public void Can_aggregate_from_multiple_dream_hosts() { // set up hosts _log.DebugFormat("---- creating upstream hosts"); var sourceHost1 = DreamTestHelper.CreateRandomPortHost(); var source1PubSub = Plug.New(sourceHost1.LocalHost.At("host", "$pubsub").With("apikey", sourceHost1.ApiKey)); var sourceHost2 = DreamTestHelper.CreateRandomPortHost(); var source2PubSub = Plug.New(sourceHost2.LocalHost.At("host", "$pubsub").With("apikey", sourceHost2.ApiKey)); // create aggregator _log.DebugFormat("---- creating downstream host"); var aggregatorPath = "pubsubaggregator"; var aggregatorHost = DreamTestHelper.CreateRandomPortHost(); aggregatorHost.Host.RunScripts(new XDoc("config") .Start("script").Start("action") .Attr("verb", "POST") .Attr("path", "/host/services") .Start("config") .Elem("path", aggregatorPath) .Elem("sid", "sid://") .Elem("apikey", "abc") .Start("upstream") .Elem("uri", source1PubSub.At("subscribers")) .Elem("uri", source2PubSub.At("subscribers")) .End() .End().End(), null); var aggregatorPubSub = aggregatorHost.LocalHost.At(aggregatorPath).With("apikey", "abc"); // create subscription _log.DebugFormat("---- create downstream subscription"); var testUri = new XUri("http://mock/aggregator"); var serviceKey = "1234"; var accessCookie = DreamCookie.NewSetCookie("service-key", serviceKey, testUri); var subscriberApiKey = "xyz"; var set = new XDoc("subscription-set") .Elem("uri.owner", "http:///owner1") .Start("subscription") .Attr("id", "1") .Add(accessCookie.AsSetCookieDocument) .Elem("channel", "channel:///foo/*") .Start("recipient") .Attr("authtoken", subscriberApiKey) .Elem("uri", testUri) .End() .End(); var r = aggregatorPubSub.At("subscribers").PostAsync(set).Wait(); Assert.IsTrue(r.IsSuccessful, r.Status.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Created, r.Status); // Verify that upstream host pubsub services have the subscription Func<DreamMessage, bool> waitFunc = response => { var sub = response.ToDocument()["subscription-set/subscription[channel='channel:///foo/*']"]; return (!sub.IsEmpty && sub["recipient/uri"].AsText.EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase(testUri.ToString()) && sub["recipient/@authtoken"].AsText.EqualsInvariant(subscriberApiKey)); }; Assert.IsTrue(WaitFor(source1PubSub.At("diagnostics", "subscriptions"), waitFunc, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)), "source 1 didn't get the subscription"); Assert.IsTrue(WaitFor(source2PubSub.At("diagnostics", "subscriptions"), waitFunc, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)), "source 2 didn't get the subscription"); // set up destination mock DispatcherEvent aggregatorEvent = new DispatcherEvent( new XDoc("aggregator"), new XUri("channel:///foo/bar"), new XUri("")); DispatcherEvent source1Event = new DispatcherEvent( new XDoc("source1"), new XUri("channel:///foo/bar"), new XUri("")); DispatcherEvent source2Event = new DispatcherEvent( new XDoc("source2"), new XUri("channel:///foo/bar"), new XUri("")); var mock = MockPlug.Register(testUri); // Publish event into aggregator mock.Expect().Verb("POST").RequestDocument(aggregatorEvent.AsDocument()); r = aggregatorPubSub.At("publish").PostAsync(aggregatorEvent.AsMessage()).Wait(); Assert.IsTrue(r.IsSuccessful, r.Status.ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(mock.WaitAndVerify(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)), mock.VerificationFailure); // Publish event into source1 mock.Reset(); mock.Expect().Verb("POST").RequestDocument(source1Event.AsDocument()); r = source1PubSub.At("publish").PostAsync(source1Event.AsMessage()).Wait(); Assert.IsTrue(r.IsSuccessful, r.Status.ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(mock.WaitAndVerify(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)), mock.VerificationFailure); // Publish event into source2 mock.Reset(); mock.Expect().Verb("POST").RequestDocument(source2Event.AsDocument()); r = source2PubSub.At("publish").PostAsync(source2Event.AsMessage()).Wait(); Assert.IsTrue(r.IsSuccessful, r.Status.ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(mock.WaitAndVerify(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)), mock.VerificationFailure); }
public void Parallel_chaining_subscription_and_message_propagation() { var rootPubsub = Plug.New(_hostInfo.Host.LocalMachineUri.At("host", "$pubsub", "subscribers")); var goTrigger = new ManualResetEvent(false); var pubsubResults = new List<Result<Plug>>(); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { pubsubResults.Add(Async.ForkThread(() => { goTrigger.WaitOne(); return CreatePubSubService("upstream", new XDoc("config").Start("downstream").Elem("uri", rootPubsub).End()).WithInternalKey().AtLocalHost; }, new Result<Plug>())); } var subscriberResults = new List<Result<Tuplet<XUri, AutoMockPlug>>>(); for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var mockUri = new XUri("http://mock/" + i); subscriberResults.Add(Async.ForkThread(() => { goTrigger.WaitOne(); rootPubsub.With("apikey", _hostInfo.ApiKey).Post(new XDoc("subscription-set") .Elem("uri.owner", mockUri) .Start("subscription") .Attr("id", "1") .Elem("channel", "channel://foo/bar") .Start("recipient").Elem("uri", mockUri).End() .End()); var mock = MockPlug.Register(mockUri); return new Tuplet<XUri, AutoMockPlug>(mockUri, mock); }, new Result<Tuplet<XUri, AutoMockPlug>>())); } goTrigger.Set(); var pubsubs = new List<Plug>(); foreach(var r in pubsubResults) { pubsubs.Add(r.Wait()); } var endpoints = new List<XUri>(); var mocks = new List<AutoMockPlug>(); foreach(var r in subscriberResults) { var v = r.Wait(); endpoints.Add(v.Item1); mocks.Add(v.Item2); } foreach(var pubsub in pubsubs) { Plug plug = pubsub; Wait.For(() => { var set = plug.At("subscribers").Get(); return set.ToDocument()["subscription/recipient"].ListLength == endpoints.Count; }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); } var ev = new DispatcherEvent(new XDoc("blah"), new XUri("channel://foo/bar"), new XUri("")); foreach(var mock in mocks) { mock.Expect().Verb("POST").RequestDocument(ev.AsDocument()).Response(DreamMessage.Ok()); } pubsubs[0].At("publish").Post(ev.AsMessage()); foreach(var mock in mocks) { Assert.IsTrue(mock.WaitAndVerify(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)), mock.VerificationFailure); } }
protected override Yield GetListenersByChannelResourceMatch(DispatcherEvent ev, Result<Dictionary<XUri, List<PubSubSubscription>>> result) { if(!ev.Channel.Segments[1].EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase("pages")) { // not a page DispatcherEvent or a page delete DispatcherEvent, use default matcher Result<Dictionary<XUri, List<PubSubSubscription>>> baseResult; yield return baseResult = Coroutine.Invoke(base.GetListenersByChannelResourceMatch, ev, new Result<Dictionary<XUri, List<PubSubSubscription>>>()); result.Return(baseResult); yield break; } var matches = new List<PubSubSubscription>(); if(ev.Channel.Segments.Length <= 2 || !ev.Channel.Segments[2].EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase("delete")) { // dispatch to all PubSubSubscriptions that listen for this DispatcherEvent and its contents XDoc evDoc = ev.AsDocument(); uint? pageid = evDoc["pageid"].AsUInt; string wikiId = evDoc["@wikiid"].AsText; bool first = true; _log.DebugFormat("trying dispatch based on channel & page PubSubSubscriptions for page '{0}' from wiki '{1}'", pageid, wikiId); // fetch parent page id's for this page so that we can resolve infinite depth PubSubSubscriptions Result<DreamMessage> pageHierarchyResult; yield return pageHierarchyResult = _deki.At("pages", pageid.ToString()).WithHeader("X-Deki-Site", "id=" + wikiId).GetAsync(); DreamMessage pageHierarchy = pageHierarchyResult.Value; if(pageHierarchy.IsSuccessful) { XDoc pageDoc = pageHierarchy.ToDocument(); while(pageid.HasValue) { List<Tuplet<PubSubSubscription, bool>> subs; _subscriptionsByPage.TryGetValue(pageid.Value, out subs); if(subs != null) { // only the first pageId (the one from the event) triggers on non-infinite depth subs foreach(var sub in subs) { if((sub.Item2 || first) && !matches.Contains(sub.Item1)) { matches.Add(sub.Item1); } } } // get parent id and then set pageDoc to the parent's subdoc, so we can descend the ancesstor tree further pageid = pageDoc["page.parent/@id"].AsUInt; pageDoc = pageDoc["page.parent"]; first = false; } } else { _log.WarnFormat("unable to retrieve page doc for page '{0}': {1}", pageid, pageHierarchy.Status); } } ICollection<PubSubSubscription> listeningSubs; lock(_channelMap) { // get all the PubSubSubscriptions that are wild card matches (which is basically those that didn't // have any resources in their PubSubSubscription) and add them to the above matches foreach(var sub in _resourceMap.GetMatches(new XUri("http://dummy/dummy"))) { if(!matches.Contains(sub)) { matches.Add(sub); } } listeningSubs = _channelMap.GetMatches(ev.Channel, matches); } var listeners = new Dictionary<XUri, List<PubSubSubscription>>(); foreach(var sub in listeningSubs) { List<PubSubSubscription> subs; if(!listeners.TryGetValue(sub.Destination, out subs)) { subs = new List<PubSubSubscription>(); listeners.Add(sub.Destination, subs); subs.Add(sub); } else if(!subs.Contains(sub)) { subs.Add(sub); } } result.Return(listeners); yield break; }
protected override Yield FilterRecipients(DispatcherEvent ev, PubSubSubscription subscription, Result<DispatcherEvent> result) { var recipients2 = new List<DispatcherRecipient>(); uint? pageid = null; string wikiId = null; if(ev.HasDocument) { var changeDoc = ev.AsDocument(); pageid = changeDoc["pageid"].AsUInt; wikiId = changeDoc["@wikiid"].AsText; } var userIds = new Dictionary<int, DispatcherRecipient>(); foreach(var recipient in subscription.Recipients) { var authtoken = recipient.Doc["@authtoken"].AsText; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(authtoken)) { // if the recipient has no authtoken, but has a userid, collect the Id so we can authorize it against the page int? userId = recipient.Doc["@userid"].AsInt; if(userId.HasValue) { userIds.Add(userId.Value, recipient); } } else if(authtoken == _authtoken) { // master authtoken means the recipient doesn't need page level authorization (such as lucene) recipients2.Add(recipient); } else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wikiId)) { var key = authtoken + ":" + wikiId; if(!_validatedKeys.Contains(key)) { // no valid key found, need to check with API to validate XDoc settings = null; yield return _deki.At("site", "settings") .With("apikey", _authtoken) .WithHeader("X-Deki-Site", "id=" + wikiId) .Get(new Result<DreamMessage>()) .Set(x => settings = x.IsSuccessful ? x.ToDocument() : null); if(settings == null || !authtoken.EqualsInvariant(settings["security/api-key"].AsText)) { continue; } _validatedKeys.Add(key); } // instance authtoken means the recipient doesn't need page level authorization (such as lucene) recipients2.Add(recipient); } } if(userIds.Count > 0 && (ev.Channel.Segments.Length <= 2 || !ev.Channel.Segments[2].EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase("delete"))) { // check all userId's against the page to prune set to authorized users var users = new XDoc("users"); foreach(int userid in userIds.Keys) { users.Start("user").Attr("id", userid).End(); } if(pageid.HasValue) { Result<DreamMessage> userAuthResult; yield return userAuthResult = _deki.At("pages", pageid.Value.ToString(), "allowed") .With("permissions", "read,subscribe") .With("filterdisabled", true) .WithHeader("X-Deki-Site", "id=" + wikiId) .PostAsync(users); DreamMessage userAuth = userAuthResult.Value; if(userAuth.IsSuccessful) { int authorized = 0; foreach(XDoc userid in userAuth.ToDocument()["user/@id"]) { DispatcherRecipient recipient; if(!userIds.TryGetValue(userid.AsInt.GetValueOrDefault(), out recipient)) { continue; } authorized++; recipients2.Add(recipient); } if(authorized != userIds.Count) { _log.DebugFormat("requested auth on {0} users, received auth on {1} for page {2}", userIds.Count, authorized, pageid.Value); } } else { _log.WarnFormat("unable to retrieve user auth for page '{0}': {1}", pageid, userAuth.Status); } } } result.Return(recipients2.Count == 0 ? null : ev.WithRecipient(true, recipients2.ToArray())); yield break; }
protected override Yield DetermineRecipients(DispatcherEvent ev, DispatcherRecipient[] recipients, Result<DispatcherEvent> result) { List<DispatcherRecipient> recipients2 = new List<DispatcherRecipient>(); Dictionary<int, DispatcherRecipient> userIds = new Dictionary<int, DispatcherRecipient>(); foreach(DispatcherRecipient r in recipients) { string authtoken = r.Doc["@authtoken"].AsText; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(authtoken)) { // if the reciepient has no authtoken, but has a userid, collect the Id so we can authorize it against the page int? userId = r.Doc["@userid"].AsInt; if(userId.HasValue) { userIds.Add(userId.Value, r); } } else if(authtoken == _authtoken) { // authtoken means the recipient doesn't need page level authorization (such as lucene) recipients2.Add(r); } } if(userIds.Count > 0 && (ev.Channel.Segments.Length <= 2 || !StringUtil.EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase(ev.Channel.Segments[2], "delete"))) { // check all userId's against the page to prune set to authorized users XDoc users = new XDoc("users"); foreach(int userid in userIds.Keys) { users.Start("user").Attr("id", userid).End(); } XDoc changeDoc = ev.AsDocument(); uint? pageid = changeDoc["pageid"].AsUInt; string wikiId = changeDoc["@wikiid"].AsText; if(pageid.HasValue) { Result<DreamMessage> userAuthResult; yield return userAuthResult = _deki.At("pages", pageid.Value.ToString(), "allowed") .With("permissions", "read,subscribe") .With("filterdisabled", true) .WithHeader("X-Deki-Site", "id=" + wikiId) .PostAsync(users); DreamMessage userAuth = userAuthResult.Value; if(userAuth.IsSuccessful) { int authorized = 0; foreach(XDoc userid in userAuth.ToDocument()["user/@id"]) { DispatcherRecipient recipient; if(!userIds.TryGetValue(userid.AsInt.GetValueOrDefault(), out recipient)) { continue; } authorized++; recipients2.Add(recipient); } if(authorized != userIds.Count) { _log.DebugFormat("requested auth on {0} users, received auth on {1} for page {2}", userIds.Count, authorized, pageid.Value); } } else { _log.WarnFormat("unable to retrieve user auth for page '{0}': {1}", pageid, userAuth.Status); } } } result.Return(recipients2.Count == 0 ? null : ev.WithRecipient(true, recipients2.ToArray())); yield break; }
public void Dispatch_based_on_channel_match_with_different_wikiid_patterns_but_same_proxy_destination() { var ev = new DispatcherEvent( new XDoc("msg"), new XUri("event://"), new XUri("")); var dispatches = new List<DispatcherEvent>(); XUri testUri = new XUri("").At(StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(4)); int dispatchCounter = 0; MockPlug.Register(testUri, delegate(Plug plug, string verb, XUri uri, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response) { if(testUri == plug.Uri) { lock(dispatches) { dispatches.Add(new DispatcherEvent(request)); dispatchCounter++; } } response.Return(DreamMessage.Ok()); }); int combinedSetUpdates = 0; _dispatcher.CombinedSetUpdated += delegate { combinedSetUpdates++; _log.DebugFormat("combinedset updated ({0})", combinedSetUpdates); }; var recipient1Uri = testUri.At("sub1"); _dispatcher.RegisterSet("abc", new XDoc("subscription-set") .Elem("uri.owner", "http:///owner1") .Start("subscription") .Attr("id", "1") .Elem("channel", "event://") .Elem("channel", "event://") .Elem("uri.proxy", testUri) .Start("recipient").Elem("uri", recipient1Uri).End() .End(), "def"); var recipient2Uri = testUri.At("sub1"); _dispatcher.RegisterSet("qwe", new XDoc("subscription-set") .Elem("uri.owner", "http:///owner2") .Start("subscription") .Attr("id", "2") .Elem("channel", "event://*/deki/comments/create") .Elem("channel", "event://*/deki/comments/update") .Elem("uri.proxy", testUri) .Start("recipient").Elem("uri", recipient2Uri).End() .End(), "asd"); // combinedset updates happen asynchronously, so give'em a chance const int expectedCombinedSetUpdates = 2; Assert.IsTrue( Wait.For(() => combinedSetUpdates >= expectedCombinedSetUpdates, 10.Seconds()), string.Format("expected at least {0} combined set updates, gave up after {1}", expectedCombinedSetUpdates, combinedSetUpdates) ); const int expectedDispatches = 2; _dispatcher.Dispatch(ev); // dispatch happens async on a worker thread Assert.IsTrue( Wait.For(() => { // Doing extra sleeping to improve the chance of catching excess dispatches Thread.Sleep(100); return dispatchCounter == expectedDispatches; }, 10.Seconds()), string.Format("expected at exactly {0} dispatches, gave up after {1}", expectedDispatches, dispatchCounter) ); var sub1Event = dispatches.Where(x => x.Recipients.Any() && x.Recipients.FirstOrDefault().Uri == recipient1Uri).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(sub1Event, "did not receive an event with recipient matching our first subscription"); Assert.AreEqual(ev.AsDocument(), sub1Event.AsDocument(), "event document is wrong"); Assert.AreEqual(ev.Id, sub1Event.Id, "event id is wrong"); var sub2Event = dispatches.Where(x => x.Recipients.Any() && x.Recipients.FirstOrDefault().Uri == recipient2Uri).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(sub2Event, "did not receive an event with recipient matching our second subscription"); Assert.AreEqual(ev.AsDocument(), sub2Event.AsDocument(), "event document is wrong"); Assert.AreEqual(ev.Id, sub2Event.Id, "event id is wrong"); }