settings.Login.ToLower()); result = ProtocolHandler.GetTokenValidation(session); if (result != ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§c[错误]§8 Session 错误或过期."); if (Settings.Password == "") { RequestPassword(); } } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§c[错误]§8 Session 错误 " + session.PlayerName + '.'); } } if (result != ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("\n§e[信息]§8 正在连接到验证服务器.."); result = ProtocolHandler.GetLogin(Settings.Login, Settings.Password, out session); if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success && Settings.SessionCaching != CacheType.None) { SessionCache.Store(Settings.Login.ToLower(), session); } } } if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.Success) { Settings.Username = session.PlayerName; if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } if (Settings.playerHeadAsIcon) { ConsoleIcon.setPlayerIconAsync(Settings.Username); } if (Settings.DebugMessages) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§e[信息]§8 成功! (获取的 session ID: " + session.ID + ')'); } //ProtocolHandler.RealmsListWorlds(Settings.Username, PlayerID, sessionID); //TODO REMOVE if (Settings.ServerIP == "") { Console.Write("服务器 IP : "); Settings.SetServerIP(Console.ReadLine()); } //Get server version int protocolversion = 0; ForgeInfo forgeInfo = null; if (Settings.ServerVersion != "" && Settings.ServerVersion.ToLower() != "auto") { protocolversion = Protocol.ProtocolHandler.MCVer2ProtocolVersion(Settings.ServerVersion); if (protocolversion != 0) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§e[信息]§8 使用MC版本: " + Settings.ServerVersion + " (protocol v" + protocolversion + ')'); } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§c[错误]§8 未知或不支持的mc版本 '" + Settings.ServerVersion + "'.\n正在自动选择版本."); } if (useMcVersionOnce) { useMcVersionOnce = false; Settings.ServerVersion = ""; } } //Retrieve server info if version is not manually set OR if need to retrieve Forge information if (protocolversion == 0 || Settings.ServerAutodetectForge || (Settings.ServerForceForge && !ProtocolHandler.ProtocolMayForceForge(protocolversion))) { if (protocolversion != 0) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§e[信息]§8 正在检查服务器是否存在 Forge.."); } else { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§e[信息]§8 正在检查版本...."); } if (!ProtocolHandler.GetServerInfo(Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort, ref protocolversion, ref forgeInfo)) { HandleFailure("无法找到这个服务器!", true, ChatBots.AutoRelog.DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost); return; } } //Force-enable Forge support? if (Settings.ServerForceForge && forgeInfo == null) { if (ProtocolHandler.ProtocolMayForceForge(protocolversion)) { Translations.WriteLine("mcc.forgeforce"); forgeInfo = ProtocolHandler.ProtocolForceForge(protocolversion); } else { HandleFailure(Translations.Get("error.forgeforce"), true, ChatBots.AutoRelog.DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost); return; } } //Proceed to server login if (protocolversion != 0) { try { //Start the main TCP client if (Settings.SingleCommand != "") { client = new McClient(session.PlayerName, session.PlayerID, session.ID, Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort, protocolversion, forgeInfo, Settings.SingleCommand); } else { client = new McClient(session.PlayerName, session.PlayerID, session.ID, protocolversion, forgeInfo, Settings.ServerIP, Settings.ServerPort); } //Update console title if (Settings.ConsoleTitle != "") { Console.Title = Settings.ExpandVars(Settings.ConsoleTitle); } } catch (NotSupportedException) { HandleFailure("无法连接到服务器 : 不支持的版本!", true); } } else { HandleFailure("无法获取服务器版本", true); } } else { string failureMessage = "Minecraft 登录失败 : "; switch (result) { case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.AccountMigrated: failureMessage += "未知邮箱"; break; //什么玩意我怎么触发不了 case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.ServiceUnavailable: failureMessage += "验证服务器目前离线"; break; //"认证服务器处于宕机状态中。请稍后再试,抱歉!" case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.WrongPassword: failureMessage += "密码错误或短时间登陆太多次被禁止登录"; break; //老无法判定了 case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.InvalidResponse: failureMessage += "无法读取返回信息"; break; //分析错误(YES) case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.NotPremium: failureMessage += "非正版玩家"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.OtherError: failureMessage += "网络错误"; break; case ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.SSLError: failureMessage += "SSL证书错误"; break; //完蛋Mojang服务器要没了 default: failureMessage += "未知错误"; break; } if (result == ProtocolHandler.LoginResult.SSLError && isUsingMono) { ConsoleIO.WriteLineFormatted("§8看起来你正在使用 Mono 来运行这个程序。" + '\n' + "第一次,您必须导入 HTTPS 证书使用:" + '\n' + "mozroots --import --ask-remove"); return; } HandleFailure(failureMessage, false, ChatBot.DisconnectReason.LoginRejected); } }