public Rectangle getTextOutlineBounds() { RendererSettings RS = RendererSettings.getInstance(); int outlineOffset = RS.getTextOutlineWidth(); Rectangle bounds = ShapeUtilities.clone(_bounds); bounds.Inflate(outlineOffset, outlineOffset); return(bounds); }
public static Color getIdealOutlineColor(Color fgColor) { try { //an array of three elements containing the //hue, saturation, and brightness (in that order), //of the color with the indicated red, green, and blue components/ float[] hsbvals = new float[3]; if (fgColor != Color.Empty) { int nThreshold = RendererSettings.getInstance().getTextBackgroundAutoColorThreshold();//160; int bgDelta = (int)((fgColor.R * 0.299) + (fgColor.G * 0.587) + (fgColor.B * 0.114)); //ErrorLogger.LogMessage("bgDelta: " + String.valueOf(255-bgDelta)); //if less than threshold, black, otherwise white. return((255 - bgDelta < nThreshold) ? Color.Black : Color.White); } } catch (Exception exc) { ErrorLogger.LogException("SymbolDraw", "getIdealtextBGColor", exc); } return(Color.White); }
public ImageInfo RenderSPTG(String symbolID, Dictionary <int, String> modifiers, Dictionary <int, String> attributes) { if (modifiers == null) { modifiers = new Dictionary <int, string>(); } if (attributes == null) { attributes = new Dictionary <int, string>(); } Bitmap finalBmp = null; Bitmap coreBMP = null; try { //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(dimensionsBMP); //get unit font Font spFont = _spFont; //get font character indexes int fillIndex = -1; int frameIndex = -1; int alpha = 255; int symbolOutlineSize = 0; Color symbolOutlineColor = Color.Empty; Boolean drawAsIcon = false; Boolean keepUnitRatio = true; int pixelSize = 35; int w = pixelSize; int h = pixelSize; char[] fillString = new char[1]; char[] frameString = new char[1]; char[] symbol1 = new char[1]; char[] symbol2 = new char[1]; //_spFontSize; Color lineColor = Color.Empty; Color fillColor = Color.Empty; if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.LineColor)) { lineColor = SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.LineColor]); } else { lineColor = SymbolUtilities.getLineColorOfAffiliation(symbolID); } if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.FillColor)) { fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.FillColor]); } if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.Alpha)) { alpha = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.Alpha]); } /*if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineColor)) * symbolOutlineColor = SymbolUtilities.getColorFromHexString(attributes[MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineColor]); * else * symbolOutlineColor = RenderUtilities.getIdealTextBackgroundColor(lineColor); * * if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineSize)) * symbolOutlineSize = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.SymbolOutlineSize]); * else * symbolOutlineSize = RendererSettings.getInstance().getSymbolOutlineWidth();//*/ symbolOutlineColor = RendererUtilities.getIdealOutlineColor(lineColor); symbolOutlineSize = RendererSettings.getInstance().getSymbolOutlineWidth(); if (symbolOutlineSize <= 0) { symbolOutlineColor = Color.Empty; } if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.DrawAsIcon)) { drawAsIcon = Convert.ToBoolean(attributes[MilStdAttributes.DrawAsIcon]); } if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.PixelSize)) { pixelSize = Convert.ToInt32(attributes[MilStdAttributes.PixelSize]); } if (attributes.ContainsKey(MilStdAttributes.KeepUnitRatio)) { keepUnitRatio = Convert.ToBoolean(attributes[MilStdAttributes.KeepUnitRatio]); } SinglePointLookupInfo spli = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getSPLookupInfo(SymbolUtilities.getBasicSymbolID(symbolID)); if (spli == null)//default to action point on bad symbolID { if (modifiers == null) { modifiers = new Dictionary <int, String>(); } if (modifiers.ContainsKey(ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1)) { modifiers[ModifiersTG.H1_ADDITIONAL_INFO_2] = modifiers[ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1]; } modifiers[ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1] = symbolID.Substring(0, 10); symbolID = "G" + SymbolUtilities.getAffiliation(symbolID) + "G" + SymbolUtilities.getStatus(symbolID) + "GPP---****X"; spli = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getSPLookupInfo(symbolID); lineColor = SymbolUtilities.getLineColorOfAffiliation(symbolID); //fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfAffiliation(symbolID); } //Check if we need to set 'N' to ENY if (symbolID[1] == 'H' && drawAsIcon == false) { if (modifiers == null) { modifiers = new Dictionary <int, string>(); } modifiers[ModifiersTG.N_HOSTILE] = "ENY"; } if (SymbolUtilities.getStatus(symbolID) == "A") { frameIndex = spli.getMappingA(); } else { frameIndex = spli.getMappingP(); } if (SymbolUtilities.hasDefaultFill(symbolID)) { fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfAffiliation(symbolID); } if (SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithFill(symbolID)) { String fillID = SymbolUtilities.getTGFillSymbolCode(symbolID); if (fillID != null) { fillIndex = SinglePointLookup.getInstance().getCharCodeFromFillID(fillID); } } else if (SymbolUtilities.isWeatherSPWithFill(symbolID)) { fillIndex = frameIndex + 1; fillColor = SymbolUtilities.getFillColorOfWeather(symbolID); } fillString[0] = (char)fillIndex; frameString[0] = (char)frameIndex; SVGPath svgFill = null; SVGPath svgFrame = null; if (fillIndex > 0) { svgFill = SymbolSVGTable.getInstance().getSVGPath(fillIndex); } if (frameIndex > 0) { svgFrame = SymbolSVGTable.getInstance().getSVGPath(frameIndex); } float scale = 1; RectangleF rr = svgFrame.getBounds(); if (keepUnitRatio) { scale = pixelSize * .00095f; if (rr.Height > rr.Width) { pixelSize = (int)((scale * rr.Height) + 0.5); } else { pixelSize = (int)((scale * rr.Width) + 0.5); } } Matrix m = svgFrame.TransformToFitDimensions(pixelSize, pixelSize); //Matrix m = svgFrame.TransformToFitDimensions(w, h); rr = svgFrame.getBounds(); w = (int)((rr.Width) + 0.5f); h = (int)((rr.Height) + 0.5f); //draw location PointF centerPoint = SymbolDimensions.getSymbolCenter(spli.getBasicSymbolID(), rr); PointF location = new PointF(0, 0); location.X = centerPoint.X; location.Y = 0;// centerPoint.Y; //location.Y = (h * 1.5f); float outlineOffsetX = 0; float outlineOffsetY = 0; Matrix mOutline = new Matrix(); if (symbolOutlineSize > 0) { RectangleF rectOutline = svgFrame.getBounds(symbolOutlineSize); outlineOffsetX = (rectOutline.Width - w) / 2f - 1; outlineOffsetY = (rectOutline.Height - h) / 2f - 1;//too much added for AA w = (int)(rectOutline.Width + 0.5f); h = (int)(rectOutline.Height + 0.5f); mOutline.Translate(outlineOffsetX, outlineOffsetY); centerPoint.X += outlineOffsetX; centerPoint.Y += outlineOffsetY; coreBMP = new Bitmap(w - 1, h - 1);//getBounds adds too much for AA } else { coreBMP = new Bitmap(w + 1, h + 1);//add for AA } //coreBMP = new Bitmap(w, h); //get & setup graphics object for destination BMP Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(coreBMP); g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; //draw test outline //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.LightSkyBlue), 0, 0, coreBMP.Width - 1, coreBMP.Height - 1); if (svgFill != null) { svgFill.Transform(m); svgFill.Draw(g, Color.Empty, 0, fillColor, mOutline); } if (svgFrame != null) { svgFrame.Draw(g, symbolOutlineColor, symbolOutlineSize, lineColor, mOutline); } RectangleF coreDimensions = new RectangleF(0, 0, coreBMP.Width, coreBMP.Height); ImageInfo ii = new ImageInfo(coreBMP, new PointF(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y), coreDimensions); //process display modifiers ImageInfo iinew = null; Boolean hasDisplayModifiers = ModifierRenderer.hasDisplayModifiers(symbolID, modifiers); Boolean hasTextModifiers = ModifierRenderer.hasTextModifiers(symbolID, modifiers, attributes); ImageInfo iiNew = null; if (drawAsIcon == false && (hasTextModifiers || hasDisplayModifiers || SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithIntegralText(symbolID))) { if (SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithSpecialModifierLayout(symbolID) || SymbolUtilities.isTGSPWithIntegralText(symbolID)) { iiNew = ModifierRenderer.ProcessTGSPWithSpecialModifierLayout(ii, symbolID, modifiers, attributes, lineColor); } else { iiNew = ModifierRenderer.ProcessTGSPModifiers(ii, symbolID, modifiers, attributes, lineColor); } } if (iiNew != null) { ii = iiNew; } iinew = null; g.Dispose(); g = null; return(ii); } catch (Exception exc) { ErrorLogger.LogException("SinglePointRenderer", "RenderSPTG", exc); return(null); } }