public static string jediTrainPath(Jedi chosen1, string nombre) { JediKnight Toby = new JediKnight("Toby", 21, "Chagrian", 72); Toby.Intro(); Console.WriteLine($"\n\tIt's {nombre}'s turn to learn the ways of the force!"); return(destiny()); }
public static string JediPath() { Jedi chosen1 = new Jedi(aName: Console.ReadLine(), 18, "Human", 70); Jedi Master = new JediMaster(aName: "Bixby", 22, "Utapuan", 94); Master.NameYourself(); string aName = Console.ReadLine(); string nombre = aName; if ((aName == " ") || (aName == "")) { return(JediPath()); } Console.WriteLine($"\n\tWelcome to the alliance {aName}!"); Console.WriteLine($"\n\tWhat color lightsaber do you want {aName}?\n\tRed\n\tOrange\n\tYellow\n\tGreen\n\tBlue\n\tIndigo\n\tViolet\n\tWhite"); string choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if ((choice == "") || (choice == " ")) { return(JediPath()); } Random r = new Random(); //random variable var list = new List <string> { "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet", " white" }; int color = r.Next(list.Count); // Random index string lucky = (list[color]); // String of random index Lightsaber mystery = new Lightsaber(1, "slicer", "Whoosh", 4, lucky); Console.WriteLine($"\n\tLooks like you got {lucky}!"); // Maybe you got lucky?? if (choice == lucky) { if (choice == "red") { return(mystery.RedSaber() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } if (choice == "orange") { return(mystery.OrangeSaber() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } if (choice == "yellow") { return(mystery.YellowSaber() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } if (choice == "green") { return(mystery.GreenSaber() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } if (choice == "blue") { return(mystery.BlueSaber() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } if (choice == "indigo") { return(mystery.Indigo() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } if (choice == "violet") { return(mystery.VioletSaber() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } if (choice == "white") { return(mystery.VioletSaber() + jediTrainPath(chosen1, nombre)); } } else if (choice != lucky) { return(DutyPath(chosen1, nombre)); } return("The Force"); //Not meant to display }
public static string DutyPath(Jedi chosen1, string nombre) { chosen1.Post(); Console.WriteLine($"\n\t{nombre} is going to have a lot of fun..."); return("The force"); }